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March 29, 2017

Title: Water Shortage in Peru
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Safe water is an extremely critical need right now,” said Sandra Arbaiza, National Director of Operation Blessing Peru.   “The municipal water supply has been shut off and bottled water supplies have run out.”

David Darg, with Operation Blessing, gives the grim details about the water shortage in Peru.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is going on in Peru? Why is there a water shortage?

How does Operation Blessing meet the needs of communities?

Do small hand-held water filters really work? Note: You can help donate these inexpensive devices. Click here  for more information.

What are some of the long-term goals Operation Blessings has for supplying third-world countries with clean, safe drinking water?

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January 21, 2015

Title: The Headlines are Silent
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

There are people suffering around the world, even around the corner. David Darg, with Operation Blessing, discusses the persecution that Christians are suffering in the Middle East, Africa, and other countries. Hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing from ISIS militants. They sleep on the ground in strange lands without food or water. Some find shelter in makeshift tents or church buildings. Many children are separated from their parents and their siblings are miles apart. ISIS murders many of them or sells them as slaves.

Would you be able to hold on to your faith if you were suffering such persecution? David Darg says that these Christians could be living their old life if only they had denied Christ. They’d be with their families. They’d have plenty to eat. They’d still be going to work or school every day. But they chose – they voluntarily chose – to stand up and proudly say “Yes, I am a Christian”. And they are paying dearly for their continued faith.

David references this scripture from Galatians 6:10 “Do good to all people but especially to those who belong to the body of Christ.” At Operation Blessing, they live this verse daily. Their workers are desperately helping people around the world obtain food, clean water, toiletries, clothing, and even shelter and medicine.

Please pray about and consider financially supporting Operation Blessing. Click [here]  to see how they are still fighting the Ebola crisis in Liberia – yes there is still an Ebola outbreak in Africa, even though you’d never know it by watching the MSM.

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October 29, 2014

Title: Fighting Ebola with Salt and Electricity
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

David Darg, Vice President of International Operations with Operation Blessing, has been on the front line fighting Ebola in Liberia. Operation Blessing has been using salt, water, and electricity to produce sodium hypochlorite for years in third world countries to help clean and disinfect. In America, it’s even used to purify our tap water. And now the solution is being sent throughout Liberia to combat Ebola.

David Darg met recently with the President of Liberia, explaining the benefits of sodium hypochlorite and why more facilities need to be using the solution. In fact, Operation Blessing established the first ever chlorine generation facility in the country of Liberia and has produced more than 3,300 gallons of the disinfectant, which kills Ebola on contact.

Listen in as David Darg explains why shipping liquid chlorine, or sodium hypochlorite, is unfeasible, thus making it necessary to construct the facility and use equipment, water, electricity, and salt to make their own liquid chlorine. Operation Blessing needs your help with this. Obviously, it is very expensive to ship this equipment and the supplies to Liberia and even more expensive to produce the solution. Log on to  to see how you can help combat Ebola right from your home or office.

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September 23, 2014

Title: Give More Than A Cup of Cold Water
Topic: Helping Persecuted Christians
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Iraq is a dangerous place – maybe one of the most dangerous places on earth. War is rampant. ISIS terrorists are around every corner. Christians are threatened on a daily basis – many even killed.

Imagine being displaced from your home, possibly even being separated from your family, living in a tent or abandoned building. There is not enough to eat. There are not enough blankets or beds for everyone. Clean water and medicine are scarce.

These people are electricians, bakers, doctors, mothers and fathers, children and grandparents, , lawyers, and professors. They are everyday people like you and me. One day they were shopping at the mall, going to work and school, laughing with their friends and families – just living a normal life. The next day, those friends and family members are being murdered in the street, women and children are being sold in to sex slavery, and their homes, businesses, and churches are being burned to the ground.

David Darg is the Vice President for International Operations for Operation Blessing. He and others with Operation Blessing are living this nightmare with the Iraqi Christians. BUT – they are also bringing hope to them with food, blankets, medicine, and a loving, Christian spirit.

Operation Blessing is one of the largest charity organizations in America, providing strategic disaster relief, medical aid, hunger relief, clean water, and community development in 23 countries around the world on a daily basis. You can be a part of this great organization. Log on to  to learn more.

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July 27, 2012

Title: "Baseball in the Time of Cholera" - A Must-See, Award-Winning Documentary.
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

Do you remember how many the earthquakes killed? How many were left homeless? Is there still work to be done in Haiti?

What is cholera? How many Haitians have been infected with cholera? How many have died of cholera?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Tell us about Baseball in the Time of Cholera? When does the documentary allege that the cholera outbreak in Haiti began?

Is the UN truly responsible for the cholera outbreak? Should our listeners watch Baseball in the Time of Cholera?

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June 12, 2012

Title: When Disaster Strikes, Who Is There To Help?
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 4

As an Oxford man, how in the world did you end up helping with relief operations all over the world?

What is the difference between Operation Blessing and the National Red Cross?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Why can Operation Blessing go from giving out a bottle of water to generators or boats, or even a microenterprise system to help those less fortunate to provide for themselves?

Tell our listeners more about your "don't ask, don't tell policy"! Also, tell us about the current "gift catalogue"!

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

What is your summer gift catalogue all about?

What is meant by "Hunger Relief in America"? How are you able to help in Israel?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

How is it that an organization such as yours can be there so quickly?

How and why did Operation Blessing start microenterprise projects?

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