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March 4, 2022

Title: Ukraine in Crisis
Topic: Russia and Ukraine
Discussed by Mason Pigue
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

As the conflict in Ukraine continues to unfold, families are facing turmoil and supply shortages. Hundreds of thousands of women and children have fled to neighboring countries.

Mason Pigue is the Director of Humanitarian Relief for Operation Blessing’s International Humanitarian Ministry. Today, Mason shares how we can help. He says: “It’s been so impressive at the same time sad that the Ukrainian people have stood their ground… They are clinging to their faith and believe they’re going to be delivered.”

To help Operation Blessing bless the people of Ukraine during this difficult time, TEXT OBCrisis to 71777 OR click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the latest number of Ukrainian refuges entering Poland? How many are fleeing daily?

Is there plenty of accommodations for these refugees? Mason explains that the majority of refugees are scrambling to find shelter, food, and other necessities. Many Polish citizens are opening their own homes and churches are setting up cots.

What is the make-up of the Operation Blessing disaster team? Mason says that there has been a team of eight workers in Ukraine since 2014 providing food, medical assistance, and other necessities. There are more OB relief workers on the way to both Ukraine and Poland, including a water specialist and another doctor.

Why is it better for OB workers to purchase necessary items in the country they are providing aid to?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Ukraine in Crisis
Topic: Russia and Ukraine
Discussed by Mason Pigue
with Operation Blessing International (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Operation Blessing have plans to set up medical clinics near the border and coordinate the distribution of medical care, food, hygiene kits, and water to those in tent camps?

How can we help? Mason says that the first need is prayer. The second need is financial support so they can provide Ukrainians what they need.

Is God’s Church thriving in Ukraine?

To help Operation Blessing bless the people of Ukraine during this difficult time, TEXT OBCrisis to 71777 OR click here.

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December 1, 2020

Title: Helping Central America Recover
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Diego Traverso
with Operation Blessing International (

Two major hurricanes recently devasted Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Mexico. Operation Blessing is on the ground helping with recovery.

Diego Traverso, OP’s Director of International Disaster Relief, has details on the recovery and how you can help.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How much devastation is there in Central America?

How many villages/people have been affected?

Are there supplies readily available in the affected areas or must they be flown in?

What supplies are needed most?

Were some of Operation Blessing’s own staff affected by the recent hurricanes?

What types of emergency supplies and shelters is Operation Blessing able to supply?

Click here  to donate to Operation Blessing’s recovery efforts.

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November 24, 2020

Title: Helping Central America Recover
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Diego Traverso
with Operation Blessing International (

Two major hurricanes recently devasted Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Mexico. Operation Blessing is on the ground helping with recovery.

Diego Traverso, OP’s Director of International Disaster Relief, has details on the recovery and how you can help.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How much devastation is there in Central America?

How many villages/people have been affected?

Are there supplies readily available in the affected areas or must they be flown in?

What supplies are needed most?

Were some of Operation Blessing’s own staff affected by the recent hurricanes?

What types of emergency supplies and shelters is Operation Blessing able to supply?

Click here  to donate to Operation Blessing’s recovery efforts.

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April 29, 2020

Title: Much Help is Still Needed Across America
Topic: Feeding the Hungry Families in America
Discussed by Steve O'Grady
with Operation Blessing International (

Steve O’Grady is back with an update on the desperate need for more help across our nation. Steve is the Vice President of Operations and Logistics with Operation Blessing.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did radio talk show host Glenn Beck recently contact Operation Blessing?

Has Operation Blessing worked with Glenn Beck and Mercury One before?

What was included in the over 40,000 pounds of essential supplies delivered by Operation Blessing to the people in Detroit? Does this just about fill an entire 18-wheel big rig truck?

How are supplies distributed across the country?

Were some supplies donated by Home Depot?

Click here  to help support Operation Blessing.

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April 17, 2020

Title: Thousands of Bags of Groceries but More are Needed
Topic: Feeding the Hungry Families in America
Discussed by Steve O'Grady
with Operation Blessing International (

The average weight of a bag of groceries given at a food pantry is 35 pounds. Prior to the pandemic, Operation Blessing delivered an equivalent of 21,429 bags of groceries to local food banks, shelters, and other ministries every month. Since the pandemic, demand on their distribution centers has increased by almost 40%.

Steve O’Grady is the Vice President of Operations and Logistics with Operation Blessing. Today, he discusses how you can help during this time.

Click here  to see how you can help OB during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

My food pantry can’t handle a semi-tractor load of canned green beans. Can yours?

How many warehouses does OB have to store food and other goods throughout America?

How many national partner groups is OB affiliated with? Hint: over 4,500 food pantries, shelters and other ministries.

Why has OB been focused on a hunger relief ministry? Aren’t there local food pantries closer to those in need?

Does the federal government require OB to log in every item received and distributed?

How has the Coronavirus pandemic affected OB’s ability to meet the needs of people across America?

EDITOR’S NOTE: What can YOU do to help? Terry encourages everyone who can help to “adopt” one family who needs help. If we all help just one, there would be no need for the government to interfere.

What are some other financial burdens OB is facing right now (other than a food shortage)?

What types of goods are donated to OB in semi-truck load quantities?

Other than private donors, what other companies and organizations support OB?

Why has OB had a difficult time securing a central hub in Houston for distribution? Be in prayer for this situation! We NEED an OB hub in Houston!

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October 23, 2019

Title: URGENT: OB Needs Your Help
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Steve O'Grady
with Operation Blessing International (

Operation Blessing has helped millions of people across the globe since 1978. Through core programs of disaster relief, medical aid, hunger relief, vulnerable children and orphan care, clean water and community development, OBI is dedicated to demonstrating God’s love by alleviating human need and suffering in the United States and around the world.

Steve O’Grady is the Vice President of Operations and Logistics with Operation Blessing. Today, Steve offers an update on their global efforts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can a business or corporation provide aid to Operation Blessing?

Does Operation Blessing have the ability to accept tractor-trailer loads of food and other items?

Where are Operation Blessings four distribution warehouses? How large are they?

What Federal requirements must Operation Blessing follow?

How does Operation Blessing partner with local food pantries?

Click here to donate to Operation Blessing.

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July 18, 2019

Title: Hurricane Season: Be Prepared
Topic: Hurricane Preparedness
Discussed by Kevin Walker
with Operation Blessing International (

During Hurricane Season, former Harris County Judge Ed Emmett often warned: “Be prepared to take care of yourself and your loved ones for five days.

Kevin Walker, the Deployment Manager with Operation Blessing (OB), concurs. OB is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) humanitarian organization dedicated to demonstrating God’s love by alleviating human need and suffering in the United States and around the world.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does OB prepare for a natural disaster or other emergency?

Did OB have supplies ready for Barry in Houston?

Does OB currently have teams in Louisiana and Mississippi helping those in need? Kevin Walker explains that, though the damage so far has been minimal, they are still monitoring the situation and helping when they are needed.

How does OB decide where to go and who to help?

Where does OB have warehouses? What kind of supplies do they house? Do they offer their services to local food banks, as well?

OB is always appreciative of monetary donations for fuel for their delivery trucks and for others needs. Click here  to donate now.

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June 8, 2018

Title: UPDATE: Guatemala Volcano
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Geraldina Motta
with Operation Blessing International (

Today, Geraldina Motta reveals details of the tragic and deadly eruption of Volcán de Fuego in Guatemala, which killed at least 25 people, injuring 300, and displacing more than 3,100 residents.

Geraldina is the National Director for Guatemala at Operation Blessing. How can you help those in Guatemala as they rebuild their homes, businesses, and lives?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen as Geraldina Motta describes the scene when the volcano erupted…

Are there frequent volcanic eruptions in Guatemala? How was this one different?

Is the volcano still active, posing a threat to thousands?

WWhat kind of relief efforts is Operation Blessing providing?

How much of each donation goes directly to relief efforts? (In other words: How much goes to pad the pocketbook of administrators?)

IIs better to donate items or cash?

To donate to the relief efforts, please click here.

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October 10, 2017

Title: Operation Blessing Recovery Efforts
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Operation Blessing President Bill Horan is here to give an update of their recovery efforts in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has there been a difference in relief efforts between Texas (Harvey), Florida (Irma), and Puerto Rico (Maria)?

What are “distribution hubs” and what supplies are loaded into them?

Are the horror stories about Puerto Rico true? Was the island really destroyed? Bill Horan says this: “It is the most challenging logistic bottle-neck I’ve ever seen and we respond to disasters all over the world; we have for a long time.

How was OB able to offer help in Rockport, TX? Are volunteers still needed in Beaumont and Port Arthur?

How can you help those impacted by Harvey, Irma, Maria, and future disasters?

Why are CASH donations the best way to support OB and their recovery efforts?

Click here to make a donation to Operation Blessing.

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March 29, 2017

Title: Water Shortage in Peru
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Safe water is an extremely critical need right now,” said Sandra Arbaiza, National Director of Operation Blessing Peru.   “The municipal water supply has been shut off and bottled water supplies have run out.”

David Darg, with Operation Blessing, gives the grim details about the water shortage in Peru.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is going on in Peru? Why is there a water shortage?

How does Operation Blessing meet the needs of communities?

Do small hand-held water filters really work? Note: You can help donate these inexpensive devices. Click here  for more information.

What are some of the long-term goals Operation Blessings has for supplying third-world countries with clean, safe drinking water?

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February 17, 2017

Title: Everyone Can Do Something
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

You may not be able to help everyone – but you can help someone. You may be not be able to do everything – but you can do one thing.

Bill Horan, with Operation Blessing, is here to give an update on What’s UP with Operation Blessing so far in 2017.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where is Operation Blessing currently helping in America?

How many truckloads of supplies, food, and other goods has OB delivered this week?

Bill Horan was in Iraq recently. The threat of ISIS is overwhelming the 50,000 Christians and the situation is getting worse. The stories Bill reveals will just tug at your heart strings.

Can you help Operation Blessing? Click here  for more information.

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November 9, 2016

Title: True Story of Help and Hope
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Dan Moore
with Operation Blessing International (

Dan Moore, the Director of Disaster Relief with Operation Blessing, has a wonderful story to share about a deserving single mom whose home was flooded after Hurricane Matthew.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did Operation Blessing, Home Depot, and hundreds of volunteers do for Kimberly Butsch in North Carolina after Hurricane Matthew?

Operation Blessing is one of the largest charities in America, with an efficiency rating of 99%, meaning only 1% of their received donations pay salaries and overhead. Christmas is just around the corner, and so is the push for year-end giving. Please prayerfully consider donating to Operation Blessing.

To read more about this story and for a video to share on social media, click here.

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June 10, 2016

Title: Volunteers STILL Needed for Flood Victims
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Raymond McGregor
with Operation Blessing International (

Operation Blessing International Deploys U.S. Disaster Relief Team to Rosenberg, TX, for Flood Relief.

Raymond McGregor is the Deputy Director of Disaster Relief with Operation Blessing. Many people in South Texas are still displaced from their homes weeks after the disastrous flooding in the region. Operation Blessing couldn’t help these desperate people without the aid of volunteers – people like YOU!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How was the most recent flood different from the previous one? Raymond shares a story about one particular family who was just now able to finally see their home after weeks of waiting.

What are the steps involved when Operation Blessing offers their assistance to a community in need? How can churches become involved in the clean-up process?

What does Operation Blessing need the most?

The base of operation in Rosenberg is located at B.F. Terry High School at 5500 Ave N. Volunteers are encouraged to arrive by 8 am SATURDAY, June 11 in long pants, long sleeve shirt, and work boots or tennis shoes. No need to bring anything except a willing heart – they even provide you with lunch! For more details and volunteer information, click here.

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May 4, 2016

Title: More Volunteers Needed this Saturday!
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Raymond McGregor
with Operation Blessing International (

Raymond McGregor is the Deputy Director of Disaster Relief for Operation Blessing. They have been partnering with Powerhouse Church and the Mayor of Brookshire, Texas, to offer help and hope to those devastated by the recent floods. Volunteers have been in Brookshire for weeks, gutting homes, removing debris, and providing prayer and support to flood victims. Operation Blessing has been out helping as best they can, but there is more work to be done, with more people needing help and homes needing repair.

Operation Blessing is asking anyone who can to come help this Saturday. No need to sign up, just show up! Wear long pants, a light-weight long-sleeve shirt, boots or tennis shoes, and sun screen. Volunteers gather at 8 am every day Monday through Saturday at Powerhouse Church at 1818 Katyland Drive in Katy.

Raymond shares a personal story of one family who was in desperate need of help. Janice and her family were staying in a shelter after their home was flooded with a foot of water. But, instead of having a pity party, Janice was serving others who had been affected as well! What would you do in that situation?

Operation Blessing wants to make sure that “no one has fallen through the cracks,” Raymond says. They are committed to staying until every work order is fulfilled and every person who needs help receives it. Volunteers are needed every day of the week, not just on Saturday. Please prayerfully consider coming out any day of the week, with the exception of Sunday – unless you want to come to church! If you aren’t capable of doing physical labor, you can help serve meals or pray with families.

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April 28, 2016

Title: Disaster Relief after Texas Floods
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Raymond McGregor
with Operation Blessing International (

Operation Blessing has helped millions of people around the world after natural disasters. They have a team already in place in Brookshire, Texas, helping those who have been affected by the recent floods. Raymond McGregor is the Deputy Director of Disaster Relief for Operation Blessing. OB has been connecting with Power House Church and the Mayor of Brookshire to assist those who are in the greatest need. Raymond says that they are looking for volunteers to come help rip out carpet, knock down sheetrock, and clean out the destroyed homes.

Power House Church is located at 1818 Katyland Drive in Katy, Texas. Volunteers are welcome to show up at the church at 8 am Monday through Saturday for at least the next week. Even if you are unable to do the physical labor, you can still come help serve meals, deliver gift cards (which are provided), or pray for the families. “One of the most powerful things you can do is just listen to people,” Raymond says. There are many, many different ways for you to become involved.

OB has everything you may need to help – they just need you! Click here for details on volunteering to help those in need in Brookshire, Texas.

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April 27, 2016

Title: Disaster Relief after Texas Floods
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Raymond McGregor
with Operation Blessing International (

Operation Blessing has helped millions of people around the world after natural disasters. They have a team already in place in Brookshire, Texas, helping those who have been affected by the recent floods. Raymond McGregor is the Deputy Director of Disaster Relief for Operation Blessing. OB has been connecting with Power House Church and the Mayor of Brookshire to assist those who are in the greatest need. Raymond says that they are looking for volunteers to come help rip out carpet, knock down sheetrock, and clean out the destroyed homes.

Power House Church is located at 1818 Katyland Drive in Katy, Texas. Volunteers are welcome to show up at the church at 8 am Monday through Saturday for at least the next week. Even if you are unable to do the physical labor, you can still come help serve meals, deliver gift cards (which are provided), or pray for the families. “One of the most powerful things you can do is just listen to people,” Raymond says. There are many, many different ways for you to become involved.

OB has everything you may need to help – they just need you! Click here for details on volunteering to help those in need in Brookshire, Texas.

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April 25, 2016

Title: Operation Blessing is a Ray of Hope in Hard Times
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Steve O'Grady
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

More than 25 million middle-class American families live paycheck to paycheck, according to a study by the Brookings Institution. You may not realize it, but there is probably someone on your street, at your church, and even where you work that may go hungry tonight. With the recent floods in Southeast Texas, many were unable to go to work for several days, some without compensation. Many whose homes or apartments flooded lost everything; most do not have the money to replace even their clothes or food.

Steve O’Grady is the Vice President of Operations and Logistics with Operation Blessing. He is responsible for the OB’s domestic warehousing, transportation, and food distribution. OB helps supply local food pantries with necessities to help needy families on a daily basis. However, during times of devastation, these local food pantries need even more goods – and that’s where OB steps up to plate and really hustles!

Steve also explains that big churches in the area are a blessing to them because many food pantries are not large enough to hold the additional goods. Therefore, big churches help OB distribute to local pantries for them. “It’s really a tremendous network where everybody has a vital role in it,” Steve states.

Since the downturn of the economy, there are two problems which food pantries face: 1) more people needing assistance; and 2) less people donating. Steve O’Grady says, “The need is growing. When you are needed most, it is so hard to be able to help everybody because all those product resources aren’t out there anymore.

Listen in to the next segment with Steve as he offers ways that you can help OB, local churches, food pantries, and other non-profits during this flood recovery process.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Operation Blessing is a Ray of Hope in Hard Times
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Steve O'Grady
with Operation Blessing International (

Operation Blessing relies on financial contributions from corporations, churches, and even the Average Joe. The majority of their donations, however, come from big corporations, which donate 65 million pounds of product to OB each year. All this donated food has to go somewhere! In Texas alone, OB has twenty distribution centers. Listen in as Steve O’Grady discusses the efforts in Grand Prairie and the tremendous growth they have experienced since its conception in 2012.

Steve reveals that, while they work closely with big corporations, they also partner with small business owners and even farmers for fresh produce. Sometimes a small business wishes to donate goods to OB but the quantity is just not enough to warrant sending a big truck out to pick up the contribution.

Steve explains how OB uses local ministry partners who can accept the donation or even go pick it up themselves to distribute as needed! “We have a multitude of ways to get your resources into our warehouse, into our partner’s warehouse, and into the stomachs of those who need it the most,” he states.

Operation Blessing is one of those non-profit organizations that you can count on to spend your financial donation wisely. Many non-profits have so much overhead that very little actually is spent on helping those in need. This is not the case with OB. In fact, their website  boasts that 98.6% of their expenses goes directly to relief programs around the world. They are very transparent with their financial statements. I, Terry Lowry, financially support Operation Blessings. Please prayerfully consider doing the same. Go to their website to research the various ways you can help OB reach those in need.

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April 1, 2016

Title: Helping Pastors in Cuba
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

The President of Operation Blessing, Bill Horan, is doing something NEW! He is helping to feed pigs in Cuba! Yes, that’s right! He and others with OB usually feed people, but this time they are feeding the pigs! When the pigs are fed, that turns into a business for pastors in Cuba to support their families, churches, and communities.

It has, of course, been very difficult for Christian missionaries and organizations to gain access to Cuba due to their communist government control. OB has been able to make progress over the last two years, although they have definitely been met with some resistance. Bill Horan reveals that there are roughly 300 pastors now in Cuba, registered, legal, and allowed to preach the Gospel! Praise the Lord!

However, they need help, not only for their communities, but also for their own families. The average wage in Cuba is only about $24 PER MONTH! Those with a college education only make $60 PER MONTH. Bill Horan explains, “It’s only been legal for the past two years for people to have “side businesses” in Cuba.” Before that, it was illegal, punishable with jail time! Many pastors are now raising pigs to help support their churches, communities, and families.

Bill explains how OB has helped two pastors in particular grow from raising just a few pigs at a time to over a hundred! “They’re not just standing there with their hand out. They’re asking us to help them with just a little bit of capital investment so they can do more and do better,” Bill says. And it’s working! There are other pastors they have helped with different “side businesses” as well. Listen in!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Helping Pastors in Cuba
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Your support is critical in helping Operation Blessing fight poverty around the world, even right here in America. Today, Bill Horan has been discussing ways OB is assisting pastors in Cuba make a living wage with “side businesses” such as pig farming.

If you are skeptical about supporting a charity, stop right now! I, Terry Lowry, host of the What’s UP Radio Program, have supported Operation Blessing for years. But don’t just take my word for it! Charity Navigator has given OB their highest rating for nearly a decade. OB has consistently ranked in the top ten for the entire country with Forbes Magazine, which rates charities according to fiscal efficiency. They are honest and trust-worthy, and they are making a difference for the Kingdom of God.

You, alone, may not be able to support a pig or provide money to feed the pig, but can your Bible Study group? Can you and your golf buddies pitch in to buy one or two – or ten? Ladies, how about your sewing or book club? This is the perfect opportunity for a home school group to support a great cause, too!

During their many visits to Cuba over the last two years, Bill Horan has discovered that the majority of citizens still do not have access to clean drinking water. This is absolutely outrageous! Thank goodness OB has developed a great system to produce safe drinking water which has been used worldwide for many years. Now, they are bringing that technology to Cubans.

Click here to help support Operation Blessing.

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February 8, 2016

Title: Zika Virus Update
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Angela Dart
with Operation Blessing International (

In May 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert regarding the first confirmed Zika virus infection in Brazil. The outbreak in Brazil led to reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome and pregnant women giving birth to babies with birth defects and poor pregnancy outcomes. The Zika virus is spread to people through mosquito bites. There has even been a report from Dallas of the virus being transmitted via sexual contact.

The most common symptoms of Zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting from several days to a week. Severe cases requiring hospitalization are uncommon. Angela Dart, the Manager of International Health Operations with Operation Blessing, points out, however, that “Only about twenty percent of people actually express the symptoms.” Also, the spread of the Zika virus is not just an epidemic, it is a pandemic, which means it is spreading very fast worldwide. Although the Zika virus is not deadly in the majority of cases, there is a lot of concern about the virus, especially when it comes to pregnant women. The problem is this: “The virus is so new, research has not been done.

OB has launched efforts to combat the Zika virus outbreak in Central America and the Caribbean with concentrated efforts in El Salvador and Haiti. In El Salvador, OB has purchased more than 1,250 mosquito nets that are being distributed by teams of volunteers to pregnant women in order to reduce the risk of microcephaly. The charity has also partnered with the Ministry of Health to provide funding for the government’s fumigation efforts in areas identified to have the greatest amount of Zika cases and other mosquito-borne illness.

Please click here  to help support the efforts of Operation Blessing in combating the Zika virus. If you cannot give financially, please add OB and residents in the most infected areas to your prayer list.

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January 6, 2016

Title: Help Needed Now in Garland, Texas
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Raymond McGregor
with Operation Blessing International (

The city of Garland, Texas, experienced some of the worst damage imaginable when an EF4 tornado struck with winds up to 165 mph. Operation Blessing has been there from the beginning with a mobile command center and a construction trailer full of tools from its Dallas warehouse. OB also deployed a mobile kitchen capable of feeding thousands of hot meals to residents, volunteers, and emergency responders.

However, more is help needed. The people of Garland are desperate for workers to come help them clear debris and rebuild their lives. If you can help in any way, whether physically on the ground or financially, please use the following contact information:

Kerry Dodson, National Volunteer Director for Operation Blessing
Phone Number: 757.226.3407

You can also contact the onsite volunteer coordinator at (757) 374-0944

If you or someone you know needs assistance with cleanup, food, shelter, clothing, or anything else after the tornado, please go directly to:

Granger Recreation Center
1310 West Avenue F
Garland, TX 75040

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November 19, 2015

Title: Helping Others All the Time
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Many people across America are facing hardships – things we cannot imagine. Sudden loss of a job when you live paycheck-to-paycheck is unfathomable for most. Being diagnosed with cancer or another horrible disease can often lead to financial strain. Natural disasters displace families every day. If you have a warm bed and food on your table, count your blessings. Many are not so fortunate.

During the holidays, people worry more about things that are out of their control, such as a traditional holiday meal or presents for their kids. Bill Horan, with Operation Blessing (OB), tells a story of Delilah, a little girl from Tennessee who often goes to bed hungry. She’s not homeless. Her family just struggles, daily. Her situation is not unique; it is prevalent in every small town and big city across America.

OB has four distribution hubs with 75 trailer trucks to help people around the country with food and drinks (non-alcoholic). Many of their biggest donors are food companies who cannot sell a certain product because the packaging is done incorrectly (not due to its contents). But that doesn’t mean they don’t need financial help – they still have to pay for gas, for truck drivers, for factory workers. In 2015 alone, OB is set to deliver 64 Million pounds of food and goods to needy people across America! That isn’t a cheap task. Listen in as Bill Horan explains more of their day-to-day operations at their four hubs and how you can help.

The wonderful people at Operation Blessing are also available when disaster strikes. During this year alone, they’ve been in Texas twice after massive floods. They travel all across the world to help those in need. They currently have daily operations in nearly thirty countries. Please consider donating to Operation Blessing so they can help as many families as possible.

FACT: Operation Blessing is repeatedly named one of the top charity groups in America. Almost every single cent of the donations they receive goes towards helping others, not themselves. How are they able to do that? Listen in.

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October 8, 2015

Title: Helping South Carolina
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Texans have received help time and time again when natural disasters have occurred. Now, it’s our turn to give back. South Carolina has been devastated by recent storms and floods. Some are calling it the “1,000 year flood”.

Jody Herrington-Gettys, with Operation Blessing, is here to give an update on the situation, explaining that the biggest issue right now is over 40,000 people not having safe drinking water. It’s hard for us to imagine here in America – not being able to turn on your kitchen faucet and get a glass of water!

Obviously another issue is the high water and people not being able to get back into their homes to see the extent of the damage. Jody explains the process known as “mud-out”: When flood waters come, there can be up to as much as eight feet of water in a home. Operation Blessing workers and volunteers help home owners get that mud out and salvage what belongings can be saved. They also help knock down walls, redo dry wall, and rebuild homes.

To donate to the South Carolina flood relief efforts, click [here].

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September 15, 2015

Title: Refugee Crisis Worst in History
Topic: Refugee Crisis
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

NOTE: At the time of this interview, Germany was still welcoming all Syrian migrants with open arms. Some developments have been made over the weekend to suggest otherwise. Please continue to pray for the Syrian refugees and the countries surrounding Syria. Pray they will be safe and well taken care of. Pray they will not be misunderstood. Pray, most of all, that the refugees will be welcomed by Christians who will show them only the love and compassion which Jesus Christ showed to the world when he died for our sins on the cross.

The largest human displacement the world has ever seen is happing now. Worldwide, 59.5 million people are on the move as refugees or displaced people  within their home countries. That population would be enough to make them citizens of the world's 24th biggest country.

Bill Horan is the President and Chief Operating Officer of Operation Blessing. The people of Syria, who have been forced out of their homes, have nothing other than the clothes on their back. Many have migrated to Hungary or are on their way to Germany. They are scared and hungry and tired. Bill says, while Operation Blessing does not yet have a team in these areas, they are working closely with other humanitarian organizations, supplying money for food and other necessities.

Many people mistakenly believe that the only migrants fleeing Syria are young aggressive Muslim men. Bill Horan strongly disputes this claim. There are families with women and children and elderly who simply want a safe place to go so they are not murdered by the extremists in their home country. They don’t want to leave, but they must. Imagine how scared and alone they must feel! Put yourselves in their shoes.

If you would like to help, please click [here]. 100% of your donation goes straight to the refugee crisis.

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June 4, 2015

Title: Update on Disaster Relief in Texas
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Dan Moore
with Operation Blessing International (

Dan Moore was on the program on June 1, 2015, to give details about their relief operations in San Marcos. The recent floods in Texas were just devastating to so many families in that area and Operation Blessing is helping everyone they can.

Today, Dan gives an update of the relief efforts. He says there is still much to be done, cleaning mud out of homes, replacing sheetrock and insulation, salvaging what belongings they can, giving people food and water. Work orders from those effected are still coming in to Operation Blessing daily.

NOTE: If a number of senior (over the age of 18) or college-age students would like to volunteer a few days or a week to help Operation Blessing, please contact the main office at 757.226.3407. They do offer free housing at Hill Country Church for volunteers, but you need to contact Operation Blessing directly to make arrangements. You will also be fed! So it’s a win-win!

If you would like to make a charitable donation to help victims of the Texas floods, please call 757.226.3407. Note your check in the memo line “100% for Texas 2015”.

If you are looking to volunteer your time, please call 757.374.0944. Hill Country Church, 1401 Davis Lane in San Marcos. Please note that all volunteers must be over the age of 18.

If you or someone you know need HELP, please call Operation Blessing International at 757.274.8650.

You can always find more information [here].

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June 1, 2015

Title: Operation Blessing Helping Texas Flood Victims
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Dan Moore
with Operation Blessing International (

Texas has seen just about every type of crazy whether involving water over the last few weeks. Dan Moore is the Director of U.S. Disaster Relief for Operation Blessing International, overseeing domestic disaster relief operations and special programs. OBI already has a team in San Marcos and Wimberley areas helping victims of the recent floods in Texas.

Dan Moore says even Hill Country Church in San Marcos (their base of operations) saw some flooding, but the pastor and congregants are still willing to donate their time to help the community recover as quickly as possible. OBI does what the people want and need. Their main focus is on cleaning out people’s homes as quickly as possible before mold sets in. There is a lot of mud everywhere and sheetrock repair is vital to the stability of the homes.

OBI asks first for prayer – for the staff, volunteers, and victims. The second need is volunteers. And of course, OBI asks for financial support. Unlike other charities who devour donation money for their director’s and CEO’s outrageous salaries, OBI will give 100% of designated donations to the victims of the 2015 Texas Floods.

If you would like to make a charitable donation to help victims of the Texas floods, please call 757.226.3407. Note your check in the memo line “100% for Texas 2015”.

If you are looking to volunteer your time, please call 757.374.0944. Hill Country Church, 1401 Davis Lane in San Marcos. Please note that all volunteers must be over the age of 18.

If you or someone you know need HELP, please call Operation Blessing International at 757.274.8650.

You can always find more information [here].

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May 29, 2015

Title: Operation Blessing Helping Texas Flood Victims
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

We are to be the hands and feet of God in all situations, especially during times of devastation. Jody Herrington-Gettys serves as the Vice President of U.S. Disaster Relief & Programs for Operation Blessing International, overseeing domestic disaster relief operations and special programs. OBI already has a team in San Marcos helping victims of the recent floods in Texas.

Jody has helped with numerous disaster relief efforts. Their strategy is not to come in with guns blazing, telling the locals what to do. OBI does what the people want and need. They really take the time to listen to the victims to assess what their greatest needs are.

OBI asks first for prayer – for the staff, volunteers, and victims. The second need is volunteers. And of course, OBI asks for financial support. Unlike other charities who devour donation money for their director’s and CEO’s outrageous salaries, OBI will give 100% of designated donations to the victims of the 2015 Texas Floods.

If you are looking to volunteer your time or give money to a charity group to help the victims of the Texas floods, please click [here]  or call 757.226.3407. If you are within driving distance of San Marcos, Texas, feel free to just show up at Hill Country Church Monday through Saturday at 8 am. They will find a job for you to do!

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May 5, 2015

Title: Operation Blessing in Nepal
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Operation Blessing International (OBI) is one of the largest charities in America, providing strategic disaster relief, medical aid, hunger relief, clean water, and community development in 27 countries around the world on a daily basis. They have touched the lives of more than 255 million people in more than 105 countries and all 50 states, providing goods and services valued at over $3.3 Billion to date.

OBI has boots on the ground in Nepal, helping those who have been devastated by the recent earthquakes. Bill Horan, the President of OBI, shares how their VP of International Operations was able to reach out to a community 40 miles outside the main city where every house and building was completely leveled and many lives were lost. No one had been to this town yet, but OBI is there now helping with the recovery.

Listen in as Bill Horan shares more about how they helping these people who are in such desperate need. OBI has a great policy: “Ask. Don’t tell.” Bill says, “We do not presume to know what they need best. We have a feel for what they might need, but we do what they tell us.”

Bill also discusses the H2gO Purifier, which is a hand-held device used to purify water within minutes. While OBI is working to restore clean water to communities in Nepal, they are utilizing the H2gO Purifier in the meantime. This device is amazing! Listen as Bill explains in more detail what it is and what it does. Click [here] for more on this great invention!

Please prayerfully consider making a cash donation to Operation Blessing so they can continue to support those in need. Click [here] to make a quick, secure online donation. Someone may just survive because of it.

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April 15, 2015

Title: Tornado Relief Help
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Raymond McGregor
with Operation Blessing International (

An EF4 tornado reaching wind speeds of 200 mph hour ripped through in Rochelle, Illinois, leaving in its wake massive destruction, severely damaged homes, and downed power lines. Whole communities have been devastated.

Within hours, Operation Blessing disaster relief teams were on the ground, providing food, water, blankets, clean-up assistance, and other necessities. Raymond McGregor is the Deputy Director of Disaster Relief for Operation Blessing. He explains how each disaster is different; their job is to assist the local emergency management organizations and local churches in whatever capacity is needed. They do it all.

Listen in as Raymond discusses what they do and what they need to help communities rebuild their lives. He says, “We are flexible. Residents may need time to deal with what has just happened. There is no way they could do this themselves.” He also believes that, while monetary support is awesome, prayer is also vital.

With Operation Blessing, be assured that 99 cents out of each dollar goes directly into the field. Your money is used to help those in need, not gobbled up by administration fess or supplying the CEO with a 6-figure salary. It is used to help. To learn more about how you can help Operation Blessing, click [here].

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February 2, 2015

Title: Update from Operation Blessing
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

There are many families in Houston – and across the nation – who are struggling to put food on the table. Operation Blessing’s “Hunger Strike Force” has four major warehouses across the nation that are responsible for getting food to those families by way of local food pantries and other special programs.

OB also depends on local ministries to be their hands and feet. But how does OB get their donations? Listen in as Jody Herrington-Gettys discusses the donations and how the process works. If you are able to donate financially, or if you or someone you know owns a grocery store or manages a local franchise, please click [here]  to learn how you can donate goods, which can be tax deductible.

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January 21, 2015

Title: The Headlines are Silent
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

There are people suffering around the world, even around the corner. David Darg, with Operation Blessing, discusses the persecution that Christians are suffering in the Middle East, Africa, and other countries. Hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing from ISIS militants. They sleep on the ground in strange lands without food or water. Some find shelter in makeshift tents or church buildings. Many children are separated from their parents and their siblings are miles apart. ISIS murders many of them or sells them as slaves.

Would you be able to hold on to your faith if you were suffering such persecution? David Darg says that these Christians could be living their old life if only they had denied Christ. They’d be with their families. They’d have plenty to eat. They’d still be going to work or school every day. But they chose – they voluntarily chose – to stand up and proudly say “Yes, I am a Christian”. And they are paying dearly for their continued faith.

David references this scripture from Galatians 6:10 “Do good to all people but especially to those who belong to the body of Christ.” At Operation Blessing, they live this verse daily. Their workers are desperately helping people around the world obtain food, clean water, toiletries, clothing, and even shelter and medicine.

Please pray about and consider financially supporting Operation Blessing. Click [here]  to see how they are still fighting the Ebola crisis in Liberia – yes there is still an Ebola outbreak in Africa, even though you’d never know it by watching the MSM.

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October 29, 2014

Title: Fighting Ebola with Salt and Electricity
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

David Darg, Vice President of International Operations with Operation Blessing, has been on the front line fighting Ebola in Liberia. Operation Blessing has been using salt, water, and electricity to produce sodium hypochlorite for years in third world countries to help clean and disinfect. In America, it’s even used to purify our tap water. And now the solution is being sent throughout Liberia to combat Ebola.

David Darg met recently with the President of Liberia, explaining the benefits of sodium hypochlorite and why more facilities need to be using the solution. In fact, Operation Blessing established the first ever chlorine generation facility in the country of Liberia and has produced more than 3,300 gallons of the disinfectant, which kills Ebola on contact.

Listen in as David Darg explains why shipping liquid chlorine, or sodium hypochlorite, is unfeasible, thus making it necessary to construct the facility and use equipment, water, electricity, and salt to make their own liquid chlorine. Operation Blessing needs your help with this. Obviously, it is very expensive to ship this equipment and the supplies to Liberia and even more expensive to produce the solution. Log on to  to see how you can help combat Ebola right from your home or office.

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September 23, 2014

Title: Give More Than A Cup of Cold Water
Topic: Helping Persecuted Christians
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Iraq is a dangerous place – maybe one of the most dangerous places on earth. War is rampant. ISIS terrorists are around every corner. Christians are threatened on a daily basis – many even killed.

Imagine being displaced from your home, possibly even being separated from your family, living in a tent or abandoned building. There is not enough to eat. There are not enough blankets or beds for everyone. Clean water and medicine are scarce.

These people are electricians, bakers, doctors, mothers and fathers, children and grandparents, , lawyers, and professors. They are everyday people like you and me. One day they were shopping at the mall, going to work and school, laughing with their friends and families – just living a normal life. The next day, those friends and family members are being murdered in the street, women and children are being sold in to sex slavery, and their homes, businesses, and churches are being burned to the ground.

David Darg is the Vice President for International Operations for Operation Blessing. He and others with Operation Blessing are living this nightmare with the Iraqi Christians. BUT – they are also bringing hope to them with food, blankets, medicine, and a loving, Christian spirit.

Operation Blessing is one of the largest charity organizations in America, providing strategic disaster relief, medical aid, hunger relief, clean water, and community development in 23 countries around the world on a daily basis. You can be a part of this great organization. Log on to  to learn more.

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May 7, 2014

Title: Operation Blessing is Always there to Help
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

Operation Blessing is a non-profit organization that has helped millions of people in 105 countries and all 50 U.S. states, providing goods and services valued at more than $2.7 billion. OB has been ranked one of America’s top ten “Most Efficient Charities” by Forbes Magazine. Some of the services OB provides are: disaster relief, medical aid, hunger relief, clean water, orphan care, and community development around the world.

Recently, OB blessing has been serving in Tupelo, MS, helping with tornado relief and clean-up and in Pensacola, FL, assisting families who have been effected by the recent floods.

Listen in as Bill describes their efforts and what still needs to be done.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Operation Blessing is Always there to Help
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Providing food to needy families is one of the many services Operation Blessing offers. Surprisingly, the Dallas/Ft. Worth area is one of the areas in need of more food for residents, especially in the Grand Rapids area.

Times are tough for everyone, even your neighbors. Bill Horan urges you to log on to  to give a donation to help those in need. 

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March 28, 2014

Title: Slave Trade by any other Name is still Slave Trade
Topic: Slave Trade
Discussed by Keffenie Quezada
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

Lured by lies. Sold by fathers. Lives robbed of their innocence. Lives forever changed.

The city of Birgunj in Nepal is a place of bustling trade and commerce - goods and people flow freely across the border with India. But for young girls living in impoverished villages nearby, the border also poses a serious danger.

Keffenie Quezada, the International Manager of Vulnerable Children’s Programs at Operation Blessing, shares how diligent workers are trying to stop traffickers at the border crossing. They also counsel victims at safe homes and teach them life skills.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Slave Trade
Discussed by Keffenie Quezada
with Operation Blessing International (

27 million men, women, boys, and girls are suffering a horrific life through slave trade. 27 MILLION. America is NOT immune to this terrible epidemic. Slave trade and sex trafficking is a thriving “business” in America.

Please log on to  to learn more about how you can help victims restore their lives. 

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March 5, 2014

Title: Hunger in America
Topic: Hunger in America
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

Overview: Are there really 46.5 million US residents currently living in poverty? Are 16.5 million children going to bed hungry?

Maybe we should schedule a ‘bar-bones’ meal of just cold cereal, NO milk, and only tap water to drink. Are we so removed from real hunger that we cannot empathize?

Become a Force Multiplier.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Hunger in America
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Can you ever remember being truly hungry? Have you kids ever gone to bed truly hungry because you have nothing in the refrigerator or in the pantry – N.O.T.H.I.N.G.?
Operation Blessings partners with large corporations and receives semi-truck loads of donated food every week. This is over 2 million pounds of food every week.

Operation Blessings networks with community-based partners which helps more than 4,400 food pantries to feed hungry families across America.

Become a  Force Multiplier and join the Hunger Strike Team. Log onto  for more details.

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November 4, 2013

Title: Hunger in America
Topic: Hunger in America
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

Overview: Are there really 46.5 million US residents currently living in poverty? Are 16.5 million children going to bed hungry?

Maybe we should schedule a ‘bar-bones’ meal of just cold cereal, NO milk, and only tap water to drink. Are we so removed from real hunger that we cannot empathize?

Become a Force Multiplier.

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Title: Be a Force Multiplier
Topic: Hunger in America
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 2 of 2

Can you ever remember being truly hungry? Have you kids ever gone to bed truly hungry because you have nothing in the refrigerator or in the pantry – N.O.T.H.I.N.G.?
Operation Blessings partners with large corporations and receives semi-truck loads of donated food every week. This is over 2 million pounds of food every week.

Operation Blessings networks with community-based partners which helps more than 4,400 food pantries to feed hungry families across America.

Become a  Force Multiplier and join the Hunger Strike Team. Log onto  for more details.

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May 22, 2013

Title: Operation Blessing Update
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Operation Blessing has helped thousands of people across the globe to live healthier, fuller lives thanks to generation donations from people like you.

Bill Horan, president of Operation Blessing, is here with an update on how you have helped their mission.

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March 12, 2013

Title: Helping Japan: Relief Efforts To Date by Operation Blessing
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

From drinking water to fishing boats, laptops, to fishing equipment Operation Blessing was one of the first relief organizations on the ground in Japan, arriving hours after the earthquake struck.

OBI has delivered tons of relief supplies and equipment to tens of thousands of survivors.

OBI was founded in 1978 and has touched the lives of more than 255 million people in more than 105 countries and all 50 states within the USA.

Be a part of their new campaign, I AM CALLED.

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February 19, 2013

Title: A Mission You Can Believe In. A Charity You Can Trust.
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Forbes Magazine has recognized Operation Blessing as one of “America’s most efficient charities”. Wow! That is amazing!

Operation Blessing now has a new, trendy way for you to help support the poor, hungry, thirsty, hurting, and abused. Purchase a “I Am Called” band bracelet today!

Visit  for all the details.

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January 18, 2013

Title: It’s a New Year. What Ministry Will You Support?
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Operation Blessing has helped countless men, women, and children across the globe with food, water, shelter, and jobs. Now here’s your chance to help too!

Log on to  to see how.

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November 12, 2012

Title: First Bashed By Sandy, Then Covered By Snow, The Town of Breezy Point, Has A Long Way To Go.
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Please tell our listeners what you have seen today in New York! Is it a mess? How are the spirits of the people? Are you all helping throughout the city?

Why are loads of used clothing, food and water NOT the best donations for victims leagues away? If somebody donated money to Operation Blessing, what part of the dollar gets to the victim?

Is Operation Blessing audited? Does Operation Blessing have a clean record? Bill, is the situation getting better or are there still restrictions on getting gasoline and for people to return to work?

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November 6, 2012

Title: When Tragedy Strikes America, When Americans Are Suffering From Floods, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Do We Give Less To Tragedies Outside Our Borders?
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

When tragedy strikes America, when Americans are suffering from floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, do we give less to tragedies outside our borders?

Did hurricane Sandy hit Haiti? If so, did it cause a loss of life and major damage? Who is there helping? Are there needs besides financial needs, that Operation Blessing is meeting for people around the world? Bill Horan joined Operation Blessing International (OBI) in 2002 and was appointed as OBI President. He oversees the operations of OBI in the U.S. and around the world, bringing with him more than 25 years of business and international relations expertise.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Once you secured your home office there in Virginia, where did you send crews and what did you find on the ground as these crews arrived in the aftermath of the storm?

What location has become your focus? Is there enough media attention on the destruction? Why is there so little media coverage? OBI is a non-profit organization that has helped millions of people in 105 countries and all 50 U.S. states, providing goods and services valued at more than $2.7 billion and earning the ranking of one of America’s top ten “Most Efficient Charities” by Forbes Magazine. Operation Blessing, which has also been ranked by the Chronicle of Philanthropy as the 6th largest international charity, has become a multi-million-dollar-a-year humanitarian organization that strategically provides disaster relief, medical aid, hunger relief, clean water, orphan care and community development around the world.

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October 31, 2012

Title: Preparing For The Perfect Storm.
Topic: Safety Tips
Discussed by Gettys Jody
with Operation Blessing International (

How is Operation Blessing preparing for relief efforts as Hurricane Sandy makes its way towards the east coast?

What services does Operation Blessing provide after natural disasters? What is a "Mobile Kitchen"? Is there a need for volunteers? What will volunteers be doing? What can people who cannot volunteer their time do to help?

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September 6, 2012

Title: Operation Blessing International Deploys Disaster Relief Team To New Orleans!
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 4

Louisiana has been devastated again, this time by hurricane Isaac?

How was Isaac in comparison to Katrina? How can our listeners help? Please tell our listeners who are unfamiliar with floods what happens to a business or a home that is filled with 2-4 feet of water?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

What happened during pre-hurricane Isaac? Were Operation Blessing workers just sitting in an office drinking coffee, hoping and praying that nothing devastating would occur?

Does Operation Blessing prepare for the worse? What is the preparation for a tornado like in comparison to preparation for hurricane? Where on the globe has Operation Blessing been?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

In what ways has Operation Blessing been helping those that have been devastated by hurricane Isaac? Is the need great?

What is the "Need Help, Want Help" call about? Tell our listeners about the need for money - why is it best to donate clothes instead of dollars?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

If a company wanted to send a crew over to work or if a listener has some type of skill that could help with disaster relief, would you welcome them?

What kind of volunteer help do you need today, tomorrow, this week, this month of September? How do you take care of your volunteers?

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July 27, 2012

Title: "Baseball in the Time of Cholera" - A Must-See, Award-Winning Documentary.
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

Do you remember how many the earthquakes killed? How many were left homeless? Is there still work to be done in Haiti?

What is cholera? How many Haitians have been infected with cholera? How many have died of cholera?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Tell us about Baseball in the Time of Cholera? When does the documentary allege that the cholera outbreak in Haiti began?

Is the UN truly responsible for the cholera outbreak? Should our listeners watch Baseball in the Time of Cholera?

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June 12, 2012

Title: When Disaster Strikes, Who Is There To Help?
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 4

As an Oxford man, how in the world did you end up helping with relief operations all over the world?

What is the difference between Operation Blessing and the National Red Cross?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

Why can Operation Blessing go from giving out a bottle of water to generators or boats, or even a microenterprise system to help those less fortunate to provide for themselves?

Tell our listeners more about your "don't ask, don't tell policy"! Also, tell us about the current "gift catalogue"!

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

What is your summer gift catalogue all about?

What is meant by "Hunger Relief in America"? How are you able to help in Israel?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by David Darg
with Operation Blessing International (

How is it that an organization such as yours can be there so quickly?

How and why did Operation Blessing start microenterprise projects?

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April 16, 2012

Title: What To Do And How To Be Prepared When Disaster is Headed Your Way!
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 3

Special guest Jody Herrington-Gettys answers:

After disaster happens, what goes into being prepared for such an event - what kind of preparedness/training do you all go through day after day, year after year?

Can you describe to our listeners what types of supplies your warehouses have for volunteers and first responders? How many people can be taken care of in a moment's notice?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Once a disaster happens, what goes into the volunteer placing process - how do you get people to where they need to be? Do you have a large staff?

What is the National Reserve Staff? Can anybody join? How many years have you been involved with Disaster Relief in America? What is a "go bag"?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Can you explain the different types of disasters that you have worked? What is a planned versus unplanned disaster? What storms types have you weathered?

What happens if all the gas stations have no electricity, internet is down, credit card reader isn't reading - can one haeve trouble buying gasoline even with no cash?

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Title: A Mission You Can Believe In. A Charity You Can Trust. Operation Blessing & The Feinstein Challenge!
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Steve O'Grady
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Steve O'Grady answers:

Every day in America, how many Americans are at risk of going hungry? Are the food pantries around the county tapped to the max?

How many years has Operation Blessing been helping food pantries from coast to coast? What makes Operation Blessing unique from other food pantries?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Steve O'Grady
with Operation Blessing International (

Explain to our listeners that are just joining in more about this Feinstein Challenge that is running through the month of April!

Can a local pantry handle a trailer load of green beans? Is operation blessing suited to taking boatloads into central warehouses and then distributing them into various panties throughout the region?

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April 5, 2012

Title: A Mission You Can Believe In. A Charity You Can Trust. Operation Blessing & The Feinstein Challenge!
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Steve O'Grady
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

Every day in America, how many Americans are at risk of going hungry? Are the food pantries around the county tapped to the max?

How many years has Operation Blessing been helping food pantries from coast to coast? What makes Operation Blessing unique from other food pantries?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Steve O'Grady
with Operation Blessing International (

Explain to our listeners that are just joining in more about this Feinstein Challenge that is running through the month of April!

Can a local pantry handle a trailer load of green beans? Is Operation Blessing suited to taking boatloads into central warehouses and then distributing them into various panties throughout the region?

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March 15, 2012

Title: A Mission You Can Believe In. A Charity You Can Trust. Operation Blessing!
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

It’s been one year since the Japanese disaster, remind our listeners about the devastation caused by the earthquake, the massive tsunami, and the destruction of several nuclear plants.

Because of financial support, big and small, was Operation Blessing able to distribute emergency relief supplies. If so, what types of emergency supplies did you provide the survivors of the earthquake and the great tsunami?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Many simply survived with only the clothes they were wearing. Did many lose their prescription glasses? How did Operation Blessing come to their assistance?

Once survivors have safe water to drink, access to meals, and a roof over their heads, many begin thinking about returning to work? But if they do not have computers, tools, etc. how can Operation Blessing help rebuild their lives?

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Title: Life Transformed - From Utter Despair To A Big Bundle of Joy!
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

How long did it take after that tornado struck for you and Operation Blessing to show up on site?

After showing up after a storm, what are the first things Operation Blessing typically does?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

How does a newlywed travel across the country and how does your husband put up with you?

Tell us about the story of the new mother whose life was in utter despair and the way Operation Blessing blessed her and her family

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March 1, 2012

Title: A Mission You Can Believe In, A Charity You Can Trust; Operation Blessing.
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Jody Herrington answers:

In the fiscal year of 2011, what percentage of OBl's total expense went towards humanitarian relief programs?

How did Forbes Magazine recognize OBl? And is it true that The Chronicle of Philanthropy ranks Operation Blessing as the 6th largest international charity in the country?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

What were the living conditions for Luis and his family?  How did things take a turn for the worse?  Upon meeting Luis and his family, what did Operation Blessing do immediately?

Does the old Chinese proverb ring true in this story with Luis and his family "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"?

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January 24, 2012

Title: What will happen in 2012 - Who will be helped and who won’t because of a lack of funds?
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 4

For 2011, domestically and worldwide, highlight a few of the major projects wherein you went and you asked “what do you need?” instead of “don’t tell me what you want, here is what we can do”.

Give us some numbers - how many people did you help out with manpower and supplies last year? How many disasters did you respond to?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

When you first go to another country for disaster relief, who do you meet with first - the people in trouble, or the business officials and leaders?

Is it true you brought over new and used boats, and even computers, to the people in need?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

For 2011, domestically and worldwide, highlight a few of the major projects.

With an emphasis on annual giving, what were Operation Blessings accomplishments during 2011?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

With an emphasis on annual giving, what are some of Operation Blessings accomplishments since the beginning?

What are some of Operations Blessings goals for/emergency preparedness and response for 2012?

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January 23, 2012

Title: What will happen in 2012 - Who will be helped and who won’t because of a lack of funds?
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

For 2011, domestically and worldwide, highlight a few of the major projects.

With an emphasis on annual giving, what were Operation Blessings accomplishments during 2011?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

With an emphasis on annual giving, what are some of Operation Blessings accomplishments since the beginning?

What are some of Operations Blessings goals for/emergency preparedness and response for 2012?

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January 20, 2012

Title: What will happen in 2012 - Who will be helped and who won’t because of a lack of funds?
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

For 2011, domestically and worldwide, highlight a few of the major projects wherein you went and you asked “what do you need?” instead of “don’t tell me what you want, here is what we can do”.

Give us some numbers - how many people did you help out with manpower and supplies last year? How many disasters did you respond to?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

When you first go to another country for disaster relief, who do you meet with first - the people in trouble, or the business officials and leaders?

Is it true you brought over new and used boats, and even computers, to the people in need?

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December 9, 2011

Title: A Time of Need in the Tornado Aftermath - Will you be willing to help others who have lost everything?
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

When Jesus was born, what did he have in common with 13 year old boy, Bradley, from Joplin?

How do you choose which families to help? How long did it take to rebuild the home in this story?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

Are Operation Blessings workers hired hands or volunteers?

Who is the Powell family? How can we donate to Operation Blessing?

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November 14, 2011

Title: Hunger Strike Force - OPERATION BLESSING
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Steve O'Grady
with Operation Blessing International (

Part 1 of 2

Why is Operation Blessing called the Hunger Strike Force? Is there hunger in America today? Is there a newly made "poor class" seeking help from Operation Blessing?

Would those that receive food stamps and unemployment checks all be standing in line for a soup kitchen except for the government assistance? What happens when the government’s borrowing capacity runs dry?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Steve O'Grady
with Operation Blessing International (

From Albuquerque to Omaha, Chattanooga to Pensacola, is there hunger in the listening area today in America? How do you turn one dollar, into ten dollars?

Do the truck drivers donate their time or are they employees with Operation Blessing? How many truckloads of foodstuffs will be donated to Operation Blessing International from manufacturers and wholesalers across America?

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October 24, 2011

Topic: Operation Blessing
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Because of a natural disaster half way around the globe, are idled workers in the Northeast now going back to work?

Why should Americans, American givers, and Operation Blessing still be focused and involved with the plight of thousands upon thousands of Japanese who suffered the massive earthquake and then the monstrous tsunami?

What types of aid has the Operation Blessing rendered to the suffering Japanese?

How can our listeners still help?

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September 16, 2011

Title: From Tornados and floods, from earth quakes and tsunamis: Operation Blessing Goes To Where the Need Is
Topic: Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Bill Horan tells the heartwarming story of helping villagers off the coast of Japan with generators, laptops and now fishing boats.

Operation Blessing is continuing to help the victims of the massive Japanese earth quake and resulting tsunami. You can still help them help those in need.
Please visit their website at  and view some videos of what Operation Blessing is accomplishing today because of donations from friends just like you.

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July 22, 2011

Title: An Extreme Blessing Performed by Hundreds of Volunteers with Operation Blessing and Home Depot
Topic: Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Joplin Missouri was nearly destroyed. Sitting in their backyard by their tent which had become their home after the tornado literally destroyed their home, the elderly couple just knew that the tent would be their home for the rest of their lives. But what happened?

Operation Blessing International with the help of hundreds of volunteers and supplies from Home Depot rebuilt their home. Bill Horan explains how the Extreme Blessing came about.

Log onto  to find out how you can help and donate. Become a part of Operation Blessing International.

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June 21, 2011

Title: Extreme Blessing – From The Foundation UP!
Topic: Disaster Relief
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

The forecaster was right: the tornado came. It rained buckets, some say, “Cats and Dogs”! When it was all over, their home was nearly destroyed, standing but unlivable. One day a car drove up and a young lady approached John and Debbie, both in their mid-sixties. They were living in a tent behind what once was their home. She asked, “Can we help?” When all was said and done, John and Debbie had a new home built by 400 volunteers with Operation Blessing and Home Depot, including a tree house out back, built by the Joe Gibbs Racing Team’s Joey Logano, driver of the No. 20 Home Depot Toyota in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. Learn more at

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May 3, 2011

Title: What’s Going On In Tornado Ravaged Alabama And Other States
Topic: Disaster Relief
Discussed by Jody Herrington-Gettys
with Operation Blessing International (

When Operation Blessing arrives at a disaster location, the first question they ask is: “What do you and your community need?” Our guest, Jody Gettys describes what she has seen on the ground in Alabama. Jody explains the pain she is witnessing and the devastation that is so widespread. Even at the time this interview was recorded, Jody shared how she has witnessed residents calling out to love ones who are still not answering, many are still missing. What is needed most right now, is cash. Please go to the web site for Operation Blessing International and make a donation. Simply log onto  and donate today!

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April 15, 2011

Title: Operation Blessing International: Kids here help Kids There
Topic: Japanese Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

One elementary school stepped up to the plate and hit a home-run with their efforts to raise money for the quake/tsunami victims in Japan. They especially wanted to help other kids like them. Bill Horan, with Operation Blessing International, gives more details on this great story and tells how you can still help. Log on to  for more info.

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April 14, 2011

Title: Let There Be Light: Operation Blessing International Deploys Industrial Electrical Generators to Japan
Topic: Japanese Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Segment 1 of 2

Bill Horan, President of Operation Blessing International, asked the village elders of an island off the coast of Japan what they needed the most. There response: laptops and electrical generators. Without ice for their fish, they could not go back to work. Without laptops, they could not access their bank accounts. Because of thousands of donors from across America, Operation Blessing International was able to fulfill these needs, and more! Log on today and make a donation. More information can be found at

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Title: Let There Be Light: Operation Blessing International Deploys Industrial Electrical Generators to Japan
Topic: Japanese Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Segment 2 of 2

Besides the physical benefits these generators will provide, they will also provide hope in the hearts of those stricken by the disaster. Donors from all over America are bringing light to a dark place through Operation Blessing. We are living our faith in a most significant way.” stated Bill Horan. Students at one school in America donated $1,040 to be used to help kids in Japan. OB purchased new bicycles for the children at one shelter. Watch the video now posted on our website at  More information can be found at

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March 15, 2011

Title: Operation Blessing International Prepares To Deploy to Japan
Topic: Japanese Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

Stop and consider how much it would cost to ship a bottle of water from Houston, Texas to Japan. It is more cost effective to give a dollar from Houston and allow the humanitarian organization to purchase the bottle of water as close to the need as possible. The same applies to food supplies, blankets, and clothes. Bill Horan, the President of Operation Blessing International, joins us discussing the steps they are taking to deploy medical teams and other first responders to the stricken areas in Japan. Log onto their website at  for complete details. Please consider making a donation.

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January 22, 2010

Topic: Haiti Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

The 10 hospitals in Haiti did not have safe, clean drinking water before the earthquake. So, imagine what it’s like now… Log on to for more information.

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Topic: Haiti Disaster Relief
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

What can you do to help the thousands upon thousands of suffering Haitians? More than just food and clothing are needed. Operation Blessing has many other ways you can help at

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August 22, 2007

Title: Operation Blessing International Part One
Topic: Disaster Angels
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

When Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast, Operation Blessing was there, and is still there. Where they poised to react if Hurricane Dean had struck Texas…they are not in Mexico. Find out more by logging onto

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Title: Operation Blessing International Part Two
Topic: Disaster Angels
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

If a disaster strikes in Houston, will Doctors from other states be allowed to come and immediately render aid? Find out more by logging onto

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Title: Operation Blessing International Part Three
Topic: Disaster Angels
Discussed by Bill Horan
with Operation Blessing International (

If a disaster strikes, a flood, a hurricane, or a terrorist attack, how many days of food and water should you have on hand? Would you starve? Find out more by logging onto

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