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May 29, 2015

Title: Can you Force People to Sin?
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

There are consequences for sin. I do not want to be held accountable in heaven for the sins of others – do you? “People do not want to recognize the fact that there are absolute rights and absolute wrongs,” John Horvat proclaims. The homosexual mafia wants you to sin. They want you to be forced to accept their sin as normal behavior. And they are winning.

Have Christians been too tolerant in recent years? Are we so afraid of being viewed as intolerant, hate-mongers that we give in over and over again to their demands? John says the real issue is, “Consenting to the sin is just as sinful as participating in the sin.”

For the first time in history, churches are in danger of losing their freedom to choose whom they will perform a marriage ceremony for. Catholics still have the right to refuse to marry a couple if one or both participants have been divorced. Some Baptist churches can refuse to allow any alcohol or dancing during a reception, whether at the church or a different location. However, the homosexual mafia has turned it into a discrimination issue. It’s not about sin or right and wrong; it’s about “us” not being tolerant of “them”.

John Horvat says we cannot back down. “When you become soft on these issues, you get your rights taken away. Everybody is intimidated, but you don’t have to give in.” Businesses, especially, need to be careful about their practices, but they must also not compromise their beliefs for fear of a massive lawsuit.

For more from John, click [here].

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May 18, 2015

Title: Can the Government Force you to Sin?
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 2

For over two decades, John Horvat has been researching and writing about the socio-economic crisis inside the United States. Today, he wants to discuss something that should be of concern to every Christian in America: Can the government force you to sin?

Those who are not religious spread lies about the issue of homosexual marriage, making it solely a religious issue. John Horvat says that the issue isn’t about acceptance or discrimination. The government is making the issue an outright sin.

What will you say to Jesus when you die and He asks what you did in His name for the Kingdom?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Can the Government Force you to Sin?
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

There must be moral absolutes or a society will turn to ruin. We do not allow murderers to go free. We do not allow rapists to roam the streets. We do not allow abusers to go unpunished. We should not – and we cannot – allow those who want homosexual marriage to continue spreading lies and hatred toward and about Christians. John Horvat says, “Traditional marriage is a virtuous act and it cannot be changed.

But has the marriage contract been secularized, especially since the advent of no-fault divorce? John believes we will naturally feel that need to return to order. Hopefully it will be sooner, rather than later.

Roman Catholic Bishop, Francis Cardinal George, said: “I will die in my bed. My successor will die in jail. And his successor will die a martyr in the public square.

Learn more about John Horvat and order a copy of his great book [here].

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March 3, 2015

Title: Update on Texas Defense of Marriage Bills in Texas Legislature
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Dr. Steve Hotze
with Conservative Republican of Texas, PAC

According to the MSM, Americans want gay marriage. However, the Family Research Council recently discovered some interesting facts about Americans and gay marriage. Over 60% of those polled agree that “states and citizens should remain free to uphold marriage as the union of a man and a woman and the Supreme Court should not force all 50 states to redefine marriage.” Furthermore, an overwhelming majority (81%) of Americans agree that government should “leave people free to follow their beliefs about marriage as they live their daily lives at work and in the way they run their businesses.”

Today, Dr. Hotze discusses HB623 relating to the funding, issuing, and litigation of certain marriage licenses. He says, “When a nation undermines God’s laws, we see God’s judgment on that nation.” How does this relate to redefining marriage? Dr. Hotze says, “It’s a mirage – a lie”, and suggests people visit to learn what has happened in Massachusetts since they redefined marriage. “It’ll make your skin crawl.”

In addition to HB623, Dr. Steve Hotze discusses HB1745 and SB673, which would forbid any marriage license from being issued in the state Texas that contradicts the law of 2005 defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Listen in as Dr. Hotze explains why we must “save our culture by supporting these three bills.” Read Genesis chapters 18 and 19. It’s all spelled out right there. Then read 2 Chronicles 7:14".

Finally, mark your calendar for Monday, March 23 and drive to Austin for a Defense of Marriage Act rally (start time of 1:00 PM). We’ll give more information closer to the date, so check back here often for updates.

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December 16, 2014

Title: The Unthinkable in Texas
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Jonathan Saenz
with Texas Values (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Plano, Texas – yes, PLANO – has done the unimaginable. They have bowed to the LGBT radicals and have passed a Peeping Tom Law, like Houston and San Antonio have recently.

Some of the issues on the LGBT Wish List from 1972: Repeal the legal restriction on the sex or number of people entering a marriage. Repeal all laws governing transvestitism and cross-dressing. Release of ALL sexual offenders incarcerated for crimes related to sexual orientation. Repeal all age of consent laws. Federal funding for all homosexual organizations and advocacy groups. Sex education in public schools should be presented by homosexuals advocating their lifestyle as the preferred way of life.

Listen in as Jonathan Saenz discusses these issues and what could happen to your community, state, and the nation if the LGBT radicals continue to be successful. And what Plano? What does the new law in Plano allow?

Log on to  for more.

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October 28, 2014

Title: Judge Sides with Student Punished for Criticizing Lesbians
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Bob Unruh
with World Net Daily (

The University of New Mexico and one of its professors will face trial on a charge of violating the constitutional rights of a student punished for expressing her opinions about lesbianism in a class described by the instructor as having “controversy built right into the syllabus.” The Professor, Caroline Hinckley, assigned students to watch and write about “Desert Hearts,” a 1985 lesbian romance film.

Student Monica Pompeo said Hinckley refused to read beyond the first two pages of her harsh critique. The professor described Pompeo’s opinion as “inflammatory and offensive” hate speech and said it would be in her best interest to drop the class.

So, Monica did what every other self-respecting college student should do: she sued the professor and the university.

As of when this interview was taped and aired, neither the school nor the professor have issued a statement or response to the Judge’s ruling. Bob Unruh, with World Net Daily, says this Judge’s ruling is very interesting and caught his attention immediately. Listen in as he explains why this ruling is so important, especially in regards to other cases involving religion and freedom of speech.

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August 26, 2014

Title: The Gays are Getting More Forceful
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Liberty Ridge Farm in upstate New York is the latest Christian-owned company to come under fire from the LGBT crowd. The husband and wife owners politely refused to allow a gay couple to be married at their farm, due to their deeply held religious convictions. Of course, the couple contacted the New York Civil Liberties Union who represented their discriminatory claim against the Giffords.

The Christian photographer, the Christian cake maker, the Christian florist, and now the Christian-owned venue… All have been purposefully and intentionally targeted and all have been forced by a single judge in a liberal court to pay heavy fines and/or change their policy to “accommodate” gay couples.

Travis Weber, with the Family Research Council’s Center for Religious Liberty, says that discrimination against Christians and Christian-owned businesses must be stopped.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Gays are Getting More Forceful
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Homosexuals and their lawyers have gone after the Christian photographer, the Christian cake maker, the Christian florist, and now the Christian-owned venue. Is the church next?

Pastors have the right to only marry couples who are in “good standing” with their church. What if the couple has been faithful members for years, tithe regularly, and even volunteer within the church? Should churches, especially small churches, have written by-laws concerning who can and cannot be married in their church?

The gays want everyone to accept their sin as “normal”; in fact, they don’t want the homosexual lifestyle to be viewed as sin at all. They’ve already won over some Presbyterian and Episcopalian churches, some Catholics, and most of the Methodists. Now, they’re poised to pounce on the Southern Baptist Church.

Travis Weber encourages all Christians to contact their representatives to urge them to vote in favor of laws which protect Christian-owned businesses and churches from lawsuits such as these. You can find more information on this and other issues at

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June 10, 2013

Title: All The Poor People In The World Are Gone. Where Did They Go?
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Cliff Kincaid
with America's Survival (

U.S. Government is now spending $11 million dollars to train gay activists in other countries. Did all the poor people in the world suddenly vanish? Does everyone now have enough food, water, health care, and education?

The top priority of Obama is spreading Gay Power. But the deviant sexual revolution represented by the Human Rights Campaign is built on a foundation of lies. They have sold the public on the notion that they are ‘victims’. But they are not victims, they choose their lifestyle. They are the bullies, they use violent tactics when protesting and they use dirty tricks.

Noah Webster once defined this sexual sin as: “a crime against nature”. The new phrase of the homosexual movement refers to pedophiles as just “Minor Attracted Persons” or MAPs. Study the diseases they have, the diseases they spread, and their longevity. Is that what you really want your child to be involved in?

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May 30, 2013

Title: Gay Rights and the GOP - Pre Debate Interview
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Reverend Dave Welch
with US Pastor Council (US Pastor Council)

Part 1 of 2

Several weeks ago, a gay activist appeared before the Harris County Republican Party Vacancy Committee seeking to be appointed as Chairman to an open precinct. He claims he was denied the appointment due to his sexual preference. The host of the What’s UP Radio Program, Terry Lowry, voted with the majority in denying his application.

As a result, the Houston Young Republicans arranged for opposing viewpoints to discuss whether or not the Harris County Republican Party should appoint an activist for the LGBT movement into a leadership position, amongst other issues involving the Log Cabin Republican agenda.

One of the speakers was Pastor Dave Welch, the founder and Executive Director of the Houston Area Pastor Council.

This first segment today is his “pre” interview with Terry Lowry before the meeting occurred.

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Title: Gay Rights and the GOP - Post Debate Interview
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Reverend Dave Welch
with US Pastor Council (US Pastor Council)

Part 2 of 2

This second segment is with Dave Welch after the debate on Tuesday night regarding the GOP and the LGBT agenda.

Should the Republican Party abandon their decades long stance on social issues such as abortion and the gay agenda for the off-chance that a few moderate Democrats will scurry over to “our side”?

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Title: Gay Rights and the GOP
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Jared Woodfill
with Conservative Activist

Are we losing votes because the GOP is not inclusive enough? Can the GOP embrace gay members without changing its platform? Jared Woodfill, chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, discusses the political process.

Remember: It’s one thing to run for office and win the majority vote. It is quite another thing to seek an appointed position.

What criteria should those who are making the appointment use? I, as a member of the Vacancy Committee, compared a recent applicant’s activism up against the Republican Party Platform and voted to reject his application. Therefore, some say I am antisocial and exhibit ignorant behavior. Use the contact link and send us your comments. 

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