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November 2, 2022

Title: Feminist Claims Dating is “Broken”
Topic: Dating
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Is dating “broken”? Does dating need to return to courtship and supervision?

Edwin Benson is a writer for Return to Order. Today, Edwin discusses a recent NY Times opinion-piece about the current state of dating in America.

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Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did a feminist openly state that “dating is broken”? Did Edwin Benson find this odd? Edwin, a former public-school history teacher, was actually not surprised at all!

Has dating drastically changed over the last 50 years?

Did the author of the NY Times article express total rejection to the idea of an arranged marriage? Edwin compares the old ways of dating (arranged marriage, courtship, match-making) to the “hook-up” culture of today.

Has the sexual revolution erased pain and trauma from dating – or made it worse?

Are modern feminists now questioning the sexual revolution? Edwin believes many are, saying: “We are born with this particular need to have someone to share our lives with.”

More often than not, have women suffered the most from their own “liberation”?

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November 4, 2015

Title: So you Want to Date my Daughter?
Topic: Dating
Discussed by Paul Asay
with Plugged In (

You think you’re prepared. You think you’ll be ready. You think that your daughter will listen to you and heed your advice. You think her date will be honorable and trustworthy. This is what you have hoped and prayed for every day since your baby girl was born. But we’re never really prepared, are we?

Paul Asay has been with Focus on the Family’s “Plugged In” for eight years. Paul believes every parent, especially fathers, should have a plan in place for dates. First, remember that the boy is just as nervous as you are – probably even more so! You shouldn’t have to work too hard to make the boy realize you are serious! You don’t have to put the fear of God in him, but you should let him know the rules and the consequences if they are not followed. “Be aware of who he is as a person,” Paul says. Get to know him for a few minutes beforehand. Not only will he respect you for that, he will respect your daughter, too.

You should also talk with your daughter long before she starts dating. Let her know the rules, as well, and what will happen if she doesn’t follow them. You are the best example for your daughter. Show her what a good man really is. If she has a great example at home, she won’t settle for less in her own life.

All of this advice is applicable to young men, as well. If you have boys, talk to them about the proper way to treat a girl. Make sure he knows what is appropriate and not. Remind him to open the car door and pull her chair out at the table. Tell them it is okay not to kiss on the first date…or second or tenth!! And remember, the best example is YOU!

Single Parents: Paul also has some great advice for you, too! Listen in as he talks specifically to you about this important topic.

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