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May 31, 2022

Title: How Does the Culture Influence What We Watch?
Topic: Culture War
Discussed by Adam Holz
with Plugged In (

Many families are being pushed to their limits when it comes to entertainment giants like Disney, wondering how they should respond to the culture shifts now infiltrating the movie and television industries.

Adam Holz is the Director of Plugged In, a division of Focus on the Family. Today he discusses just how long this culture war has been happening and what Christian parents can do to protect their family.

Click here for more information about Plugged In.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What ideology is all too present on our movie and television screens? Adam explains that the Left’s push is not just focused in one area; they’re focused on ALL issues and it is definitely having a negative impact on the world population’s worldview.

How effective are the scenes in movies and television in changing attitudes of the viewer? Adam discusses why people are so afraid to share their opinion for fear of negative retaliation from a friend or even a stranger on the internet. He also references the Judges 21:25.

Did the perversion so prevalent on our screens just now start?

Can we change society? Or will society change us? Adam stresses the importance of community and standing up for our beliefs. He also shares a story about one of his neighbors…

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July 15, 2020

Title: Is Cracker Barrel Racist?
Topic: Culture War
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 3

When Mao launched his Cultural Revolution in 1966, he decided that Red China’s greatest enemy was tradition. He made war on what he called the Four Olds: old ideas, old customs, old culture, and old habits.

Edwin Benson is a retired public-school history teacher who now writes for Return to Order. He says: “It seems the left in America is borrowing Mao’s old ideas. In the name of changing the “racist” culture, it is attacking the restaurant chain, Cracker Barrel.

Edwin Benson is the author of “Can America’s Schools Be Saved”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was Mao? What was the Cultural Revolution? What was Mao’s war on the “four olds”?

Is the left in America borrowing from Mao’s playbook in attacking the “four olds”?

Is the restaurant chain Cracker Barrel racist?

One hate-filled person actually stated: “Open the door to a Cracker Barrel and you get a whiff of Jim Crow and biscuits.” What in the world???

Who founded Cracker Barrel? What’s UP with the name?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is Cracker Barrel Racist?
Topic: Culture War
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Cracker Barrel represent a threat because it evokes memories of family and tradition?

Are many BLM activists basing their hatred toward whites on logic or jealousy?

Are the haters simply attacking Cracker Barrel because we Americans have allowed it?

Was Mao’s main focus on the young people? Did he target them specifically? If so, why?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is Cracker Barrel Racist?
Topic: Culture War
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do Americans fight so much over politics?

Do people dare tell their neighbors who they vote for anymore?

Are too many Republicans afraid to wear Trump attire?

Click here  for more from Edwin Benson.

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May 23, 2017

Title: What is a Culture War?
Topic: Culture War
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 2

Is there a Culture War in America? What is it? Is it over? Who is involved? Who is the enemy? All of these questions, plus more, will be answered today in the next two segments with John Horvat, author of “Return to Order”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Culture War and when did it start?

Is it over?

Some advocate that the Culture War is over. Who do they say won and why?

Who are the Moralists, Fundamentalists, and Conservatives on the “right side” of this Culture War?

BONUS: What is a “crunchy-con”?

Who are ‘Secularists’?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What is a Culture War?
Topic: Culture War
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If Conservatives are on the “right side”, who is on the “wrong side”?

According to the MSM, the Democrats have won the Culture War. Is this true?

If the Culture War’s outcome still hangs in the balance, who gains by trying to convince Conservatives they have lost the war?

Are Conservatives being strengthened with forces from the younger generation who are bringing fresh ideas and new leadership?

Is it time to double-down, putting our shoulder to plow and move forward with God’s might?

Listen as Terry reads a special piece “Standing Tall” as an encouragement to never give in and never give up.

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