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April 21, 2020

Title: How Can We Help Teenagers Become Adults?
Topic: Teaching Teens Responsibility
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 3

Teaching responsibility is difficult. Students will resist the initial efforts. Parents will be unhappy with failing grades. Divorced parents, battling for the child’s affection and loyalty, often bend over backward to defend unacceptable behavior. The leftists will scream about discrimination by race, ethnic group, sex, or anything else in its bag of often-used tools.

Edwin Benson is a retired public-school history teacher who currently writes for Return to Order. Edwin discusses the funeral he recently attended for a former student, who died in a car accident. The student was intoxicated, and the passenger of the vehicle also died.

Edwin believes that teachers definitely have a duty to their students to help them become responsible adults – we all have a responsibility. You can find his book, “Can America’s Schools Be Saved”, here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was “John” (name has been changed for privacy reasons)? How does Edwin remember this student?

What was the viewing like for John? NOTE: This was recent, during the Coronavirus quarantine, so social distance practices were observed.

What was Edwin’s opinion of John?

What did Edwin learn about John since his graduation to his untimely death?

What was the atmosphere outside the funeral home while waiting in a social distance line? Was it kind of like a party?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - How Can We Help Teenagers Become Adults?
Topic: Teaching Teens Responsibility
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Were there photo/video displays on John’s short life?

Was there any sign of religion being displayed?

What did Edwin observe in the funeral home parking lot before he left?

Why did the phrase “But for the grace of God, go I” come to Edwin’s mind during this young man’s funeral?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - How Can We Help Teenagers Become Adults?
Topic: Teaching Teens Responsibility
Discussed by Edwin Benson
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are we all failing the next generation by not teaching better responsibility habits and behavior? Edwin Benson calls is “character building” and stresses it’s not the teacher’s sole responsibility.

How do we all teach the next generation to take responsibility for their own lives?

Do we need God’s help to raise the next generation?

To read Edwin Benson’s full op-ed on this topic, click here.

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