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February 8, 2021

Title: Unintended Consequences of the Actions of Our Government
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Shelby Sterling
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Do endless government-imposed lockdowns have very real – and very negative – effects on Americans?

Shelby Sterling says absolutely yes! Shelby is a Policy Analyst with the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She states: “Although extensive data analysis proving the full extent of damage resulting from these lockdowns may take years, evidence from just the last nine months already paints a gruesome picture.”

Click here  for more from Shelby and the TPPF.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does history teach us that disasters have devastating effects on an individual’s mental health? Can lockdowns also effect a person’s physical health?

Is there mounting evidence that government shutdowns have many negative consequences?

English researches predicted millions upon millions of deaths due to COVID-19 just in the first few months. Were the lockdowns premised on these cataclysmic numbers? Were those numbers realized? Shelby explains that we may never know the true toll that lockdowns had on people’s physical and mental health.

How should the Texas Legislature respond to how local, county, and statewide elected officials reacted since January 2020?

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December 8, 2020

Title: Austin is Out of Control with Power
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Shelby Sterling
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

The Austin City Council recently voted in favor of a new ordinance empowering its health authority to issue new rules and restrictions. The ordinance also authorizes officials to impose a fine of up to $2,000 for individuals not complying with the restrictions.

Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Shelby Sterling said this in response: “The City of Austin has vested unelected bureaucrats with an inappropriate level of authority for a prolonged period of time; this is not how representative government is supposed to work.” Shelby is a Policy Analyst for Center for Local Governance at TPPF.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How and why did the Austin City Council empower unelected health bureaucrats to impose enormous fines?

If someone traveling to Austin is unaware of the mandate, could he/she be fined? Could they be thrown in jail?

Is this how representative government is intended to work?

Should the Texas Legislature address COVID-related fines and mandates in the upcoming session?

What does TPPF have planned for the upcoming session?

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