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November 8, 2022

Title: Part 2 of 2 - Which Charity Should You Give To?
Topic: Donating to Charity
Discussed by Warren Smith
with Colson Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many ministry executives expect an increase or decrease of revenue in 2023? Warren discusses the results of a recent survey MinistryWatch conducted of the top 1,000 Christian Ministries in America.

Is the total number of donors increasing or decreasing? Is the amount of giving increasing or decreasing? Warren discusses the concern ministry executives have, specifically that the younger generation doesn’t donate to charity like the older generation does.

How does giving in America compare to other nations? Do Evangelical Christians tend to donate more than those who do not attend church?

Click here and here for more information about the top 1,000 Christian Ministries that MinistryWatch vets for donors.

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April 8, 2019

Title: Marijuana: Good or Bad?
Topic: Marijuana: Good or Bad?
Discussed by Warren Smith
with Colson Center (

What is the truth about marijuana? Are there real health benefits? Or do those who advocate for its use just want to “get high”?

Warren Smith is the VP of Advancement at the Colson Center. He has over thirty years of journalism experience and has written thousands of articles on a wide range of topics. Warren currently contributes as a BreakPoint columnist at the Colson Center.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Were the studies that made us believe that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer based on studies using causation or correlation? What’s the difference?

What is psychosis? Listen as Warren Smith discusses studies and research concerning the correlation of marijuana and psychosis…

Do daily marijuana smokers have higher reports of psychosis?

Do those suffering from mental illness readily admit they have a problem?

When does the brain fully develop? Why is this important information regarding marijuana use?

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October 7, 2008

Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Warren Smith
with Colson Center (

Warren Smith discusses the current financial crisis, specifically the fall of Wachovia Bank. Log for more information.

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