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September 21, 2015

Title: Please Pay Me When I Retire
Topic: Social Security
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

FACT: 45% of people do not having any retirement savings. They expect to live solely on Social Security.

Life expectancy has never been better. Babies born in this decade are expected to live to an average age of 79. While this is great news for those who wish for a long and prosperous life, there is also a downside: Social Security is running out of money – fast. Right now, you may be 30-50 years old and not really worried about your retirement. But once you hit 65, you will be. Will there be enough money left in the pot to help take care of you and your spouse?

Dr. Gary Welton is the Assistant Dean for Institutional Assessment and Professor of Psychology at Grove City College and the Center for Vision and Values (link found above). “The Social Security program was started with the assumption that people, on average, would need five years of income from the point they retire until their death,” Dr. Welton reveals. This number has almost doubled and therein lies the problem.

But what’s the solution? Dr. Welton says, “Even people who have planned for their retirement and set money aside are seeing their pension plans decimated.” Listen in as Dr. Welton gives some advice and encouragement for the future.

Dr. Welton’s op-ed on this issue can be found [here].

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August 28, 2015

Title: A Faint Analogy of an Unimaginable Heaven
Topic: Heaven Compared to Sites Here On Earth
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Sometimes I think I need a new analogy of heaven. The “streets of gold” sound gorgeous. “Pearly gates” sound welcoming, but where do those gates lead?
Conceptually, I understand that being in the presence of God will cause everything else to pale by comparison. Placing mankind in the infinite context of our Savior and Lord will put everything into perspective.

God himself is the answer to all these sorts of questions. Yet, in my human frailty, I sometimes wish for some new analogy of heaven.

An Old Testament prophet said that God’s promises are new every morning, but what would it be like after 1,000 years? Or 1,000,000? His faithfulness is great, but in my selfishness I sometimes crave a new analogy for heaven.

Then one day I visited Yellowstone.

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May 12, 2015

Title: Socialization and Homeschoolers
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Part 1 of 3

Every homeschooling parent has been asked the S-Question: “What about socialization?The implications of the question, real or imagined, are less than flattering. But what students cause the most problems, get into more trouble, and are less socialized? The answer may surprise you.

Dr. Gary Welton is Assistant Dean for Institutional Assessment and Professor of Psychology at Grove City College. He is also a contributor to The Center for Vision & Values. In regards to socialization, he says, “The majority homeschoolers are not isolating themselves.” There are few “bad apples” but most have their children involved in at least one activity.

Listen in as Dr. Welton discusses the results of his research investigating positive youth development during this and the next two segments. If you are a homeschooling parent, the information discussed will help you when you are asked the “S” question. If you are not a homeschooling parent and often wonder if homeschooled students are socialized enough, then you will definitely learn something new today!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Socialization and Homeschoolers
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Is socialization actually good or bad for students? Dr. Gary Welton discusses several issues in this second segment concerning socialization of ALL people. First, what do employers notice when interviewing a prospective employee? In this day and age of technology and smart phones and social media, does your teenager know how to actually speak to an adult? Do they look them in the eye? Can they form a sentence that consists of more than three words?

Secondly, Dr. Welton explains that socialization is merely the “process of interacting with the norms and expectations of your culture”. Do you want your child to be made fun of because they’re smart or not as rich or pretty or athletic as their peers? Do you want your child to be the one who is bullying or making fun of those students? Or do you want your child to accept others as they are?

NOTE: We are not suggesting that all students in public school will either be bullied or be the bully, just as we are not suggesting that this type of behavior doesn’t exist among home school students. But, listen in as Dr. Welton explains the difference between the two.

His study did not focus solely on the negative, but wanted to see the results of positive traits, such as: contentment, selflessness, forgiveness, resilience, and gratitude. What kind of environments can we give our children to reinforce these traits long-term? Listen in to the next segment to hear more results of Dr. Welton’s study of public, private, and homeschooled students and their parents.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Socialization and Home Schoolers
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Dr. Gary Welton surveyed 223 families (asking questions of one teen and one parent), 95 of whom were schooling at home. The results point to three important observations: homeschooling teens socialize more than other teens and they socialize differently than other teens, but both of these observations miss the point. Socialization is not a home schooling issue; it is a religious phenomenon.

The factor that had the greatest impact on the students was religiosity. How often do the students and parents attend church? How often do they read the Bible, pray? And how important is your faith to you? Dr. Welton reveals the results of this four-year study, so listen in. You will probably be surprised by what you hear!

Dr. Welton’s article and the results of his survey can be found [here].

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September 29, 2014

Title: There is no Golden Rule without God
Topic: There is no Golden Rule without God
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

For the most part, people are better at taking care of the Earth that has been granted to us by God. We recycle. We take care to water our lawns in the early morning or after dusk. We teach our kids to turn the water off while they’re brushing their teeth.

Most states have laws against littering. Some fines are as low as $20 (Colorado) or $30,000 (Maryland). But do these laws really deter people from littering?

Listen in as Dr. Gary Welton says “thank you” to all the hard-working volunteers who take the time to pick up other people’s trash and haul it away. He says “thank you” to all the state employees who work so diligently every day to make sure our streets are clean.

Dr. Welton also says “Stop it!” to all those people who throw trash out their car window, leave food and trash on the picnic table at the park, or throw their beer bottle in the lake or ocean. It takes everyone working together to make this world a better, more beautiful place.

For more on this and other issues, log on to

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August 20, 2014

Title: Retirement: A New Form of Work
Topic: Retirement: A New Form of Work
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Many people have a financial plan set in place for retirement. We save for years – decades, even. We have a 401K. We have IRA’s. We might even invest in the stock market.

But what about a “physical” plan? Research has shown that those who don’t have a “to-do list” for retirement often die earlier than those who know what they want to do with the rest of their lives.

Dr. Gary Welton suggests making a retirement to-do list – things you’ve always wanted to do but have never done. He also says that now is the perfect time to volunteer to teach a Sunday School class or help your neighbors with their children, maybe mentor a teenage girl or boy down the street.

Listen in for more ways to really enjoy retirement from Dr. Gary Welton.

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May 6, 2014

Title: There is no Golden Rule without God
Topic: There is no Golden Rule without God
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

For the most part, people are better at taking care of the Earth that has been granted to us by God. We recycle. We take care to water our lawns in the early morning or after dusk. We teach our kids to turn the water off while they’re brushing their teeth.

Most states have laws against littering. Some fines are as low as $20 (Colorado) or $30,000 (Maryland). But do these laws really deter people from littering?

Listen in as Dr. Gary Welton says “thank you” to all the hard-working volunteers who take the time to pick up other people’s trash and haul it away. He says “thank you” to all the state employees who work so diligently every day to make sure our streets are clean.

Dr. Welton also says “Stop it!” to all those people who throw trash out their car window, leave food and trash on the picnic table at the park, or throw their beer bottle in the lake or ocean. It takes everyone working together to make this world a better, more beautiful place.

For more on this and other issues, log on to

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March 12, 2014

Title: Can Gratitude Really Change Your Life?
Topic: Gratitude
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Part 1 of 2

Positive Psychology developed as a new sub-discipline in the late 1990’s. PP seeks to understand the fulfilling aspects of the human experience. But there is a fine line…

Also discussed in this segment with Dr. Gary Welton are ways to be positive – even when we don’t want to be. Gary shares a very personal story about his family and why he knows from experience that it is sometimes very difficult to stay positive when everything around you crumbles.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Gratitude
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

What are you grateful for today? Do you start your day worrying about what needs to be done? Try being grateful for something tomorrow morning and thanking God for it. Then think of something in the car on the way to work. At the lunch counter. On the drive home. At the dinner table. When you’re brushing your teeth at night.

NOTE: Host’s suggestion for a family affair: A lot of people of Facebook, blogs, Instagram, and Twitter participated in the 30 Days of Thankfulness during November, stating something they were thankful for each day. Get a journal and do this with your family every day for a year. Some things might be silly, like being thankful for chocolate milk; others might be thankful for a bonus at work. Make it a family affair and have fun doing it!

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February 12, 2014

Title: Are College Athletes Ready for College?
Topic: College Preparedness
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Part 1 of 4

School districts are pressured to pass good athletes through middle and high school so the students can be accepted into a good college on a sports scholarship. Universities make the bulk of their money on football and basketball programs.

CNN recently aired a story about the reading skills of college athletes. What the researcher discovered is astonishing!

Listen in to hear the results of this study.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: College Preparedness
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

If we are bringing students into college who cannot read, whose fault is it?

Parents, read to your kids. Granparents, read to your grandkids. Teach them the basics. Teach them their ABC’s. Don’t wait until they get into kindergarten. And don’t stop when they get too big for your lap! Keep reading to them and have them read to you.

Dr. Welton shares a sad but too often true story in this segment.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: College Preparedness
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Are half of Americans “functioning illiterates”? What does that even mean? How often do you read a book?

There is a test that was once approved for third, fifth, and eighth grade home school students in Pennsylvania to access their reading level. The PA State Legislature told parents they can no longer use this test for their home school students. However, the test is still given to incoming college athletes to access their reading level.

What is wrong with this picture? 

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: College Preparedness
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Dr. Welton’s wife is a librarian and often gets phone calls from parents requesting tips and advice on how to get their kids to read more. Many times parents do not even know what grade level their child is reading on.

Any student can learn to read. The first step is to establish a reading environment in your home. Books are adventures! Travel the world with your kids by exploring books.

Dr. Welton is the Assistant Dean for Institutional Assessment and a Professor of Psychology at Grove City College. Learn more at

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December 5, 2013

Title: Can Gratitude Really Change Your Life?
Topic: Gratitude
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Part 1 of 2

Positive Psychology developed as a new sub-discipline in the late 1990’s. PP seeks to understand the fulfilling aspects of the human experience. But there is a fine line…

Also discussed in this segment with Dr. Gary Welton are ways to be positive – even when we don’t want to be. Gary shares a very personal story about his family and why he knows from experience that it is sometimes very difficult to stay positive when everything around you crumbles.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Gratitude
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

What are you grateful for today? Do you start your day worrying about what needs to be done? Try being grateful for something tomorrow morning and thanking God for it. Then think of something in the car on the way to work. At the lunch counter. On the drive home. At the dinner table. When you’re brushing your teeth at night.

NOTE: Host’s suggestion for a family affair: A lot of people of Facebook, blogs, Instagram, and Twitter participated in the 30 Days of Thankfulness during November, stating something they were thankful for each day. Get a journal and do this with your family every day for a year. Some things might be silly, like being thankful for chocolate milk; others might be thankful for a bonus at work. Make it a family affair and have fun doing it!

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December 14, 2012

Title: The Dividends of $elf-Control
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Part 1 of 4

I know its Christmastime and it’s very hard to resist just one more great deal. Or maybe the kids see another toy or video game or super cool jacket that they “must have”.

But…Self-control is key when it comes to money-management, especially around the holidays. Dr. Gary Welton is here to spread some money-management cheer!

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

Some people get it. Some people don’t.

It doesn’t really matter if you’re young or old. But, experience does help when it comes to managing your finances. Failure is not recommended but it is okay and you CAN overcome it. Listen in as Dr. Welton gives some more advice of protecting your money.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

We’ve all been told that “failure is just not an option.”

But sometimes those best lessons in life come thru failure. Dr. Welton thinks so, especially when it comes to money management and planning for the future.

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Money Management
Discussed by Dr. Gary Welton

It’s much easier to rebuild from scratch, if necessary, when you’re young.

Don’t wait until you’re in your 50’s or 60’s to take a look at your credit and savings. Do it now! You will thank yourself for it later, trust me.

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August 16, 2012

Title: What's In A Recovery? Is The Canary In The Coal Mine Beginning To Feel Lightheaded?
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Shawn Ritenour

Part 1 of 4

Let's look at employment numbers today in America - is it true that we need over 150,000 new jobs per month to keep up with the population growth?

Let's look at true employment figures - is it a given that millions upon millions of Americans have given up looking for a job, therefore don't show up in unemployment figures? Would there be rioting if the total number of citizens without a job was added up?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Shawn Ritenour

What causes a recession? When would most economists, and even journalists, be in agreement that any given country is in a recession?

Is our economic performance worse than Japan's during its lost decade? What is the "lost decade"?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Shawn Ritenour

For our listeners just now joining in, what happened to Japan? Is America headed down that same disastrous path?

Was Japan about to see the light of day/ about to get back to prosperity when the tsunami hit, and did that send them backwards?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Shawn Ritenour

In concluding with Economics 101, what must we do to have true prosperity in America? What's wrong with education in America?

If the government got out of the way and didn't pick winners, is there still enough entrepreneurial spirit in America to lift us up to prosperity nationwide?

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