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September 10, 2015

Title: Boys Who Want to be Girls
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Matt Sharp
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The Obama Administration is telling school districts all across America that they must allow boys to use the girl’s restroom and changing facilities if the boy “identifies as a female”. There is no law that states school districts must do this. Allowing confused boys use the girl’s bathroom and locker room is just wrong. Period. It’s happened on the West Coast, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and even in Houston, Texas. The case in question today is the “transgender boy” from Ohio.

Matt Sharp serves as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he plays a key role on the Freedom of Conscience Team. Matt says, “Schools have a duty to protect the privacy, safety, and dignity of every student, not just a handful of students while the interests and rights of every other student are thrown out the window.”

The LGBTQ agenda is taking over our nation, specifically the younger generation. Listen in as Matt discusses student’s rights concerning this obvious display of discrimination against the majority. It’s so important that we stand up for our rights and refuse to allow LGBTQ’s to further their perverted agenda. For more on this and other issues, click here.

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