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March 27, 2014

Title: Is Your Personal Life Really Personal?
Topic: First Amendment Rights
Discussed by Travis Barham
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Part 1 of 3

As an atheist, Dr. Mike Adams frequently received accolades from his colleagues at the University of North Carolina – Willington. Dr. Adams was hired as an assistant professor in 1993 and promoted him to associate professor in 1998.

However, after his conversion to Christianity in 2000, things turned ugly. Dr. Adams’ new faith impacted his views on political and social issues. Subsequently, the university subjected Adams to a campaign of academic persecution that culminated in his denial of promotion to full professor, despite an award-winning record of teaching, research, and service.

Listen in as Travis Barham, with Alliance Defending Freedom, discusses a recent court decision in Dr. Adams’ favor.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: First Amendment Rights
Discussed by Travis Barham
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Dr. Mike Adams was a frequent blogger even before he became a Christian. He was always praised for his work and often asked to give his opinion on various issues facing our nation. He was well-respected.

When Dr. Adams became a born-again Christian, he continued to offer his opinion – but from a very different point of view. His employers at UNC-Wilmington were not pleased.

The jury hearing his discrimination case agreed that “an accomplished professor’s religious and political views is no grounds for denying him a promotion.”

Listen in for more.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: First Amendment Rights
Discussed by Travis Barham
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit wrote in 2011 that “no individual loses his ability to speak as a private citizen by virtue of public employment. Dr. Adams’ columns addressed topics such as academic freedom, civil rights, campus culture, sex, feminism, abortion, homosexuality, religion, and morality. Such topics plainly touched on issues of public, rather than private, concern.

This verdict is a huge victory for all Christians. For more on this and other issues facing our nation, log on to

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