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September 20, 2024

Title: Joanna – Yahweh has been Gracious
Topic: Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Last week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming began a new series on Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible, studying Achsah, the daughter of Caleb. His focus this week is Joanna, whose name means “Yahweh has been gracious.”

Scripture Passage: Luke 8

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


Yesterday, Pastor David discussed the meaning of discipleship and who disciples are.

What is Evangelism? Is every Christian called to be an Evangelist?

Are you living and working for or with Jesus to building God’s Kingdom? (John 15:5) Pastor David points out the difference between “for” and “with”.

REMEMBER: There is no such thing as a “lessor known” person in Christ. Some people’s names are just more well-known. (1 Corinthians 15:58; Colossians 3:23)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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September 19, 2024

Title: Joanna – Yahweh has been Gracious
Topic: Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Last week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming began a new series on Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible, studying Achsah, the daughter of Caleb. His focus this week is Joanna, whose name means “Yahweh has been gracious.”

Scripture Passage: Luke 8

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


Did you know that Joanna was one of the women who was at the crucifixion of Jesus? Did you know she was also among the women who discovered his empty tomb? (Luke 24)

Why was Joanna such a big inspiration for Luke’s Gospel?


What is a disciple of Jesus? (Matthew 28) YOU are if you are a fully devoted follower of Jesus.

What is an evangelism?

Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion of Pastor David’s explanation and more points for home.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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September 18, 2024

Title: Joanna – Yahweh has been Gracious
Topic: Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Last week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming began a new series on Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible, studying Achsah, the daughter of Caleb. His focus this week is Joanna, whose name means “Yahweh has been gracious.”

Scripture Passage: Luke 8

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



When and how did Joanna meet Jesus?

Why did Joanna become a disciple of Jesus? Did she follow Jesus from village to village? (Luke 9:23) Pastor David reminds us that sanctification is a process, not an overnight thing. In other words, we cannot profess our faith in Christ and stay where we are.

How did Joanna support the work and ministry of Jesus?

Was Joanna present at the crucifixion of Jesus? Was she one of the women who found the empty tomb? (Luke 24) Pastor David explains how Joanna became a faithful witness for Jesus.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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September 17, 2024

Title: Joanna – Yahweh has been Gracious
Topic: Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Last week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming began a new series on Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible, studying Achsah, the daughter of Caleb. His focus this week is Joanna, whose name means “Yahweh has been gracious.”

Scripture Passage: Luke 8

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



What value and role did women play in society at that time?

What were women allowed and not allowed to do? David discusses four cultural norms.

Did Jesus shun women? Or did Jesus often use women to further his father’s Kingdom? David offers just a few of the examples and reminds us that Jesus was “counter cultural”.


What do we know about Joanna’s past?

When and how did Joanna meet Jesus?

Why did Joanna become a disciple of Jesus?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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September 16, 2024

Title: Joanna – Yahweh has been Gracious
Topic: Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Last week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming began a new series on Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible, studying Achsah, the daughter of Caleb. His focus this week is Joanna, whose name means “Yahweh has been gracious.”

Scripture Passage: Luke 8

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


Who was Joanna married to and why is this important? Where did they live? Who did her husband work for? Did they both come from middle-to-upper-class families? Were they educated?

Was Joanna an unlikely Christ-follower?

What value and role did women play in society at that time? Tune in tomorrow as Pastor David discusses the cultural norms of them time.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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September 13, 2024

Title: Achsah, Daughter of Caleb
Topic: Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

This week, Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming subs in for Mark Lanier while he is away on an anniversary trip with his wife. He begins a new series on Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible. His focus this week is on Achsah, the daughter of Caleb.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



What can we learn about faith and courage from Achsah? Pastor David once again uses a great visual illustration to explain how our feelings affect our walk with God using a pie chart, which can be found at the 59-minute mark.

What can we learn from Achsah about the importance of being willing and able to be used by God? Pastor David discusses the significance of God using women to further His Kingdom in a culture that didn’t value women very much at all.


Galatians 3:28 – We are all one in Christ Jesus. God can and will use you.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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September 12, 2024

Title: Achsah, Daughter of Caleb
Topic: Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

This week, Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming subs in for Mark Lanier while he is away on an anniversary trip with his wife. He begins a new series on Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible. His focus this week is on Achsah, the daughter of Caleb.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



Was Achsah a “passive participant” in her father’s marriage plans for her? Pastor David uses an interactive pie chart on introverts and extroverts to explain Achsah’s feelings and attitude toward her arranged marriage. Click the link above and fast-forward to the 42-minute to view the chart.

What did Achsah ask of her father after her marriage? Pastor David discusses the significance of her request.


What did Achsah’s request to her father accomplish? Did this provide for generations to come?

What can we learn about trust and obedience from Achsah? Pastor David reminds us that God is good all the time and He will never fail us.

What can we learn about faith and courage from Achsah?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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September 11, 2024

Title: Achsah, Daughter of Caleb
Topic: Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

This week, Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming subs in for Mark Lanier while he is away on an anniversary trip with his wife. He begins a new series on Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible. His focus this week is on Achsah, the daughter of Caleb.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



Yesterday, Pastor David explained how Caleb was a loving father. Today, he continues with that as he discusses Caleb’s faith in God and obedience to God’s Word.

Was Achsah a “passive participant” in her father’s marriage plans for her?

Why did Achsah encourage her new husband to speak with her father? What was the problem? Click the link above and fast-forward to the 42-minute mark to view Pastor David’s introvert/extrovert pie chart on thinking and feelings.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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September 10, 2024

Title: Achsah, Daughter of Caleb
Topic: Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

This week, Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming subs in for Mark Lanier while he is away on an anniversary trip with his wife. He begins a new series on Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible. His focus this week is on Achsah, the daughter of Caleb.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



Yesterday, Pastor David explained who Achsah was, who her father was, and who she was betrothed to.

What is the “Route of the 12 Spies”? Pastor David shares a “dad joke”. Listen for it!

What happened in history of significance before Achsah came onto the scene? Pastor David discusses why the Israelites were forced to wander in the desert for 40 years and then the Conquest of Hebron and Debir.

Was Caleb a loving father? If so, why did he betroth Achsah to her first-cousin? Pastor David shares several situations that show Caleb as a loving father.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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September 9, 2024

Title: Achsah, Daughter of Caleb
Topic: Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

This week, Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming subs in for Mark Lanier while he is away on an anniversary trip with his wife. He begins a new series on Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible. His focus this week is on Achsah, the daughter of Caleb.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


NOTE: Pastor David discusses Mark Lanier’s “Video Thought for the Day”. Click here to become a subscriber. It’s FREE!

What is the recurring theme of the Book of Judges?

Is the judge in Judges an actual “judge”? Pastor David explains what it means in this book of the Bible.


Who is Achsah? Who was she betrothed to? Was he the first judge of Israel?

What did Achsah ask of Caleb, her father?

What is the “Route of the 12 Spies”? Pastor David shares a “dad joke”. Listen for it!

What happened in history of significance before Achsah came onto the scene?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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August 2, 2024

Title: God’s Majesty
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, Dr. David Capes continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, discussing the Majesty of God, using the first few verses of Ephesians 1.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.


What is “election”? (NO not “that” election!) Are we required to do anything specific in order to earn God’s love, affection, mercy, and grace? Dr. Capes continues his discusses of predestination from the past few days, incorporating election into the explanation.

How are we redeemed through the blood of Jesus? When was God’s purpose and will for us through Jesus revealed? Why was it a mystery – a secret? What is our inheritance in Christ? Dr. Capes discusses the second, third, and fourth spiritual blessings found in Ephesians 1.


Decide to follow Jesus TODAY.

Cultivate a new identity through worship.

Recognize that you live in this world, but also the heavenly places through Christ.

Celebrate the redemptive work of the Messiah and the promise of God’s inheritance.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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August 1, 2024

Title: God’s Majesty
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, Dr. David Capes continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, discussing the Majesty of God, using the first few verses of Ephesians 1.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.


What is “predestination”? Who are God’s chosen people? Why did God predestine us to be adopted as His sons and daughters? Dr. Capes discusses this first spiritual blessing found in Ephesians 1.

WHY does God love US? HOW can God love US – imperfect human beings, unworthy of His affection? Sing along with Dr. Capes: “Just as I Am”.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 31, 2024

Title: God’s Majesty
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, Dr. David Capes continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, discussing the Majesty of God, using the first few verses of Ephesians 1.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.


How does the Westminster Confession of Faith describe the Trinity of God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?

Christ is called the Messiah. What does “Christ the Messiah” mean? Dr. Capes has a great illustrative explanation for this. Click the above link and fast-forward to the 46-minute mark.

Where are the “heavenly places/realms”?

Why did God predestine us to be adopted as His sons and daughters? Dr. Capes discusses this first spiritual blessing found in Ephesians 1.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 30, 2024

Title: God’s Majesty
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, Dr. David Capes continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, discussing the Majesty of God, using the first few verses of Ephesians 1.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.


How do you view the majesty of God? Do you give God the reverence and respect He deserves?

How can we obtain a new identity in Christ? Dr. Capes references British New Testament scholar Andrew Lincoln (found at the above link around the 32-minute mark).

Why did Paul write the letter of Ephesians? Why was Ephesus considered the “anchor” of the area at the time?

What is the most common Jewish prayer? Click the above link and fast-forward to the 38-minute to view the prayer.

Why did Paul repeat the phrase “to the praise of his glory” three times (in Ephesians 1: 6, 12, and 14)?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 29, 2024

Title: God’s Majesty
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, Dr. David Capes continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, discussing the Majesty of God, using the first few verses of Ephesians 1.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.


What is the purpose of “creeds”? What is the Westminster Confession of Faith?

What is the majesty of God? Dr. Capes discusses a paper he wrote many years ago for the Southwestern Journal of Theology concerning Ephesians 1-3.

How do you view the majesty of God? Do you give God the reverence and respect He deserves?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 19, 2024

Title: God Said: I AM
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, reminding us of who God is using scripture and the second chapter of the Confession of Faith.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


If God doesn’t need us, why did He create us? Pastor David reminds us that God DESIRES us and we are His delight!

Is God obligated to love us no matter what we do? Pastor David explains how our relationship with God is not like any other relationship we will ever have.


We can spend our lives looking for love, acceptance, approval, forgiveness, salvation, and victory in the world and never finding it. Or we can spend our lives knowing that we come from a place of love, acceptance, approval, forgiveness, salvation, and victory in Christ Jesus.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 18, 2024

Title: God Said: I AM
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, reminding us of who God is using scripture and the second chapter of the Confession of Faith.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


Are you disturbed or troubled by the thought of God’s aseity? Or are you comforted, encouraged, or set-free? Pastor David discusses the problem with the first two options and why the others are an act of love on our part.

Do you ever compare your faith to others? Does God do that? NOPE!!

Does God depend on us for anything? Professor Matthew Perry, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary: “The Gospel depends on a God who is not dependent on us.”

On the flip side… Does God owe us anything? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! (Ephesians 2:8-10)

If salvation isn’t about us, why do we need to be saved? Pastor David has a great explanation for this using karate as an example.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 17, 2024

Title: God Said: I AM
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, reminding us of who God is using scripture and the second chapter of the Confession of Faith.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


Is God self-sufficient? Does God depend on us for anything? Does God need our help? (Acts 17:24-25; Psalm 50:10-12)

Is God self-satisfied? (Romans 11:33-36) Pastor David explains the difference between us being servants of God and God “needing” us to satisfy him.

What does God’s aseity mean to us? Why is it hard for some to understand that God doesn’t need us for anything, but instead longs for a relationship with us?

Are you disturbed or troubled by the thought of God’s aseity? Or are you comforted, encouraged, or set-free? Pastor David discusses the problem with the first two options and why the others are an act of love on our part.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 16, 2024

Title: God Said: I AM
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, reminding us of who God is using scripture and the second chapter of the Confession of Faith.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


What is the ASEITY of God? Pastor David begins discussing chapter 2 of The Confession of Faith, which can be found at the above link around the 26-minute mark.

Is God self-existent, pre-existent, and eternal? Does God “need” our prayers in order to grow stronger (like fake “gods”)? Is Jesus also self-existent, pre-existent, and eternal? (John 5)

Is God self-sufficient? Does God depend on us for anything? Does God need our help? (Acts 17:24-25; Psalm 50:10-12)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 15, 2024

Title: God Said: I AM
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, reminding us of who God is using scripture and the second chapter of the Confession of Faith.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


What is an “attribute”?

Why does Pastor David say that “anything we say about God is an understatement”? He uses Job 7 and Romans 11 as he explains this. He also discusses the Westminster Confession of Faith and recommends the classic book, “The Humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines”, just as Pastor Brent spoke about last week.

Why don’t Baptist participate in “confession”? If confession isn’t inherently “bad”, what can/should we do instead?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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May 10, 2024

Title: Revelation: The Apocalyptic Writings of Paul
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week with a look at the writings of Paul. He is not continuing the series on Revelation, but it is still in the same theme from the past few months.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

What warning did Paul give the people?

How is it possible that we will live again after we die? (1 Corinthians 15:51-53)

How can death be a comfort? (1 Corinthian 15:5; Isaiah 25:8)


Trust that Mark Lanier is right about a lot of stuff! Trust that he knows what he’s talking about.

We are wrapped up in a big mystery about The End Times and even our own lives.

Have hope that a glorious new world is coming!

Know that we are truly battling against spiritual forces. We only see part of it!

Yield to the man in the boat! Remember that God wants to rescue you from the present evil age.

Grief over loss is right. So, grieve with hope in the resurrection.

Remember that Jesus is coming, the dead will rise, and the living will be metamorphosed.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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May 9, 2024

Title: Revelation: The Apocalyptic Writings of Paul
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week with a look at the writings of Paul. He is not continuing the series on Revelation, but it is still in the same theme from the past few months.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Yesterday, Dr. Capes closed the segment reading from “The Silver Chair” by CS Lewis. Today he concludes his reading, reminding us: “There are two kinds of people: living and dead. Both have the same destiny.”

PAUL’S MINDSET: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Why was Paul so specific when he wrote about this vision/revelation?

What did the trumpet sound like? Who blew the trumpet? What was the purpose of the trumpet? Dr. Capes references Exodus 19:16-19, Joel 2:1-2 and Isaiah 27:13.

What warning did Paul give the people?

How is it possible that we will live again after we die? (1 Corinthians 15:51-53)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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May 8, 2024

Title: Revelation: The Apocalyptic Writings of Paul
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week with a look at the writings of Paul. He is not continuing the series on Revelation, but it is still in the same theme from the past few months.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

PAUL’S MINDSET: Galatians 1:3-5

What does salvation mean? How did Paul know what salvation meant?

What is evangelism? Did Paul understand what evangelism is? What is the purpose of evangelism? Dr. Capes compares someone swimming in a pool versus someone swimming in a lake to explain…

PAUL’S MINDSET: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15

What does “sleep” mean in this verse?

How can we “sleep in Jesus”?

Why did Paul write “that you may not grieve”? Did he mean that we shouldn’t be sad? Dr. Capes quotes Theocritus, a Greek poet: “Hopes are for the living. The dead are without hope.”

Dr. Capes closes this segment reading from “The Silver Chair” by CS Lewis. He will conclude his reading tomorrow.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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May 7, 2024

Title: Revelation: The Apocalyptic Writings of Paul
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week with a look at the writings of Paul. He is not continuing the series on Revelation, but it is still in the same theme from the past few months.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Were prophets like Paul super important people? Or were they just every day, common men who God chose to further His Kingdom?

Were Early Church Christians, especially prophets, persecuted?

What is the purpose of apocalyptic literature?

PAUL’S MINDSET: 2 Corinthians 2

Dr. David Capes paints a great picture of Paul’s vision, using a timeline to explain the two ages of history: one ruled by Satan and one ruled by God. Click the link above and fast-forward to the 42-minute mark to view the timeline.

Tune in tomorrow as Dr. David Capes digs deeper in to Galatians 1:3-5

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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May 6, 2024

Title: Revelation: The Apocalyptic Writings of Paul
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week with a look at the writings of Paul. He is not continuing the series on Revelation, but it is still in the same theme from the past few months.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What credentials does Dr. Capes have to teach on the Second Coming of Jesus? Click here for more about Dr. David Capes.

What are some of the traits of apocalyptic literature?

What is apocalyptic literature? Dr. Capes quotes author John J. Collins. Click the link above and fast-forward to the 30-minute mark to see the quote and to view Dr. Capes’ visual breakdown of the definition.

Have you ever experienced an apocalyptic event?

How important is symbolism in apocalyptic literature?

Were prophets like Paul super important people? Or were they just every day, common men who God chose to further His Kingdom?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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April 12, 2024

Title: Revelation Part 9: Approaches and Interpretations
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Former Champion Forest Baptist Church Pastor David Fleming fills in for Mark Lanier. This week, he teaches on the various approaches and interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:


What is “wrong” with an a-millennial approach to the book? Pastor Fleming discusses the most obvious reasons, specifically when it comes to Israel.


Systematic approaches are helpful.

Keep an open mind.

Jesus is coming again! Live with that reality in mind.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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April 11, 2024

Title: Revelation Part 9: Approaches and Interpretations
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Former Champion Forest Baptist Church Pastor David Fleming fills in for Mark Lanier. This week, he teaches on the various approaches and interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:


What is the most popular approach taken to the book of Revelation? Why is it so appealing? Pastor Fleming continues to discuss the differences in the various approaches.

Which approach most correlates with events taking place around the world, specifically in Israel?

What is “wrong” with a pre-millennial approach? Pastor Fleming discusses sin, rebellion, death after the Second Coming, delayed resurrection/judgement, the Third Temple, and Armageddon.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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April 10, 2024

Title: Revelation Part 9: Approaches and Interpretations
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Former Champion Forest Baptist Church Pastor David Fleming fills in for Mark Lanier. This week, he teaches on the various approaches and interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:


How are we to read, interpret, and organize the book? Yesterday, Pastor Fleming discussed linear, chronological, or a circular progression kind of reading. Today he discusses a “new” approach: the alternating pattern.

How do we interpret the text of Revelation? Pastor Fleming discusses: preterists, futurists, historicists, idealists, and eclecticists.

How can we organize the events that are written about in Revelation? Pastor Fleming breaks down the millennial, post-millennial, a-millennial, and pre-millennial approaches.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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April 9, 2024

Title: Revelation Part 9: Approaches and Interpretations
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Former Champion Forest Baptist Church Pastor David Fleming fills in for Mark Lanier. This week, he teaches on the various approaches and interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Where do you get your “ideas” or “opinions” about Revelation? Are you prepared to answer that question? Pastor Fleming discusses some influences. Click here to view the beliefs of CFBC about The End Times.


How are we to read, interpret, and organize the book? Are you linear, chronological, or a circular progression kind of reader?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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April 8, 2024

Title: Revelation Part 9: Approaches and Interpretations
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Former Champion Forest Baptist Church Pastor David Fleming fills in for Mark Lanier. This week, he teaches on the various approaches and interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do so many people, including Christians, differ in their opinion and interpretation of the book of Revelation? Pastor Fleming discusses the dangers “confirmation bias” and why it’s so important to constantly study and learn from the Bible.

(Revelation 1:1-3)

Why should our approach be reverential?

Why should we approach the book with an open mind and open eyes?

Why should we learn to be obedient when reading Revelation?

(Revelation 22:18-21)

Why should we be careful with the text and context of the book?

Why should we long to see Jesus in his revelation to us?

Why should we look for ways to be gracious to others when reading Revelation?

Where did you get your “ideas” or “opinions” about Revelation? Are you prepared to answer that question? Pastor Fleming will discuss more influences in tomorrow’s segment.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 29, 2024

Title: Revelation Part 9: Approaches and Interpretations
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Former Champion Forest Baptist Church Pastor David Fleming fills in for Mark Lanier. This week, he teaches on the various approaches and interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:


What is “wrong” with an a-millennial approach to the book? Pastor Fleming discusses the most obvious reasons, specifically when it comes to Israel.


Systematic approaches are helpful.

Keep an open mind.

Jesus is coming again! Live with that reality in mind.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 28, 2024

Title: Revelation Part 9: Approaches and Interpretations
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Former Champion Forest Baptist Church Pastor David Fleming fills in for Mark Lanier. This week, he teaches on the various approaches and interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:


What is the most popular approach taken to the book of Revelation? Why is it so appealing? Pastor Fleming continues to discuss the differences in the various approaches.

Which approach most correlates with events taking place around the world, specifically in Israel?

What is “wrong” with a pre-millennial approach? Pastor Fleming discusses sin, rebellion, death after the Second Coming, delayed resurrection/judgement, the Third Temple, and Armageddon.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 27, 2024

Title: Revelation Part 9: Approaches and Interpretations
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Former Champion Forest Baptist Church Pastor David Fleming fills in for Mark Lanier. This week, he teaches on the various approaches and interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:


How are we to read, interpret, and organize the book? Yesterday, Pastor Fleming discussed linear, chronological, or a circular progression kind of reading. Today he discusses a “new” approach: the alternating pattern.

How do we interpret the text of Revelation? Pastor Fleming discusses: preterists, futurists, historicists, idealists, and eclecticists.

How can we organize the events that are written about in Revelation? Pastor Fleming breaks down the millennial, post-millennial, a-millennial, and pre-millennial approaches.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 26, 2024

Title: Revelation Part 9: Approaches and Interpretations
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Former Champion Forest Baptist Church Pastor David Fleming fills in for Mark Lanier. This week, he teaches on the various approaches and interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Where do you get your “ideas” or “opinions” about Revelation? Are you prepared to answer that question? Pastor Fleming discusses some influences. Click here to view the beliefs of CFBC about The End Times.


How are we to read, interpret, and organize the book? Are you linear, chronological, or a circular progression kind of reader?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 25, 2024

Title: Revelation Part 9: Approaches and Interpretations
Topic: Revelation
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Former Champion Forest Baptist Church Pastor David Fleming fills in for Mark Lanier. This week, he teaches on the various approaches and interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do so many people, including Christians, differ in their opinion and interpretation of the book of Revelation? Pastor Fleming discusses the dangers “confirmation bias” and why it’s so important to constantly study and learn from the Bible.

(Revelation 1:1-3)

Why should our approach be reverential?

Why should we approach the book with an open mind and open eyes?

Why should we learn to be obedient when reading Revelation?

(Revelation 22:18-21)

Why should we be careful with the text and context of the book?

Why should we long to see Jesus in his revelation to us?

Why should we look for ways to be gracious to others when reading Revelation?

Where did you get your “ideas” or “opinions” about Revelation? Are you prepared to answer that question? Pastor Fleming will discuss more influences in tomorrow’s segment.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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November 17, 2023

Title: Genesis 2 and 3: The Garden and the Fall
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the Genesis Biblical Literacy lesson. This week, he teaches on Genesis 2 and 3, explaining how the Genesis Story and the fall of humanity aren’t so much about sin, but rather about trusting in God.

David Fleming is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. He and his wife, Beverly, also serve as missionaries in the UK.

To view Pastor David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



What were the consequences laid upon humanity for Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden? David Fleming discusses innocence to shame/guilt, intimacy with God to separation, pleasure in life to pain, and immortality to suffering and death.


How did Moses prepare the people for The Tabernacle and the Ten Commandments through the Genesis Creation Story? (Deuteronomy 11)

How does the Genesis Creation Story prepare us today through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross? (Romans 5)


God pursues us. (Genesis 3:8-9)

God promises us. (Genesis 3:15)

God provides for us. (Genesis 3:21)

Remember: There is a garden in your past, but there is a garden in your future, too. God was in your past, but God is in your future, too.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 16, 2023

Title: Genesis 2 and 3: The Garden and the Fall
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the Genesis Biblical Literacy lesson. This week, he teaches on Genesis 2 and 3, explaining how the Genesis Story and the fall of humanity aren’t so much about sin, but rather about trusting in God.

David Fleming is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. He and his wife, Beverly, also serve as missionaries in the UK.

To view Pastor David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



Yesterday, David Fleming taught about the serpent’s temptation to Eve and how incredibly crafty he was in the way he worded his question to her about God’s commandment.

Today, he discusses the “big deal” about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and why Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat its’ fruit.

What was so special about this one particular tree? Was it about the tree/fruit or was it about trust?

Was the serpent really asking: “Is God withholding for your good or is God withholding good from you?

Was the serpent tempting Eve with the knowledge that God has?

Is God good? Is God the one true God? David Fleming reminds us: “If God is God, nothing else matters.”

Did Eve understand what “evil” was? Did she understand death?

Did Adam and Eve realize immediately that they had done something wrong/bad?

Did God know immediately that Adam and Eve had sinned?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 15, 2023

Title: Genesis 2 and 3: The Garden and the Fall
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the Genesis Biblical Literacy lesson. This week, he teaches on Genesis 2 and 3, explaining how the Genesis Story and the fall of humanity aren’t so much about sin, but rather about trusting in God.

David Fleming is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. He and his wife, Beverly, also serve as missionaries in the UK.

To view Pastor David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



What was God’s one commandment to Adam?

Why were Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? What was their purpose?

Why didn’t God just move the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil out of the Garden of Eden?


How did the serpent (Satan) tempt Eve? Was he incredibly crafty in how he worded his question to her?

Adam and Eve obviously didn’t die immediately when they ate the fruit. Was the serpent “right”?

What did the people think of Moses’ version of the Fall of Humanity? Were they confused? Did they believe him?

So, what was the “big deal” about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? What was so special about this one particular tree? Tune in tomorrow as David Fleming digs deeper into this commentary…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 14, 2023

Title: Genesis 2 and 3: The Garden and the Fall
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the Genesis Biblical Literacy lesson. This week, he teaches on Genesis 2 and 3, explaining how the Genesis Story and the fall of humanity aren’t so much about sin, but rather about trusting in God.

David Fleming is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. He and his wife, Beverly, also serve as missionaries in the UK.

To view Pastor David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



There have always been many, many ideas about the creation of the world. David Fleming briefly describes the African, Greek, and Egyptian myths.

Was Moses familiar with the Egyptian myth of creation?

In the other creation myths, who was responsible for The Fall of Humanity?

How do we know that God’s Creation is the true one?

What was God’s one commandment to Adam?

Why were Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? What was their purpose?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 13, 2023

Title: Genesis 2 and 3: The Garden and the Fall
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the Genesis Biblical Literacy lesson. This week, he teaches on Genesis 2 and 3, explaining how the Genesis Story and the fall of humanity aren’t so much about sin, but rather about trusting in God.

David Fleming is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. He and his wife, Beverly, also serve as missionaries in the UK.

To view Pastor David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


David Fleming begins the lesson with a short review of Mark’s lesson from last week:
Did God really walk in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve? Do we know where the Garden of Eden was located? Is the Garden of Eden forever closed to human beings? What really happened in the Garden of Eden? Where are we going? Why are we here?


What was Moses thinking when he wrote The Torah, specifically Genesis? David Fleming warns that we must read the Scripture in context and never try to put words in God’s mouth.

What language was Genesis written in?

Who was the Book of Genesis written for? Who was it written to? What’s the difference?

There has always been many, many ideas about the creation of the world. How do we know that God’s Creation is the true one? Tune in tomorrow as David Fleming discusses this is further detail…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 11, 2023

Title: A Hermeneutical Approach Part 8: Emmanuel
Topic: Better Bible Study
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

This week, Dr. David Capes continues in the summer series “Better Bible Study” with a look at the theme of Emmanuel found in Matthew.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Why is it important to study all Scripture, not just bits and pieces? Can unclear or troubling verses become clear when we study the whole Bible?

Why did Jesus ask his disciples who they thought he was and what the people thought of him? Who do you say Jesus (Emmanuel) is? (Matthew 16:13-16)

Is church a habit or something important to you? Who sits on the throne in your heart? If it’s anyone or anything other than God, you need to make some changes.

POINTS FOR HOME: Who is Emmanuel?

The Lord who returns in glory and in person

The Lord who stands as Judge on Judgement Day

The Lord of the wind and the waves

The Lord who has authority to forgive sins

The Lord who hears our prayers and heals us

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 10, 2023

Title: A Hermeneutical Approach Part 8: Emmanuel
Topic: Better Bible Study
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

This week, Dr. David Capes continues in the summer series “Better Bible Study” with a look at the theme of Emmanuel found in Matthew.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


What is incarnation? Where is incarnation mentioned in the Bible? Why do scholars disagree on this subject? What is Dr. Capes’ opinion?

Did Jesus really perform miracles? Was he accused of blasphemy? (Matthew 9:1-8; Matthew 15:21-28; Matthew 17:14-15; Matthew 20:30-31)

Can we “pray” the Psalms? (Psalm 6:2-3; Palms 30:10; Psalm 86:3)

How did Jesus heal the two blind men? What did they say to Jesus that caught his attention? Should we pray the same? (Matthew 20:30-31; Psalm 123)

Have you ever prayed for mercy from the LORD? Dr. Capes urges you to!

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 9, 2023

Title: A Hermeneutical Approach Part 8: Emmanuel
Topic: Better Bible Study
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

This week, Dr. David Capes continues in the summer series “Better Bible Study” with a look at the theme of Emmanuel found in Matthew.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Why did Matthew quote the Isaiah passage when revealing who Emmanuel is? Dr. Capes reminds us how Isaiah knew, without doubt, who Jesus (Emmanuel) would be.

Why was John the Baptist commissioned to go into the wilderness and prepare the way?

What was the purpose of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount? What is the significance of “Lord, Lord!”? (Matthew 7:21-23; 25:11)

How do we know that Jesus is the One True King – Emmanuel? (Matthew 8:23-27; Psalm 107:25-32; Psalm 65)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 8, 2023

Title: A Hermeneutical Approach Part 8: Emmanuel
Topic: Better Bible Study
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

This week, Dr. David Capes continues in the summer series “Better Bible Study” with a look at the theme of Emmanuel found in Matthew.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


What did Hosea name his three children? What do their names mean and what is the significance?

What does “Emmanuel” mean? Was it a common name?

How does the Gospel of Matthew begin? How does it end?

What is the promise found in the book of Isaiah about the coming king? (Isaiah 7)

Who was John the Baptist? Why did Jesus seek him out? (Matthew 3:3)

How did the Early Church prepare for the coming king? Did they fully grasp the importance of Emmanuel, Jesus Christ? (Isaiah 40)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 7, 2023

Title: A Hermeneutical Approach Part 8: Emmanuel
Topic: Better Bible Study
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

This week, Dr. David Capes continues in the summer series “Better Bible Study” with a look at the theme of Emmanuel found in Matthew.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


What is the “fulfillment of Scripture”? Dr. Capes references David Gooding’s explanation.

How did the people know that Jesus was Emmanuel? How do we know today? What is “Christology”?

Why did prophets usually both speak and act out their messages/prophecies?

Why did the LORD command Isaiah to give certain names to his sons? What do their names mean in Hebrew? This is really interesting – and a little bit funny! (Isaiah 7:3; Isaiah 8:3-4)

What did Hosea name his three children? What do their names mean and what is the significance?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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May 12, 2023

Title: Zechariah Part 2
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Dr. David Capes continues the series on the Minor Prophets with another look at Zechariah.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

Click here for more information about Dr. David Capes and to order a copy of his many books.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


ZECHARIAH: “ON THAT DAY…” Zechariah 12-14

What were some of the promises in Zechariah’s prophecy? Dr. David Capes discussed several of the promises yesterday and concludes them today…


His work is your work. The work of the Messiah is also the work of the people of the Messiah.

Who is Jesus? Jesus, the Messiah, is the embodiment of the God of Israel.

Follow the example of Jesus. Be humble and love others.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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May 11, 2023

Title: Zechariah Part 2
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Dr. David Capes continues the series on the Minor Prophets with another look at Zechariah.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

Click here for more information about Dr. David Capes and to order a copy of his many books.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


ZECHARIAH: “ON THAT DAY…” Zechariah 12-14

Why did Zechariah write “on that day…” so many times in his prophecy? Dr. David Capes reads many of the passages…

Why do Jews gather together on Friday night and Saturday mornings? Dr. Capes and class member Ms. Carolyn recite some of The Shema.

How was Zechariah’s oracle a “burden”?

What were some of the promises in Zechariah’s prophecy? Dr. Capes discusses several today and will conclude the lesson tomorrow.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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May 10, 2023

Title: Zechariah Part 2
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Dr. David Capes continues the series on the Minor Prophets with another look at Zechariah.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

Click here for more information about Dr. David Capes and to order a copy of his many books.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


BONUS FACT: The New Testament quotes/references passages from the book of Zechariah 66 times! 

Zechariah 12:10 and Revelation 1:7

Zechariah: Why is this a hard passage to translate? Why did Zechariah write about the descendants of Jesus? What was his prophecy about the death of Jesus?

Revelation: Who will see the second coming of the Messiah? Dr. Capes shares a story about visiting a replica of the Shroud of Turin. He also shares an illustration of the shroud. Click the YouTube link above and fast-forward to the 44-minute mark for more.

Today, Dr. David Capes also compares Zechariah 13:7 and Matthew 26:31 and Zechariah 11:13 and Matthew 26:15

Tune in tomorrow as Dr. David Capes continues to teach on the purpose and meaning of Zechariah’s mentioning “on that day…” in prophecy.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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May 9, 2023

Title: Zechariah Part 2
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Dr. David Capes continues the series on the Minor Prophets with another look at Zechariah.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

Click here for more information about Dr. David Capes and to order a copy of his many books.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Zechariah 2:10

What is the “goal” of history? Was the world really created by God? Or did we evolve?

Where does the Messiah belong in history?

What did Zechariah prophecy about the coming of the Messiah?

What is the “present evil age”? (reference Paul)

What is the “age of wrath”? (reference the Dead Sea Scrolls)

What is the “Kingdom of God” and the “world to come”?

BONUS FACT: The New Testament quotes/references passages from the book of Zechariah 66 times!

Zechariah 9:9 and Matthew 21:4-5

NOTE: Click the YouTube link above and fast-forward to the 38-minute mark to view the illustration Dr. David Capes references. Zechariah: What was the Roman world like when Zechariah had his prophecy? How were the slaves used during a war? What did the generals do during a war?

Matthew: How did Jesus come to earth? What was he riding? How did the people react to Jesus?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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May 8, 2023

Title: Zechariah Part 2
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Dr. David Capes continues the series on the Minor Prophets with another look at Zechariah.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

Click here for more information about Dr. David Capes and to order a copy of his many books.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


REVIEW: What does the name “Zechariah” mean? What is contained within the pages of Zechariah? Check out Mark’s lesson from last week if you missed it!

What does “Messiah” mean? What is the Messiah’s job? How was the Messiah portrayed at the time of Zechariah? Did the people believe that there would be more than one Messiah?

BOOK REFERENCE: “Rediscovering Jesus” by Dr. David Capes, Rodney Reeves, and E. Randolph Richards

Zechariah 2:10

How is this verse part of the Messianic Hope?
What is Second Temple Judaism?
What promise did the people have about the coming of a Messiah?
Did the people believe that God Himself would return?
Dr. Capes quotes NT Wright about the return of the Messiah: “The long-awaited return of YHWH to Zion is… the origin of Christology.”
What is the “goal” of history? Was the world really created by God? Or did we evolve?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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April 28, 2023

Title: Haggai
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Mark Lanier is a grandpa again! He is on vacation, so Dr. David Fleming continues the Minor Prophets series with a look at Haggai. This week, he will discuss five themes found in the book, encouraging us every step of the way to examine our own obedience to God and apply the lessons we learn to our daily lives.

Dr. Fleming is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC. He is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library

To view Dr. David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Theme #4 from Haggai: He is With You
How do we know that God is on our side? Is God always ready to help us, if only we would ask? Dr. Fleming shares a story about a dad who asked his son to move stones in a riverbed…

Theme #5 from Haggai: He is Faithful
What promise did God fulfill to the people of Judah? Did they have to wait until they were in full obedience to witness the promise? Will He do the same thing for you?

What is the sum of the themes from Haggai? God is loving, merciful, forgiving, persistently forgiving, sovereign, and able. (Philippians 1:6)

What did God say to you through this lesson? What’s on your to-do list?
Will you go and do it?
Remember: The Lord will be with you!

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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April 27, 2023

Title: Haggai
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Mark Lanier is a grandpa again! He is on vacation, so Dr. David Fleming continues the Minor Prophets series with a look at Haggai. This week, he will discuss five themes found in the book, encouraging us every step of the way to examine our own obedience to God and apply the lessons we learn to our daily lives.

Dr. Fleming is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC. He is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library

To view Dr. David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Theme #3 from Haggai: Go and Do
Yesterday, Dr. Fleming discussed the importance of building a temple to worship in and what the temple represented.
Had the people forgotten God’s promise? Do YOU ever forget God’s promise to you?
Does obedience make God happy? Does God still love us when we are disobedient?
What happens when we are obedient to God?
Why is it so hard to just “go and do it”? Shouldn’t it be super easy?
Why doesn’t God just snap His fingers and do it for us?
Does God want us to stay in our “comfort zone”?
Why must we experience difficult situations?
Dr. Fleming mentions the book, “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby. Click the lesson link above and fast-forward to the 58-minute mark to view the “Seven Realities of Experiencing God” from the book.

Tune in tomorrow as Dr. Fleming discusses the final two themes and offers his points for home.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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April 26, 2023

Title: Haggai
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Mark Lanier is a grandpa again! He is on vacation, so Dr. David Fleming continues the Minor Prophets series with a look at Haggai. This week, he will discuss five themes found in the book, encouraging us every step of the way to examine our own obedience to God and apply the lessons we learn to our daily lives.

Dr. Fleming is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC. He is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library

To view Dr. David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


What was the problem with the people of Judah? Why were they so dissatisfied with their lives?
What was Judah’s prophecy from God about the people’s problems and priorities? Dr. Fleming says: “It’s not about what we have. It’s about what has us.” So true!
The Real Question: Where are you with Jesus? Where is Jesus on your list of priorities?

Theme #3 from Haggai: Go and Do
Why are our actions just as important as our spoken words?
Why were the people commanded to build a temple?
What did the temple represent?
Did God “need” the temple? If not, why did the people need to build it?
Does obedience make God happy?

Tune in tomorrow for more on this theme and a great reminder from Dr. Fleming that God doesn’t forget His promises to us, but sometimes we have to go outside of our comfort zone to experience that promise.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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April 25, 2023

Title: Haggai
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Mark Lanier is a grandpa again! He is on vacation, so Dr. David Fleming continues the Minor Prophets series with a look at Haggai. This week, he will discuss five themes found in the book, encouraging us every step of the way to examine our own obedience to God and apply the lessons we learn to our daily lives.

Dr. Fleming is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC. He is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library

To view Dr. David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Theme #1 from Haggai: God Speaks
How many times did Haggai write a version of “God spoke” in the two chapters? A LOT!
Was Haggai’s letter his opinion or his own words? How do we know that God spoke to Haggai?
Why is it important to pay attention and take notes when we are listening for and to the Word of God? Dr. Fleming shares a story about one of his first ministry assignments. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Theme #2 from Haggai: Consider Your Ways
What exactly does “consider your ways” mean? Dr. Fleming references James 1:23 and Isaiah 6:4-5 to explain…
How often do you look in the mirror and “judge” yourself? OUCH!
Have you ever considered that your problem is actually YOU? OUCH AGAIN!

Tune in tomorrow for more themes from Haggai.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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April 24, 2023

Title: Haggai
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Mark Lanier is a grandpa again! He is on vacation, so Dr. David Fleming continues the Minor Prophets series with a look at Haggai. This week, he will discuss five themes found in the book, encouraging us every step of the way to examine our own obedience to God and apply the lessons we learn to our daily lives.

Dr. Fleming is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC. He is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library

To view Dr. David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


CONTEXT (Haggai 1:1-11)

Dr. Fleming offers a short review of the Assyrian and Babylon Empires, the ruin of Judah, the Persian Empire, and the rebuilding of Judah. How long were the people gone from Judah? At this time, how long had the people been back in Judah? What had the people accomplished in those few short years? Were the people happy or dissatisfied with the progress?

Why did the Promised Land not fulfill its promise? Tune in tomorrow as Dr. Fleming begins answering this question with Theme #1 from Haggai: God Speaks.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 31, 2023

Title: Zephaniah Part 1
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on the minor prophet Zephaniah. This week, Dr. Capes will focus on three areas: the oracles against the nations, the oracles against Judah, and a vision of hope.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


When a nation and its people mess up, why is there always judgement first? Will restoration always follow? Can they truly be delivered from their enemies and receive justice for wrongs against them?

Obedience brings blessing. Disobedience brings hardship.
The God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are the same.
Every empire or superpower is one generation away from collapse and becoming the dust of history.
Seek the Lord while he may be found. Humble yourself.
There is a new world coming. Look forward to it!

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 30, 2023

Title: Zephaniah Part 1
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on the minor prophet Zephaniah. This week, Dr. Capes will focus on three areas: the oracles against the nations, the oracles against Judah, and a vision of hope.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


ORACLES AGAINST JUDAH: Zephaniah 1:4-2:2
Why was God so angry with the people of Judah? Dr. Capes passionately reads the Scripture and then reminds us that we will not take anything from this earth with us to heaven. Nothing can give us hope but Jesus.
What warning did God give the people through Zephaniah’s prophecy?

Why was the promise given to the people through Zephaniah’s prophecy so specific?
Why is it important to remain humble before the Lord?
Should we also remain obedient to His commands? Of course! What happens when we don’t, though? Nothing good!

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 29, 2023

Title: Zephaniah Part 1
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on the minor prophet Zephaniah. This week, Dr. Capes will focus on three areas: the oracles against the nations, the oracles against Judah, and a vision of hope.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email



What were the people of these nations like?

What were they doing to the other nations?

What was Zephaniah’s prophecy against them?

BONUS: Why is the land of the Cushites only mentioned in one little verse? (2:12)


How powerful was Nineveh at the time of Zephaniah? How big was it? Dr. Capes offers a short geographical lesson. Click the link above and fast-forward to 43-minute mark to view the map.

What were the people doing that was so horrible to deserve God’s wrath?

Do you remember King Ashurbanipal? Mark taught on him last week. Dr. Capes goes into more detail about the people’s lifestyle and the king’s coming destruction. (Isaiah 45:5)

How long did it take for Nineveh to fall? Dr. Capes reminds us that throughout history, great nations have been reduced to rubble. Click the link above and fast-forward to the 49-minute mark to view the timeline.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 28, 2023

Title: Zephaniah Part 1
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on the minor prophet Zephaniah. This week, Dr. Capes will focus on three areas: the oracles against the nations, the oracles against Judah, and a vision of hope.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email



How big was the Assyrian Empire at the time of Zephaniah? Did it include the land of Judah? Dr. Capes discusses the area then and now.

What nations were condemned under Zephaniah’s prophecy?

Were there specific cities in each nation that were also targeted?

What people groups were mentioned in Zephaniah’s prophecy? What was going to happen to them?

Were there also threats and promises made?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 27, 2023

Title: Zephaniah Part 1
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on the minor prophet Zephaniah. This week, Dr. Capes will focus on three areas: the oracles against the nations, the oracles against Judah, and a vision of hope.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


How is Zephaniah’s name meant to be pronounced? What does his name mean? Why are there so many names in the Old Testament that end with “niah”? This is super interesting!

Who was the king of Judah at this time? Dr. Capes discusses some fun facts about King Josiah, his genealogy, and why he removed worship of other gods from his land. He also explains what he believes the Book of the Law was and when/where they found this amazing piece of history.

Why is the book of Zephaniah full of gloom, despair, and agony?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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February 17, 2023

Title: Micah Part 1
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week with a look at the Minor Prophet Micah. Dr. Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


What was God’s promise to the people through Micah’s prophecy?
Is this the same promise He has given to us?
What do we have to look forward to in the future as children of God? Dr. Capes shares an interesting piece of art from minister Edward Hicks called the “Peaceable Kingdom”.
Did Micah’s prophecy about the fall of Samaria come true?
What happened to Judah?

Obedience brings blessings. Disobedience brings hardship.
Divine judgement is not just an Old Testament problem.
Divine restoration is not just a New Testament promise.
God hates violence and injustice. He will punish those who practice it.
God uses ordinary people and ordinary means to convey His message.
There is a new world coming!

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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February 16, 2023

Title: Micah Part 1
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week with a look at the Minor Prophet Micah. Dr. Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


ORACLES IN MICAH: Social Ills Denounced (Micah 2-3:9)
Were the people coveting and taking land that was not theirs?
What did God say to the people through Micah?
Was God once again blaming the rulers and leaders of the nation for the disobedience of the people?
Were some prophets “evil”? God has a lot to say about this!
What did God command of the rulers, priests, and prophets? Were they obeying Him?

BIGGER QUESTION: Are the rulers of OUR land obeying God’s commands?

Dr. David Capes closes this segment condemning the violence in America, urging us to pray for our leaders – and to vote the wicked out of office! He also shares a sad story from England, about a 14-year-old girl who took her own life due to the negative effects of social media.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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February 15, 2023

Title: Micah Part 1
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week with a look at the Minor Prophet Micah. Dr. Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


ORACLES IN MICAH: Indictments Against Samaria (Micah 1:2-7)
What was Micah’s prophecy to Samaria?
Who was responsible for transgressions in Samaria?
Did the people deserve God’s judgement?
Why did Micah accuse Samaria of “prostitution”?
Were the people worshipping idols?
Were the people fearful after Micah’s prophecy or did they ignore his warnings?

ORACLES IN MICAH: Social Ills Denounced (Micah 2-3:9)
What was Micah’s prophecy about evildoers?
Were the people coveting and taking land that was not theirs?
What did God say to the people through Micah?
Was God once again blaming the rulers and leaders of the nation for the disobedience of the people?
Tune in tomorrow for more on the social ills of Micah’s day.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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February 14, 2023

Title: Micah Part 1
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week with a look at the Minor Prophet Micah. Dr. Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Yesterday, Dr. David Capes used maps of the world to explain what the world of Micah was like – the Assyrian Empire, divided monarchies, where most people lived in Israel, and why foreign powers tried to conquer Isarel over and over again.

Today, he continues his discussion. Click here and fast-forward to the 28-minute mark to view the illustrations.

Who was in Micah’s neighborhood? Dr. Capes discusses the various people groups in Israel, their inner wars, and how Israel has fought for their land time and time again throughout history.

Were Micah’s neighbors helpful or just waiting for their chance to pounce?

How did Micah influence Jeremiah, who lived over 100 years later? Why was Jeremiah taken to court for blasphemy? How did Jeremiah plead his case? Did Jeremiah survive their accusations and call for death? (Jeremiah 26)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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February 13, 2023

Title: Micah Part 1
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week with a look at the Minor Prophet Micah. Dr. Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Who were the kings of Judah during the days of Micah? What do we know about them? Why isn’t more attention paid to the kings of Judah?

Why do the prophets, including Micah, talk so much about judgement and restoration?

What did the world of Micah look like? Dr. Capes uses maps of the world to explain the Assyrian Empire, divided monarchies, where most people lived in Israel, and why foreign powers tried to conquer Isarel over and over again. Click here and fast-forward to the 22-minute mark to view the illustrations.

Tune in tomorrow as Dr. David Capes continues to talk about the “people in the neighborhood”.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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December 16, 2022

Title: Amos Part 5
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Pastor David Fleming continues the Minor Prophets Biblical Literacy lesson series with another look at the prophet Amos.

David is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. David and his wife, Beverly, are currently serving as missionaries in the UK.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What Do We Do? Amos 5:4-23
How do we know if we are doing what we’re supposed to be doing?
Why should we always treat people with kindness and love? How is our treatment of others a reflection of Jesus?
What is the only substitute for justice? Pastor Fleming explains that mercy is the only substitute.
Does God care about “social justice”?

What If…? Amos 6:1-8
What if we don’t believe?
What if we ignore God?
What if we call evil “good” and good “evil”?
What if we become comfortable with our sin and the sin of others?
What if we forget that we need God?

Wake up!
Seek God.
Seek good.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 15, 2022

Title: Amos Part 5
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Pastor David Fleming continues the Minor Prophets Biblical Literacy lesson series with another look at the prophet Amos.

David is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. David and his wife, Beverly, are currently serving as missionaries in the UK.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What Do We Do? Amos 5:4-23
Is God a part of our plan? Or are we a part of God’s plan?
What are you substituting for Jesus? What/who is your idol? Pastor Fleming urges us to examine our lives closely and says: “It becomes a bad thing when it becomes a substitute for the main thing.”
Are you being sincere when you worship God? Will He hear/listen if our hearts aren’t in the right place?
What is the bottom line of Amos’ warning to Israel? Should we heed his warning as well?
How do we know if we are doing what we’re supposed to be doing?
Why should we always treat people with kindness and love?

Scriptures that act as a warning:
Mark 7:6-7
Matthew 7:21-23
Colossians 2:16

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 14, 2022

Title: Amos Part 5
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Pastor David Fleming continues the Minor Prophets Biblical Literacy lesson series with another look at the prophet Amos.

David is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. David and his wife, Beverly, are currently serving as missionaries in the UK.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What Do We Do? Amos 5:4-23
If we don’t listen to the voice of God, will we know what to do?
What does it mean to “seek the Lord”? Is He hiding from us? Or are we hiding from Him? Pastor Fleming shares a sweet story about his grandson, Fletcher, playing hide and seek.
Where are we to seek the Lord? Is it about a place – or about the person (God)?

Pastor Fleming reminds us of the importance of actually going to church on a regular basis. He also offers a warning: “Going to church doesn’t mean you are seeking the Lord… The address where you check a box…does not mean you came…seeking the Lord.” Ouch! Think about that for a minute and listen as he explains this statement using John 8:58 “Jesus said to them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.'”

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 13, 2022

Title: Amos Part 5
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Pastor David Fleming continues the Minor Prophets Biblical Literacy lesson series with another look at the prophet Amos.

David is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. David and his wife, Beverly, are currently serving as missionaries in the UK.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Yesterday, David Fleming discussed the timeframe of Amos chapter 5…

What time is it NOW – TODAY?
Is God still working out a plan in the lives of His people?
Are we witnessing the “worst time ever” in the world today?
Will it get better or worse? (Read Revelation…)
Pastor Fleming reminds us that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves. He also points out that being a Christian doesn’t mean life will be perfect; we will still have troubling times. What matters is Who we turn to and how we handle those hard times.

What Do We Do? Amos 5:4-23
Why did Amos tell the people to seek the Lord?
What does it mean to “seek the Lord”? Is He hiding from us? Or are we hiding from Him?
If we ignore God’s voice and do our “own thing”, what will happen? Did the Israelites do this? What happened to them?

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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December 12, 2022

Title: Amos Part 5
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Pastor David Fleming continues the Minor Prophets Biblical Literacy lesson series with another look at the prophet Amos.

David is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. David and his wife, Beverly, are currently serving as missionaries in the UK.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What Time Is It? Amos 5:1-3
Why is understanding the context of Scripture important?
Who was God speaking to through the prophet Amos?
Was it a time of peace, prosperity, and stability?
Were the people flourishing?
Were the people worshipping idols – ignoring God’s warning about idolatry?
Why were Amos’ words troublesome to the people?

What time is it NOW – TODAY? Is God still working out a plan in the lives of His people? Pastor Fleming reminds us that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 18, 2022

Title: Amos
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Dr. David Capes continues the Minor Prophets series with a lesson on Amos. This week, Dr. Capes breaks down several of Amos’ prophecies, explaining the significance of each.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was Amos’ last prophecy about the restoration of Israel? Did this vision bring hope to the people? (Amos 9:11-15)

What was Amos’ prophecy about the land of Judah? (Amos 2:4-5) Dr. Capes reminds us that: “Obedience brings blessings.”

God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
God is God over all.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 17, 2022

Title: Amos
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Dr. David Capes continues the Minor Prophets series with a lesson on Amos. This week, Dr. Capes breaks down several of Amos’ prophecies, explaining the significance of each.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the theme of Amos’ prophecies? Were they violent and full of doom and gloom? Dr. Capes reminds us that our world today is violent. How long can we sit back and do nothing before God sends His judgement? Will obedience save us?

What was Amos’ last prophecy about the restoration of Israel? Did this vision bring hope to the people? (Amos 9:11-15)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 16, 2022

Title: Amos
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Dr. David Capes continues the Minor Prophets series with a lesson on Amos. This week, Dr. Capes breaks down several of Amos’ prophecies, explaining the significance of each.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Amos ever have visions about other nations? Was Israel usually caught up in the middle of other nations’ wars? (Amos 1)

What was Amos’ prophecy about the land of Damascus? Dr. Capes has some great insight into these verses. (Amos 1:3-5)

What was Amos’ prophecy about the Ammonites? Did they really kill unborn babies? (Amos 1:13-15)

What is the theme of Amos’ prophecies? Were they violent and full of doom and gloom? Dr. Capes reminds us that our world today is violent. How long can we sit back and do nothing before God sends His judgement?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 15, 2022

Title: Amos
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Dr. David Capes continues the Minor Prophets series with a lesson on Amos. This week, Dr. Capes breaks down several of Amos’ prophecies, explaining the significance of each.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was Amos’ prophecy about the locusts? (Amos 7:1-3) Dr. Capes shares a funny story about crickets at Target…

What was Amos’ prophecy about God holding a “plumb line”? What is a “plumb line”? Why was this vision so significant? When did his prophecy come true? (Amos 7-9)

What was Amos’ prophecy about “the coming day of bitter mourning”? What was God’s promise to the people that He revealed through Amos’ vision? (Amos 8)

Did Amos ever have visions about other nations? Was Israel usually caught up in the middle of other nations’ wars? (Amos 1) Tune in tomorrow for more on this…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 14, 2022

Title: Amos
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Dr. David Capes continues the Minor Prophets series with a lesson on Amos. This week, Dr. Capes breaks down several of Amos’ prophecies, explaining the significance of each.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Amos 1:1 so special? Why is it so descriptive?

What kind of shepherd was Amos?

Was Amos the first prophet?

What is “second sight”? Was Amos gifted with second sight?

What was Amos’ prophecy about the locusts? (Amos 7:1-3) Dr. Capes shares a funny story about crickets at Target…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 4, 2022

Title: Amos
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Dr. David Capes continues the Minor Prophets series with a lesson on Amos. This week, Dr. Capes breaks down several of Amos’ prophecies, explaining the significance of each.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was Amos’ last prophecy about the restoration of Israel? Did this vision bring hope to the people? (Amos 9:11-15)

What was Amos’ prophecy about the land of Judah? (Amos 2:4-5) Dr. Capes reminds us that: “Obedience brings blessings.”

God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
God is God over all.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here

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November 3, 2022

Title: Amos
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Dr. David Capes continues the Minor Prophets series with a lesson on Amos. This week, Dr. Capes breaks down several of Amos’ prophecies, explaining the significance of each.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the theme of Amos’ prophecies? Were they violent and full of doom and gloom? Dr. Capes reminds us that our world today is violent. How long can we sit back and do nothing before God sends His judgement? Will obedience save us?

What was Amos’ last prophecy about the restoration of Israel? Did this vision bring hope to the people? (Amos 9:11-15)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 2, 2022

Title: Amos
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Dr. David Capes continues the Minor Prophets series with a lesson on Amos. This week, Dr. Capes breaks down several of Amos’ prophecies, explaining the significance of each.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Amos ever have visions about other nations? Was Israel usually caught up in the middle of other nations’ wars? (Amos 1)

What was Amos’ prophecy about the land of Damascus? Dr. Capes has some great insight into these verses. (Amos 1:3-5)

What was Amos’ prophecy about the Ammonites? Did they really kill unborn babies? (Amos 1:13-15)

What is the theme of Amos’ prophecies? Were they violent and full of doom and gloom? Dr. Capes reminds us that our world today is violent. How long can we sit back and do nothing before God sends His judgement?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 1, 2022

Title: Amos
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Dr. David Capes continues the Minor Prophets series with a lesson on Amos. This week, Dr. Capes breaks down several of Amos’ prophecies, explaining the significance of each.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was Amos’ prophecy about the locusts? (Amos 7:1-3) Dr. Capes shares a funny story about crickets at Target…

What was Amos’ prophecy about God holding a “plumb line”? What is a “plumb line”? Why was this vision so significant? When did his prophecy come true? (Amos 7-9)

What was Amos’ prophecy about “the coming day of bitter mourning”? What was God’s promise to the people that He revealed through Amos’ vision? (Amos 8)

Did Amos ever have visions about other nations? Was Israel usually caught up in the middle of other nations’ wars? (Amos 1) Tune in tomorrow for more on this…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 31, 2022

Title: Amos
Topic: Minor Prophets
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Dr. David Capes continues the Minor Prophets series with a lesson on Amos. This week, Dr. Capes breaks down several of Amos’ prophecies, explaining the significance of each.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Amos 1:1 so special? Why is it so descriptive?

What kind of shepherd was Amos?

Was Amos the first prophet?

What is “second sight”? Was Amos gifted with second sight?

What was Amos’ prophecy about the locusts? (Amos 7:1-3) Dr. Capes shares a funny story about crickets at Target…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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September 2, 2022

Title: The Purpose of Parables
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

David Fleming continues the Snapshots of Jesus series with a look at the three Parables found in Luke 15: The Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Parable of the Lost Coin, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

David Fleming is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

David and his wife, Beverly, are currently serving as missionaries in the UK.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Luke 15, why did Jesus use three different Parables to make the same point? Pastor Fleming says: “Parables not only make profound things simple; Parables make simple things profound.”

The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
How did the father react to his sons’ return home?
Was this what the son deserved?
What was the older brother’s reaction to his younger brothers’ return home? Pastor Fleming says: “Hanging around the Father’s house does not mean you have the Father’s heart.”

1. Good news! If you are out, come on in!
2. If you are in, join in and celebrate the God News!
3. If you can’t, there is Good News! See #1.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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September 1, 2022

Title: The Purpose of Parables
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

David Fleming continues the Snapshots of Jesus series with a look at the three Parables found in Luke 15: The Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Parable of the Lost Coin, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

David Fleming is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

David and his wife, Beverly, are currently serving as missionaries in the UK.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Luke 15, why did Jesus use three different Parables to make the same point? Pastor Fleming says: “Parables not only make profound things simple; Parables make simple things profound.”

The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
Was the youngest son within his “right” to ask for his inheritance early?
Why did the son run away to a foreign land?
What did the son do with his money?
Why did the son resort to feeding pigs? Was this absolutely unheard of for a Jew?
What caused the son to realize that he was in the wrong place?
How did his father react to his sons’ return home? Was this what the son deserved?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 31, 2022

Title: The Purpose of Parables
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

David Fleming continues the Snapshots of Jesus series with a look at the three Parables found in Luke 15: The Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Parable of the Lost Coin, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

David Fleming is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

David and his wife, Beverly, are currently serving as missionaries in the UK.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Luke 15, why did Jesus use three different Parables to make the same point? Pastor Fleming says: “Parables not only make profound things simple; Parables make simple things profound.”

The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)
Was Jesus accusing the Pharisees and scribes of being uncaring?
What is “repentance”? Did the Pharisees and scribes believe they had no need for repentance because they were “right”?

The Parable of the Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10)
Why did Jesus choose to tell a Parable about a woman?
Why was the woman so worried about her one lost coin?
Do the angels in heaven really rejoice when one sinner repents?

Tune in tomorrow for more insight from Pastor Fleming on the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 30, 2022

Title: The Purpose of Parables
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

David Fleming continues the Snapshots of Jesus series with a look at the three Parables found in Luke 15: The Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Parable of the Lost Coin, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

David Fleming is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

David and his wife, Beverly, are currently serving as missionaries in the UK.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

David Fleming says: “Parables not only make profound things simple; Parables make simple things profound.”

In Luke 15, why did Jesus use three different Parables to make the same point?

The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)
Why were sinners and tax collectors coming to Jesus?
Why did this make the Pharisees and the scribes grumble?
Why did the Pharisees and the scribes consider the sinners and tax collectors outsiders – lost causes?
What does the word “receive” mean to you? Pastor Fleming explains what it means in this Parable.
Why was Jesus concerned about the one lost sheep?
Was Jesus accusing the Pharisees and scribes of being uncaring?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 29, 2022

Title: The Purpose of Parables
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

David Fleming continues the Snapshots of Jesus series with a look at the three Parables found in Luke 15: The Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Parable of the Lost Coin, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

David Fleming is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

David and his wife, Beverly, are currently serving as missionaries in the UK.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

InIn Luke 15, why did Jesus use three different Parables to make the same point? David Fleming says: “Parables not only make profound things simple; Parables make simple things profoundem>.”

What is a Parable? What is the purpose of Parables?

Why did Jesus love to tell Parables?

Do some people misunderstand Parables?

Do Parables have only one lesson or do some have many lessons?

Why is it important to look at the people in the Parable in addition to the lesson itself?

Tune in tomorrow as David Fleming continues to read the Parable of the Lost Sheep, explaining who the people were in this story.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 26, 2022

Title: Eschatology
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Dr. David Capes continues the Snapshots of Jesus series with a great lesson on eschatology using several passages from the Gospel of Luke.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Is the New Testament all about love and unicorns and sweet things? HINT: Nope! When the disciples asked Jesus what would happen to believers at the second coming, why was he so graphic in his description? (Luke 17:37)

What is our present reality concerning eschatology? What is the New Creation and the New Earth? (Read Revelation)

God is redeeming the world.
Life is not about stuff.
The Kingdom is already, but not yet.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 25, 2022

Title: Eschatology
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Dr. David Capes continues the Snapshots of Jesus series with a great lesson on eschatology using several passages from the Gospel of Luke.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:


Did Jesus ever become involved in peoples’ personal problems? Dr. Capes explains what Jesus’ response to the man really meant. (Luke 12:13-21)

Did many people, including some of the disciples, misinterpret Jesus’ words about the second coming? (Luke 19:11)

What did Jesus actually say about the second coming? Why did he remind the people of Noah and the Flood? (Luke 17:22-37)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 24, 2022

Title: Eschatology
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Dr. David Capes continues the Snapshots of Jesus series with a great lesson on eschatology using several passages from the Gospel of Luke.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why don’t Jews believe that Jesus is the true Messiah? Dr. Capes shares a great story…


What is Christian eschatology? Dr. Capes discusses the Parable of the Weeds from Matthew 13:24-30. Jesus performed many miracles. Is this proof that he is the Messiah? (Luke 11:20) Did Jesus ever become involved in peoples’ personal problems? (Luke 12:13-21)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click /strong> here

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August 23, 2022

Title: Eschatology
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Dr. David Capes continues the Snapshots of Jesus series with a great lesson on eschatology using several passages from the Gospel of Luke.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there many, many opinions concerning how the world will end? Dr. Capes discusses a few of the crazy hypotheses. (2 Timothy 3:10-12)


What was the Jewish eschatology at the time of Jesus? Dr. Capes discusses their linear view of history, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Age of Wrath. Click here and fast-forward to the 30-minute mark to view the timeline. (Isaiah 40)

What are some of the things you worry about? Are there some major threats that we should pay attention to? What happens to all those fears with the second coming of Jesus?

Why don’t Jews believe that Jesus is the true Messiah?

Tune in tomorrow as Dr. Capes shares a great story…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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August 22, 2022

Title: Eschatology
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Dr. David Capes continues the Snapshots of Jesus series with a great lesson on eschatology using several passages from the Gospel of Luke.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is eschatology? Dr. Capes explains how the word translates from Greek.

What is individual eschatology?

What is cosmic eschatology?

Are there many, many opinions concerning how the world will end? Dr. Capes discusses a few of the crazy conclusions. Tune in tomorrow for more…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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July 15, 2022

Title: What is the Goal of Life?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

What is the most important goal of life for a Christian?

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on Luke 10.

Dr. Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is our “neighbor”?

Why should we be like the Good Samaritan?

Why is compassion costly? Dr. Capes plays a short clip from Mark’s lesson from last week concerning the Roe v Wade decision, reminding us that, as Christians, we are to show compassion to everyone – no matter what. Period. End of discussion.

Love God
Love your neighbor
Compassion is costly

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 14, 2022

Title: What is the Goal of Life?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

What is the most important goal of life for a Christian?

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on Luke 10.

Dr. Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Capes continues telling the story of his trip to Jerusalem as he explains the parable of the Good Samaritan…

Who is our “neighbor”? Are they just the people who live next-door or in our neighborhood? Are they just the people who look like us, think like us, and live like us? Or does neighbor refer to “everyone”? (Luke 10:30-35)

How did the Good Samaritan help the man who had been robbed? Dr. Capes lists six things…

How did God reverse the question from the lawyer? How did God reverse the situation in the parable of the Good Samaritan?

Why should we be like the Good Samaritan? Dr. Capes reminds us that compassion can be costly, but it is so worth it!

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 13, 2022

Title: What is the Goal of Life?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

What is the most important goal of life for a Christian?

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on Luke 10.

Dr. Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “midrash”? Dr. Capes shares a story about digging to explain…

How is midrash written?

Was Jesus asked the question about eternal life often? Was his answer always the same? (Luke 10: 26-28; Deuteronomy 6:5; Leviticus 19:18)

Did the lawyer continue to challenge Jesus? Was he trying to justify himself before Jesus? (Luke 10:29)

Who is our “neighbor”? Are they just the people who live next-door or in our neighborhood? Are they just the people who look like us, think like us, and live like us? Or does neighbor refer to “everyone”? (Luke 10:30-35)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 12, 2022

Title: What is the Goal of Life?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

What is the most important goal of life for a Christian?

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on Luke 10.

Dr. Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does happiness mean? Dr. David Capes quotes Pastor Stuart Briscoe: “For most people, their happiness depends on their happenings. And if their happenings don’t happen to happen the way they want their happenings to happen, they are not happy.”

What did the Founders write about happiness? Why did they include this in the Declaration of Independence?

Luke 10:25: Why did a lawyer ask Jesus what he should do to inherit eternal life? Was he testing Jesus?

What is the most important word in that verse?

Tune in tomorrow as Dr. Capes continues to discuss “midrash”.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 11, 2022

Title: What is the Goal of Life?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

What is the most important goal of life for a Christian?

Dr. David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on Luke 10.

Dr. Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is life meaningless?

If there is no point to life, then what is the point in living?

True or Fales: The person who dies with the most toys – wins.

What does happiness mean? Dr. David Capes quotes Pastor Stuart Briscoe: “For most people, their happiness depends on their happenings. And if their happenings don’t happen to happen the way they want their happenings to happen, they are not happy.”

Dr. Capes recommends reading Aristotle’s book, “Nicomachean Ethics

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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April 1, 2022

Title: Who is Jesus?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

How well do you know the Bible – both the New AND Old Testaments? How well do you know Jesus? How well do you know Abraham and David?

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library. This week he subs in for Mark Lanier, teaching on Snapshots of Jesus from the book of Matthew.

His focus will be on:
Jesus the Messiah
Jesus the Son of Abraham
Jesus the Son of David

Scripture Reference: Matthew 1

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Click here for more information about Dr. David Capes and his ministry.

Click here to order a copy of David’s many great books.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does God keep His promises? Do we need to remember that God will always answer our prayers? Is it even more important to remember that sometimes His answer is NO or NOT YET?

How did God save the Israelites? Has He saved them many, many times? Has He saved YOU many, many times?

What is “typology”? This is interesting stuff! Listen close…

How was Jesus “like Moses”? Dr. Capes points out that, unlike the Israelites, Jesus never disappointed His Father.

Points to Ponder:

Jesus liberated women to a new role in the Kingdom.
Jesus elevated the outsider.
Jesus was a friend to sinners.
Jesus was a promise-keeper.
Bottom line: What would Jesus do?

Scripture Reference: Hosea 11

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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March 31, 2022

Title: Who is Jesus?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

How well do you know the Bible – both the New AND Old Testaments? How well do you know Jesus? How well do you know Abraham and David?

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library. This week he subs in for Mark Lanier, teaching on Snapshots of Jesus from the book of Matthew.

His focus will be on:
Jesus the Messiah
Jesus the Son of Abraham
Jesus the Son of David

Scripture Reference: Matthew 1

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Click here for more information about Dr. David Capes and his ministry.

Click here to order a copy of David’s many great books.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Matthew include five women (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, “the wife of Uriah”, and Mary) in the genealogy of Jesus?

Is the genealogy full of scandal? Is yours? Dr. Capes believes the scandals help us know Jesus and his Father God more.

What is one of the great themes of the Gospel of Matthew?

What does “fulfill” mean? Dr. Capes says that it has several meanings, using Scriptures to explain.

Scripture Reference: Matthew 1:22; Matthew 2:15

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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March 30, 2022

Title: Who is Jesus?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

How well do you know the Bible – both the New AND Old Testaments? How well do you know Jesus? How well do you know Abraham and David?

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library. This week he subs in for Mark Lanier, teaching on Snapshots of Jesus from the book of Matthew.

His focus will be on:
Jesus the Messiah
Jesus the Son of Abraham
Jesus the Son of David

Scripture Reference: Matthew 1

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Click here for more information about Dr. David Capes and his ministry.

Click here to order a copy of David’s many great books.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Israelites were not always obedient. Why did God keep His promises to them if they weren’t obedient? Is He still keeping His promise to them?

What was God’s covenant promise to Abraham? When did His promise come to fruition? Did Abraham get to personally witness this promise?

Dr. Capes reads the genealogy of Jesus. He LOVES this and finds it extremely interesting. He also explains why women were not usually mentioned. So why did Matthew include five women (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, “the wife of Uriah”, and Mary) in the genealogy of Jesus?

Book Reference: The Gift of the Jews” by Thomas Cahill

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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March 29, 2022

Title: Who is Jesus?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

How well do you know the Bible – both the New AND Old Testaments? How well do you know Jesus? How well do you know Abraham and David?

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library. This week he subs in for Mark Lanier, teaching on Snapshots of Jesus from the book of Matthew.

His focus will be on:
Jesus the Messiah
Jesus the Son of Abraham
Jesus the Son of David

Scripture Reference: Matthew 1

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Click here for more information about Dr. David Capes and his ministry.

Click here to order a copy of David’s many great books.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Jesus referred to as the Messiah? What does Messiah mean? Did the Jews at the time believe that two Messiahs were coming? Did they really believe that Jesus was “the” Messiah?

What is Dr. Capes’ definition of Messiah? This is great! He also shares other definitions and Scriptures.

What was God’s command to King David? Did this reveal God’s perfect plan, paving the way for Jesus?

The Israelites were not always obedient. Why did God keep His promises to them if they didn’t follow His commands?

What was God’s covenant and promise to Abraham?

Scripture Reference: 2 Samuel 7:12-16; Genesis 12:1-3

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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March 28, 2022

Title: Who is Jesus?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

How well do you know the Bible – both the New AND Old Testaments? How well do you know Jesus? How well do you know Abraham and David?

Dr. David Capes is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library. This week he subs in for Mark Lanier, teaching on Snapshots of Jesus from the book of Matthew.

His focus will be on:
Jesus the Messiah
Jesus the Son of Abraham
Jesus the Son of David

Scripture Reference: Matthew 1

To view Dr. David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

Click here for more information about Dr. David Capes and his ministry.

Click here to order a copy of David’s many great books.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Jesus? Is Jesus really with us? Most of us believe this, but how did the disciples know, specifically Matthew?

What is “wrong” with the translation of Matthew 1:1? Dr. Capes discusses the word “genealogy”…

What did God say about the coming of Jesus and the End Times? Why did Isaiah write about this? Dr. Capes call this the “key passage from the Old Testament that describes what God will do someday.”

What is the New Creation? Dr. Capes shares why he is looking forward to the New Creation. Are you?

Why is Jesus referred to as the Messiah? What does Messiah mean? Did the Jews at the time believe that two Messiahs were coming? Did they really believe that Jesus was “the” Messiah?

Scripture Reference: Isaiah 65

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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February 25, 2022

Title: How Do You See Jesus?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

This week, David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier. David is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

He looks at three charges leveled against Jesus:
Jesus was a friend of sinners.
Jesus was a Sabbath breaker.
Jesus was in league with the devil.

To view David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

CHARGE #3 AGAINST JESUS: Jesus was in league with the devil. (Mark 3:22-27)

Jesus had been performing many miracles, including casting out demons. Who did the people claim Jesus was – a miracle worker or a demon?

 In the parable that Jesus told in response, who was the strongman? David reminisces about Olympics wrestling from years ago…

How can you bind the strongman? (Matthew 12:27-29).


Jesus was a friend to sinners – and we should be, too.
Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath – not a breaker of the Sabbath.
Jesus is taking back the world – we work with him.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click

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February 24, 2022

Title: How Do You See Jesus?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

This week, David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier. David is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

He looks at three charges leveled against Jesus:
Jesus was a friend of sinners.
Jesus was a Sabbath breaker.
Jesus was in league with the devil.

To view David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Jesus was a Sabbath breaker. (Mark 2:23-28)

Yesterday, David discussed when the Jews began and ended each day, using a great illustration. He also read from the Dead Sea Scrolls.

What is the Mishnah? How many categories of work were included in the Mishnah? David Capes discusses a few of them, which were mainly just daily activities back then – and even many that apply today! He then shares about the first time he moved to Texas when he tried to buy a can opener on a Sunday.

When the Pharisees accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath, what was his response?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click

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February 23, 2022

Title: How Do You See Jesus?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

This week, David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier. David is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

He looks at three charges leveled against Jesus:
Jesus was a friend of sinners.
Jesus was a Sabbath breaker.
Jesus was in league with the devil.

To view David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

CHARGE #2 AGAINST JESUS: Jesus was a Sabbath breaker. (Mark 2:23-28)

Why were the disciples “working” on the Sabbath? Did the Pharisees again accuse them, including Jesus, of breaking the Sabbath?
 How did Jesus respond?

Why were Jews so adamant about keeping the Sabbath Day holy?

What day is the Sabbath – Saturday or Sunday?

What is “work”?

What time does a day begin? What time does a day end?

When did the Jews begin and end each day? Click here to view David Capes’ visual illustration. He also reads from the Dead Sea Scrolls.

What is the Mishnah? How many categories of work were included in the Mishnah?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click

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February 22, 2022

Title: How Do You See Jesus?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

This week, David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier. David is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

He looks at three charges leveled against Jesus:
Jesus was a friend of sinners.
Jesus was a Sabbath breaker.
Jesus was in league with the devil.

To view David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

CHARGE #1 AGAINST JESUS: Jesus was a friend of sinners. (Mark 2:13-17)

What is the difference between “sinners” and “sinners”? To answer this question, David Capes asks another one: “Who makes it to your table?” Think about that for a little bit… Do you have friends who are “sinners” (unbelievers)? When was the last time you shared the Gospel with them? When was the last time you shared a meal with them? When was the last time you prayed for them? How did Jesus respond to the Pharisees accusing him of being a friend to sinners?

: Jesus was a Sabbath breaker. (Mark 2:23-28)

Why were the disciples “working” on the Sabbath? Did the Pharisees again accuse them, including Jesus, of breaking the Sabbath? How did Jesus respond? David Capes reminds us of the 4th Commandment: Honor the Sabbath Day. More on this tomorrow…

Scripture Reference: Luke 15

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click a href="href=%22https:/">here.

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February 21, 2022

Title: How Do You See Jesus?
Topic: Snapshots of Jesus
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

This week, David Capes subs in for Mark Lanier. David is the Director of the Lanier Theological Library.

He looks at three charges leveled against Jesus:
Jesus was a friend of sinners.
Jesus was a Sabbath breaker.
Jesus was in league with the devil.

To view David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do you see Jesus? “How we see Jesus is very often a function of our culture,” David says, giving some examples. “But it’s not just about where you are from; it’s about WHEN you are from,” he continues. Click the link above to view some of the pictures he uses; they are pretty funny!

How did Mark (the Gospel writer) see Jesus?

: Jesus was a friend of sinners. (Mark 2:13-17)
What did Jesus tell Levi to do when they met? What was Levi’s profession? When the Pharisees saw Jesus with “sinners”, what did they do? What was Jesus’ response to their accusation?
What is the difference between “sinners” and “sinners”? More on this tomorrow…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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November 5, 2021

Title: What Are You Thinking?
Topic: Philippians
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Experts estimate that we have between 60,000-80,000 thoughts every day. What do you think about? What controls your thoughts? What informs your thinking? .

Dr. David Capes fills in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on the importance of guarding our thoughts. Dr. Capes is the Senior Research Fellow at the Lanier Theological Library, located in Houston, Texas. .

To view David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.(Please note that the first few minutes of the lesson were not recorded.) .

Scripture Passage: Philippians 4:8-9 .

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do humans imitate others? Who are you imitating? How are you imitating them? Why are you imitating them? You are probably not even aware that you are and Dr. Capes warns that we better be careful…

Who did Paul imitate? Did he encourage the Philippians to imitate him because he imitated Jesus?

Scripture References: Philippians 2:5-11; 1 Corinthains 11:1

Fix your mind on truth, goodness, and beauty.
Find someone to watch and do what they do.
Realize that someone is taking notes on you!
Rejoice that the God of peace is with you.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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November 4, 2021

Title: What Are You Thinking?
Topic: Philippians
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Experts estimate that we have between 60,000-80,000 thoughts every day. What do you think about? What controls your thoughts? What informs your thinking? .

Dr. David Capes fills in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on the importance of guarding our thoughts. Dr. Capes is the Senior Research Fellow at the Lanier Theological Library, located in Houston, Texas. .

To view David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.(Please note that the first few minutes of the lesson were not recorded.) .

Scripture Passage: Philippians 4:8-9 .

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Paul instruct the Philippians to follow his example? Was he bragging?

Can YOU tell others to follow YOUR example? Dr. Capes believes that EVERY person is on someone’s pedestal. What would they think if they saw the REAL YOU?

What have social scientists discovered about this issue? The results are interesting…

Who are YOU imitating? Dr. Capes warns that even adults need to be careful who they imitate and shares a personal story about lawyers and pocket squares.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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November 3, 2021

Title: What Are You Thinking?
Topic: Philippians
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Experts estimate that we have between 60,000-80,000 thoughts every day. What do you think about? What controls your thoughts? What informs your thinking? .

Dr. David Capes fills in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on the importance of guarding our thoughts. Dr. Capes is the Senior Research Fellow at the Lanier Theological Library, located in Houston, Texas. .

To view David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.(Please note that the first few minutes of the lesson were not recorded.) .

Scripture Passage: Philippians 4:8-9 .

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Capes breaks down Philippians 4:8-9:
NOTE: He spoke on true, honorable, just, pure, and lovely in Tuesday’s segment.
COMMENDABLE: Admiration. Euphemism.
EXCELLENCE: Virtue. Good. Moral.
WORTHY OF PRAISE: Simply put: praiseworthy.

How do our thoughts shape our lives? Is everything you hear or see true? Are you a functional atheist? Yes – this is possible even if you go to church!

Why did Paul instruct the Philippians to follow his example? Was he bragging?

Dr. Capes says:
Act theologically
Think theologically
Read theologically
Write theologically
Live theologically

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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November 2, 2021

Title: What Are You Thinking?
Topic: Philippians
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Experts estimate that we have between 60,000-80,000 thoughts every day. What do you think about? What controls your thoughts? What informs your thinking? .

Dr. David Capes fills in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on the importance of guarding our thoughts. Dr. Capes is the Senior Research Fellow at the Lanier Theological Library, located in Houston, Texas. .

To view David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.(Please note that the first few minutes of the lesson were not recorded.) .

Scripture Passage: Philippians 4:8-9 .

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can we have inner peace without God? We can’t! This is what Paul was trying to convey to the people (and to us).

Dr. Capes breaks down Philippians 4:8-9:
TRUE: Genuine. Honest.
HONORABLE: Dignified. Elevated. Moral.
JUST: Right. Fair. Dr. Capes stays on this for a minute and asks: Why isn’t justice enough? Is justice for everyone?
PURE: Clean. Good.
LOVELY: Attractive. Beautiful. Kiss!
COMMENDABLE: Admiration. Euphemism.
EXCELLENCE: Virtue. More on this tomorrow.

Scripture References: Deuteronomy 16:20

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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November 1, 2021

Title: What Are You Thinking?
Topic: Philippians
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Experts estimate that we have between 60,000-80,000 thoughts every day. What do you think about? What controls your thoughts? What informs your thinking? .

Dr. David Capes fills in for Mark Lanier this week, teaching on the importance of guarding our thoughts. Dr. Capes is the Senior Research Fellow at the Lanier Theological Library, located in Houston, Texas. .

To view David Capes’ video for this lesson, click here.(Please note that the first few minutes of the lesson were not recorded.) .

Scripture Passage: Philippians 4:8-9 .

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

David begins the segment with a funny story about a bird in his house. He also shares why he and his wife stopped watching the news. This is actually pretty sad, so maybe grab some tissues.

What is the purpose of writing in the proper way? Does it matter what language it is written in?

Why did Paul write “finally” in the middle of the end of his letter to the Philippians? Didn’t he already write this – several times?

Book Reference: Discourse Analysis of the New Testament Writings edited by Todd A. Scacewater

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 16, 2021

Title: Things Happen. Rejoice!
Topic: Philippians
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

If anyone had a right to complain about their life circumstance, it was Paul. How was he able to rejoice even through his suffering?

That is the focus of David Fleming’s lesson on Philippians this week: Rejoice in all things! David believes that some things “we happened” and some things “happened to us”.

David is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

Scripture Passage: Philippians 1:12-18

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

CHRIST CENTERED PRIORITIES (we choose our response) Phil 1:15-18

Why was Paul so adamant in preaching the Gospel truth? Paul didn’t make his ministry about himself. He made his ministry all about Jesus and the Gospel.

Do you ever find yourself in competition with someone else over ministry opportunities? Why? Why not join forces? Or simply do your own ministry and don’t worry about someone else! Paul mentioned two groups of people in his letter to the Philippians…

David Fleming reminds us: “If you’re here and breathing, God ain’t done with you yet!”

Scripture References: Psalm 30:5

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 15, 2021

Title: Things Happen. Rejoice!
Topic: Philippians
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

If anyone had a right to complain about their life circumstance, it was Paul. How was he able to rejoice even through his suffering?

That is the focus of David Fleming’s lesson on Philippians this week: Rejoice in all things! David believes that some things “we happened” and some things “happened to us”.

David is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

Scripture Passage: Philippians 1:12-18

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

EYES OF FAITH (our lens to the world) Phil 1:13-14

What were Paul’s motives?
How did Paul’s persistence motivate others? How has he motivated YOU?
How can your circumstances and situations in life be your “pulpit”?

David Fleming reminds us that the world is watching us – they are watching Christians. Whatever comes out of your mouth, they hear. Whatever actions you take, they see.

Public speaking is a frightening thing. Not everyone is called to be a preacher or public speaker, BUT every Christian IS called to share the Gospel.

David says: “If we aren’t careful, we devalue what we value the most in the moments that things happen to us. Those are the moments that a strong witness for the Lord matter.”

CHRIST CENTERED PRIORITIES (we choose our response) Phil 1:15-18

Why was Paul so adamant in preaching the Gospel truth? Why did he stress this to the Philippians in his letter?
How can we determine who is preaching Gospel truth and who is preaching for their own gain?

More on this tomorrow.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 14, 2021

Title: Things Happen. Rejoice!
Topic: Philippians
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

If anyone had a right to complain about their life circumstance, it was Paul. How was he able to rejoice even through his suffering?

That is the focus of David Fleming’s lesson on Philippians this week: Rejoice in all things! David believes that some things “we happened” and some things “happened to us”.

David is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

Scripture Passage: Philippians 1:12-18

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

EYES OF FAITH (our lens to the world) Phil 1:13-14

How was God using Paul’s imprisonment for His glory? Was God opening the eyes of everyone who heard of Paul – even those who imprisoned Paul?

When you’re stuck in a situation that is less than desirable, who’s eyes can you open to the love and grace of God? Think about it!

Did other people – including Caesar – hear about Paul’s imprisonment and the lives he was changing while he was in prison?

Do you remember the guard who was chained to Paul? How did God use this guard to change lives?

Did Paul’s faith give others confidence?

Scripture References: Philippians 4:22

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 13, 2021

Title: Things Happen. Rejoice!
Topic: Philippians
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

If anyone had a right to complain about their life circumstance, it was Paul. How was he able to rejoice even through his suffering?

That is the focus of David Fleming’s lesson on Philippians this week: Rejoice in all things! David believes that some things “we happened” and some things “happened to us”.

David is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

Scripture Passage: Philippians 1:12-18

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

A KINGDOM MINDSET (our faith perspective) Phil 1:12
Did the Philippians know what had happened to Paul? What did they NOT know?
How can we “serve the Gospel”? What does that even mean to us today?
When and how did Paul realize that his sufferings were advancing the Gospel into new territory? David takes us back to Acts 16:6-10…
Where is God leading you today? Are your circumstances overwhelming? Why haven’t you given it to God yet? Do it now!
Has God promised us that He will work all things for good? Do you truly believe that He will in your life? You should! It’s His Promise to YOU!

Tune in tomorrow as David Fleming discusses our “Eyes of Faith”.

Scripture References: Romans 8:28-30

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 12, 2021

Title: Things Happen. Rejoice!
Topic: Philippians
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

If anyone had a right to complain about their life circumstance, it was Paul. How was he able to rejoice even through his suffering?

That is the focus of David Fleming’s lesson on Philippians this week: Rejoice in all things! David believes that some things “we happened” and some things “happened to us”.

David is the former Senior Pastor of CFBC and is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

Scripture Passage: Philippians 1:12-18

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can “bad things” that happen to us help spread the Gospel?

Why can’t the Christian life be all sunshine and rainbows? Pastor David urges us not to ask “why me”, but to ask “to what end”. Listen as he explains what this means…

A KINGDOM MINDSET (our faith perspective) Phil 1:12
How does our thinking impact our life decisions?
How did Paul’s circumstances affect his mindset?
Did the Philippians know what had happened to Paul? Were they afraid for Paul and themselves? What did the people NOT know?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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June 11, 2021

Title: Closing Arguments
Topic: A Deep Dive into Galatians
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

David Fleming, former Senior Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church, presented the final lesson in the Galatian series on May 30. David is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

The Gospel in not on trial in Paul’s letter to the Galatians. But the people ARE. In the final verses in the book of Galatians, Paul summarizes the case against the defendants.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

Scripture Passage: Galatians 6:11-18

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Bottom Line: What evidence really matters? Church attendance? Serving? Tithing? Faith?

Do you have a religion or do you have a relationship?

Will God welcome you into heaven? Or will you hear the words “depart from me; I never knew you”?

If you know Jesus, is he changing your heart? David Fleming reminds us that we are NEVER too old (or young) for Jesus to change us.

Scripture References: Matthew 7:23

Accept grace
Rest in grace
Pass grace on

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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June 10, 2021

Title: Closing Arguments
Topic: A Deep Dive into Galatians
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

David Fleming, former Senior Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church, presented the final lesson in the Galatian series on May 30. David is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

The Gospel in not on trial in Paul’s letter to the Galatians. But the people ARE. In the final verses in the book of Galatians, Paul summarizes the case against the defendants.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

Scripture Passage: Galatians 6:11-18

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did the cross change Paul? How has the cross changed you? Has the cross “really” changed you?

Do you expect Jesus to do all the work? What are YOU doing? We ALL can do something!

Do good works matter? Do they save us? Do they grant us a place in heaven?

Nothing is better than Jesus. Why would we boast in anything else?

Reminder: Jesus didn’t die for the “good people”; he died for sinners – and that means EVERY person.

Scripture References: Colossians 2:16

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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June 9, 2021

Title: Closing Arguments
Topic: A Deep Dive into Galatians
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

David Fleming, former Senior Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church, presented the final lesson in the Galatian series on May 30. David is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

The Gospel in not on trial in Paul’s letter to the Galatians. But the people ARE. In the final verses in the book of Galatians, Paul summarizes the case against the defendants.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

Scripture Passage: Galatians 6:11-18

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Five Accusations Paul leveled against the Galatians:
Discussed on Tuesday:
Enforcers – good persuaders
Showoffs – strutting around
Great talkers – excusing themselves from persecution. David Fleming speaks on this point for several minutes. It’s super important!!
Hypocrites – not everyone keeps the law
FINAL accusation: Boastful – bragging on themselves

Did Paul understand what circumcision meant to the Galatians? Did he know the law? How was he transformed on the Road to Damascus? What was his mission before he found Jesus? What happened to him after he found Jesus?

Is it ever okay to boast? What SHOULD we boast in? What did Paul boast in?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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June 8, 2021

Title: Closing Arguments
Topic: A Deep Dive into Galatians
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

David Fleming, former Senior Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church, presented the final lesson in the Galatian series on May 30. David is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

The Gospel in not on trial in Paul’s letter to the Galatians. But the people ARE. In the final verses in the book of Galatians, Paul summarizes the case against the defendants.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

Scripture Passage: Galatians 6:11-18

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Five Accusations Paul leveled against the Galatians:
Enforcers – good persuaders
Showoffs – strutting around
Great talkers – excusing themselves from persecution. David Fleming speaks on this point for several minutes. It’s super important!!
Hypocrites – not everyone keeps the law

Tune in tomorrow for the fifth accusation.

David Fleming on grace: “Grace plus anything is not grace. That’s grace plus works. And you have nullified the grace of God.”

Scripture References: Galatians 5:3

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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June 7, 2021

Title: Closing Arguments
Topic: A Deep Dive into Galatians
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

David Fleming, former Senior Pastor of Champion Forest Baptist Church, presented the final lesson in the Galatian series on May 30. David is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library.

The Gospel in not on trial in Paul’s letter to the Galatians. But the people ARE. In the final verses in the book of Galatians, Paul summarizes the case against the defendants.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.

Scripture Passage: Galatians 6:11-18

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is GRACE: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense

Why did Paul write “See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand”? (vs 11) Was he yelling? Was he emphasizing something important? This is interesting stuff! Listen close.

Is Paul’s letter to the Galatians still relevant to us today?

What is the difference between law and grace?

What is the difference between merit and favor?

Scripture References: Acts 15 (Jerusalem Council)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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March 20, 2020

Title: Matthew 7:1-5
Topic: Passages Worth the Dig
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Mark Lanier’s good friend, Dr. David Capes, was recently the guest speaker during the Biblical Literacy lesson at Champion Forest Baptist Church. David is the Senior Research Fellow at the Lanier Theological Library, located in Houston, Texas.

This week, David continues with the “Passages Worth the Dig” series, focusing on Matthew 7:1-5. This is a passage that many people know, even non-believers: “Judge not, lest ye be not judged.”

Click here  to view the lesson on YouTube.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did Jesus mean when he said “take the log out of your own eye”?

What does this mean to the church, though? How can we apply this to current issues we face in our society? David references two books (one of which he wrote) as he discusses the serious issue of abortion…


Slow to Judge. Sometimes it’s Okay to Listen (David Capes)

What’s Right with the Church (William H. Willimon) 

FINAL THOUGHTS: It is important – vital – to always look at the WHOLE passage, not bits and pieces.

Tune in tomorrow as David discusses what this means to the church today…

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March 19, 2020

Title: Matthew 7:1-5
Topic: Passages Worth the Dig
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Mark Lanier’s good friend, Dr. David Capes, was recently the guest speaker during the Biblical Literacy lesson at Champion Forest Baptist Church. David is the Senior Research Fellow at the Lanier Theological Library, located in Houston, Texas.

This week, David continues with the “Passages Worth the Dig” series, focusing on Matthew 7:1-5. This is a passage that many people know, even non-believers: “Judge not, lest ye be not judged.”

Click here  to view the lesson on YouTube.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are you completely honest with people when they ask how you are? Or do you simply say “I’m fine”? Why not share your troubles/burdens? David Capes looks at Paul’s letter in Galatians 6:1-3…

What did Jesus mean when he said “take the log out of your own eye”? Think about it… Have you ever gotten something in your eye? It hurts! David shares about a time this happened to him…

Tune in tomorrow as David discusses what this means to the church today…

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March 18, 2020

Title: Matthew 7:1-5
Topic: Passages Worth the Dig
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Mark Lanier’s good friend, Dr. David Capes, was recently the guest speaker during the Biblical Literacy lesson at Champion Forest Baptist Church. David is the Senior Research Fellow at the Lanier Theological Library, located in Houston, Texas.

This week, David continues with the “Passages Worth the Dig” series, focusing on Matthew 7:1-5. This is a passage that many people know, even non-believers: “Judge not, lest ye be not judged.”

Click here  to view the lesson on YouTube.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

1. Admonition
2. Rationale
3. Illustration
4. Reenactment and explanation of initial admonition

What is the church to do? Are we to just accept all sin? Are we to welcome every person “as is”, never encouraging them to change their ways? David’s response to those questions: “The church is to be a self-correcting body.

1. With wisdom and humility
2. Don’t use harsh tones/language
3. Don’t have a holier than thou attitude

Why is it important to find someone to talk to about issues we have opinions/judgments on? You are not alone! Remember that!

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March 17, 2020

Title: Matthew 7:1-5
Topic: Passages Worth the Dig
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Mark Lanier’s good friend, Dr. David Capes, was recently the guest speaker during the Biblical Literacy lesson at Champion Forest Baptist Church. David is the Senior Research Fellow at the Lanier Theological Library, located in Houston, Texas.

This week, David continues with the “Passages Worth the Dig” series, focusing on Matthew 7:1-5. This is a passage that many people know, even non-believers: “Judge not, lest ye be not judged.”

Click here  to view the lesson on YouTube.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When Jesus said “judge not” did he mean “don’t form an opinion”? Did he want us to keep all our thoughts neutral?

How can we pursue judgment without justice? David Capes believes that the Old Testament is key to understanding the New Testament. He uses Deuteronomy 16:18-20 to help us understand this passage in Matthew. The Deuteronomy passage discusses the justice system and courts of justice…

Do you have an opinion on sex trafficking? Abortion? Homosexuality? You probably do, right! Well, that opinion is a judgment!

Tune in tomorrow as David discusses the “Wisdom Formula from Jesus”

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March 16, 2020

Title: Matthew 7:1-5
Topic: Passages Worth the Dig
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Mark Lanier’s good friend, Dr. David Capes, was recently the guest speaker during the Biblical Literacy lesson at Champion Forest Baptist Church. David is the Senior Research Fellow at the Lanier Theological Library, located in Houston, Texas.

This week, David continues with the “Passages Worth the Dig” series, focusing on Matthew 7:1-5. This is a passage that many people know, even non-believers: “Judge not, lest ye be not judged.”

Click here  to view the lesson on YouTube.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

David Capes discusses a book: “Unchristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity and Why it Matters.  What is the current perception of Christianity among 16-29 year olds? David reveals the results from those outside the church and within the church…

#1 We are anti-homosexual
#2 We are judgmental
#3 We are hypocritical
#4 We are old fashioned
#5 We are too involved in politics
#6 We are out of touch with reality
#7 We are insensitive to other faiths

How and why is this passage in Matthew so often misquoted and misinterpreted? Tune in tomorrow as David explains what Jesus meant when he told the people “do not judge”.

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June 2, 2017

Title: Rediscovering Paul
Topic: Rediscovering Paul
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Dr. Capes offered some great insight in this week’s lesson “Rediscovering Paul”. Next week, Mark Lanier will be back with his next lesson on Paul’s occupation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Lesson Recap:
1. To follow Jesus, we must follow leaders.
2. Partner with others in mission work.
3. Go where the people are friendly.
4. Stay in Touch.
5. Use your gifts for the common good.
6. God is always at work in you.
7. Become familiar with Paul’s letters.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 1, 2017

Title: Rediscovering Paul
Topic: Rediscovering Paul
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Dr. Capes has been an award-winning Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for over 25 years and has authored, co-authored, or co-edited many books. This week, Dr. Capes will be discussing his newest book: “Rediscovering Paul”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. David Capes continues to explain the history behind some of Paul’s letters to the various churches.

Why did he use a secretary to write his letters when he could write them himself?

Why did he use specific couriers to deliver his letters?

Why did Paul insist on signing all of his letters?

How much did it cost to write and send a letter?

There were only two ways to send a letter in Paul’s day. Listen as Dr. Capes describes the two methods.

What was Paul’s occupation? NOTE: Mark Lanier will be teaching on this next week.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 31, 2017

Title: Rediscovering Paul
Topic: Rediscovering Paul
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Dr. Capes has been an award-winning Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for over 25 years and has authored, co-authored, or co-edited many books. This week, Dr. Capes will be discussing his newest book: “Rediscovering Paul”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Paul had a very specific message and purpose to accompany that message. Yesterday, Dr. Capes began his explanation of Paul’s missionary message. Listen as he offers more details today.

Paul often revisited the churches he had established. If he could not visit, he sent others to check on them. Why was this important to Paul’s missionary journey?

Paul also wrote many letters to the churches he established, which are included in the Bible. In fact, most of the New Testament contains letters from Paul or information related to him.

Was Paul conflicted about his “popularity”?

Listen as Dr. Capes discusses a famous painting by Rembrandt which depicts three specific points of light…But, is the painting accurate in its description?

Do you recognize the name Sosthenes? If you don’t, look up 1 Corinthians! It is Dr. David Capes’ favorite letter from Paul.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 30, 2017

Title: Rediscovering Paul
Topic: Rediscovering Paul
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Dr. Capes has been an award-winning Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for over 25 years and has authored, co-authored, or co-edited many books. This week, Dr. Capes will be discussing his newest book: “Rediscovering Paul”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Paul had the audacity to tell others “Imitate me, because then you’ll be imitating God.” Why was this wrong, yet accurate at the same time?

What was Paul’s missionary strategy?
Two heads are better than one.
Urban strategy.
Go to the Jew first, then the Gentiles.
Stay healthy.
Find common ground.

Listen as Dr. David Capes reminds us of the Six Spiritual Laws.

After Paul had established a church in a certain region, who took over the responsibilities? Did Paul ever return to those churches? Tune in tomorrow for more!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 29, 2017

Title: Rediscovering Paul
Topic: Rediscovering Paul
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Dr. Capes has been an award-winning Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for over 25 years and has authored, co-authored, or co-edited many books. This week, Dr. Capes will be discussing his newest book: “Rediscovering Paul”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Paul didn’t have the convenience of a Bible like we do. He did, however, have information from what we now call the Old Testament. Listen as Dr. Capes explains why this is important.

Did Saul change his name to Paul when he became a Christian? Mark Lanier briefly reviewed this a few weeks ago, but Dr. Capes offers more information about this Jewish custom.

Why did Paul consider Christians such a danger? Note: This will be discussed in more detail later in the week…

What was Paul’s missionary strategy? Tune in tomorrow for more on this question.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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March 24, 2017

Title: International Spanish Pastor Coming to the Lanier Theological Library
Topic: Lanier Chapel Guest Speaker
Discussed by Dr. Miguel Nunez
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1 of 3

International Pastor Dr. Miguel Nunez will be coming to the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday night, April 8, 2017. Dr. Nunez is a medical doctor by trade, with specialties in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. He was called into ministry after a long career in medicine.

Dr. Nunez lives in the Dominican Republican with his wife of thirty years, Dr. Catherine Scheraldi, where he serves as the Senior Pastor of the International Baptist Church in Santo Domingo. Today, Dr. Nunez will be discussing the Dominican Republic, family structure, a society without morals, and the worldwide economy, as well as many other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does the Dominican Republic compare to Haiti?

Is the worldwide society in peril, spiritually?

To reserve your FREE spot at Dr. Miguel Nunez’s lecture at the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday night, April 8, 2017, click herePlease note: The lecture will be delivered in Spanish.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - International Spanish Pastor Coming to the Lanier Theological Library
Topic: Lanier Chapel Guest Speaker
Discussed by Dr. Miguel Nunez
with Lanier Theological Library (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does the spiritual condition of American compare to the Dominican Republic?

Listen as Dr. Nunez shares in English and in Spanish what his lecture focuses on.

What triggered the spiritual awakening in the Dominican Republic?

How does the breakup of the family affect an economy?

To reserve your FREE spot at Dr. Miguel Nunez’s lecture at the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday night, April 8, 2017, click herePlease note: The lecture will be delivered in Spanish.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - International Spanish Pastor Coming to the Lanier Theological Library
Topic: Lanier Chapel Guest Speaker
Discussed by Dr. Miguel Nunez
with Lanier Theological Library (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there any fear of God left in the world?

Was America founded on Biblical values?

What does the evidence show about America’s decline in spirituality?

To reserve your FREE spot at Dr. Miguel Nunez’s lecture at the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday night, April 8, 2017, click herePlease note: The lecture will be delivered in Spanish.

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March 21, 2017

Title: International Spanish Pastor Coming to the Lanier Theological Library
Topic: Lanier Chapel Guest Speaker
Discussed by Dr. Miguel Nunez
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1 of 3

International Pastor Dr. Miguel Nunez will be coming to the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday night, April 8, 2017. Dr. Nunez is a medical doctor by trade, with specialties in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. He was called into ministry after a long career in medicine.

Dr. Nunez lives in the Dominican Republican with his wife of thirty years, Dr. Catherine Scheraldi, where he serves as the Senior Pastor of the International Baptist Church in Santo Domingo. Today, Dr. Nunez will be discussing the Dominican Republic, family structure, a society without morals, and the worldwide economy, as well as many other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does the Dominican Republic compare to Haiti?

Is the worldwide society in peril, spiritually?

To reserve your FREE spot at Dr. Miguel Nunez’s lecture at the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday night, April 8, 2017, click herePlease note: The lecture will be delivered in Spanish.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - International Spanish Pastor Coming to the Lanier Theological Library
Topic: Lanier Chapel Guest Speaker
Discussed by Dr. Miguel Nunez
with Lanier Theological Library (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does the spiritual condition of American compare to the Dominican Republic?

Listen as Dr. Nunez shares in English and in Spanish what his lecture focuses on.

What triggered the spiritual awakening in the Dominican Republic?

How does the breakup of the family affect an economy?

To reserve your FREE spot at Dr. Miguel Nunez’s lecture at the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday night, April 8, 2017, click herePlease note: The lecture will be delivered in Spanish.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - International Spanish Pastor Coming to the Lanier Theological Library
Topic: Lanier Chapel Guest Speaker
Discussed by Dr. Miguel Nunez
with Lanier Theological Library (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there any fear of God left in the world?

Was America founded on Biblical values?

What does the evidence show about America’s decline in spirituality?

To reserve your FREE spot at Dr. Miguel Nunez’s lecture at the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday night, April 8, 2017, click herePlease note: The lecture will be delivered in Spanish.

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March 17, 2017

Title: The Gospel According to Mark
Topic: The Gospel According to Mark
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 5

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of Theology.  He also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years.   He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and has been the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.

This week, Dr. Capes will be teaching in place of Mark Lanier, who is on vacation with his family.  His lesson will focus on the Gospel of Mark.  For more information on Dr. Capes, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pain and grief have affected us all. Sometimes that grief passes quickly; sometimes the pain and heartache lasts generations. Dr. Capes believes studying the Bible is of utmost importance – especially when done with someone else.  Listen as he uses the analogy of a sunrise to explain.

What is the Kingdom of Heaven – the Kingdom of God? Is it real?  Do we really have a responsibility to share the Gospel with others so they can spend Eternity in Heaven?

Points for Home:
The life of Jesus was the beginning of the Good News.
His story is our story.
Repentance is necessary every day.
Baptism is the real start of our Christian life.
We must continue Jesus’ mission.

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March 16, 2017

Title: The Gospel According to Mark
Topic: The Gospel According to Mark
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 4

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of Theology.  He also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years.  He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and has been the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.

This week, Dr. Capes will be teaching in place of Mark Lanier, who is on vacation with his family.  His lesson will focus on the Gospel of Mark.  For more information on Dr. Capes, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Yesterday Dr. Capes touched on the first of four key reasons why Jesus was baptized: Jesus wanted to identify with John.  The second reason: 2) He wanted to identify with sinners.  But Jesus never sinned!  Why would he do that?  This was his mission! After all, he was here on earth for sinners!

There is something amazing that happened after Jesus was baptized.  Dr. Capes reads about that event, explaining why it was so significant.

Listen closely as Dr. Capes reveals the other two key reasons Jesus was baptized. He references the temptation of Jesus, wandering in the desert, and Matthew chapter 4.  Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion!

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March 15, 2017

Title: The Gospel According to Mark
Topic: The Gospel According to Mark
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 3

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of Theology.  He also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years.  He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and has been the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.

This week, Dr. Capes will be teaching in place of Mark Lanier, who is on vacation with his family.  His lesson will focus on the Gospel of Mark.  For more information on Dr. Capes, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Mark chapter 1,  John the Baptist is preparing the way of the Lord in an unlikely place: the wilderness.  Yet, he is preaching and baptizing people left and right!  John is also dressed in camel’s hair and eats locusts and honey!  Not only that, but John is actually acting out his message!  Listen as Dr. Capes explains the significance of this.

Dr. Capes also uses Joel as a reference in today’s segment to explain John’s actions.  Joel prophesied of the invasion of the locusts.  Is this why John ate the locusts?

Dr. Capes says there are four key reasons why Jesus is baptized: 1) He wants to identify with John.  Tune in tomorrow for more!

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March 14, 2017

Title: The Gospel According to Mark
Topic: The Gospel According to Mark
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of Theology. He also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years. He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and has been the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.

This week, Dr. Capes will be teaching in place of Mark Lanier, who is on vacation with his family. His lesson will focus on the Gospel of Mark. For more information on Dr. Capes, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Although Dr. Capes focus this week is on the Gospel of Mark, he begins today’s segment with Isaiah 40. He says, “This is a turning point in the prophecy of Isaiah.” God was bringing the exile and hardship to an end!

What is the key part of this passage? These are not words about a mere prophet, but about the Lord himself!

Dr. Capes also discusses why it is so important to never take the Lord’s name in vain. Are you guilty?

What does “repentance” mean?

Prophets did some strange things in the name of the Lord! Why did Isaiah walk naked for two years? Why did Ezekiel lay on his side on a road for 390 days? Why did he turn to his other side for forty days? Why are prophecies so important?

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March 13, 2017

Title: The Gospel According to Mark
Topic: The Gospel According to Mark
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of Theology. He also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years. He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and has been the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.

This week, Dr. Capes will be teaching in place of Mark Lanier, who is on vacation with his family. His lesson will focus on the Gospel of Mark. For more information on Dr. Capes, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why were the Gospels written? Dr. Capes says, “You can’t say ‘What WOULD Jesus do’ until you know ‘What DID Jesus do’.

Why do the Gospel begin with “The Gospel According to…”?

Aristotle was a fantastic storyteller. He believed the storyline was vital to a great story. The beginning of a story can make or break it. What does that mean for us? Are we part of the beginning, the middle, or the end? Or are we the “next phase”?

Mark quoted several passages when he introduced Jesus to the crowd. Listen as Dr. Capes discusses these verses. He will continue on this topic tomorrow, so tune in for more!

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February 17, 2017

Title: Dr. Alister McGrath
Topic: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Dr. Alister McGrath was the special guest at Champion Forest Baptist Church on Sunday, February 5. Monday through Wednesday of this week we aired his sermon. Today we will conclude his visit to CFBC with a portion of his LIVE interview with Mark Lanier

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. McGrath began his academic as biology major. After he completed that degree, he chose to pursue theology. Why? What did he find most engaging?

Why is theology important in our lives?

On a more personal, a less “heavy” note…What is Dr. McGrath’s favorite TV show? What is his favorite book? What is his “reading style”?

Listen in as Dr. Alister McGrath reveals what lessons he is currently learning from God.

Tune in next week as we get back to Mark Lanier’s “Why I Am Not” series with a lesson on the Jewish faith.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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February 16, 2017

Title: Dr. Alister McGrath
Topic: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Dr. Alister McGrath was the special guest at Champion Forest Baptist Church on Sunday, February 5. Monday through Wednesday of this week we aired his sermon. Today and tomorrow we will be airing portions of his LIVE interview with Mark Lanier during the Biblical Literacy Class at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Alister McGrath? We know he is Northern Irish theologian, priest, intellectual historian, scientist, and Christian apologist. But he is so much more! Listen as Mark Lanier reveals his many, many accomplishments.

Some topics discussed: How many children and grandchildren does Alister have? What does he do for “fun”? Why was Alister an atheist for so many years? Why did Alister choose to attend Oxford University? Why did he choose to study biology? Why did Alister pursue a degree in Theology?

Tune in tomorrow for more from Mark Lanier and Dr. Alister McGrath.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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February 15, 2017

Title: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Topic: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Dr. Alister McGrath was the special guest at Champion Forest Baptist Church on Sunday, February 5. Today we are airing the final segment for his sermon. Tune in on Thursday and Friday as we air portions of Mark Lanier’s LIVE interview with Dr. McGrath.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How would you explain justification, redemption, salvation, and being born again to people who have never heard the Gospel? It’s kind of like someone trying to explain their occupation to you and you not understanding a word! Listen as Dr. Alister McGrath offers Christians some help in this area.

C.S. Lewis realized the importance of stories. He was, after all, a famous author! Probably his best-known works are “The Chronicles of Narnia”. Dr. McGrath uses this story to make an excellent point. Listen in!

What can we do to advance the Kingdom of God? Dr. McGrath uses Paul as an example and urges us to not use our power to “save” people; rely, instead, on God’s mercy to bring people into His family. It is not about us; it is all about Him.

Tune in on Thursday and Friday this week as we air portions of Mark Lanier’s interview with Dr. Alister McGrath from his Biblical Literacy class.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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February 14, 2017

Title: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Topic: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Dr. Alister McGrath was the special guest at Champion Forest Baptist Church on Sunday, February 5. This week, we will air his sermon Monday through Friday and a portions of a special question and answer session on Thursday and Friday.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is so wonderful about Christianity? Why are people captivated with it? Dr. McGrath uses several analogies from C.S. Lewis to explain this fascination, even with suffering and pain still prevalent in the world. In the end, we know that God is for us and will stay with us.

Just like Dr. McGrath, C.S Lewis was, at one time, an atheist. How did this help his witness? More importantly, how can your past help your future?

When Jesus approached the disciples, he said two words “Follow me”. These two simple words had such an impact on their lives – and our lives today.

If Christianity is so revered and loved, why are there so many challenges when trying to explain “conversion”? Dr. McGrath believes, as did C.S. Lewis, words like “salvation”, “forgiveness”, and “resurrection” are foreign to unbelievers. In Romans 5, Paul talked about justification. This is another word that non-Christians just don’t understand.

Dr. McGrath has some excellent suggestions for Christians concerning this. Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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February 13, 2017

Title: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Topic: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Dr. Alister McGrath was the special guest at Champion Forest Baptist Church on Sunday, February 5. This week, we will air his sermon Monday through Friday and a portions of a special question and answer session on Thursday and Friday.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What challenges, excitements, and responsibilities do Christians face today? Dr. Alister McGrath uses Paul as example is his sermon, reviewing the book of Acts. His conversion was an amazing event, which is still applicable even now.

Why is Paul’s salvation so exciting to Dr. McGrath?

Dr. Alister McGrath was a staunch atheist. What changed in him? What made the biggest difference?

When Dr. McGrath was a “baby” Christian, many people told him he needed to do one thing to understand Christianity. What was it?

What is so engaging about the Christian life? Dr. McGrath uses the analogy of a sunrise to explain the Christian faith.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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October 27, 2016

Title: Legendary Christian Artist Michael Card
Topic: Celebrity Interviews
Discussed by Michael Card
with Lanier Theological Library (

Legendary Christian recording artist Michael Card has a simple and quiet goal: to teach the Bible to the world. In a career that spans thirty years, Michael Card has recorded over thirty-three albums, authored or co-authored over twenty-five books, hosted a radio program, and written for a wide range of magazines. While he has penned such favorites as “El Shaddai,” “Love Crucified Arose,” and “Emmanuel,” he never imagined selling more than four million albums or writing over nineteen #1 hits.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Michael Card will be the guest lecturer this Saturday, October 29 at the Lanier Chapel and Theological Library. The free event, open to those who RSVP, will start at 7 pm. Click here  to make reservations. His lecture is entitled: “Four Portraits of Jesus as found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John”.

Since the writers of the four gospels are different men, from different backgrounds, with different perspectives on life, do they contradict each other or are they like four fingers in a glove, each with a distinct function?

How does Michael Card condense a lecture on theological truism into a three-minute song?

Did Michael Card ever imagine becoming such a light to the world through his music and story-telling?

Michael Card will also be Mark Lanier’s guest in his Life Group class on Sunday morning, which begins at 10:55 in the Family Life Center at Champion Forest Baptist Church. If you cannot make it to the lecture on Saturday night, make plans to attend on Sunday morning. We’ll save a donut and a chair for you!

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September 6, 2016

Title: Early Christians Changed Their Culture
Topic: Lanier Chapel Guest Speaker
Discussed by Professor Larry Hurtado
with Lanier Theological Library (

Join Mark Lanier at the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday, September 10 at 7 pm with special guest Professor Larry Hurtado. Larry is a Professor of the New Testament Language, Literature, and Theology at the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He will be discussing “Destroying gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World”. Listen in as he gives a brief introduction to his lecture.

NOTE: For reservations for this FREE event, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did early Christianity help to challenge the ancient world? Did the early pagans view Christians with suspicion and as dangerous?

Why did the pagans view Christians as “deviant”? Larry explains that in the early Roman days, “religion and society were indistinguishable from each other”. They were all connected and centered around worshipping the “gods”. Christians did not participate in these activities and were, therefore, looked down upon and viewed as a traitor to the family.

How did early Christians help change the pagans’ way of thinking? Obviously not everyone believed, but many did. How did they shape our culture – morally, ethically, and spiritually?

Are we suffering from cultural amnesia?

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September 5, 2016

Title: Early Christians Changed Their Culture
Topic: Lanier Chapel Guest Speaker
Discussed by Professor Larry Hurtado
with Lanier Theological Library (

Join Mark Lanier at the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday, September 10 at 7 pm with special guest Professor Larry Hurtado. Larry is a Professor of the New Testament Language, Literature, and Theology at the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He will be discussing “Destroying gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World”. Listen in as he gives a brief introduction to his lecture.

NOTE: For reservations for this FREE event, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did early Christianity help to challenge the ancient world? Did the early pagans view Christians with suspicion and as dangerous?

Why did the pagans view Christians as “deviant”? Larry explains that in the early Roman days, “religion and society were indistinguishable from each other”. They were all connected and centered around worshipping the “gods”. Christians did not participate in these activities and were, therefore, looked down upon and viewed as a traitor to the family.

How did early Christians help change the pagans’ way of thinking? Obviously not everyone believed, but many did. How did they shape our culture – morally, ethically, and spiritually?

Are we suffering from cultural amnesia?

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September 2, 2016

Title: Early Christians Changed Their Culture
Topic: Lanier Chapel Guest Speaker
Discussed by Professor Larry Hurtado
with Lanier Theological Library (

Join Mark Lanier at the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday, September 10 at 7 pm with special guest Professor Larry Hurtado. Larry is a Professor of the New Testament Language, Literature, and Theology at the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He will be discussing “Destroying gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World”. Listen in as he gives a brief introduction to his lecture.

NOTE: For reservations for this FREE event, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did early Christianity help to challenge the ancient world? Did the early pagans view Christians with suspicion and as dangerous?

Why did the pagans view Christians as “deviant”? Larry explains that in the early Roman days, “religion and society were indistinguishable from each other”. They were all connected and centered around worshipping the “gods”. Christians did not participate in these activities and were, therefore, looked down upon and viewed as a traitor to the family.

How did early Christians help change the pagans’ way of thinking? Obviously not everyone believed, but many did. How did they shape our culture – morally, ethically, and spiritually?

Are we suffering from cultural amnesia?

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June 24, 2016

Title: New Testament Survey: Second and Third John
Topic: New Testament Survey
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 5

Yesterday, Dr. David Capes’ segment ended with a cliff-hangar: “The Scoundrel in the Church”. What did he mean by that? John called them “wicked nonsense”. Dr. Capes points out that while the scoundrels in John’s time are different than today, they are no less wicked; perhaps more so. Listen in.

The end of Third John is quite interesting. John stresses the importance of being close to one another. Dr. Capes shares a short testimony of what he loves about a certain church which brings him much encouragement.

NOTE: Mark Lanier was still in England last Sunday for the Biblical Literacy class, so Champion Forest Senior Pastor David Fleming filled in. Please tune in next week as Dr. Fleming shares more details from the book of Revelation, expanding on what Mark Lanier taught a few weeks ago.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word.  Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 23, 2016

Title: New Testament Survey: Second and Third John
Topic: New Testament Survey
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 4

So, who is Jesus?

Today, Dr. David Capes will be discussing true salvation and Jesus. So many “think” they are Christians, but they don’t even know the half of it. They believe in Jesus, but not that he was necessarily the Son of God in human form. Listen in as Dr. Capes uses specific references and real-life experiences to explain his position.

Dr. Capes also moves on to the book of Third John in this segment. Who was it written to? Why did the greeting include a “good health wish”? What was John trying to convey and encourage in the letter? Is hospitality and friendship vital to the Christian walk?

Listen in to the final segment with Dr. David Capes as he reveals who the “scoundrel in the church” is.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word.  Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 22, 2016

Title: New Testament Survey: Second and Third John
Topic: New Testament Survey
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 3

In Second and Third John, John was telling the people that there was some “stuff” going on within the church that was not right. John told the people that if they turn back to God, then all will be made right. He warned them, however, of the consequences if they did not.

John also writes about false teachers, or the anti-Christ. He actually mentions that there are “many” anti-Christs. But I thought there was just one anti-Christ. Listen in as Dr. Capes explains what this means. Also, what is a “phantom Christ”?

Dr. Capes uses apples and iron to explain the love of Christ and how his love never fails compared to the ever-disappointing world.

BONUS: Dr. David Capes makes up a new word “themeatizes” in this segment. Listen in to find out what that means!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word.  Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 21, 2016

Title: New Testament Survey: Second and Third John
Topic: New Testament Survey
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 2

Dr. David Capes continues explaining the Second Book of John and the significance of the greeting at the beginning of the book: “From the Elder to the Lady and her Children”. The information following this greeting is extremely important to understand, as well. For instance, the titles given to elders have specific meanings, some that are still used today.

The books of Second and Third John were often ignored back then, much like they are today,” Dr. Capes says. People just could not seem to agree on the information written. Dr. Capes uses several examples to shed more light on this subject and also reveals a special secret – listen in!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word.  Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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June 20, 2016

Title: Who is Dr. David Capes
Topic: Dr. David Capes
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of TheologyHe also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years. He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and has been the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.

Dr. Capes is an advocate for stronger relationships among people of different faith traditions and is passionate about church vitality and theological education. He recently subbed for Mark Lanier in the Biblical Literacy class at Champion Forest Baptist Church and those segments will be aired this week. The next two segments with Dr. Capes are a “Get to Know You” interview. Listen in!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How long has Dr. Capes known Mark Lanier? How did they meet?br />
DDr. Capes loves the Lanier Theological Library. In fact, he compares it to the theological library at Cambridge University! If you’ve never visited the Library, you should! Click here for details.

Are the smaller books of the Bible, like Second and Third John, often avoided and overlooked? br />
What does Dr. Capes think of the Biblical Literacy class at Champion Forest Baptist Church? He has nothing but good things to say – listen in!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Who is Dr. David Capes
Topic: Dr. David Capes
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Listen in as Dr. David Capes gives more information about himself, his teaching career, and the radio show he co-hosts with a Priest and a Rabbi.

But, first, Dr. Capes explains why the little books of Second and Third John are so important.

What is the significance of the “lady and her children”? Is this code for something else?

Why does John pray for prosperity and blessing?

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Title: New Testament Survey: Second and Third John
Topic: New Testament Survey
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of Theology.  He also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years.  He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and was the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.  Dr. Capes is filling in this week while Mark anxiously awaits the birth of his first grandchild in England!  The study this week is on Second and Third John.

Dr. Capes believes that it definitely matters what we say to others about Jesus and it matters what we say about other religions.  If we want others to respect our faith and opinions, then we must respect theirs.  We can still proclaim the truth in love, but we must always respect them.

Dr. David Capes reminds us that every book of the Bible is important.  The books of Second and Third John really talk about who Jesus is and how he really does matter; what we do with our knowledge of Jesus matters, too.

The beginning of Second John begins: “From the Elder to the Lady and her Children”.  What does this even mean?  Who was the elder?  Was it John?  Who was the lady?  Who were the children?  Dr. Capes uses some great references to explain this.  He doesn’t quite finish his explanation today, so tune in tomorrow to hear more!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word.  Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 20, 2016

Title: Special Interview: Simon Gathercole
Topic: Special Interview
Discussed by Dr. Simon Gathercole
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 5

Dr. Professor Simon Gathercole is a prominent British New Testament scholar. He is Reader in New Testament at the University of Cambridge and Fellow and Director of Studies in Theology at Fitzwilliam College. This week, Mark Lanier will be “interviewing” him concerning the geography and authenticity of the Bible.

Today is the final segment with Dr. Simon Gathercole concerning the atonement and justification. “The justified shall live by faith…” What does this phrase mean? The good news is for everyone, not just a chosen few. While only those who believe will be favored, people are not saved in different ways. Everyone must profess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

Mark really quizzes Dr. Gathercole hard on this subject and he certainly gives some terrific responses to help us more clearly understand what Paul is conveying. For instance, in Romans 3:21-26, Paul reveals how patient God is with His sinful creation. Listen in as Simon gives more details.

Dr. Gathercole also discusses his new book on atonement, “Defending Substitution: An Essay on Atonement in Paul”, which can be purchased on Amazon.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 19, 2016

Title: Special Interview: Simon Gathercole
Topic: Special Interview
Discussed by Dr. Simon Gathercole
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 4

Dr. Professor Simon Gathercole is a prominent British New Testament scholar. He is Reader in New Testament at the University of Cambridge and Fellow and Director of Studies in Theology at Fitzwilliam College. This week, Mark Lanier will be “interviewing” him concerning the geography and authenticity of the Bible.

Today, Dr. Gathercole and Mark Lanier continue on the topic of Justification, as found in Romans 3:28-29: “28For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. 29Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too.”

If one must be saved and profess a belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in order to spend eternity in heaven, how can God hold dominion over non-believers as well? Dr. Gathercole says, “It depends on what people see as the primary point of justification.” He also disagrees with James Dunn (discussed yesterday) on this aspect of Paul’s letter. Listen in as he explains…

Another Scripture Passage regarding justification which Dr. Gathercole and Mark reflect on today is 1 Corinthians 15. Dr. Gathercole focuses quite a bit on verse three of this passage: “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for OUR sins according to the Scriptures.”

Dr. Simon also reviews the translations of the word “gospel” and its significance in this segment today. If you remember from Mark’s study on Greek, “gospel” means “good news”. This is closely tied to the word “justification”. Listen in as Dr. Simon explains how the Jews during Paul’s time didn’t understand the need for someone (Jesus) to die for their sins; after all, their way of sacrifice was working just fine.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 18, 2016

Title: Special Interview: Simon Gathercole
Topic: Special Interview
Discussed by Dr. Simon Gathercole
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 3

Dr. Professor Simon Gathercole is a prominent British New Testament scholar. He is Reader in New Testament at the University of Cambridge and Fellow and Director of Studies in Theology at Fitzwilliam College. This week, Mark Lanier will be “interviewing” him concerning the geography and authenticity of the Bible.

Dr. Simon Gathercole studied under well-known author and theologian James Dunn. Perhaps his most famous work was about the life of Paul, which is the subject of today’s segment with Dr. Gathercole. He fondly recalls, “If you criticized him, he didn’t take it personally.” He welcomed debate and disagreement – and Dr. Gathercole definitely differed on the “New Perspective on Paul.”  Listen in as Dr. Gathercole explains what this is and why they disagreed on the subject, which leads to the next topic of Justification.

Romans 3:28-29: “29For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. 29Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too.”

In regards to justification, Dr. Gathercole states: “That’s the miracle of the Gospel. We are guilty. We are sinners. We disobey the will of a Holy God. But, through the death of Jesus Christ on our behalf, we have a miraculous verdict!” Tune in tomorrow as Dr. Gathercole discusses more on the topic of justification.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 17, 2016

Title: Special Interview: Simon Gathercole
Topic: Special Interview
Discussed by Dr. Simon Gathercole
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 2

Dr. Professor Simon Gathercole is a prominent British New Testament scholar. He is Reader in New Testament at the University of Cambridge and Fellow and Director of Studies in Theology at Fitzwilliam College. This week, Mark Lanier will be “interviewing” him concerning the geography and authenticity of the Bible.

When and how did Dr. Simon Gathercole become a Christian? He began his testimony yesterday on the program and continues today, explaining how he was an atheist and only went to the “Christian Union” because there was nothing else to do! Isn’t it amazing how God works? Listen in as he finishes his testimony in this segment.

Also, for those of you who are curious, Dr. Gathercole explains the difference between an American college and a university in the UK, specifically in Oxford and Cambridge. The lessons are often taught one-on-one with student and professor. It’s very interesting information.

In the final part of this segment, Dr. Gathercole gives a brief explanation of his studies at Cambridge, his work history after he graduated, and he wound up back at Cambridge as a professor.

BONUS: Dr. Simon Gathercole is one of the translators of the NIV Bible.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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May 16, 2016

Title: Special Interview: Simon Gathercole
Topic: Special Interview
Discussed by Dr. Simon Gathercole
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1

Dr. Professor Simon Gathercole is a prominent British New Testament scholar. He is Reader in New Testament at the University of Cambridge and Fellow and Director of Studies in Theology at Fitzwilliam College. This week, Mark Lanier will be “interviewing” him concerning the geography and authenticity of the Bible.

There are three goals for this interview:
1) To get to know Simon as a person;
2) To be edified by his teachings; and
3) And to get free information without paying tuition!

First, Dr. Gathercole shares some of his personal life. He is married with two children. He is an elder at his church in England, which is quite large – about the size of the choir at Champion Forest (which is roughly 200 people!). He grew up in a suburb on London. His father was a successful business man, but both of his parents dropped out of school as teenagers. It just proves that no matter what your background is, you can achieve anything!

Next, Simon discusses the University system in England. It is very different from America, as the process actually begins in high school. He became a Christian at the age of thirteen at school – even though he was an atheist – and that is another story entirely! Listen in as Simon shares just how messed up the Christian belief is in London and the UK and his conversion story. He continues with this tomorrow, so tune in to hear more!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 29, 2016

Title: The Journey of Jesus and Jewish Geography
Topic: Gospel Truth
Discussed by Dr. Simon Gathercole
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1 of 2

Some Jesus skeptics doubt the existence of places like Nazareth and Capernaum. Do they / did they really exist? Does it matter?

Dr. Professor Simon Gathercole is a prominent British New Testament scholar. He is Reader in New Testament at the University of Cambridge and Fellow and Director of Studies in Theology at Fitzwilliam College. Dr. Gathercole will be at the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday night (7pm-9pm) May 7, 2016, for a lecture on "The Journeys of Jesus and Jewish Geography".

Today, he will be giving a pre-view of his lecture in two segments. First, Dr. Gathercole says, “I think it’s important for Christians to recognize that the kind of God we worship is not sort of a spirit up there who doesn’t really have much contact with us.” It’s not just a “feeling inside”. We know God is there through Scripture. Throughout the Bible, God acted and called specific people to go to specific places.

Skeptics often try to downplay the validity of the Bible by saying the writers (especially of the Gospels) just made up the names of the towns. Therefore, they claim that you cannot believe anything in the Bible! During his lecture on Saturday, May 7, Dr. Gathercole will be illustrating the various places, events, and writings which prove Jesus existed.

To reserve your FREE spot for the lecture, "The Journeys of Jesus and Jewish Geography", by Dr. Simon Gathercole on Saturday, May 7 at the Lanier Theological Seminary, click here.

Listen in as Dr. Gathercole describes more about the proven existence of Jesus and the many cities mentioned in the Bible. Tune in to the next segment as he discusses “atonement.”

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Journey of Jesus and Jewish Geography
Topic: Gospel Truth
Discussed by Dr. Simon Gathercole
with Lanier Theological Library (

Dr. Simon Gathercole has been to Israel many times and he is always mesmerized by the discoveries he makes.Having an understanding of Israel gives one insight to the Gospels,” he believes. In this second segment, he explains that many New Testament scholars are unaware of the evidence for Gospel sites. In his research, he has discovered “the commentators won’t refer to the knowledge that we have from elsewhere.” He goes on to say that some scholars even refer to the Gospels as fictional novels! Dr. Gathercole respectfully disagrees.

Dr. Gathercole also believes that atonement is an important aspect of a Christian’s walk with Christ. The English translation for atonement is “reconciliation”; the first five letters are “acts of one”, so the word literally means “two estranged parties becoming one again.” For believers, the “gulf has been bridged by the cross of Jesus and his resurrection”. Man – aren’t you going to sound smart around the water cooler at work with this one! Listen in as Dr. Gathercole expounds on this more deeply in this segment.

Dr. Gathercole’s FREE lecture will equip you with more knowledge about the places which Jesus and the disciples visited and will better explain how the Gospels are true and authentic. He says, “Our friendship with Jesus is not just something which is based on Jesus being in our heart now, but the reconciliation actually happened 2,000 years ago.

It’s not simply enough to know John 3:16 or a handful of other well-known verses. We must truly dig into His Word and soak in the wisdom with the pages. For instance, did you know that there is a real difference between a city, a town, a country side, and a village? This is actually very important and Dr. Gathercole discusses why in this segment.

To reserve your FREE spot for the lecture, "The Journeys of Jesus and Jewish Geography", by Dr. Simon Gathercole on Saturday, May 7 at the Lanier Theological Seminary, click here.

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April 22, 2016

Title: The Journey of Jesus and Jewish Geography
Topic: Gospel Truth
Discussed by Dr. Simon Gathercole
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1 of 2

Some Jesus skeptics doubt the existence of places like Nazareth and Capernaum. Do they / did they really exist? Does it matter?

Dr. Professor Simon Gathercole is a prominent British New Testament scholar. He is Reader in New Testament at the University of Cambridge and Fellow and Director of Studies in Theology at Fitzwilliam College. Dr. Gathercole will be at the Lanier Theological Library on Saturday night (7pm-9pm) May 7, 2016, for a lecture on "The Journeys of Jesus and Jewish Geography".

Today, he will be giving a pre-view of his lecture in two segments. First, Dr. Gathercole says, “I think it’s important for Christians to recognize that the kind of God we worship is not sort of a spirit up there who doesn’t really have much contact with us.” It’s not just a “feeling inside”. We know God is there through Scripture. Throughout the Bible, God acted and called specific people to go to specific places.

Skeptics often try to downplay the validity of the Bible by saying the writers (especially of the Gospels) just made up the names of the towns. Therefore, they claim that you cannot believe anything in the Bible! During his lecture on Saturday, May 7, Dr. Gathercole will be illustrating the various places, events, and writings which prove Jesus existed.

To reserve your FREE spot for the lecture, "The Journeys of Jesus and Jewish Geography", by Dr. Simon Gathercole on Saturday, May 7 at the Lanier Theological Seminary, click here.

Listen in as Dr. Gathercole describes more about the proven existence of Jesus and the many cities mentioned in the Bible. Tune in to the next segment as he discusses “atonement.”

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Journey of Jesus and Jewish Geography
Topic: Gospel Truth
Discussed by Dr. Simon Gathercole
with Lanier Theological Library (

Dr. Simon Gathercole has been to Israel many times and he is always mesmerized by the discoveries he makes.Having an understanding of Israel gives one insight to the Gospels,” he believes. In this second segment, he explains that many New Testament scholars are unaware of the evidence for Gospel sites. In his research, he has discovered “the commentators won’t refer to the knowledge that we have from elsewhere.” He goes on to say that some scholars even refer to the Gospels as fictional novels! Dr. Gathercole respectfully disagrees.

Dr. Gathercole also believes that atonement is an important aspect of a Christian’s walk with Christ. The English translation for atonement is “reconciliation”; the first five letters are “acts of one”, so the word literally means “two estranged parties becoming one again.” For believers, the “gulf has been bridged by the cross of Jesus and his resurrection”. Man – aren’t you going to sound smart around the water cooler at work with this one! Listen in as Dr. Gathercole expounds on this more deeply in this segment.

Dr. Gathercole’s FREE lecture will equip you with more knowledge about the places which Jesus and the disciples visited and will better explain how the Gospels are true and authentic. He says, “Our friendship with Jesus is not just something which is based on Jesus being in our heart now, but the reconciliation actually happened 2,000 years ago.

It’s not simply enough to know John 3:16 or a handful of other well-known verses. We must truly dig into His Word and soak in the wisdom with the pages. For instance, did you know that there is a real difference between a city, a town, a country side, and a village? This is actually very important and Dr. Gathercole discusses why in this segment.

To reserve your FREE spot for the lecture, "The Journeys of Jesus and Jewish Geography", by Dr. Simon Gathercole on Saturday, May 7 at the Lanier Theological Seminary, click here.

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March 20, 2013

Title: CS Lewis from Atheism to Theism to Christianity
Topic: C.S. Lewis
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1 of 3

Jack was bad. He did bad things. He said bad things. He didn’t believe in God.

But who is Jack? Well, his good friends called him Jack. His mother probably hollered down the street at supper-time “Clive Staples Lewis you get home now!” But we know him as CS Lewis.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: C.S. Lewis
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Fifty years after his death, CS Lewis still continues to inspire people across the globe.

He is perhaps best known for his published series of books, which turned big screen, Narnia. But what led CS Lewis to write tremendous books and papers? He used to be an Atheist! He was a Theist! So, how on earth did CS Lewis become a Christian?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: C.S. Lewis
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Dr. Alister McGrath is a former Atheist himself. He is a learned scholar.

In fact, he is a Professor of Theology, Ministry, and Education at King’s college in London. So how did he come to know Christ? And why is he so interested in CS Lewis?

Come hear Dr. Alister McGrath on Saturday evening, March 23 at Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. The lecture on CS Lewis is free to all!

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March 13, 2013

Title: CS Lewis from Atheism to Theism to Christianity
Topic: C.S. Lewis
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1 of 3

Jack was bad. He did bad things. He said bad things. He didn’t believe in God.

But who is Jack? Well, his good friends called him Jack. His mother probably hollered down the street at supper-time “Clive Staples Lewis you get home now!” But we know him as CS Lewis.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: C.S. Lewis
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Fifty years after his death, CS Lewis still continues to inspire people across the globe.

He is perhaps best known for his published series of books, which turned big screen, Narnia. But what led CS Lewis to write tremendous books and papers? He used to be an Atheist! He was a Theist! So, how on earth did CS Lewis become a Christian?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: C.S. Lewis
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Dr. Alister McGrath is a former Atheist himself. He is a learned scholar.

In fact, he is a Professor of Theology, Ministry, and Education at King’s college in London. So how did he come to know Christ? And why is he so interested in CS Lewis?

Come hear Dr. Alister McGrath on Saturday evening, March 23 at Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. The lecture on CS Lewis is free to all!

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February 13, 2013

Title: CS Lewis from Atheism to Theism to Christianity
Topic: C.S. Lewis
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1 of 3

Jack was bad. He did bad things. He said bad things. He didn’t believe in God.

But who is Jack? Well, his good friends called him Jack. His mother probably hollered down the street at supper-time “Clive Staples Lewis you get home now!” But we know him as CS Lewis.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: C.S. Lewis
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Fifty years after his death, CS Lewis still continues to inspire people across the globe.

He is perhaps best known for his published series of books, which turned big screen, Narnia. But what led CS Lewis to write tremendous books and papers? He used to be an Atheist! He was a Theist! So, how on earth did CS Lewis become a Christian?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: C.S. Lewis
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Dr. Alister McGrath is a former Atheist himself. He is a learned scholar.

In fact, he is a Professor of Theology, Ministry, and Education at King’s college in London. So how did he come to know Christ? And why is he so interested in CS Lewis?

Come hear Dr. Alister McGrath on Saturday evening, March 23 at Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. The lecture on CS Lewis is free to all!

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