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February 17, 2017

Title: Dr. Alister McGrath
Topic: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Dr. Alister McGrath was the special guest at Champion Forest Baptist Church on Sunday, February 5. Monday through Wednesday of this week we aired his sermon. Today we will conclude his visit to CFBC with a portion of his LIVE interview with Mark Lanier

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. McGrath began his academic as biology major. After he completed that degree, he chose to pursue theology. Why? What did he find most engaging?

Why is theology important in our lives?

On a more personal, a less “heavy” note…What is Dr. McGrath’s favorite TV show? What is his favorite book? What is his “reading style”?

Listen in as Dr. Alister McGrath reveals what lessons he is currently learning from God.

Tune in next week as we get back to Mark Lanier’s “Why I Am Not” series with a lesson on the Jewish faith.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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February 16, 2017

Title: Dr. Alister McGrath
Topic: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Dr. Alister McGrath was the special guest at Champion Forest Baptist Church on Sunday, February 5. Monday through Wednesday of this week we aired his sermon. Today and tomorrow we will be airing portions of his LIVE interview with Mark Lanier during the Biblical Literacy Class at Champion Forest Baptist Church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Alister McGrath? We know he is Northern Irish theologian, priest, intellectual historian, scientist, and Christian apologist. But he is so much more! Listen as Mark Lanier reveals his many, many accomplishments.

Some topics discussed: How many children and grandchildren does Alister have? What does he do for “fun”? Why was Alister an atheist for so many years? Why did Alister choose to attend Oxford University? Why did he choose to study biology? Why did Alister pursue a degree in Theology?

Tune in tomorrow for more from Mark Lanier and Dr. Alister McGrath.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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February 15, 2017

Title: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Topic: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Dr. Alister McGrath was the special guest at Champion Forest Baptist Church on Sunday, February 5. Today we are airing the final segment for his sermon. Tune in on Thursday and Friday as we air portions of Mark Lanier’s LIVE interview with Dr. McGrath.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How would you explain justification, redemption, salvation, and being born again to people who have never heard the Gospel? It’s kind of like someone trying to explain their occupation to you and you not understanding a word! Listen as Dr. Alister McGrath offers Christians some help in this area.

C.S. Lewis realized the importance of stories. He was, after all, a famous author! Probably his best-known works are “The Chronicles of Narnia”. Dr. McGrath uses this story to make an excellent point. Listen in!

What can we do to advance the Kingdom of God? Dr. McGrath uses Paul as an example and urges us to not use our power to “save” people; rely, instead, on God’s mercy to bring people into His family. It is not about us; it is all about Him.

Tune in on Thursday and Friday this week as we air portions of Mark Lanier’s interview with Dr. Alister McGrath from his Biblical Literacy class.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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February 14, 2017

Title: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Topic: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Dr. Alister McGrath was the special guest at Champion Forest Baptist Church on Sunday, February 5. This week, we will air his sermon Monday through Friday and a portions of a special question and answer session on Thursday and Friday.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is so wonderful about Christianity? Why are people captivated with it? Dr. McGrath uses several analogies from C.S. Lewis to explain this fascination, even with suffering and pain still prevalent in the world. In the end, we know that God is for us and will stay with us.

Just like Dr. McGrath, C.S Lewis was, at one time, an atheist. How did this help his witness? More importantly, how can your past help your future?

When Jesus approached the disciples, he said two words “Follow me”. These two simple words had such an impact on their lives – and our lives today.

If Christianity is so revered and loved, why are there so many challenges when trying to explain “conversion”? Dr. McGrath believes, as did C.S. Lewis, words like “salvation”, “forgiveness”, and “resurrection” are foreign to unbelievers. In Romans 5, Paul talked about justification. This is another word that non-Christians just don’t understand.

Dr. McGrath has some excellent suggestions for Christians concerning this. Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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February 13, 2017

Title: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Topic: Special Guest: Alister McGrath
Discussed by Alister McGrath
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Dr. Alister McGrath was the special guest at Champion Forest Baptist Church on Sunday, February 5. This week, we will air his sermon Monday through Friday and a portions of a special question and answer session on Thursday and Friday.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What challenges, excitements, and responsibilities do Christians face today? Dr. Alister McGrath uses Paul as example is his sermon, reviewing the book of Acts. His conversion was an amazing event, which is still applicable even now.

Why is Paul’s salvation so exciting to Dr. McGrath?

Dr. Alister McGrath was a staunch atheist. What changed in him? What made the biggest difference?

When Dr. McGrath was a “baby” Christian, many people told him he needed to do one thing to understand Christianity. What was it?

What is so engaging about the Christian life? Dr. McGrath uses the analogy of a sunrise to explain the Christian faith.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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