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March 17, 2017

Title: The Gospel According to Mark
Topic: The Gospel According to Mark
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 5

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of Theology.  He also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years.   He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and has been the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.

This week, Dr. Capes will be teaching in place of Mark Lanier, who is on vacation with his family.  His lesson will focus on the Gospel of Mark.  For more information on Dr. Capes, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pain and grief have affected us all. Sometimes that grief passes quickly; sometimes the pain and heartache lasts generations. Dr. Capes believes studying the Bible is of utmost importance – especially when done with someone else.  Listen as he uses the analogy of a sunrise to explain.

What is the Kingdom of Heaven – the Kingdom of God? Is it real?  Do we really have a responsibility to share the Gospel with others so they can spend Eternity in Heaven?

Points for Home:
The life of Jesus was the beginning of the Good News.
His story is our story.
Repentance is necessary every day.
Baptism is the real start of our Christian life.
We must continue Jesus’ mission.

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March 16, 2017

Title: The Gospel According to Mark
Topic: The Gospel According to Mark
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 4

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of Theology.  He also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years.  He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and has been the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.

This week, Dr. Capes will be teaching in place of Mark Lanier, who is on vacation with his family.  His lesson will focus on the Gospel of Mark.  For more information on Dr. Capes, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Yesterday Dr. Capes touched on the first of four key reasons why Jesus was baptized: Jesus wanted to identify with John.  The second reason: 2) He wanted to identify with sinners.  But Jesus never sinned!  Why would he do that?  This was his mission! After all, he was here on earth for sinners!

There is something amazing that happened after Jesus was baptized.  Dr. Capes reads about that event, explaining why it was so significant.

Listen closely as Dr. Capes reveals the other two key reasons Jesus was baptized. He references the temptation of Jesus, wandering in the desert, and Matthew chapter 4.  Tune in tomorrow for the conclusion!

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March 15, 2017

Title: The Gospel According to Mark
Topic: The Gospel According to Mark
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 3

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of Theology.  He also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years.  He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and has been the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.

This week, Dr. Capes will be teaching in place of Mark Lanier, who is on vacation with his family.  His lesson will focus on the Gospel of Mark.  For more information on Dr. Capes, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Mark chapter 1,  John the Baptist is preparing the way of the Lord in an unlikely place: the wilderness.  Yet, he is preaching and baptizing people left and right!  John is also dressed in camel’s hair and eats locusts and honey!  Not only that, but John is actually acting out his message!  Listen as Dr. Capes explains the significance of this.

Dr. Capes also uses Joel as a reference in today’s segment to explain John’s actions.  Joel prophesied of the invasion of the locusts.  Is this why John ate the locusts?

Dr. Capes says there are four key reasons why Jesus is baptized: 1) He wants to identify with John.  Tune in tomorrow for more!

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March 14, 2017

Title: The Gospel According to Mark
Topic: The Gospel According to Mark
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of Theology. He also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years. He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and has been the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.

This week, Dr. Capes will be teaching in place of Mark Lanier, who is on vacation with his family. His lesson will focus on the Gospel of Mark. For more information on Dr. Capes, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Although Dr. Capes focus this week is on the Gospel of Mark, he begins today’s segment with Isaiah 40. He says, “This is a turning point in the prophecy of Isaiah.” God was bringing the exile and hardship to an end!

What is the key part of this passage? These are not words about a mere prophet, but about the Lord himself!

Dr. Capes also discusses why it is so important to never take the Lord’s name in vain. Are you guilty?

What does “repentance” mean?

Prophets did some strange things in the name of the Lord! Why did Isaiah walk naked for two years? Why did Ezekiel lay on his side on a road for 390 days? Why did he turn to his other side for forty days? Why are prophecies so important?

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March 13, 2017

Title: The Gospel According to Mark
Topic: The Gospel According to Mark
Discussed by Dr. David Capes
with Lanier Theological Library (

Part 1

Dr. David Capes is the Academic Dean at the Houston Graduate School of Theology. He also served as a Professor of New Testament at Houston Baptist University for twenty-five years. He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited many books and has been the co-host of the radio program “A Show of Faith” for twelve years.

This week, Dr. Capes will be teaching in place of Mark Lanier, who is on vacation with his family. His lesson will focus on the Gospel of Mark. For more information on Dr. Capes, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why were the Gospels written? Dr. Capes says, “You can’t say ‘What WOULD Jesus do’ until you know ‘What DID Jesus do’.

Why do the Gospel begin with “The Gospel According to…”?

Aristotle was a fantastic storyteller. He believed the storyline was vital to a great story. The beginning of a story can make or break it. What does that mean for us? Are we part of the beginning, the middle, or the end? Or are we the “next phase”?

Mark quoted several passages when he introduced Jesus to the crowd. Listen as Dr. Capes discusses these verses. He will continue on this topic tomorrow, so tune in for more!

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