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December 15, 2023

Title: Genesis: Noah and The Flood and The Tower of Babel
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he teaches on Noah and the Flood and the Tower of Babel.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

NOTE: There were some technical issues recording the lesson, so the first few minutes are missing from the video.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


What does “chi” mean in Greek? Why does it look like the English letter X? Mark discusses one language to many languages, one location to many locations, unity to division, and God in the middle of it all.

When and why did God reverse Babylon to Pentecost?


Honor your father and your mother. In fact, honor your whole family and those around you!

God is not a genie in a bottle! Mark tells a funny joke…

Pride is not your friend. Choose humility over arrogance. (Genesis 11:4)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 14, 2023

Title: Genesis: Noah and The Flood and The Tower of Babel
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he teaches on Noah and the Flood and the Tower of Babel.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

NOTE: There were some technical issues recording the lesson, so the first few minutes are missing from the video.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Did people, including preachers, once use these verses in Genesis 9 to justify slavery?

Was Jesus the answer to the curse Noah placed upon Canaan? (Acts 8-10; John 10:16; Matthew 15:21-28; Acts 1:8)

What is the story of the Tower of Babel? (Genesis 11)

What is the Hebrew word for “brick”? What does “confuse” mean in verse 7? This is important later on, too, so listen closely.

What was the location of the Tower of Babel?

What was the purpose of a tower in the culture of the time?

NOTE: The Greek letter “chi” looks like an X in English language. What does it mean? Mark concludes the lesson tomorrow with his explanation and its’ importance to us today…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 13, 2023

Title: Genesis: Noah and The Flood and The Tower of Babel
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he teaches on Noah and the Flood and the Tower of Babel.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

NOTE: There were some technical issues recording the lesson, so the first few minutes are missing from the video.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


What happened when Noah got drunk? Yesterday, Mark discussed the Bible and alcohol. (Proverbs 20:1)

What was so wrong about Noah being naked in his own tent? Mark references Leviticus 20:17 and explains why scholars debate this issue.

Why did Noah curse his grandson, Canaan, the son of Ham? What was the curse and how far did the curse reach? Mark explains using a map, which can be found at the link above at the 25-minute mark.

What is the promise received from God through Noah’s son, Shem? How far does this promise reach?

Did people, including preachers, once use these verses in Genesis 9 to justify slavery?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 12, 2023

Title: Genesis: Noah and The Flood and The Tower of Babel
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he teaches on Noah and the Flood and the Tower of Babel.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

NOTE: There were some technical issues recording the lesson, so the first few minutes are missing from the video.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


What was God’s covenant to Noah? Is this also a covenant to us today?

What does “bow” refer to in verse 13? This is really interesting!

Who were Noah’s sons?

Why did Noah switch from being a construction worker to a farmer?

What happened when Noah got drunk? Mark takes a time-out to discuss the Bible and alcohol. (Proverbs 20:1)

What was so wrong about Noah being naked in his own tent? (Leviticus 20:17) More on this tomorrow…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 11, 2023

Title: Genesis: Noah and The Flood and The Tower of Babel
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he teaches on Noah and the Flood and the Tower of Babel.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

NOTE: There were some technical issues recording the lesson, so the first few minutes are missing from the video.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Mark wraps up details about the Genesis Flood Account with a story about Old Testament Scholar Brevard Childs and the importance of the Hebrew word for “remember”.


Mark reads from Genesis 9, explaining some phrases and information along the way…

What are “mitzvot” in the Torah? Why did Jewish Rabbis believe there were 613 of them?

How many “mitzvot” did Adam have? Which one did Noah add to the list?

Why are we “image bearers of God”? (Genesis 9:5-6) Mark reminds us that we are walking advertisements for God.

Does “be fruitful and multiply” only mean “have babies”?

What was God’s covenant to Noah? More on this tomorrow…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 8, 2023

Title: Genesis: Before the Flood
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he reviews the background stories before The Flood happened and discusses some of the storyline within The Flood as well.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Mark wraps up details about the Genesis Flood Account with a story about Old Testament Scholar Brevard Childs and the importance of the Hebrew word for “remember”.


Adam hid from God. Noah walked with God. So, walk with God!

The Creator of all is also the Judge of all. God is a righteous Judge.

Mercy triumphs over judgment. Remember that God is merciful – always.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 7, 2023

Title: Genesis: Before the Flood
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he reviews the background stories before The Flood happened and discusses some of the storyline within The Flood as well.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Why did Noah “find favor in the eyes of the LORD”?

What does “favor” mean?

What does Noah’s name mean?

Why did God decide to destroy humans through a flood?

How was God’s reason different from the “gods” reason?

What are some interesting facts about the material used to build the ark?

Who was Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer (The Baal Shem Tov)? What did he say about the Genesis Flood story? According to him, what does the ark represent to us about prayer?

NOTE: For a brief moment, Mark explains what the word “hms” (or hamas) means… Listen for it!

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 6, 2023

Title: Genesis: Before the Flood
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he reviews the background stories before The Flood happened and discusses some of the storyline within The Flood as well.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Yesterday, Mark explained how the gods created humans and why they ultimately decided to destroy them. Today, he continues the Atrahasis Epic story of the flood.

Which god was the whistle-blower?

Who built an ark to save his family? Did he also take animals? How long did the flood last?

Why did the gods create demons?


What prompted the flood in this story?

Who was the whistle-blower?

Who built an ark to save his family? Did he also take animals?


Did water already cover most of the earth? When did dry land appear?

How many generations are between Adam and Eve and Noah?

Mark will discuss this more on Thursday and Friday…

What are some of the differences between the four stories? Mark spends the remainder of this segment explaining the differences and reads from Genesis 6…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 5, 2023

Title: Genesis: Before the Flood
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he reviews the background stories before The Flood happened and discusses some of the storyline within The Flood as well.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



What happened after creation?

Who were the kings? How long did each king rule?

What mathematical system did they use? Why is this important?


Why and how did gods create humans?

Why did the gods want to cause a famine? Who stopped it?

Why did the gods want to kill humanity through diseases? Who stopped it?

Why did the gods want to destroy humans through a flood? Who built an ark to save his family? Tune in tomorrow for the rest of the story!

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 4, 2023

Title: Genesis: Before the Flood
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he reviews the background stories before The Flood happened and discusses some of the storyline within The Flood as well.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Can you remember what happened to you yesterday? What about 5 years ago? What about 40 years ago? Why is it important to have an account of what happened thousands of years ago? Mark explains that studying the Bible is like remembering what happened many, many years ago.


When was the Age of Patriarchs?
Who were the Patriarchs?
What is the Sumerian King List?
What is the Atrahasis Epic?
What is the Sumerian Flood Tale?
How does the Creation Story tie into The Flood Story?
How are all four stories similar?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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December 1, 2023

Title: Genesis 4 and 5: Lineage and Genealogy
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he looks at the chapters between the Fall and the Flood, focusing much of the lesson each day on the lineage and genealogy of Adam and Eve.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Why did Noah find favor in the LORD?

Why is it important to read this passage (and all Scripture) in context?

Mark shares a fun fact about Noah’s name.

Who was Er? Why was there only one verse written about him? What did he do that resulted in his death?


Be careful with your life. Are you choosing corruption and rebellion? Or are you choosing worship and redemption?

Good leads to good. Bad leads to bad. Remember: There is a limit to your time on earth. Spend it wisely. You cannot walk with evil and expect to have a good relationship with God.

In spite of your genealogy or lineage, God can and will use you for His glory. His purpose will not be thwarted. His promises will not fail.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 30, 2023

Title: Genesis 4 and 5: Lineage and Genealogy
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he looks at the chapters between the Fall and the Flood, focusing much of the lesson each day on the lineage and genealogy of Adam and Eve.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Mark invites his sister Katherine to the stage to demonstrate some interesting writing habits of the ancients. Click the link above and fast-forward to the 48-minute mark to view the illustration.


When was this written?

How long did each king rule?

What significance is the Sumerian King List to Christians today?

Who/what were Nephilim?


Why did Noah find favor in the LORD?

Why is it important to read this passage (and all Scripture) in context?

Mark shares a fun fact about Noah’s name at the end of this segment. Listen close for it!

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 29, 2023

Title: Genesis 4 and 5: Lineage and Genealogy
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he looks at the chapters between the Fall and the Flood, focusing much of the lesson each day on the lineage and genealogy of Adam and Eve.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



How did Adam and Eve’s lineage continue after Cain killed Abel? Mark reads from Genesis 5.

Why don’t we know if/when Enoch died?

What is the significance of the Ashmolean Museum at the University of Oxford?

Mark invites his sister Katherine to the stage to demonstrate some interesting writing habits of the ancients. Click the link above and fast-forward to the 48-minute mark to view the illustration.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 28, 2023

Title: Genesis 4 and 5: Lineage and Genealogy
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he looks at the chapters between the Fall and the Flood, focusing much of the lesson each day on the lineage and genealogy of Adam and Eve.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Mark reads the lineage of Cain and completes the lineage of Adam and Eve.

Why does Mark urge us to read between the lines and not get bored with specifics?

Mark discusses the book: “East of Eden” by John Steinbeck  and the major difference between it and the true story about Cain and Abel.

Were Cain’s offspring worse than he was?

Why is isolation so dangerous?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 27, 2023

Title: Genesis 4 and 5: Lineage and Genealogy
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he looks at the chapters between the Fall and the Flood, focusing much of the lesson each day on the lineage and genealogy of Adam and Eve.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Genesis is the prequal for the rest of the Torah.

Genesis was written to ancient Israel and written for us today.

The True Creation of the world was vastly different than what Moses and the people thought.

Life was great – until Adam and Eve sinned. They were expelled from the Garden of Eden and a curse was placed upon the world


Mark reads from Genesis 4, the story of Cain and Abel.

Why was Cain angry?

What was God’s response to Cain’s anger?

What was Cain’s punishment for killing Abel?

What if someone killed Cain? What would their punishment be?

What was the “Mark of Cain”?

Mark reads the lineage of Cain.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 17, 2023

Title: Genesis 2 and 3: The Garden and the Fall
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the Genesis Biblical Literacy lesson. This week, he teaches on Genesis 2 and 3, explaining how the Genesis Story and the fall of humanity aren’t so much about sin, but rather about trusting in God.

David Fleming is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. He and his wife, Beverly, also serve as missionaries in the UK.

To view Pastor David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



What were the consequences laid upon humanity for Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden? David Fleming discusses innocence to shame/guilt, intimacy with God to separation, pleasure in life to pain, and immortality to suffering and death.


How did Moses prepare the people for The Tabernacle and the Ten Commandments through the Genesis Creation Story? (Deuteronomy 11)

How does the Genesis Creation Story prepare us today through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross? (Romans 5)


God pursues us. (Genesis 3:8-9)

God promises us. (Genesis 3:15)

God provides for us. (Genesis 3:21)

Remember: There is a garden in your past, but there is a garden in your future, too. God was in your past, but God is in your future, too.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 16, 2023

Title: Genesis 2 and 3: The Garden and the Fall
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the Genesis Biblical Literacy lesson. This week, he teaches on Genesis 2 and 3, explaining how the Genesis Story and the fall of humanity aren’t so much about sin, but rather about trusting in God.

David Fleming is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. He and his wife, Beverly, also serve as missionaries in the UK.

To view Pastor David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



Yesterday, David Fleming taught about the serpent’s temptation to Eve and how incredibly crafty he was in the way he worded his question to her about God’s commandment.

Today, he discusses the “big deal” about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and why Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat its’ fruit.

What was so special about this one particular tree? Was it about the tree/fruit or was it about trust?

Was the serpent really asking: “Is God withholding for your good or is God withholding good from you?

Was the serpent tempting Eve with the knowledge that God has?

Is God good? Is God the one true God? David Fleming reminds us: “If God is God, nothing else matters.”

Did Eve understand what “evil” was? Did she understand death?

Did Adam and Eve realize immediately that they had done something wrong/bad?

Did God know immediately that Adam and Eve had sinned?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 15, 2023

Title: Genesis 2 and 3: The Garden and the Fall
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the Genesis Biblical Literacy lesson. This week, he teaches on Genesis 2 and 3, explaining how the Genesis Story and the fall of humanity aren’t so much about sin, but rather about trusting in God.

David Fleming is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. He and his wife, Beverly, also serve as missionaries in the UK.

To view Pastor David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



What was God’s one commandment to Adam?

Why were Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? What was their purpose?

Why didn’t God just move the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil out of the Garden of Eden?


How did the serpent (Satan) tempt Eve? Was he incredibly crafty in how he worded his question to her?

Adam and Eve obviously didn’t die immediately when they ate the fruit. Was the serpent “right”?

What did the people think of Moses’ version of the Fall of Humanity? Were they confused? Did they believe him?

So, what was the “big deal” about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? What was so special about this one particular tree? Tune in tomorrow as David Fleming digs deeper into this commentary…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 14, 2023

Title: Genesis 2 and 3: The Garden and the Fall
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the Genesis Biblical Literacy lesson. This week, he teaches on Genesis 2 and 3, explaining how the Genesis Story and the fall of humanity aren’t so much about sin, but rather about trusting in God.

David Fleming is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. He and his wife, Beverly, also serve as missionaries in the UK.

To view Pastor David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



There have always been many, many ideas about the creation of the world. David Fleming briefly describes the African, Greek, and Egyptian myths.

Was Moses familiar with the Egyptian myth of creation?

In the other creation myths, who was responsible for The Fall of Humanity?

How do we know that God’s Creation is the true one?

What was God’s one commandment to Adam?

Why were Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? What was their purpose?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 13, 2023

Title: Genesis 2 and 3: The Garden and the Fall
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by David Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the Genesis Biblical Literacy lesson. This week, he teaches on Genesis 2 and 3, explaining how the Genesis Story and the fall of humanity aren’t so much about sin, but rather about trusting in God.

David Fleming is currently the Executive Director of the Lanier Learning Center with the Lanier Theological Library. He and his wife, Beverly, also serve as missionaries in the UK.

To view Pastor David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


David Fleming begins the lesson with a short review of Mark’s lesson from last week:
Did God really walk in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve? Do we know where the Garden of Eden was located? Is the Garden of Eden forever closed to human beings? What really happened in the Garden of Eden? Where are we going? Why are we here?


What was Moses thinking when he wrote The Torah, specifically Genesis? David Fleming warns that we must read the Scripture in context and never try to put words in God’s mouth.

What language was Genesis written in?

Who was the Book of Genesis written for? Who was it written to? What’s the difference?

There has always been many, many ideas about the creation of the world. How do we know that God’s Creation is the true one? Tune in tomorrow as David Fleming discusses this is further detail…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 10, 2023

Title: Genesis: The Garden of Eden
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the basics of the Garden of Eden as he digs into the context behind some of God’s decisions when he created Adam and Eve. He also gives some insight from the New Testament on Friday.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


What can we learn about the Garden of Eden from the New Testament?


We are made in the image of God.

We are all equal.

We were created to work for the Kingdom of God.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 9, 2023

Title: Genesis: The Garden of Eden
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the basics of the Garden of Eden as he digs into the context behind some of God’s decisions when he created Adam and Eve. He also gives some insight from the New Testament on Friday.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


What was God’s vision, purpose, and mission for man and woman in the Garden of Eden?

What did the people believe about our vision, purpose, and mission that they derived from their made-up “gods”?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 8, 2023

Title: Genesis: The Garden of Eden
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the basics of the Garden of Eden as he digs into the context behind some of God’s decisions when he created Adam and Eve. He also gives some insight from the New Testament on Friday.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Where was the Garden of Eden located? Do we know for sure or is it just a guess?

When and why did God create Eve?

Did Adam really understand the consequences of eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 7, 2023

Title: Genesis: The Garden of Eden
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the basics of the Garden of Eden as he digs into the context behind some of God’s decisions when he created Adam and Eve. He also gives some insight from the New Testament on Friday.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Was the creation of the world and the creation of man and woman sequential or synoptic? Mark explains the difference and whether one is right and one is wrong.

What is the storyline of the creation of Adam?

Where was the Garden of Eden located? Mark will continue to discuss this tomorrow…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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November 6, 2023

Title: Genesis: The Garden of Eden
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the basics of the Garden of Eden as he digs into the context behind some of God’s decisions when he created Adam and Eve. He also gives some insight from the New Testament on Friday.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Why is Genesis considered the prequal for the rest of the Bible?

How does Genesis affect us today?

When and why did Moses write Genesis?

What were the different cultures of the time?

What did the different people believe about God and “gods”?

According to the people, what happened when the “gods” rebelled?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 27, 2023

Title: Genesis: The Bizarre Story
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

What did Israel’s neighbors believe about Creation?

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the various made-up gods, plagues, wars, and stories of Israel’s neighbors.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


How is God different than the other “gods”?

Why is evolution an incorrect belief about the creation of the world? Mark discusses the different translations for the 24-hour creation process from the Bible.


God is unique from man-made “gods”. (Deuteronomy 10:17)

You are important to God. (Psalm 8:3-5)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 26, 2023

Title: Genesis: The Bizarre Story
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

What did Israel’s neighbors believe about Creation?

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the various made-up gods, plagues, wars, and stories of Israel’s neighbors.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Over the past few days, Mark has discussed what Israel’s neighbors believed about Creation. When and where does Moses enter the picture in these stories? How do we know which story is true?

Why did God give Moses specific language (words) to use to explain Creation?

Why didn’t Moses discuss the other “gods”?

How is God different than the man-made “gods”?

Why is evolution an incorrect belief about the creation of the world? Mark discusses the different translations for the 24-hour creation process from the Bible.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 25, 2023

Title: Genesis: The Bizarre Story
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

What did Israel’s neighbors believe about Creation?

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the various made-up gods, plagues, wars, and stories of Israel’s neighbors.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Who were the Akkadians? Mark tells the story of “The Enuma Elish”, which has been passed down for generations and centuries from the Akkadian people. Who was the god Apsu, the “god of freshwater”? Who was the god Tiamat, the “goddess of salt water”? What did they do that caused chaos --- and children? Mark discusses their “offspring” and their “offspring” and so on…

What did the god “Nudimmud” do that was so bad? Who agreed with him? Who fought him? How bad was the war between them? What does The Atrahasis report about this war?

When and where does Moses enter the picture in these stories?

What is the Hadad-yith’l Monument?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 24, 2023

Title: Genesis: The Bizarre Story
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

What did Israel’s neighbors believe about Creation?

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the various made-up gods, plagues, wars, and stories of Israel’s neighbors.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Yesterday, Mark gave a short review of the last few weeks, giving the context behind Genesis 1 and 2 using some maps and illustrations. Use the link above to view them.

Today, he discusses the Hittites and the little “g” gods the people trusted and prayed to.

Who was the god Telipinu? Mark tells an insane story about this “god of fertility, produce, livestock, and farming” who left his post and the world fell to ruin.

What is the significance of the town Ugarit? What did the people believe about the “gods”? What gods did they worship? What happened to those gods?

Who were the Akkadians? Mark tells the story of “The Enuma Elish”, which has been passed down for generations and centuries. Tune in tomorrow to hear the conclusion…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 23, 2023

Title: Genesis: The Bizarre Story
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

What did Israel’s neighbors believe about Creation?

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the various made-up gods, plagues, wars, and stories of Israel’s neighbors.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Why was the idea of Creation so difficult for Moses and the ancients to understand? Do people today still have the same difficulty? Mark gives a short review of the last few weeks, giving the context behind Genesis 1 and 2 using some maps and illustrations. Use the link above to view them.

What did Israel’s neighbors think/believe about Creation? Mark discusses the Hittites and the little “g” gods the people trusted and prayed to.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 20, 2023

Title: Genesis 1 and 2
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5


Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the basics of Creation, how we should approach science as Christians, the theology of Creation, and how we should read Genesis chapter 1 through God’s eyes, not the worlds.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Yesterday, Mark discussed the stars, moon, sun, land, water, the sky god Nut, the earth god Geb, and the air god Shu. He also read what Pharoah Seti I wrote on the subject. Today, he finishes his explanation…


What was Moses taught about Creation?

What was God’s message to us about Creation?

Is God a “part” of nature?

Is God outside of space and time?


Don’t miss the forest for the trees.

You are special! (Genesis 1:26)

God is interested in you!

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 19, 2023

Title: Genesis 1 and 2
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4


Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the basics of Creation, how we should approach science as Christians, the theology of Creation, and how we should read Genesis chapter 1 through God’s eyes, not the worlds.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



What did the ancients (people of the Bible) believe about the earth and heaven? Mark discusses the stars, moon, sun, land, water, the sky god Nut, the earth god Geb, and the air god Shu. He also reads what Pharoah Seti I wrote on the subject. Click the link above and fast-forward to the 58-minute mark for more information.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 18, 2023

Title: Genesis 1 and 2
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3


Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the basics of Creation, how we should approach science as Christians, the theology of Creation, and how we should read Genesis chapter 1 through God’s eyes, not the worlds.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Does God expect us to be people of faith or medicine/science?

Did God give us science to make life better? (Romans 1:20)

Can science reveal important things about God? Mark compares the Book of Revelation and the Book of Nature using quotes by Francis Bacon, Federick Temple, and John Calvin.

Do ethical issues demand faith dialogue with science?

Is “cloning” ethical?

Can good things be made for evil?

Is “artificial intelligence” ethical? Mark explains why it is important to verify everything now because you never know what is real and what is fake.

NOTE: Click here to register for the free upcoming lecture by John Lennox on October 21, 2023 on the topic “2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity”.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 17, 2023

Title: Genesis 1 and 2
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2


Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the basics of Creation, how we should approach science as Christians, the theology of Creation, and how we should read Genesis chapter 1 through God’s eyes, not the worlds.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



What do you know/believe about Creation? Mark explains why it is so important to know all the context of the Bible: when it was written/when we read it, their culture/our culture, their time/our time, their language/our language. (Acts 7:22; Acts 7:2-3)


Does God expect us to be people of faith or medicine/science?

Is faith better than medicine? Mark uses an article from the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Are science and faith in opposition with each other?

Can science and faith overlap?

Can science and faith fully co-exist?

Did God give us science to make life better?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 16, 2023

Title: Genesis 1 and 2
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1


Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the basics of Creation, how we should approach science as Christians, the theology of Creation, and how we should read Genesis chapter 1 through God’s eyes, not the worlds.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Mark uses the beginning of this segment to talk about the war in Israel. Please continue to pray for all the people in the Middle East. Pray for peace. Pray for God to reach the lost. Pray for a revival in the world.


What do you know/believe about Creation?

Is the Bible God’s revelation to us about Himself, life, and eternity? Is the Bible inspired by God? Is the Bible without error?

What language did Moses write Genesis in?

Should Genesis be read in its original language? Mark says NO and uses Genesis 1:3 to explain why…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 13, 2023

Title: Genesis 1
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the importance of knowing and understanding the translation and context about Creation and what Moses and other understood about the Cosmos. He also looks at Genesis 1 with fresh eyes and a new perspective.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Why did God “form” something and then “fill it” with something else? Mark goes through each day of Creation.


God is speaking! (Isaiah 45:18)

God will form and fill your days. (Genesis 1:2)

Don’t go in reverse. (Jeremiah 4:22-25)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 12, 2023

Title: Genesis 1
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the importance of knowing and understanding the translation and context about Creation and what Moses and other understood about the Cosmos. He also looks at Genesis 1 with fresh eyes and a new perspective.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



How did Moses understand the Cosmos?

What was Moses’ working vocabulary and science?

Mark explains what different cultures believed about the earth, the sea, the gods (with a little “g”), the sun, the moon, and the stars.


Genesis 1:2a “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”

How does this verse set the scene for the rest of the Bible?

How is Moses’ interpretation of Creation different than other cultures?

Why did God “form” something and then “fill it” with something else? Mark explains the significance of the number “three” when it pertains to God.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 11, 2023

Title: Genesis 1
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the importance of knowing and understanding the translation and context about Creation and what Moses and other understood about the Cosmos. He also looks at Genesis 1 with fresh eyes and a new perspective.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Yesterday, Mark explained how each of the following passages can be taken out of context and what they really mean: Job 4:7; John 9:31; Jude 1:22; Genesis 6:5; Exodus 36:2. Today he discusses Genesis 15:17; Genesis 19:23; Joshua 10:12; and Psalm 19:4.


Mark reminds us of Moses’ childhood and gives a brief background of the area at that time. (Acts 7:2-3)

How did Moses understand the Cosmos? Tune in tomorrow for more on this…

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 10, 2023

Title: Genesis 1
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the importance of knowing and understanding the translation and context about Creation and what Moses and other understood about the Cosmos. He also looks at Genesis 1 with fresh eyes and a new perspective.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Mark begins the segment explaining the ancient Hebrew of Genesis and how certain words written in the Bible had different meanings.

Why is knowing and understanding the context of Scripture so important? Mark explains how each of the following passages can be taken out of context and what they really mean:
Job 4:7;
John 9:31;
Jude 1:22;
Genesis 6:5; and
Exodus 36:2.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 9, 2023

Title: Genesis 1
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier continues his series on the book of Genesis. This week, he discusses the importance of knowing and understanding the translation and context about Creation and what Moses and other understood about the Cosmos. He also looks at Genesis 1 with fresh eyes and a new perspective.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.

If you have a prayer request, need Scripture encouragement, or would like a copy of Mark’s lessons each week, email


Why does Mark love the book of Genesis so much? Mark recalls the questions he had as a teenager about Creation, which directly resulted in him becoming interested in Hebrew.


Is the Bible really God’s revelation?

Can you “find God” without the Bible?

Can God reveal Himself to us without the Bible?

Does the Bible enhance our understanding of God?

Mark makes this observation: “Genesis was written for us… It was not written to us.”

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 6, 2023

Title: Genesis: Interview with Dr. Michael Loyd
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

This week, Mark Lanier interviews Dr. Michael Loyd, the Principal of Wycliffe Hall at Oxford University, discussing Dr. Loyd’s newest book, “Image Bearers: Restoring Our Identity and Living Out Our Calling”, which centers on the book of Genesis and human beings created in the image of God.

Click here for all the information about Dr. Michael Loyd.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


How does Jesus Christ portray the perfect image of God? (2 Corinthians 3:18)

What happens to our body when we die? (1 Corinthians 15:42-49)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 5, 2023

Title: Genesis: Interview with Dr. Michael Loyd
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

This week, Mark Lanier interviews Dr. Michael Loyd, the Principal of Wycliffe Hall at Oxford University, discussing Dr. Loyd’s newest book, “Image Bearers: Restoring Our Identity and Living Out Our Calling”, which centers on the book of Genesis and human beings created in the image of God.

Click here for all the information about Dr. Michael Loyd.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


How can our personality characteristics (such as being boastful or arrogant) sometimes snowball into deeply sinful behavior?

We are ALL children of God. So why don’t we always act like it? (NOTE: At this point, some audio has been edited out because Mark’s grandson makes an appearance on stage. Check out the video link above around the 50-minute mark to see the cuteness.)

How did humanity exchange the image of God for idols? (Romans 1:23)

What’s the good news? (Romans 828-29)

How does Jesus Christ portray the perfect image of God?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 4, 2023

Title: Genesis: Interview with Dr. Michael Loyd
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

This week, Mark Lanier interviews Dr. Michael Loyd, the Principal of Wycliffe Hall at Oxford University, discussing Dr. Loyd’s newest book, “Image Bearers: Restoring Our Identity and Living Out Our Calling”, which centers on the book of Genesis and human beings created in the image of God.

Click here for all the information about Dr. Michael Loyd.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Is God interested in art and beauty? Dr. Michael Loyd shares about his personal struggle with depression…

Why did God create us to be relational beings? How does this reflect the image of God?

Why did God create males and females to be so different, yet both are made in His own image?

We are all made to be unique human beings. How can our differences be connected together to bring non-believers to the Kingdom of God?

What happened to the image of God that is in humanity after the fall?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 3, 2023

Title: Genesis: Interview with Dr. Michael Loyd
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

This week, Mark Lanier interviews Dr. Michael Loyd, the Principal of Wycliffe Hall at Oxford University, discussing Dr. Loyd’s newest book, “Image Bearers: Restoring Our Identity and Living Out Our Calling”, which centers on the book of Genesis and human beings created in the image of God.

Click here for all the information about Dr. Michael Loyd.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Why should the phrase “made in the image of God” matter to everyone, no matter their belief? What does that phrase even mean? (Genesis 9:6; James 3:9)

Why do scholars have contradicting opinions about the Genesis account?

Does every human being deserve to be treated equally with love, acceptance, and grace? (This is NOT a trick question!)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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October 2, 2023

Title: Genesis: Interview with Dr. Michael Loyd
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

This week, Mark Lanier interviews Dr. Michael Loyd, the Principal of Wycliffe Hall at Oxford University, discussing Dr. Loyd’s newest book, “Image Bearers: Restoring Our Identity and Living Out Our Calling”, which centers on the book of Genesis and human beings created in the image of God.

Click here for all the information about Dr. Michael Loyd.

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Why is Dr. Michael Loyd in the United States at the moment? What is the best food he’s had in Houston? What is Dr. Michael Loyd’s focus ministry? What is the Wycliffe Hall like?

What is Dr. Michael Loyd’s book, “Image Bearers: Restoring Our Identity and Living Out Our Calling” about?

Why are the words written in Genesis 1:26-27 the cornerstone of the book?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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September 29, 2023

Title: Genesis: In the Beginning
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Mark Lanier begins his fall lesson series this week with an introduction on Genesis. He will explore three areas: the set-up, the authorship, and the difficulties (opportunities).

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Why are different types of literature important? Mark reminds us to never limit God in the resources He gives us to learn and grow in our faith.

Is the Bible “literal”? (Psalm 139:13)

How do different cultural settings present an opportunity for us to share the Gospel? (Acts 7:22; Psalm 19:6)

Why is it important to understand the Biblical meaning and relevance of genealogies and numbers?

Why is the writing style/styles of Genesis so unique? Mark goes back to the beginning of the lesson, discussing Genesis 3:8: sin and consequences.


God is speaking. (Ephesians 1:3-4)

Mark says: “Aspects of Genesis present difficulties to the modern reader, but each is an opportunity for great insight.”

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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September 28, 2023

Title: Genesis: In the Beginning
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Mark Lanier begins his fall lesson series this week with an introduction on Genesis. He will explore three areas: the set-up, the authorship, and the difficulties (opportunities).

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



What is the Documentary Hypothesis of the Bible?

Why do some scholars believe that Moses wrote the book of Genesis? (Exodus 26:4; Exodus 34:28; Numbers 33:2; John 1:45; Deuteronomy 18:15)

Are the original words of the Bible (translated into English and other languages, of course) the same words we read today? Mark uses Genesis 11:31 and Genesis 14:14 as he explains…

Why are different types of literature important? Mark will elaborate on this tomorrow as he concludes his lesson, reminding us to never limit God in the resources He gives us to learn and grow in our faith.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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September 27, 2023

Title: Genesis: In the Beginning
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Mark Lanier begins his fall lesson series this week with an introduction on Genesis. He will explore three areas: the set-up, the authorship, and the difficulties (opportunities).

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



FUN FACT: The name/word “Moses” isn’t even in the book of Genesis!

Why is authorship so important to us? Why does it matter who wrote an article or story or book? Mark shares about a recent law case that involved several experts on opposite ends of the spectrum: one who had written hundreds of medical articles and one who had only “written” one. How did it turn out?

Why don’t we know for sure who wrote the book of Genesis? Did people know how to write? What form of communication did they use?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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September 26, 2023

Title: Genesis: In the Beginning
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Mark Lanier begins his fall lesson series this week with an introduction on Genesis. He will explore three areas: the set-up, the authorship, and the difficulties (opportunities).

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.



Mark says: “We are so lost and so fallen that we need God to reveal Himself to us. And Scripture is God’s revelation to us. Gensis is the prequel that sets that up.”

How is Genesis a “cosmic” set-up? Mark uses some Hebrew to explain…

How is Genesis a “sin and consequences” set-up? RE: Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden…

How is Genesis a “prophecy” set-up? (Genesis 3:15; Genesis 12:3; Genesis 26:4; Genesis 28:14)

How does Genesis “set the scene” for God and Revelation? Mark uses a great visual illustration, which can be found at the link above; just fast-forward to the 38-minute mark.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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September 25, 2023

Title: Genesis: In the Beginning
Topic: Genesis
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Mark Lanier begins his fall lesson series this week with an introduction on Genesis. He will explore three areas: the set-up, the authorship, and the difficulties (opportunities).

To view Mark Lanier’s video for this lesson, click here.


Mark begins the lesson telling of a hunting trip he once took with Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Why did the Justice want to know his and others’ opinion of the book and mini-series “Lonesome Dove”? What was Mark’s very complicated answer? And what on earth did they have an in-depth argument over?

What is the Torah? What is the Pentateuch? What are the Five Books of Moses? Are they all the same thing? Is it just one long continuous story?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here

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