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January 29, 2015

Title: SOTU on Energy and Climate: Just Dumb
Topic: Obama Went from Dumb to Dumber
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The SOTU: As Obama kept talking, he just got dumber and dumber. When it came to the part of his speech concerning global warming, it just fell apart. Dr. Marlo Lewis says Obama just loves to take all the credit for America’s ranking in the oil and gas industry. Newsflash, Mr. President! That wasn’t you or your environmental cronies. That was good, old-fashioned hard work by the people of America.

Dr. Marlo Lewis has constructed a great go-to map to show where all the growth in oil and gas has occurred – and it’s not on federal land! Click [here]  to see the map. The full article can be found [here]. 

For Obama to claim a “growing economy” is yet another lie. We all know what’s going on with Obamacare. Didn’t Hitler lie continuously to the people, too?

Dr. Marlo Lewis recaps the SOTU and discusses why it is so important for everyone to be involved – really involved – in the political process. He also takes a poke at the White House Press Secretary, who attempts to give credit to Obama for the oil boom and gets shot down every time. Listen in – it’s good stuff!

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