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June 3, 2015

Title: The European Union’s Unreasonable Forecast
Topic: European Union
Discussed by Dr. Marlo Lewis
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

The European Union (EU) has made a proposal to cut emissions by 2050. Now, we all agree that we must take care of the world that God has entrusted us with. No argument there. But – BUT – God has also given us the tools and natural resources to help make our lives easier, cleaner, and healthier. The EU, however, wants us to go back to the dark ages – literally.

Dr. Marlo Lewis, with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, explains the proposal by the EU. He says, “They want the world to agree to a treaty that requires {every nation} to reduce it emissions of greenhouse gases 60% below 2010 levels by the year 2050.” Of course, Obama is all for this and will do everything in his power to sign this treaty before his Presidency expires.

Why can’t we just do it? Wouldn’t it better for the environment? Dr. Lewis says, “It’s unreasonable and unsustainable. The world, under current policies, is on track to nearly double what we emit now.” He explains how very little emissions actually come from developed countries like the US; most come from underdeveloped, poor countries that have little to no access to electricity.

Listen in as Dr. Marlo Lewis explains what these underdeveloped, poor countries will be required to do under this EU treaty. It’s absolutely absurd!

Click [here]  for more from Dr. Lewis and others on this issue.

To read Dr. Lewis’s blog on this topic, click [here].

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