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December 5, 2022

Title: Socialism at Plymouth Rock: Getting the Thanksgiving Story Straight
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Sherry Sylvester is a political communications and public policy expert who has directed multi-million-dollar statewide campaigns in New York, New Jersey, and Texas. She is currently a Distinguished Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Sherry discusses the lessons we can learn from the Pilgrims’ failed attempt at Socialism and why we must tell future generations all the facts about our history.

Click here  for more on this topic from Sherry Sylvester.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Many people do not know that the Pilgrims actually implemented Socialism in their new colony in America. What was the result of their Socialist experiment? Sherry explains that the Pilgrims called it “collectivism”, sharing everything they had with each other. However, that didn’t work out so well for them and they went in a different direction – basically capitalism.

Are school children taught the facts about the Pilgrims and Socialism? Did the Indians really share a meal with the Pilgrims (Thanksgiving)? Sherry shares some great historical information! Listen close!

Why has the American culture and society flourished so well for nearly 250 years? Sherry shares another great story…

Why do 65% of Democrats have a positive view of Socialism today?

Why is it important to teach the younger generations all the facts about our history – warts and all? Sherry says: “People need to understand that these are the struggles – these are the things that happened – to create this country.”

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December 1, 2022

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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Title: Pilgrims Reject Socialism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

The truth about the Pilgrims with historian Bill Federer…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why were people fleeing Europe and Spain?

Listen as Bill reveals which group of people established each colony in America…

Henry the VIII… good or bad?

Mayflower Compact explained.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Pilgrims Reject Socialism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After the Reformation in Europe, what country invented the first company? How did business transactions transpire before then?

Did businesses begin to pop up everywhere soon after?

Listen as Bill reads some of the original agreement at Plymouth and the people’s reaction…

Is Communism like a cancer that removes people’s desire to work hard?

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November 23, 2022

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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Title: Pilgrims Reject Socialism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

The truth about the Pilgrims with historian Bill Federer…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why were people fleeing Europe and Spain?

Listen as Bill reveals which group of people established each colony in America…

Henry the VIII… good or bad?

Mayflower Compact explained.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Pilgrims Reject Socialism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After the Reformation in Europe, what country invented the first company? How did business transactions transpire before then?

Did businesses begin to pop up everywhere soon after?

Listen as Bill reads some of the original agreement at Plymouth and the people’s reaction…

Is Communism like a cancer that removes people’s desire to work hard?

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November 26, 2021

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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Title: Pilgrims Reject Socialism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

The truth about the Pilgrims with historian Bill Federer…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why were people fleeing Europe and Spain?

Listen as Bill reveals which group of people established each colony in America…

Henry the VIII… good or bad?

Mayflower Compact explained.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Pilgrims Reject Socialism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After the Reformation in Europe, what country invented the first company? How did business transactions transpire before then?

Did businesses begin to pop up everywhere soon after?

Listen as Bill reads some of the original agreement at Plymouth and the people’s reaction…

Is Communism like a cancer that removes people’s desire to work hard?

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November 25, 2021

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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Title: Pilgrims Reject Socialism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

The truth about the Pilgrims with historian Bill Federer…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why were people fleeing Europe and Spain?

Listen as Bill reveals which group of people established each colony in America…

Henry the VIII… good or bad?

Mayflower Compact explained.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Pilgrims Reject Socialism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After the Reformation in Europe, what country invented the first company? How did business transactions transpire before then?

Did businesses begin to pop up everywhere soon after?

Listen as Bill reads some of the original agreement at Plymouth and the people’s reaction…

Is Communism like a cancer that removes people’s desire to work hard?

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November 30, 2018

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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November 7, 2018

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Socialism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

Patrick Hedger is the Policy Director at American Encore. He is also the author of “Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session”, which covers issues such as jobs, federal spending, and healthcare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What plan did the Pilgrims draft when they arrived in America?

Listen as Patrick describes the bill a bi-partisan Congress passed in 1996… Was it good or bad?

Fast-forward to today… Has the number of people receiving welfare increased or decreased since 2009 (when Obama took office)?

Did Obama remove the work requirements for people receiving welfare?

Would YOU rather hire an older person with work ethic and experience or someone fresh out of college – or even still in high school? Would their desired salary make a difference in your decision?

Should we demand that Congress restore welfare work requirements nationwide?

Click here  for more information about this and other issues.

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Title: Pilgrims Reject Socialism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

The truth about the Pilgrims with historian Bill Federer…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why were people fleeing Europe and Spain?

Listen as Bill reveals which group of people established each colony in America…

Henry the VIII… good or bad?

Mayflower Compact explained.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Pilgrims Reject Socialism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

After the Reformation in Europe, what country invented the first company? How did business transactions transpire before then?

Did businesses begin to pop up everywhere soon after?

Listen as Bill reads some of the original agreement at Plymouth and the people’s reaction…

Is Communism like a cancer that removes people’s desire to work hard?

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November 24, 2017

Title: Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

History lesson: The Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, not Virginia as some believe. Bad weather hindered them from traveling further south.

When they arrived, the first “adventurers” drafted an agreement amongst themselves. This agreement resembled a communist form of government.

But, did it work? Listen in as Bill Federer explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Many people do not know that the first settlers in America, some of whom were Founding Fathers, actually began their life on the new continent with a communist form of government. Surprised?

Why didn’t it work? Americans today, especially some of our nation’s leaders, could take a lesson or two or three from the Pilgrims’ failed attempt at communism.

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November 23, 2017

Title: Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

History lesson: The Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, not Virginia as some believe. Bad weather hindered them from traveling further south.

When they arrived, the first “adventurers” drafted an agreement amongst themselves. This agreement resembled a communist form of government.

But, did it work? Listen in as Bill Federer explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Many people do not know that the first settlers in America, some of whom were Founding Fathers, actually began their life on the new continent with a communist form of government. Surprised?

Why didn’t it work? Americans today, especially some of our nation’s leaders, could take a lesson or two or three from the Pilgrims’ failed attempt at communism.

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November 15, 2017

Title: Yes, There Really Were Communist Pilgrims
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

When the Pilgrims rejected communism after a failed attempt, William Bradford said, “Let none argue that this is due to human failing, rather than to this communistic plan of life in itself."

Bill Federer is an expert historian. Today, we will learn more about the Pilgrims and why communism did not work for them – or any country, for that matter.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why was the Plymouth Planation, a company colony, drawn up to be communal colony?

Where did they get the idea?

How did this experiment with communism work for the Pilgrims?

What else did William Bradford say about this failed plan?

How did the leadership decide on individualism?

Did individualism work for the Pilgrims?

Are we seeing signs of this communistic way of thinking among the millennials today?

Sign up for Bill Federer’s FREE daily email blast here.

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November 21, 2016

Title: Yes, There Really Were Communist Pilgrims
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

When the Pilgrims rejected communism after a failed attempt, William Bradford said, “Let none argue that this is due to human failing, rather than to this communistic plan of life in itself."

Bill Federer is an expert historian. Today, we will learn more about the Pilgrims and why communism did not work for them – or any country, for that matter.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why was the Plymouth Planation, a company colony, drawn up to be communal colony?

Where did they get the idea?

How did this experiment with communism work for the Pilgrims?

What else did William Bradford say about this failed plan?

How did the leadership decide on individualism?

Did individualism work for the Pilgrims?

Are we seeing signs of this communistic way of thinking among the millennials today?

Sign up for Bill Federer’s FREE daily email blast here.

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November 26, 2015

Title: Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

History lesson: The Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, not Virginia as some believe. Bad weather hindered them from traveling further south.

When they arrived, the first “adventurers” drafted an agreement amongst themselves. This agreement resembled a communist form of government.

But, did it work? Listen in as Bill Federer explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Many people do not know that the first settlers in America, some of whom were Founding Fathers, actually began their life on the new continent with a communist form of government. Surprised?

Why didn’t it work? Americans today, especially some of our nation’s leaders, could take a lesson or two or three from the Pilgrims’ failed attempt at communism.

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March 24, 2015

Title: The Pilgrims Tried Communism First
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Patrick Hedger
with American Encore

When the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, they believed that a communist-type of government was the right path to follow. They decided to pull all their efforts together to form a community which helped others. Sounds great, in theory. But, just like every other time in history when this has been attempted, it failed. Miserably. In fact, many starved to death.

The welfare program in America is a perfect example of government overreach. Too many people – families – have been allowed to remain on welfare assistance for too long. They have no desire to work. They don’t even try to find a job. They sit at home and mooch off the government year after year, generation after generation.

Patrick Hedger, the Policy Director at American Encore, reviews the bill passed by Congress in 1996 concerning the growing number of people on welfare. What did they want the recipients to do? It wasn’t rocket science, I’ll tell you that!

Now, fast-forward to today… Since Obama took office in 2009, welfare applicants have increased drastically, mainly because Obama eliminated the work requirement signed in 1996! Now, the Obama administration is attempting to suspend work requirements for the TANF program, as well.

Patrick Hedger weighs the benefits and disadvantages of hiring a senior citizen against a teenager or college grad. Sometimes it’s just a no-brainer. So, what’s the solution? How can we jump-start the economy and get our young people more jobs?

Patrick encourages everyone to call or email their elected officials, urging them to vote in favor of HR1179, the Preserving the Work Requirement for Welfare Act, sponsored by Representative Tom Reed (R-NY) and cosponsored by Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI).

To email your representative on this issue, click [here].  It’s quick and painless!

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December 23, 2014

Title: Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

History lesson: The Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, not Virginia as some believe. Bad weather hindered them from traveling further south.

When they arrived, the first “adventurers” drafted an agreement amongst themselves. This agreement resembled a communist form of government.

But, did it work? Listen in as Bill Federer explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Many people do not know that the first settlers in America, some of whom were Founding Fathers, actually began their life on the new continent with a communist form of government. Surprised?

Why didn’t it work? Americans today, especially some of our nation’s leaders, could take a lesson or two or three from the Pilgrims’ failed attempt at communism.

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November 26, 2014

Title: Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

History lesson: The Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, not Virginia as some believe. Bad weather hindered them from traveling further south.

When they arrived, the first “adventurers” drafted an agreement amongst themselves. This agreement resembled a communist form of government.

But, did it work? Listen in as Bill Federer explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Many people do not know that the first settlers in America, some of whom were Founding Fathers, actually began their life on the new continent with a communist form of government. Surprised?

Why didn’t it work? Americans today, especially some of our nation’s leaders, could take a lesson or two or three from the Pilgrims’ failed attempt at communism.

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November 27, 2013

Title: Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

History lesson: The Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, not Virginia as some believe. Bad weather hindered them from traveling further south.

When they arrived, the first “adventurers” drafted an agreement amongst themselves. This agreement resembled a communist form of government.

But, did it work? Listen in as Bill Federer explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Many people do not know that the first settlers in America, some of whom were Founding Fathers, actually began their life on the new continent with a communist form of government. Surprised?

Why didn’t it work? Americans today, especially some of our nation’s leaders, could take a lesson or two or three from the Pilgrims’ failed attempt at communism.

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November 20, 2013

Title: Pilgrims Reject Communism
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

History lesson: The Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, not Virginia as some believe. Bad weather hindered them from traveling further south.

When they arrived, the first “adventurers” drafted an agreement amongst themselves. This agreement resembled a communist form of government.

But, did it work? Listen in as Bill Federer explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Communist Pilgrims
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Many people do not know that the first settlers in America, some of whom were Founding Fathers, actually began their life on the new continent with a communist form of government. Surprised?

Why didn’t it work? Americans today, especially some of our nation’s leaders, could take a lesson or two or three from the Pilgrims’ failed attempt at communism.

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