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May 25, 2022

Title: The Big Lie in Houston – And the Big Truth
Topic: Houston Chronicle All Wrong
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Sherry Sylvester is a political communications and public policy expert, as well as a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today she discusses – and debunks – the Houston Chronicle series “The Big Lie”.

Click here to read Sherry Sylvester’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a Pulitzer Prize and who determines winners? Do Conservatives rarely win the Pulitzer Prize?

The Houston Chronicle recently won a Pulitzer Prize for its series called “The Big Lie”. What was the focus of the series?

Has election politics in Texas been rooted in racism since reconstruction led by “white Republican associations”?

The writers of the Houston Chronicle editorial rail against requiring Photo ID to vote. Is requiring Photo ID to vote a popular issue with all voters?

Do 95% of Texans say it is actually easy to vote in Texas?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Big Lie in Houston – And the Big Truth
Topic: Houston Chronicle All Wrong
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What’s the real story behind the rejection of mail-in ballots? Do Texans believe that mail-in ballots are totally fine BUT should have the identification of the voter double-checked?

Do many people still rely on the news as reported in the top five daily newspapers across Texas, including the Houston Chronicle? Sherry reveals some shocking information…

How can Conservatives continue to win when more and more people vote for candidates (i.e Democrats) who are willingly to give them a hand-out? Rush once said: “How do you compete against Santa Clause?”

Sherry discusses how the Houston Chronicle series claimed that “Texas could lose more than $31 Billion in economic activity and 223,000 jobs by 2025” if Texas passes voter integrity laws. Fact: voter integrity passed, and we have not lost economic gains nor lost jobs. Houston Chronicle was completely wrong.

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