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August 26, 2021

Title: Sharia Law is the Antithesis of Western Law
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 3

Will the media broadcast the pictures of the atrocities being committed by the Taliban like they did the Napalm Girl in 1972?

American Minute Founder Bill Federer is our go-to historian. Today he discusses the horrific situation unfolding in Afghanistan and what America could be facing in the near future.

Click here to read Bill Federer’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If the Taliban could, would they commit atrocities in the US?

Has the Taliban Leader, Muhammed Arif Mustafa, demanded an unconditional surrender in Afghanistan?

Do Islamic extremists wish to one day establish Islamic/Sharia law in every country in the world?

Is Islamic Law compatible with US Law? Is the law of the Middle East the opposite of Western Law?

What Islamic Law say concerning the free exercise of religion?

Does Islamic Law command that those who reject Islam must be killed?

Does Islamic Law command that crosses and the Star of David are forbidden?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Sharia Law is the Antithesis of Western Law
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Our First Amendment states we have the freedom of speech. Does Islam prohibit observing other religious practices publicly?

Our Second Amendment states the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What does Islam state?

Under Sharia Law, would we be required (READ FORCED) to house Muslims?

Under Sharia Law, would we have a right to a trial by jury?

Under Sharia Law, can a Muslim kill an infidel with no fear of prosecution?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Sharia Law is the Antithesis of Western Law
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Sharia Law permit men to beat and even kill women and girls who shame and embarrass them? Bill Federer shares an extremely sad and disturbing story about a young Muslim girl who made friends with a black boy at school.

Under Sharia Law, do women have inherent God-given rights?

Does Sharia Law allow slavery?

Click here to order a copy of Bill Federer’s many books. These are great additions to every home, school, and church library.

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May 5, 2015

Title: Stop Honor Killings
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Daniel Akbari
with Stop Honor Killings (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Shariah Law and Honor Killings are often confusing to most people who do not know the full extent of the law. They do not know the signs of abuse Muslim women suffer, therefore they do not know how to help, either. Daniel Akbari practiced law in Iran until his mid-thirties. The Iranian Bar Association certified him as a “Number One Attorney” giving him the right to try death penalty cases on his own. He now lives in America and has graduated from Texas State University with a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice. He also holds a Graduate Degree from the Bush School of Government and Public Service.

Daniel has written a must-read book for everyone to add to their home, school, and church libraries: “HONOR KILLING: A Professional’s Guide to Sexual Relations and Ghayra Violence from the Islamic Sources.”

Many people do not know that there have been several honor killings right here in America – one in HOUSTON!! Even the media doesn’t know enough about Shariah Law and honor killings to report what is really happening. Not only does Shariah Law allow old men to marry (and have sex with) very young girls, parents (usually the father) often sell their daughters to these men. Women, under Shariah Law, are still not permitted to venture outside their home without a male family member present. And although female genital mutilation is banned world-wide, many Islamist nations still allow the practice to occur to honor Allah.

Listen in as Daniel explains “Ghayra” and why it is so important for non-Muslims to study Shariah Law and understand their laws regarding honor killings. Tune in to the next segment with Daniel as he discusses this topic further.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Stop Honor Killings
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Daniel Akbari
with Stop Honor Killings (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The goal of the Islamists is to implement Shariah Law in every nation across the globe. They will kill everyone who will not bow before Allah. And they are very, very patient. In his book, “Honor Killing”, Daniel Akbari takes the Qur’an and breaks it down in easy-to-understand language so Americans can truly know what the Ghayra is.

Where are the liberal feminists when it comes to Muslims? Why aren’t they fighting for women who are beaten and killed in the name Allah? Are they so afraid of being labeled a racist and an Islamaphobe that they actually defend these horrible men? The devil has blinded them from seeing the truth.

Please click [here]  for more on Daniel’s new book, “Honor Killing”.

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August 4, 2014

Title: Shariah Law. The UN. And Human Rights.
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by John Guandolo
with Understanding the Threat (

Part 1 of 3

Do Americans really need a translator to interpret what Islamic leaders are saying? How do we know the translator is legit? I know I’ve questioned the authenticity of the translation in the past.

John Guandolo is here to set the record straight. John is a former marine and FBI agent, where he was assigned to the Counterterrorism Division in WDC. He is an expert on the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and a myriad of terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Al Qaeda.

John is the founder of Understanding the Threat and now uses his expertise providing strategic and operational threat-focused consultation, education, and training for federal, state, and local leadership and agencies.

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Title: part 2 of 3 - Shariah Law. The UN. And Human Rights.
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by John Guandolo
with Understanding the Threat (

I’m sure we all agree that “Human Rights” are important – vital, in fact – to maintain a working Democracy. But when does the term “Human Rights” go too far?

Would you be surprised if I told you that most people in the US State Department have never heard of the Cairo Declaration? Have you?

The last two articles in the Cairo Declaration read: “Article 24: All rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shari’ah. Article 25: The Islamic Shari’ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles in this Declaration.”

Listen in as John explains how this belief is spreading – even in America. Scary stuff, people. Scary, scary stuff.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Shariah Law. The UN. And Human Rights.
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by John Guandolo
with Understanding the Threat (

Now, let’s discuss the newest “phobia” – Islamaphobia. The campaign is not a random occurrence but a part of an international strategy to silence truth-speaking critics of Islam. Shariah Law makes it a Capital Crime for saying anything negative about Muslims or Islam.

Why would anyone in America be ok with this – especially liberals? If they were really concerned with “gay rights”, they would be protesting Shariah Law and the spread of Islam into America faster than my grandkids could eat a slice a birthday cake!

John explains more about this new “phobia” and what it means for America. Share these segments and links with your friends. It is so important to spread the TRUTH when so many are spreading lies.

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July 10, 2012

Title: "Sharia Law In the United States"
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 2

Why should Americans know the dangers of what is contained in the Koran and the dangers of replacing the U.S Constitution with Sharia law?

Is past behavior the best indicator of future performance? Was Egypt a Christian nation?

Where was the word "Christian" invented?

For all the details and to RSVP, please e-mail Norma at

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Should the U.S Constitution be scrapped and replaced with Sharia law?

Are non-believers relegated to second class citizens under Sharia law?

Are homosexuals supposed to be killed according to Sharia law?

For all the details and to RSVP, please e-mail Norma at

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October 17, 2011

Title: Should Shariah Law Replace Our Constitution? Some Want the Head of Pastor Youcef. And, Is Genocide Occurring In Egypt Today?
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Karen Lugo
with Author / Writer / Blogger / Professor

Part 1 of 3

There are many that would give their lives, fame and fortune to implement Shariah Law throughout America. What will you give to preserve our Constitution?

Karen Lugo describes how Muslim enclaves spread in Western Europe where shadow justices systems and separate enclaves with no assimilation became zones where ‘first responders’ avoided.

Now Europeans have embraced a culture opposed to Western mores because of tolerance and now the tsunami of Shariah dominated communities have spread throughout Europe like a run-away-freight train.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Karen Lugo
with Author / Writer / Blogger / Professor

Migrant workers have settled in enclaves throughout Western Europe and the governments have enabled the ‘aliens within their lands’ to be governed by Shariah Law.

Now, this planned movement to implement Shariah Law in all countries around the world has surfaced throughout America.

Our Western mores will be replaced with mandates from Imam’s who bow to the idol, allah. Your neck may be safe today, but what about the necks of your children and grandchildren?

Women are treated worse than dogs by many practicing Muslims, Christians are treated worse, and Jews will be eliminated. Wake up oh slumbering America before it’s too late!

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Karen Lugo
with Author / Writer / Blogger / Professor

Shariah Law is a real danger to our freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.

Shariah Law is applied by Mullahs and Imams which can vary by person to person, region to region. We need to take our blinders off, especially the female leaders of Liberal/Progressive groups in America.

Karen Lugo concludes describing the genocide occurring in Egypt today. Remember: their first target is the Saturday Child…. Then they will target the Sunday Child.

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March 16, 2011

Title: America is on a collision course with Islamic Sharia Law. What would Jesus do?
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Neil Mammen
with No Blind Faith (

Our guest was born in Africa and grew up in the Sudan and Yemen – both currently considered terrorist countries. He has lived under Islam, Hinduism, Fascism, Imperialism, and Socialism and has visited communist countries. When he came to America, he asked himself, “What makes America so Great?” Listen for his answers to this and for the focus of this interview: “What would Jesus do with Islamic Sharia Law?” For more, visit his website at

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March 2, 2011

Title: Judge Orders Rape Victim Whipped Under Shariah Law
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by David Kupelian
with World Net Daily (

Segment 1 of 2

After Being Raped, Judge Had Her Whipped. Then She Died. Why?   After a 14-year-old-Bangladesh girl was forcibly raped by a 40-year-old man, the next day a Shariah court sentenced her – the rape victim – to 100 lashes. She had no appeal and the sentence was carried out immediately. But after about 70 to 80 lashes, she collapsed and later bled to death in a local hospital. In some countries, those charged with a crime have no right to a trial by jury. Aren’t you glad we still have that right in America?!

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Title: How Precious Are the 6th and 7th Amendments? Ask This Rape Victim Tried Under Shariah Law.
Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by David Kupelian
with World Net Daily (

Segment 2 of 2

Most people around the world lack 6th and 7th Amendment Rights to a Trial by Jury.  Aren’t you glad you live in America?  David Kupelian, managing editor for World Net Daily, found at , continues discussing the criminally insane behavior of those who live under Shariah Law.  Are you going to just sit there and let Shariah Law invade America?  Wake up people!  It’s already happening!

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October 1, 2009

Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Brigitte Gabriel
with Act for America (

Why is Shariah Law so dangerous? Why should Americans - especially women - fear the existence of Shariah Law in our own country?

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Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Brigitte Gabriel
with Act for America (

Shariah Law will be America’s Black Plague. It is medieval, barbaric, and the very existence of a totalitarian program - right here in America. In France, for example, there are 751 “no-go zones” designated solely to Muslims - the French authorities cannot enter and intervene with any crime or injustice of the law.

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Topic: Shariah Law
Discussed by Brigitte Gabriel
with Act for America (

Brigitte Gabriel is an expert on Shariah Law. She is the author “They Must Be Stopped: Why WE Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It”. Log on to to order her book and for more information.

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