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September 26, 2022

Title: Hispanic Voters Leaning More Conservative
Topic: Hispanic Voters
Discussed by Matt Carpenter
with FRC Action (

Matt Carpenter is the Director of FRC Action. Today, Matt discusses information that indicates Hispanic voters are leaning more and more Conservative Republican.

Click here for more on this topic (article written by FRC’s Digital Marketing Specialist, Marjorie Jackson).

Click here for more from Matt Carpenter.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do many illegal immigrants come to the United States of America? Do they know that the US border is completely wide open? Do they know that the Biden Administration will not deport them?

Why are Hispanic Americans (especially those who were born in America or came to America legally) changing their voting behavior? Matt Carpenter says, “They don’t want to replicate Latin America government”, explaining that many of their families fled Communist/Socialist countries to live in America and they see the current Administration making the same mistakes their home countries made.

What are some of the statistics from across the country concerning the vote-swings in recent elections?

What are the main issues Hispanic voters are focused on? In addition to border security, Joe Treviño mentions the economy, crime, public education, and the transgender agenda.

Will Hispanics be the backbone of saving America from turning to a Socialist/Communist stronghold?

How should Republicans be reaching out to the Hispanic community? Joe Treviño shares how one woman he talked to said: “We’re just like you. Just talk to us.”

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April 4, 2022

Title: Texas Hispanics Reject Democrats Left-Wing Woke Agenda
Topic: Hispanic Voters
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The Texas Public Policy Foundation recently conducted a statewide survey to determine why many Hispanic voters are now voting on the Republican ticket.

New guest Sherry Sylvester is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Sherry is a political communications and public policy expert who has directed multi-million-dollar statewide campaigns. Today, Sherry discusses some of the results of this survey.

Click here for more information about Sherry Sylvester.

Click here for more on this topic from Sherry and Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Texas Hispanic Democrat voters paying attention to the Left’s woke agenda? Sherry explains that this is evidenced by county-wide votes in specific counties that have been gradually turning red over the past few years.

Did 84% of the Hispanic responders say they are proud of being a Texan?

Only 60% of Hispanic voters believe they have the same access to the American dream as Anglo Texans. Why? Sherry reveals that this result was pretty consistent across all generations.

The Alamo is a huge part of Texas history. Do many Hispanics view this story of Texas history as their story?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Texas Hispanics Reject Democrats Left-Wing Woke Agenda
Topic: Hispanic Voters
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Based on the survey results:

Do many Hispanics support abortion of demand?

Do the majority of Hispanics support school choice? Sherry admits that the results to this question were extremely surprising, but also encouraging.

Do the majority of Hispanics embrace Faith, Family, and Freedom?

Are more and more Hispanics who embrace the core values of the Republican Party now realizing that the Democrat Party has left them behind?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Texas Hispanics Reject Democrats Left-Wing Woke Agenda
Topic: Hispanic Voters
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are many Hispanics beginning to understand the anti-faith, anti-family, anti-pre-born ideologies of the Democrat Party? Sherry believes that as the Democrats get more and more ridiculous and intolerant, more and more Hispanics will turn their backs and walk away.

The majority of African Americans are church-going people whose core values align more with the Right than the Left. So, why do these issues not resonant with African Americans? Why don’t more vote on the Republican ticket? Sherry says: “It’s a hard culture to change.”

Why should Republican politicians and candidates continue to reach out to minorities with Faith, Family, and Freedom values?

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July 11, 2018

Title: What do Hispanics Really Want?
Topic: Hispanic Voters
Discussed by Steve Cortes
with Special Guest

What do Hispanic voters really want? CNN political commentator, Steve Cortes, has some answers!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Steve Cortes recently tweeted: “Would you rather have an ICE agent i next door or an MS-13 gang member?” How did people respond? Click here  for more!

Are some major Democrat leaders totally clueless concerning the real dangers of MS-13 gang members?

Is the current economy only helping those who are already filthy rich? HINT: Nope!

Do Democrat or Republican policies help those in the lower income bracket?

Does “economic anxiety” fuel the division in America?

On to the Hispanic vote…

What is Steve Cortes’s opinion about the future of the Hispanic vote within the Republican Party?

Is President Trump’s approval rate up or down among Hispanic voters?

Where do most Hispanics receive their news information? Is it left or right leaning information?

Listen as Steve offers some statistics from a recent poll concerning the issues Hispanic Americans are concerned about…

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