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December 14, 2023

Title: For Hamas, this is a Media War
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Sherry Sylvester
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Sherry Sylvester is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the former Senior Adviser to Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. Today, Sherry discusses the despicable protests being held on college/university campuses across the nation in favor of the terrorist group, Hamas.

Click here to read Sherry Sylvester’s op-ed on this issue. Print out the paper and share it with your high school/college-age children. They need to know the TRUTH!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do college students who side with Hamas believe that storing of weapons and missiles in hospitals, schools, and apartment complexes is wrong?

Do people understand with is meant by chanting “from the river to the sea”? Sherry believes that the protests are not just about hating Jews; it’s about hating everything “western”, and the students do not really understand the full gravity of their protests.

What needs to happen in America to convince people, specifically Gen-Zer’s, that Israel is not the bad guy?

Click here to help support the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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December 11, 2023

Title: Who are the Innocent Palestinians?
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Jonathan Feldstein
with Genesis 123 Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

The Arab World for Research and Development recently released a poll painting a vivid picture of who the “innocent Palestinian Arabs” are.

Today, Jonathan Feldstein with the Genesis 123 Foundation rejects the results of this “poll”, saying: “Palestinian Arabs roundly support terror against Israel, reject peace with Israel, and deny Israel’s very right to exist.”

Click here to read Jonathan Feldstein’s op-ed on this important subject.

Click here for more information about the Genesis 123 Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Palestinian Arabs overwhelmingly support terror against Israel?

Do the majority of Palestinian Arabs overwhelmingly support the October 7 massacre against Israel?

The majority of Palestinian Arabs overwhelmingly support the genocidal creation of a Palestinian state “from the river to the sea” in place of Israel. What does this mean?

Do the majority of Palestinian Arabs overwhelmingly reject coexistence with Israel?

Has there ever been a historical Palestine?

How can the cycle of generational hate be broken? Jonathan bluntly states: “Palestinian Arabs need Jesus. We need to convert all of them to Christianity, away from the evil of Islam that they embrace.” Tune in to hear the rest of his statement!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Who are the Innocent Palestinians?
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Jonathan Feldstein
with Genesis 123 Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:


How many “innocent Palestinian Arabs” see the US role as unfavorable?

How many “innocent Palestinian Arabs” see the UK role as unfavorable?

How many “innocent Palestinian Arabs” see the EU role as unfavorable?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Who are the Innocent Palestinians?
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Jonathan Feldstein
with Genesis 123 Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does the average Palestinian on the streets in the Gaza and the West Bank view United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan? Jonathan believes that they are truly delusional and hold views that are self-defeating.

How can Israelis live in peace with “innocent Palestinians” who, in fact, want to kill them?

Has Israel occupied any part of the Gaza strip since 2005?

Have Israelis consistently and continually provided assistance to Palestinian Arabs at their own cost and with asking nothing in return?

How is the Genesis 123 Foundation helping displaced Israeli citizens? How can we help and show support for our Israeli friends? Click here to help support their efforts.

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December 1, 2023

Title: Hamas Depraved Pallywood Performance
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Jonathan Feldstein
with Genesis 123 Foundation (

Jonathan Feldstein is the President of the Genesis 123 Foundation. Today, he discusses the unthinkable acts of terror that are being heaped upon the Israeli citizens.

Click here to read Jonathan Feldstein’s op-ed on this important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there undeniable proof of the despicable and wicked acts performed by the Hamas Terrorists?

Why are the Hamas video-taping their horrific actions? Jonathan simply says that the Hamas are evil. Pure evil.

How are the Israeli citizens reacting to the videos?

Is much of the world in denial about what the Hamas is doing to the Israeli people? Jonathan believes they are “drinking the Hamas Kool-Aid”.

Will the IDF stop prior to the total destruction of the Hamas?

Will the IDF stop prior to the total destruction of the Hezbollah?

The Genesis 123 Foundation has been helping many, many displaced Israeli citizens. Click here to help support their efforts. Every dollar counts!

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November 29, 2023

Title: Ukrainian Jews in Israel
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Michael Johnson
with Slavic Gospel Association (

Part 1 of 2

Michael Johnson is the President of the Slavic Gospel Association. Today, he shares an update about Ukrainian Jews in Israel and how the SGA is helping.

Click here for real-life images and videos about the war in Israel.

Click here to read more about the troubles Ukrainian Jews are facing in Israel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Many Ukrainian Jews have immigrated to Israel to escape the war with Russia. Have they fled a frying pan only to find themselves now in the middle of the fire?

Israel has a social safety net similar to America’s. Are Ukrainians able to take advantage of the help that is available?

How many Israeli citizens are immigrants from the former Soviet Union, including the Ukraine?

Are Ukrainians open to listening to and receiving the Gospel message?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Ukrainian Jews in Israel
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Michael Johnson
with Slavic Gospel Association (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are many Ukrainians in Israel suffering extreme hardships? Michael explains what a typical day looks like and how the Slavic Gospel Association has been able to share the Gospel through their ministry in Israel.

Click here to help support the Slavic Gospel Association.

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November 15, 2023

Title: Hamas Attacks Israel on the 50th Anniversary of October 1973 War
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Paul Kengor is a Professor of Political Science and a Chief Academic Fellow at The Institute for Faith and Freedom at Grove City College. Every fall semester, Dr. Kengor teaches a class on Middle East Politics and he always warns his students that a war can begin at any time. This year, unfortunately his warning was correct.

Click here to read Dr. Paul Kengor’s editorial on today’s topic in The American Spectator.

Click here to order a copy of Dr. Paul Kengor’s many books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was the Yom Kippur War in 1973, also known as the October War?

Were Israeli losses significant? Dr. Kengor shares about a personal friend of his who left shortly after the 1973 war and the tragedy the country experienced at that time.

Does the date September 11 have historical Islamic significance?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Hamas Attacks Israel on the 50th Anniversary of October 1973 War
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was life like in Israel before October 7, 2023? What was life like in Gaza before October 7, 2023?

Leading up to October 7, 2023, were some Arab nations beginning to recognize Israel’s right to exist under the Abraham Accords?

Israel has offered the Palestinians a two-state solution. Why have the Palestinian leaders rejected Israel’s offer?

Is the population exploding in Gaza?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Hamas Attacks Israel on the 50th Anniversary of October 1973 War
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Hamas leaders believe they can win this current war against Israel by themselves?

What does the phrase “From the River to the Sea” mean? Are students and even professors on college campuses across America shouting this phrase?

Do Muslims believe that Israel is the “little Satan” and America is the “big Satan”? Do they want our total destruction?

Click here to help support The Institute for Faith and Freedom.

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September 22, 2023

Title: Is Joe Biden Pro-Palestinian?
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel and the Founder and President of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund. As a victim of a terror attack, Mayor Rubin works tirelessly to support other victims. Today, David discusses renewed threats against Israel from terrorist leaders in the Middle East.

Click here to order a copy of David Rubin’s many books, including: “Confronting Radicals: What America can Learn from Israel”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are leaders for Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine calling for an escalation of terrorist acts of violence against Israeli citizens?

Do Palestinian leaders perceive Joe Biden as weak and pro-Palestinian? David Rubin discusses the many ways Palestinian citizens benefit from Joe Biden’s presidency and the only one drawback/threat to their terrorist ideals: Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Have several other Middle Eastern countries agreed to work peacefully with Israel? How are they benefiting from the relationship?

What is the current situation with Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Israel?

Israel is repeatedly referred to as the “occupation government”. What does this mean, exactly? David Rubin gives a clear and concise explanation of “the Gaza”, who “controls” it, and who the land actually belongs to. This is something you will never hear from the MSM.

If Israel laid down their arms today, would there be peace in the Middle East?

Click here to help support the Shiloh Israel Children’s Foundation.

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September 19, 2023

Title: President Trump’s Abraham Accords
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Kengor is the Professor of Political Science at Grove City College and a Chief Academic Fellow for The Institute for Faith and Freedom. Today, Dr. Paul Kengor has some encouraging words about President Trump’s historic Abraham Accords .

Click here to read Dr. Paul Kengor’s op-ed on this important topic.

Click here to order a copy of Dr. Paul Kengor’s many books.

Click here for more information about Grove City College.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Paul Kengor reminisces about where he was on September 11, 2001…

Has there been hostility and wars between the Jewish people and the Arab Countries of that region for many, many decades?

What is the “Three No’s of Khartoum”? Dr. Paul explains that Arab Nations promised no negotiations, recognition, or peace with Israel.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - President Trump’s Abraham Accords
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the Abraham Accords? Who negotiated the agreement for President Trump? Who are the signature parties of the Abraham Accords?

The Abraham Accords have had many positive outcomes in the Middle East. Can this continue for many years to come?

Is this an example of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”? Dr. Paul Kengor explains why he does not think that is the case here.

Is there hope for true and lasting peace in the future?

Click here to help support The Institute for Faith and Freedom at Grove City College.

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September 14, 2022

Title: Journalists Dead in the Middle East
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Jonathan Feldstein
with Genesis 123 Foundation (

The Middle East is a dangerous place, especially when you place yourself in harms-way.

Jonathan Feldstein is the Founder and President of the Genesis 123 Foundation. Today, Jonathan discusses the circumstances, accusations, and double standards surrounding the death of a female Palestinian Arab-American Al Jazeera journalist.

Click here to read more on this specific topic from Jonathan Feldstein.

Click here for articles by Jonathan Feldstein.

Click here to donate to the Genesis 123 Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Arabs are killing Arabs inside Israel. Why isn’t this all over the MSM?

Do Arab terrorists hide behind civilians? Do they place their munitions and themselves in ambulances, schools, and residential buildings?

How many journalists have been killed the past two years around the world? Jonathan Feldstein reveals that 120 journalists have been killed.

Recently, a Palestinian Arab-American Al Jazeera journalist found herself between IDF forces and Arab terrorists. What was she doing there? Why was she “camped out”?

Did the Arabs preserve evidence and allow an unbiased autopsy for this journalist? Jonathan gives the grim details…

Who was the second Arab journalist killed recently? How was his death treated differently than the other journalists’ death?

The female journalists’ death has been ruled an accident. In reality, has she been made out to be a martyr for the cause of Palestinian liberation? Jonathan reveals that she was a Christian and the Arabs are using her death to give Israel a “black eye”.

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August 11, 2021

Title: Protecting Israel at All Costs
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

Middle East tensions are boiling following a deadly drone strike last week on an Israeli-managed tanker off the coast of Oman, as well as the Iranian hijacking of a UK ship.  Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz declared that the country’s military is ready to take action against Iran.

David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, discusses what the next few days and weeks hold for Israel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is the hangman of Tehran?

Is Iranian talk of destroying Israel just rhetoric?

Will Iran go nuclear within a matter of days? David reveals that the Iranians are 10 weeks aways from a nuclear bomb. This is scary, scary stuff! We MUST pray for and defend Israel.

How many nuclear bombs would it take to totally destroy Israel?

Must Israel prepare now for future attacks? Should they attack first or wait? David says that this has been the plan for years and they need to learn from history.

Is Israel Iran’s only target?

Click here to get your copy of “Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel”.

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June 14, 2021

Title: Is the Violence Over in the Middle East?
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Jonathan Feldstein
with Genesis 123 Foundation (

For the time being, there are no rockets being fired into Israel from surrounding cities and countries. Will the peace last, though?

Johnathan Feldstein is the Founder and President of the Genesis 123 Foundation. Their mission is to build bridges between Jews and Christians with Israel in ways that are new, unique, and meaningful.

For more on this topic from Johnathan Feldstein, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do terrorists in Gaza purposefully build tunnels under hospitals, schools, homes, and apartment buildings in Gaza? Why on earth would do they this???

Do some of these tunnels even lead into Israel? Why would they dig tunnels into Israel??? Johnathan describes some of the tunnels under Gaza…

Did a few UN officials slip up and acknowledge precision of the Israeli response? Did they get fired?

Did Israel really warn occupants of buildings that their specific building was going to be targeted with a “knock on the roof”? Johnathan shares an amazing story!

Does the MSM around the world accurately and fairly portray the rights of Jews to live peaceably in their historic homeland?

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May 25, 2021

Title: Long Term: Which Side Has the Advantage: Muslim Terrorists or Israel?
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Professor Dr. Earl Tilford
with Center for Vision and Values (

Part 1 of 2

Professor Dr. Earl Tilford recently wrote: “The current fighting in Gaza rapidly approaches total war intensity. Strategy for Hamas has always involved the total war objective of annihilating Israel. For Israel, fighting Hamas and Hezbollah, which is based in Lebanon and Syria, involves a long, protracted but limited war of attrition. This may be changing.”

Today, Dr. Tilford discusses the escalating situation and what the future may hold for the Middle East.

Click here for more information on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Israel seek lasting peace?

Do terrorists see weakness in the current US administration?

Do some Arab countries fear the Hamas and their missiles? Do those same Arab countries fear Israel and their missiles?

What is the endgame for Muslim terrorist organizations, specifically the Hamas? What objective is clearly stated in their handbook?

Can there be a lasting cease fire when the Hamas are determined to obliterate Israel?

The Hamas uses terror as a tool. How have their tactics adapted over the years?

Do Muslim terrorists utilize the main stream media to their advantage?

If the Hamas had the military advantage, would they agree to a cease fire?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Long Term: Which Side Has the Advantage: Muslim Terrorists or Israel?
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Professor Dr. Earl Tilford
with Center for Vision and Values (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

From 1993 to 2001, Dr. Tilford served as Director of Research at the U.S. Army’s Strategic Studies Institute. What was this experience like?

Did Israel deplete its stock of missiles for what is called “The Iron Dome”? Will the US restock their needed supply?

Is Israel a nation of well-armed citizens trained in warfare?

How does Israel destroy an enemy who hides behind women and children, firing weapons from inside hospitals, churches, and even ambulances? Will the war resort to a bloody boots-on-the-ground battle?

Will Israel survive future Muslim attacks without aid from the US?

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May 24, 2021

Title: Living in a War Zone
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by Jonathan Feldstein
with Genesis 123 Foundation (

The massive rocket attacks from Gaza that began on 10 May came after weeks of Palestinian terrorism, rockets, and incendiary balloons launched from the Gaza Strip, massive riots, and other attacks on Jewish civilians in Jerusalem. Why did all of this start? Is peace possible?

Jonathan Feldstein is the Founder of the Genesis 123 Foundation, a US based non-profit. Their mission is to build bridges between Jews and Christians with Israel in ways that are new, unique, and meaningful. They have a diverse leadership of Jews and Christians united toward this objective and aspire to create an abundance of programs to achieve these goals.

Click here for more information about the Genesis 123 Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Jonathan and his family are living in the midst of a war zone. How does this affect his family? Jonathan shares how his son-in-law has been called to the front lines and his son should be called up any day.

It was common knowledge before the latest rocket attacks began that the Palestinians in the Gaza had accumulated as many as 12,000 rockets. Were these for defensive or offensive purposes?

How many rockets have been fired towards Israel by the Palestinians and the Hamas based in the Gaza?

In the past, has Hamas used the ruse of oppression to strike Israel, while hiding behind civilians? Is this just part of the Hamas playbook?

Israel is being pressured for a cease fire, yet the Palestinians and Hamas have thousands and thousands of rockets still in their possession. Are they being asked to stop their attacks? Will they be asked to turn their rockets over to the UN?

Why did Jonathan immigrate to Israel in 2004?

Jonathan closes the interview by sharing some information about his organization Genesis 123 Foundation. They have some super cool stuff for adults AND kids on their website. Check it out today!

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May 20, 2021

Title: Israel vs Hama: Is There Hope for Peace?
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

If the Jew-haters laid down their arms, there would be peace. If Israel laid down their arms, they would be destroyed. Why do people condemn Israel but not Hamas?

David Rubin is the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, and a frequent guest on the What’s UP Radio Program. Click here to order a copy of his newest book, “Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn From Israel”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have over 3,000 missiles really been fired toward Israel in recent weeks?

Are the missiles being fired by war criminals at civilian populations?

Why does Hamas fire their missiles from civil population centers?

What can be done to deescalate the situation for the long-term future?

Some Democrats support Israel, while some are very vocal in their opposition. Which side will win? Does David discuss this in his new book (mentioned above)?

Is a two-state solution possible?

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April 9, 2021

Title: UPDATE: Israel’s Latest Election
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

It’s “Groundhog Day Israel: Part 4”!  Israel recently held its fourth election in two years. And there is STILL much confusion over exactly who holds the power.

David Rubin is the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel. Today he explains what happened and what the future possibly holds.

Click here for more information about David Rubin’s books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was it a surprise that Benjamin Netanyahu’s party was able to win 52 seats in the Knesset?

How many votes must Benjamin Netanyahu receive to be elected Prime Minister? Will he obtain these votes?

If Netanyahu does not obtain the needed votes, what happens next? David Rubin discusses three options…

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March 22, 2021

Title: Israel’s FOURTH Election in TWO Years
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

It’s like Groundhog Day in Israel. Former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, David Rubin, discusses the FOURTH election in Israel in TWO years.

Click here for more details on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the upcoming Israeli election Tuesday, March 23rd, have the entire post-lockdown Israeli population in suspense?

Are the Israeli voters split down the middle, much like the 2020 US Presidential Election?

How is the Israeli Prime Minister elected/chosen? How many political parties in Israel?

Is Israel about to enter a Post-Netanyahu era?

What are some of the challenges Israelis face today?

Click here for more on David’s books and the Shiloh Israel Children’s Project.

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March 18, 2021

Title: Israel’s FOURTH Election in TWO Years
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

It’s like Groundhog Day in Israel. Former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, David Rubin, discusses the FOURTH election in Israel in TWO years.

Click here for more details on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the upcoming Israeli election Tuesday, March 23rd, have the entire post-lockdown Israeli population in suspense?

Are the Israeli voters split down the middle, much like the 2020 US Presidential Election?

How is the Israeli Prime Minister elected/chosen? How many political parties in Israel?

Is Israel about to enter a Post-Netanyahu era?

What are some of the challenges Israelis face today?

Click here for more on David’s books and the Shiloh Israel Children’s Project.

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January 21, 2021

Title: Is the Enemy of My Enemy My Friend?
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

If Biden kisses the feet of the Iranian leaders, will it scuttle the alliances forged by President Trump, Israel, and some of their Arab neighbors?

David Rubin is the author of many books, including “Trump and the Jews”. He is also the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel.

For more from David Rubin, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is David Rubin not surprised that Biden operatives are already placating the Iranians by wanting to reenter in the Iran Nuclear deal that President Trump deemed a disaster?

How has the Arab/Israeli landscape changed over the last four years?

With President Trump’s leadership, have Israel and several Sunni Muslim Arab Countries formed strategic alliances to combat the growing threat from Shiite Muslim Iran?

Does the Shiite-ruled Iran want to dominate the entire world? David Rubin explains how they plan to accomplish this.

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December 2, 2020

Title: Netanyahu’s Secret Meeting with the Enemy
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently made a secret trip to an enemy state, meeting with their Crown Prince and the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.

David Rubin, author and former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, has the details. Click here  to order a copy of one of his many books, including “Trump and the Jews.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was the nature of Netanyahu’s lightning trip to Saudi Arabia?

How did the secret get out? Was it a leak?

Is Israel on a path to new elections in a few months?

Has Joe Biden hinted at reentering into the Iran Nuclear Deal? What would this mean for not only Israel but for America?

Would Israel preemptively strike Iran in order to destroy their nuclear capability?

David Rubin’s book, “Trump and the Jews”, details the different approaches to peace in the Middle East. Will Joe Biden have a different approach to the country of Israel?

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November 17, 2020

Title: Will Biden Reverse Peace in the Middle East?
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Discussed by David Rubin
with David Rubin Israel (

The Abraham Accords, brokered by the Trump administration, normalized relations between Israel and three key Arab countries, with more on the way, including Saudi Arabia, but all that may come to a grinding halt under a Biden presidency.

David Rubin expresses his concerns about a possible Biden Presidency would mean for Peace in the Middle East. David Rubin is the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel and the author of many books, including “Trump and the Jews.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who do the Arab rulers fear most: their people, Palestinian terrorists, Israel, or Iran?

Why does David believe that Joe Biden would seek to reverse many of the Trump-era foreign policy deals?

How did the Obama/Biden administration deal with the Palestinians and Middle East issues? Would it be safe to assume that “President” Biden would do the same?

Are citizens of Israel praying that Trump is successful in the Presidential vote recount?

Why did David write “Trump and the Jews”? Click here  for your copy.

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