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January 9, 2017

Title: Dissected Living Breathing Babies Outside the Womb
Topic: Parts From Living Babies
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Throughout history, leaders have lied to their followers. Planned Parenthood is no different. Personal opinions concerning abortion aside, most people can agree that selling baby body parts is unethical.

Dr. Joe Pojman is here today to discuss the recently released Congressional Report regarding this issue and the future may look like.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the Congressional Report discover that Planned Parenthood was in fact extracting body parts from live babies?

Did the committee come to the conclusion that Planned Parenthood broke the law?

Have teaching medical schools in Texas received baby body parts from Planned Parenthood?

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick have communicated privately with Terry Lowry concerning this issue. What were there comments?

If this disgusts you, do something about it! Listen as Dr. Pojman gives information on how you can help.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Dissected Living Breathing Babies Outside the Womb
Topic: Parts From Living Babies
Discussed by Dr. Joe Pojman
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn both serve on the Committee which released the nearly 600-page report concerning Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts. Neither of their offices have offered a press release regarding their decision. Why not?

Does the US Attorney have the authority to prosecute and punish Planned Parenthood?

What are some of the plans in the upcoming Texas Legislature?

Dr. Pojman states: “We are fighting pure evil. There is no question. We have to stop it, but it will be hard.” Are you ready to help? Click here  for more.

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January 3, 2017

Title: Parts from Living Babies
Topic: Parts From Living Babies
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The MSM is once again ignoring major news about Planned Parenthood. Listen in as Briscoe Cain, the new Representative-Elect for HD 128, discusses Kermit Gosnell, Planned Parenthood, and their illegal activities.

NOTE: Some information shared in this segment is very disturbing, even for adults, but it is extremely important that we all understand the evil that Planned Parenthood is doing every day simply to make money.

Questions / Issues Discussed:

The US Senate Judiciary Committee released a nearly 500 page report detailing the selling of baby body parts by the Planned Parenthood affiliate here in Houston. Is the US Senate Judiciary Committee “really” going to prosecute Planned Parenthood – or is it all smoke and mirrors?

Who is Kermit Gosnell and what did he do?

Why didn’t the MSM cover the Kermit Gosnell trial?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Parts from Living Babies
Topic: Parts From Living Babies
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Questions / Issues Discussed:

Briscoe Cain encourages everyone to research what Planned Parenthood is accused of doing. Do not rely on the nightly news or even FOX to report the truth. Follow Texas Alliance for Life and other pro-life organizations on Facebook and Twitter to get the TRUTH.

Listen in as Terry Lowry reports how much specific baby body parts are bought and sold for. Note: Have tissues handy as you listen because your heart will absolutely break.

What has the US Senate Judiciary Committee discovered while researching nearly 20,000 pages of documents from Planned Parenthood?

How did Briscoe Cain obtain the records concerning this issue?

How many Texas medical schools have bought baby body parts to use for research? Are they breaking Texas law? Is it against Federal Law?

Can Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton prosecute Planned Parenthood based on the US Senate Judiciary Committee report?

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January 2, 2017

Title: Parts from Living Babies
Topic: Parts From Living Babies
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The MSM is once again ignoring major news about Planned Parenthood. Listen in as Briscoe Cain, the new Representative-Elect for HD 128, discusses Kermit Gosnell, Planned Parenthood, and their illegal activities.

NOTE: Some information shared in this segment is very disturbing, even for adults, but it is extremely important that we all understand the evil that Planned Parenthood is doing every day simply to make money.

Questions / Issues Discussed:

The US Senate Judiciary Committee released a nearly 500 page report detailing the selling of baby body parts by the Planned Parenthood affiliate here in Houston. Is the US Senate Judiciary Committee “really” going to prosecute Planned Parenthood – or is it all smoke and mirrors?

Who is Kermit Gosnell and what did he do?

Why didn’t the MSM cover the Kermit Gosnell trial?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Parts from Living Babies
Topic: Parts From Living Babies
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Questions / Issues Discussed:

Briscoe Cain encourages everyone to research what Planned Parenthood is accused of doing. Do not rely on the nightly news or even FOX to report the truth. Follow Texas Alliance for Life and other pro-life organizations on Facebook and Twitter to get the TRUTH.

Listen in as Terry Lowry reports how much specific baby body parts are bought and sold for. Note: Have tissues handy as you listen because your heart will absolutely break.

What has the US Senate Judiciary Committee discovered while researching nearly 20,000 pages of documents from Planned Parenthood?

How did Briscoe Cain obtain the records concerning this issue?

How many Texas medical schools have bought baby body parts to use for research? Are they breaking Texas law? Is it against Federal Law?

Can Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton prosecute Planned Parenthood based on the US Senate Judiciary Committee report?

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