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September 15, 2016

Title: Bible Studies. David Deleiden. And Spousal Benefits.
Topic: Briscoe Cain Updates
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Part 1 of 2

Today, Briscoe Cain, candidate for Texas State Representative District 128 discusses three issues: A bible study held in a public place, the David Deleiden case, and spousal benefits for homosexuals.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Months ago, Terry Lowry received a phone call from a police officer in Beaumont, Texas, who was in need of help. He was told he could no longer lead a Bible study at the station with fellow officers during their lunch break. Listen in as Briscoe Cain reveals more details of the case and how it is definitely not a rare circumstance.

Briscoe says, “Political philosophy without action is like faith without works.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Bible Studies. David Deleiden. And Spousal Benefits.
Topic: Briscoe Cain Updates
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

David Deleiden is the “Planned Parenthood whistleblower” who was charged by a Houston Grand Jury for “tampering with a government record” (i.e. using a fake I.D. as an investigative journalist). Thankfully, David and his co-worker Sandra Merritt (who was also charged) were cleared of any wrong-doing in Houston. However, the case is not over yet. Listen in as Briscoe Cain, who is a close friend of David’s, discusses more details.

Briscoe Cain requests listeners prayerfully consider donating to The Center for Medical Progress to assist in legal fees which are piling up with the case in California. Click here for more information.

Also discussed in this segment with Briscoe is the LGBTQ push for spousal benefits. The City of Houston, under former Mayor Annise Parker, passed an ordinance allowing same-sex couples to receive spousal benefits. Briscoe offers more information on the case which went all the way to the Texas Supreme Court and what the future looks like if we do not stop them.

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