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September 7, 2017

Title: Life after the Flood
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Glenn Lutjens
with Focus on the Family

Glenn Lutjens is a Counselor with Focus on the Family. Listen in as he offers some great advice for “Life after the Flood”.

For more on this topic, click here.  If you would like to speak directly to a counselor, call 1.800.AFAMILY

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are people sometimes at a loss for words during times like this? Glenn says sometimes silence is the best response. Lend a listening ear and a sturdy shoulder.

Instead of asking “how can I help”, is it better to state “this is how I can help”?

Should we be careful when making promises to someone in need that we don’t over extend ourselves?

How can we continue living a “normal life”?

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September 6, 2017

Title: Help and Healing After Harvey
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Briscoe Cain
with Briscoe Cain (

Briscoe Cain has taken his State Representative hat off for the last week and replaced it with a camouflage hat. Why? Briscoe is currently on duty as a First Lieutenant in Victoria, Texas, helping with cleanup after Hurricane Harvey. Listen in as Briscoe gives details about what he has been doing and what still needs to be done.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Briscoe required to report for duty to help with the recovery process?

What did Briscoe expect to see when he arrived in the flood ravaged city of Victoria?

What did Briscoe actually see and what has he experienced?

Was Hurricane Harvey caused by God to punish man?

How can people help flood victims? Obviously, homes still need to be gutted and repaired, but there are other ways to help. Briscoe discusses the need for families to open their homes to flood victims, donate financially to your church, buy some supplies and food, gift cards, etc.

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April 20, 2015

Title: Opportunity for All
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Senator Jim DeMint
with Senator Jim DeMint (

The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action for America are launching a major new initiative to get America back on course. The solutions to America’s problems lie outside the Washington Beltway bubble. The Heritage Foundation is coming to Houston this Friday, April 24 to lay out their counterstrike to the liberal agenda.

Senator Jim DeMint is the President of the Heritage Foundation. They’ve asked thousands of Americans: “What do you want from your government?” The overwhelming response has been: “We want opportunity for all and favoritism for none.”

Government is supposed to help people. Big government doesn’t favor the little guy. Limited government with free markets offer the people a better chance to thrive. “Compare Texas to California,” says Senator DeMint, “and you can see which policies work and which ones don’t.

We don’t fit into a one-size-fits-all mold. And that is what Washington is trying to do. If people really understood that, they would not be sitting idly by allowing the corruption to continue. It all starts with individuals. Senator DeMint urges every American to make a difference. “Every American can make a difference. Every American has a responsibility to help create opportunity for others.”

To pre-register for the Heritage Foundation’s Rally this Friday, April 24 at the JW Marriot at 5150 Wertheimer in Houston, click [here].

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April 9, 2015

Title: Will the Church be Safe?
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Dr. Steve Hotze
with Conservative Republican of Texas, PAC

Part 1 of 2

Activist judges, at both the state and federal levels, are putting America under the boot of the Gay Mafia. You might not be concerned because you don’t own a bakery or flower shop; you might not be a photographer or own a bed and breakfast so you don’t care. But if you are a Christian, you need to be paying attention to what they – the Gay Mafia – are doing to religious freedom in America.

Dr. Steve Hotze encourages all listeners to take action to petition all levels of government on the issue of gay marriage – or “mirage” as he calls it. “Throughout history, homosexuality has been condemned in all cultures as wrong,” Dr. Hotze points out. “Yes there are other sins, but the difference is that those who participate in sodomy want to promote it as a normal, wholesome activity that needs to be celebrated.” We do not condone murder. We do not condone adultery. We do not condone robbery. Why are we allowing the Gay Mafia to condone an act that God views as an abomination?

The Gay Mafia will soon be attacking preachers and ministers and priests. They don’t want them to preach the truth. And if they do preach the truth, the Gay Mafia wants them fined! Dr. Hotze says, “We need a militant attitude in the Christian community. Christians – rise up and take a stand!

Dr. Ed Young, pastor of Second Baptist in Houston, even preached about the importance of keeping traditional marriage sacred on Easter Sunday! Dr. Hotze explains in more detail what Dr. Young warned his congregation about. Too many churches don’t preach about sin and the consequences and that’s what wrong with the world today.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Will the Church be Safe?
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Dr. Steve Hotze
with Conservative Republican of Texas, PAC

Dave Wilson, a Houston Community College trustee and longtime anti-gay activist, recently presented a charter amendment to the Houston City Council that would define gender identity as the gender you were born with. This seems like a no-brainer to Christians and the majority of Conservatives, but apparently the left has a problem with this issue. “We are not going to allow perverted behavior in our city,” proclaims Dr. Hotze.

He goes on to discuss why Christians need to get involved and how to get involved. We cannot allow the Gay Mafia to take over our country. We must stop them now! We need to start here in Houston and elect a mayor with moral, Christian values.

Dr. Hotze is on fire, today, folks! Listen in!

There are several websites you can share with your friends. First, Dr. Hotze direct site  and “Restrain the Judges” which can be found [here].

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March 20, 2015

Title: It's Time for Christians to Take a Stand
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Dr. Steve Hotze
with Conservative Republican of Texas, PAC

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing. Does your faith impact your life in an outward manner? Does your life reflect your faith? Our country – our state – our cities – our families – are under attack. It is time that Conservative Christians get out there and make our voices heard above all the noise. It is time we take a stand.

Texans want to keep marriage traditional – defined as between one natural man and one natural woman. In 2005, the Texas Marriage Amendment was added to the Texas Constitution with a 76% majority vote by the people. This has been the law of the land and we need to keep it that way.

Dr. Hotze calls the same-sex marriage battle a “mirage”. He has a strong opinion on this matter, receiving his attitude straight from the Bible. There are two bills on the table concerning the same-sex marriage issue: HB 623 and SB 673.

Dr. Steve Hotze encourages all Christians to attend the upcoming Defense of Marriage Amendment Rally on Monday, March 23 at 1:00 PM at the south steps of the Texas Capitol. Roy Moore, the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, will be speaking at the rally so make plans to attend with your family!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - It's Time for Christians to Take a Stand
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Dr. Steve Hotze
with Conservative Republican of Texas, PAC

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Dr. Steve Hotze believes that issues such as the economy and Obamacare are important, but none matter more than the moral concerns of today, specifically the controversy surrounding same-sex marriage.
“It all started with the sexual revolution in the 60’s, the removal of the Bible in public schools, and then the legalization of abortion,” he states. It’s past time for Christians to stand up and say enough is enough. If radical Muslims aren’t afraid to stand up, then Christians shouldn’t be afraid to, either!

Dr. Hotze refers to homosexuals who want to redefine marriage as “Militant Homosexuals”. He says they view this as a war – they are fighting a battle against God and His Word. Just the same as Christians view homosexuality as an abomination per the Word of God, they view the way of the righteous as an abomination to the wicked. They hate what we stand for. They hate good. They love evil.

If same-sex “mirages” are allowed in Texas, Dr. Hotze fears it will be allowed in every state in America. What will be next? They want an “anything goes” kind of society. It’s time Christians realize this and fight back! “We need to be strong and forceful,” Dr. Hotze proclaims. Listen in as he elaborates.

Don’t forget to make plans to attend the Defense of Marriage Amendment Rally on Monday, March 23 at 1:00 PM at the south steps of the Texas Capitol. We want to pack the Capitol with as many people as it can hold! Tell the people in your Bible Study group. Tell your friends and neighbors. Take your family and stand up for Faith.

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March 17, 2015

Title: It's Time for Christians to Take a Stand
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Dr. Steve Hotze
with Conservative Republican of Texas, PAC

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing. Does your faith impact your life in an outward manner? Does your life reflect your faith? Our country – our state – our cities – our families – are under attack. It is time that Conservative Christians get out there and make our voices heard above all the noise. It is time we take a stand.

Texans want to keep marriage traditional – defined as between one natural man and one natural woman. In 2005, the Texas Marriage Amendment was added to the Texas Constitution with a 76% majority vote by the people. This has been the law of the land and we need to keep it that way.

Dr. Hotze calls the same-sex marriage battle a “mirage”. He has a strong opinion on this matter, receiving his attitude straight from the Bible. There are two bills on the table concerning the same-sex marriage issue: HB 623 and SB 673.

Dr. Steve Hotze encourages all Christians to attend the upcoming Defense of Marriage Amendment Rally on Monday, March 23 at 1:00 PM at the south steps of the Texas Capitol. Roy Moore, the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, will be speaking at the rally so make plans to attend with your family!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - It's Time for Christians to Take a Stand
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Dr. Steve Hotze
with Conservative Republican of Texas, PAC

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Dr. Steve Hotze believes that issues such as the economy and Obamacare are important, but none matter more than the moral concerns of today, specifically the controversy surrounding same-sex marriage.
“It all started with the sexual revolution in the 60’s, the removal of the Bible in public schools, and then the legalization of abortion,” he states. It’s past time for Christians to stand up and say enough is enough. If radical Muslims aren’t afraid to stand up, then Christians shouldn’t be afraid to, either!

Dr. Hotze refers to homosexuals who want to redefine marriage as “Militant Homosexuals”. He says they view this as a war – they are fighting a battle against God and His Word. Just the same as Christians view homosexuality as an abomination per the Word of God, they view the way of the righteous as an abomination to the wicked. They hate what we stand for. They hate good. They love evil.

If same-sex “mirages” are allowed in Texas, Dr. Hotze fears it will be allowed in every state in America. What will be next? They want an “anything goes” kind of society. It’s time Christians realize this and fight back! “We need to be strong and forceful,” Dr. Hotze proclaims. Listen in as he elaborates.

Don’t forget to make plans to attend the Defense of Marriage Amendment Rally on Monday, March 23 at 1:00 PM at the south steps of the Texas Capitol. We want to pack the Capitol with as many people as it can hold! Tell the people in your Bible Study group. Tell your friends and neighbors. Take your family and stand up for Faith.

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August 28, 2012

Title: What Can Pastors and Churches Do Leading Up To November The 6th?
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Reverend Dave Welch
with US Pastor Council (US Pastor Council)

Part 1 of 3

What can pastors and churches do leading up to November the 6th?

What is the US Pastor Council’s objective?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Reverend Dave Welch
with US Pastor Council (US Pastor Council)

Can anyone start a Pastor Council? Where can they turn to for assistance or resources?

Why do Christians have a responsibility to be engaged in our political process?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Reverend Dave Welch
with US Pastor Council (US Pastor Council)

Where in the Word are we directed to select our leaders?

Where in the Word does God give us the consequences for apathy as it relates to our civic involvement?

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October 14, 2010

Title: Ruling class leads us toward dull, gray lives Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Robert Knight is a senior writer for Coral Ridge Ministries, a senior fellow for the American Civil Rights Union and author of the newly updated "Radical Rulers: The White House Elites Who Are Pushing America Toward Socialism" (, 2010).

The shrill attacks on Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell tell us a lot about the growing panic among intelligentsia of both parties who favor soft socialism - when they aren't pushing hard socialism.

They just can't seem to bring themselves to trust the American people and the free market.


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Title: Ruling class leads us toward dull, gray lives Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

The history of wealth creation and sustained freedom in America is the history of capitalism and the underlying values that support it. Through risk, imagination and hard work, entrepreneurs have brought the highest standard of living in history for the largest number of people.
Communism, which is socialism with a Kalashnikov rifle and garroting wire, creates poverty and architecture that looks like East German post offices: gray, dull and uninspiring.

Despite boatloads of evidence that communism, socialism and liberalism do not work and spread only misery and poverty, our ruling class still believes in government to provide all human wants.

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December 30, 2009

Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

Kelly Shackelford, with the Free Market Foundation, shares a strong message from Christian leaders in the UK and other European countries: “American Evangelicals must learn from their countries. Stand fast and fight!” The same evil world view that is destroying Christianity in Europe is invading America. Log on to for more.

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Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

How far can a pastor go in the pulpit when it comes to politics? What can you do as a member of the congregation? Will you stand up and fight in 2010?

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Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Richard Cizik
with National Assosication of Evangelicals

Is it a sin for Christians NOT to be involved in government? For more on this, log on to

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October 9, 2008

Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

After returning from Europe, Kelly Shackelford, from the Free Market Foundation, shares a message from Christian Leaders from the UK and other European countries: American Evangelicals must learn from their countries. Christians have lost most of the rights in Europe and this evil-secular world view is invading America. “Stand fast and fight”, they urge.

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Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

During his recent trip to Europe, Kelly Shackelford was urged by Christian leaders throughout Europe to learn from their experience. They withdrew from the public square and now their rights as Christians have been taken away and an evil and perverse secular world view dominates. “Beware and be on guard. Stand and fight!” they implore.

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Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Values Voters represent a very meaningful voting block within the Republican Party. If we sit on our hands and opt out of the 2008 elections, like we did in 2006, will this be a good thing, or a bad thing? For more, log onto

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Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Values Voters represent a very meaningful voting block within the Republican Party. What must we do? For more, log onto

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September 5, 2008

Title: Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty. Part 1 of 3
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by John Revell
with Life Line Chaplaincy (

John Revell, co-author of “Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty”, discusses biblical principles that remove any doubt as to God’s heart on this issue of civil involvement. For a free copy, use the contact link to send your request…first five who respond will receive a free copy of “Sinful Silence”.

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Title: Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty. Part 2 of 3
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by John Revell
with Life Line Chaplaincy (

John Revell, co-author of “Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty”, makes a compelling case, using scripture references from Isaiah, urging Christians to fulfill their obligation to ‘be involved’. For a free copy, use the contact link to send your request…first five who respond will receive a free copy of “Sinful Silence”.

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Title: Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty. Part 3 of 3
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by John Revell
with Life Line Chaplaincy (

John Revell, co-author of “Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty”, concludes his interview with a call to action. For a free copy, use the contact link to send your request…first five who respond will receive a free copy of “Sinful Silence”.

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August 21, 2008

Title: Christian Leaders from the UK and Europe Encourage American Evangelicals to Be Vigilant! 1 of 2
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

After returning from Europe, Kelly Shackelford, from the Free Market Foundation, shares a message from Christian Leaders from the UK and other European countries: American Evangelicals must learn from their countries. Christians have lost most of the rights in Europe and this evil-secular world view is invading America. “Stand Fast and Fight”, they urge.

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Title: Christian Leaders from the UK and Europe Encourage American Evangelicals to Be Vigilant! 2 of 2
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

During his recent trip to Europe, Kelly Shackelford was urged by Christian leaders throughout Europe to learn from their experience. They withdrew from the public square and now their rights as Christians have been taken away and an evil-perverse secular world view dominates. “Beware and on guard, stand and fight!” they implore.

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August 18, 2008

Title: Best of: Salt and Light: Evangelicals Must Stay the Course Segment 1
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Values Voters represent a very meaningful voting block within the Republican Party. If we sit on our hands and opt out of the 2008 elections, like we did in 2006, will this be a good thing, or a bad thing? For more log onto

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Title: A Best of: Salt and Light: Evangelicals Must Stay the Course Part 2
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Values Voters represent a very meaningful voting block within the Republican Party. What must we do? For more log onto

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February 8, 2008

Title: McCain vs. Someone Else? What should Christian conservatives do now?
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Chuck Donovan
with Family Research Council (

The Value of Values Voters: Values voters may be many things, but fatalists they are not. Are social conservative voters refusing to compromise their core beliefs and follow the media’s lead? What should social conservative / values voters do now?

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December 3, 2007

Title: Who Will Decide How You Vote? Part One
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Too many voters will wait to decide on the next President to see what polls say, or friends say, or some “opinion leader”. Ken Connor, with the Center for a Just Society, encourages our listeners to become informed. There are many ways to learn about the candidates, all candidates. We encourage everyone to become an “informed voter”!

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Title: Who Will Decide How You Vote? Part Two
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Too many voters will wait to decide on the next President to see what polls say, or friends say, or some “opinion leader”. Ken Connor, with the Center for a Just Society, encourages our listeners to become informed. There are many ways to learn about the candidates, all candidates. We encourage everyone to become an “informed voter”!

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November 21, 2007

Title: What if a pro-life opinion leader endorses someone who is pro-abortion?
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Dr. Rick Scarborough
with Vision America

What issues should we consider in choosing a candidate? What should Christians be doing right now?

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Title: What if a pro-life opinion leader endorses someone who is pro-abortion?
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Dr. Richard Land
with Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the S.B.C. (

What issues should we consider in choosing a candidate? What should Christians be doing right now?

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October 4, 2007

Title: Salt and Light: Evangelicals Must Stay the Course Segment 1
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Values Voters represent a very meaningful voting block within the Republican Party. If we sit on our hands and opt out of the 2008 elections, like we did in 2006, will this be a good thing, or a bad thing? For more log onto

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Title: Salt and Light: Evangelicals Must Stay the Course Part 2
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Values Voters represent a very meaningful voting block within the Republican Party. What must we do? For more log onto

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September 17, 2007

Title: Salt and Light: Evangelicals Must Stay the Course Segment 1
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Values Voters represent a very meaningful voting block within the Republican Party. If we sit on our hands and opt out of the 2008 elections, like we did in 2006, will this be a good thing, or a bad thing? For more log onto

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Title: Salt and Light: Evangelicals Must Stay the Course Part 2
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Values Voters represent a very meaningful voting block within the Republican Party. What must we do? For more log onto

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November 17, 2006

Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

If Christian Conservatives do not vote, what will happen to America? It's always too early to quit, but it is never to late too begin! Aren't your children and grandchildren worth fighting for? Log onto for information on how to become an informed voter.

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November 1, 2006

Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Pastor Mike Barres
with Calvary Assembly of God

Why would Christians not go out and vote when there are so many important issues and problems facing our country, state, and communities? If you're not happy with the way things are going, you MUST vote - don't just roll over and die - that is what "THEY" want you to do! Pastor Mike Barres discusses this and other questions.

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October 6, 2006

Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Pastor Mike Barres
with Calvary Assembly of God

Why would Christians not go out and vote when there are so many important issues and problems facing our country, state, and communities? If you're not happy with the way things are going, you MUST vote - don't just roll over and die - that is what "THEY" want you to do! Pastor Mike Barres discusses this and other questions.

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Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Pastor Mike Barres
with Calvary Assembly of God

Why would Christians not go out and vote when there are so many important issues and problems facing our country, state, and communities? If you're not happy with the way things are going, you MUST vote - don't just roll over and die - that is what "THEY" want you to do! Pastor Mike Barres discusses this and other questions.

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January 25, 2006

Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Randy Sharp
with American Family Association (

A Call to action sounded, heard, and the response...Now the results - to God be the glory! What is our civic/Christian responsibility to activism?

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June 23, 2005

Title: Center for a Just Society
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

The lead counsel for Governor Jeb Bush in the Terri Schiavo case, Ken Connor, joins us discussing the Center for a Just Society. Read Isaiah 10:1.

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May 24, 2005

Title: Should Christians be involved in government in general and in social issues in specific?
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by Richard Cizik
with National Assosication of Evangelicals

Is it a sin for Christians not to be involved in government in general and in social issues in specific? Email me your comments using the contact link on the home page. For more information log onto

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