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December 23, 2015

Title: Why are Christians so Hated in America?
Topic: Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Pastor Martin Niemöller once said: “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Are you willing to die to defend your religious liberty? Would you die for Jesus? Would you die for your kids or your spouse? Would you die for your neighbor?

Christians are being persecuted across the globe, even here in the United States. Travis Weber, with the Family Research Council, says that how Christians are persecuted varies depending on the location. Obviously Christians experience violent hatred – even death – in the Middle East. Other countries require Christians to register and receive permission to hold church services. Other Christians experience second-class discrimination.

Now is the time for Christians to stand up, not only for their own denomination and religious preference, but for others around the world. “If we are not aware of these things, before long it will be at our doorstep,” Travis warns.

Listen in as Travis Weber explains a recent conference he attended in Rome on this very subject. We need more people, especially within our own government, to recognize the problem.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why are Christians so Hated in America?
Topic: Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

While the persecution of Christians around the world is a growing problem, there is also good news! In China, a communist country which outlaws Christianity and the Bible, the number of Christians is actually increasing! Praise the Lord! Travis Weber says, “We have reports that Christians are sharing their faith wherever they are, even when they get thrown in jail! This shows that man’s efforts cannot stop the power of God!

However, there is one sobering reality: If the number of Christians continue to expand in China, within a decade or two they will outnumber the amount of Christians in America. How did we allow this to happen? What can we do to turn the tide? Should we start bringing missionaries back to America to proselytize Americans?

Travis has some thoughts and suggestions on this. We all can do something. First, we can pray those around the world who voluntarily place themselves in harm’s way. Pray for those who have no choice but to stay in a country where they are hated and stoned and killed for their faith in Jesus Christ. Some can give financially to charities and organizations who minister to and help those being persecuted. Some can even go and be the help and hope to those people. “We better take action before we can’t,” Travis warns.

Click [here] to help support the Family Research Council’s efforts to help Christians around the world.

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