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March 11, 2016

Title: ISIS Genocide is Spreading Far and Wide
Topic: ISIS
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

First, they came for the Communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. And then they came for me and there was no one left to speak up.

What difference does it make? President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have until March 17, 2016, to issue a determination that ISIS attacks on Christians in the Middle East are genocide – or not genocide. Travis Weber has researched and studied genocide throughout history, specifically centering on the actions of ISIS. First, Travis defines genocide for us: “According to the definition used from the 1949 Genocide Convention, it is the attempt to destroy a people group in whole or part based on their nationality, race, or religion.”

According to this definition, along with video proof, Travis believes that ISIS is most definitely committing mass genocide against Christians and other religious groups across the Middle East and Europe. ISIS has even stated that this is their goal! “There is a reason [genocide] is the crime of crimes,” Travis declares.

How can Obama and Kerry possibly deny these events are happening? Is it too late for the United States to step in and do something to stop ISIS? Listen in as Travis Weber explains the situation and what “should” happen regarding intervention and punishment for those responsible.

For more information on the FY2016 Omnibus Bill discussed in this interview click here.

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February 25, 2015

Title: Talking to your Kids about ISIS
Topic: ISIS
Discussed by Dr. Daniel Huerta
with Focus on the Family

If your teen has a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account, more than likely they’ve seen something about ISIS. Maybe they’ve seen a disturbing video or photo about the beheadings. They may have even read a story online about young girls who are lured into leaving their families to join ISIS. Your young children might have heard a news story on TV about the issue before you could quickly change the channel.

It is not a topic we really want to discuss with our children, but we must. They need to know the dangers. They need to know the truth about ISIS and what their goals are.

Danny Huerta is a counselor with Focus on the Family. He says, “Young minds are trying to grasp the fact that this is actually happening.” But how does it relate to our children? Should we really tell them what it going on? Won’t it just scare them?

Danny believes your child’s age, temperament, and personality are key to knowing when and if your child is ready to discuss a topic like ISIS. Listen in as Danny uses a personal story with his own nine-year-old daughter to explain how parents and grandparents can broach the subject.

Danny also says it is important to note that the fear is natural, especially for kids. It’s hard to turn off that anxiety. God tells us not to worry and not to fear, though, and we must remind our kids (while reminding ourselves) that He is in control.

Call the Focus on the Family Hotline at 1.800.A.FAMILY if you need to talk to someone about this or any other issue or click [here]. 

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December 1, 2014

Title: Are we in the End Times in Regards to ISIS?
Topic: ISIS
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

Ryan Mauro is the National Security Analyst for the Clarion Project, which produced the hit films: "Obsession," "The Third Jihad,” “Iranium”, and “Honor Diaries.” Mauro is a frequent analyst on FOX News Channel and other news outlets around the world. He is also a counter-terrorism consultant to government agencies and an adjunct professor of homeland security. He knows his stuff. And the stuff he knows, you need to know!

Mauro says there are several indications of increasing violence and lack of moral (we already knew that one!) from the release of the latest ISIS beheading video, the most important being ISIS’s claim of The End Times Prophecy. Listen in as Ryan explains his observation and ISIS’s interpretation of the Prophecy.

How can we turn their prophecy around? How can we defeat ISIS? Ryan says boots on the ground is NOT the right option! Why? Ryan says we cannot allow them to be successful in recruiting. Should we just bomb them all to bits? If death is what they desire, then why not just kill them?

For more on extremist behavior across the globe, log on to

NOTE: If you would like more information about The End Times, listen in to the Context Bible Plan aired here on the What’s UP Radio Program every day. Right now, until the end of the year, Mark Lanier and others are studying the book of Revelation.

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November 11, 2014

Title: Christians Die Wherever ISIS Conquer
Topic: ISIS
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

"Wherever the Mohammedans have had complete sway…Christianity has ultimately disappeared” – Theodore Roosevelt

Between 1915 and 1922, the Muslims were conquering Armenia. In 1916, good ol’ Teddy wrote “Fear God and Take Your Part” concerning this awful war and slaughter of Christians. That is also when he wrote the above quote.

Bill Federer is a historian and is here today to give a little background about Theodore Roosevelt – probably many things you don’t know! Listen in as Bill talks about Teddy’s opinion about Muslims, Islam, Turkey, Asia, and Christianity in those areas.

Bill also discusses the horrific reality about Christians in Syria. They are now utterly wiped out. Gone. Either killed or fled to surrounding countries. For the first time in 2,000 years, there are no Christians in Syria. America has now gone from ignoring the fate of the Christians in the Middle East to actually arming the terrorists who are killing them – even funding them and giving them tanks and trucks.

Christians in the early days refused to fight, therefore were killed. Christians now are trying to fight but have no means to fight, therefore are killed, taken as slaves, or driven from their homes to strange lands. Bill Federer explains how ISIS and other terrorists are doing all this today with American guns and how our leaders abandoned our allies in the Middle East; President Obama has been the worst of them all.

Bill says, “Wahhabi, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, ISIL, Syrian Rebels – Whatever they want to call themselves, their goal is to set up the Islamic state world-wide.

Log on to  for more on this and other issues effecting the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in America.

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October 29, 2014

Title: It'S Not the Dog Fight That Matters. It's the Size of the Dog.
Topic: ISIS
Discussed by Professor Dr. Earl Tilford
with Center for Vision and Values (

Part 1 of 2

Obama seems more interested in his golf score than the threat from ISIS. The MSM is all but ignoring the situation. They don’t believe we have a problem. Obama has appointed a totally incompetent person who has no experience to head the “strategic movement” or lack thereof.

Many Americans view war as bloody, many lives lost, guns and tanks firing aimlessly into cities and crowds. They don’t view war as beheadings, hangings, kidnapping, or enslavement. Dr. Earl Tilford says that is exactly what war is, though. ISIS is daring us to attack them, and attack them we must. Terrorism is a form of war and ISIS is a terrorist organization.

The Iraqis and Kurds are doing the best they can with what they have, and they are doing an excellent job. But it is simply not enough. Time usually works in favor of the underdog, in this case – ISIS. They are organized, motivated, and have a mission: to kill as many people as possible. We can send a bomb to a specific area and kill one or two or even twenty, but what is really going to stop ISIS in their tracks are boots on the ground.

Dr. Earl Tilford is a military historian and fellow for the Middle East and Terrorism with The Center for Vision and Values. From 1993 to 2001, Dr. Tilford served as Director of Research at the U.S. Army’s Strategic Studies Institute. Listen in as he explains the real threat from ISIS and what he believes the US should be doing.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - It'S Not the Dog Fight That Matters. It's the Size of the Dog.
Topic: ISIS
Discussed by Professor Dr. Earl Tilford
with Center for Vision and Values (

Alexander the Great once said, “I fear an army of sheep led by a lion more than I fear an army of lions led by a sheep.”

Right now, the American military (the lions) are being led by a sheep (Obama). He has no desire to put boots on the ground to fight ISIS. We should be helping the Iraqi army and the Kurds. We should be sending them weapons. We should be there, fighting along with them against ISIS and those who align themselves with the terrorists.

We have the training, the weapons, and the will, but our leaders won’t allow us to utilize our talents and purpose for the good of our country and the world. The biggest concern right now, for them, is the November 4 election.

Dr. Earl Tilford also cautions that if America and our allies watch and do nothing, the entire world will be giving praise to Allah within a century. This is not a far-fetched ideal from some crazy nut job. There are many others who believe this, as well.

There are some, specifically Libertarians, who want America to just butt out of the entire ISIS ordeal. But we cannot just leave ISIS alone and let the Middle East duke it out. If we do, then who will help us when ISIS begins to behead and hang people on American soil?

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