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October 11, 2022

Title: October: National Bullying Prevention Month
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Dr. Daniel Huerta
with Focus on the Family

Danny Huerta is the Vice President of Parenting at Focus on the Family. Today, Danny discusses National Bullying Prevention Month and ways we can share God’s love with others who are hurting.

Click here for more parenting tips from Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are we living in a time where mental health struggles and loneliness are more rampant than ever, especially among children and teens?

What are some different forms of bullying? Danny discusses cyber bullying, verbal bullying, sibling/family bullying, and even physical bullying – all of which can lead to suicidal thoughts, suicide, self-harm, and other destructive behavior.

What does it mean to be a “noticer”? What is a “builder”? Click here  for fun activities and to take the family quiz that Danny Huerta mentions in today’s interview.

How can we be life-giving and intentional with others, even as adults?

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July 8, 2019

Title: Is Bullying an Epidemic?
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Dr. Joannie DeBrito
with Alive to Thrive (

Bullying has become a serious problem. It doesn’t discriminate based on economic status, race, or sex. How should parents respond or help their kids when they discover their child is a bully or they discover their child is a victim of bullying?

Joanie DeBrito was a first responder lending mental health support to kids rescued from Columbine High School. She is currently the Director of Counseling at Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are all kids capable of being a bully?

Are all kids at risk of being bullied?

Should parents openly discuss bullying with their kids? Joanie DrBrito offers some helpful advice on when, where, why, and how to discuss bullying with their kids…

How can parents or counselors help a child who is being a bully?

Is cyberbullying a huge issue among teenagers?

For more information on this topic, or for help from Focus on the Family, click here.  You can also visit Focus on the Family’s group, “Plugged In”, for technology assistance. Joanie also discusses the Netflix show, “13 Reasons Why” and a great resource for parents.

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March 13, 2015

Title: Bullying on College Campuses
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Sterling Burnett
with Heartland Institute (

The hypocritical environmentalists just won’t quit. This time they’re going after college professors. Dr. Sterling Burnett is the current Managing Editor for the Environment and Climate News with the Heartland Institute.  He is here today to discuss a Congressman’s recent letter to seven university presidents demanding information concerning funding sources for certain researches at their university. The letter was an attempt to bully professors who dare to question Obama and his administration’s stance regarding man-caused global warming.

Dr. Burnett says Representative Raul Grijalva, a Democrat from Arizona, didn’t simply ask to view the records; he demanded them “as if he controls them and they have to obey his every wish”. Listen in as he details the information Grijalva demanded in his letter. How will this affect future studies? Will professors and scientists be wary of contradicting a US President or the environmental left concerning man-caused global warming?

Also revealed in this interview: Representative Raul Grijalva (the letter writer) received nearly $80,000 from environmental groups for his campaign. This is just the amount that has been discovered so far. Does this mean he is in bed with them? Dr. Burnett won’t go so far as to say that. However, he does point out, “Once you start casting stones, everyone’s glass house gets broken.

What Representative Grijalva is doing to these professors is nothing short of bullying on the playground. The difference is that he is messing with people’s lives – their livelihood – their careers. There is no excuse for this type of behavior. Period.

Dr. Sterling Burnett’s op-ed on this issue can be found [here].

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April 25, 2014

Title: Standing Up to Bullies
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Nick Vujicic
with Nick Vujicic (

As a child, Nick Vujicic could not stand-up to bullies, literally. Vujicic was a bully’s dream target because he was born without arms or legs.

Today, Vujicic is a New York Times best-selling author and sought-after speaker, traveling the world with his inspirational message.

Vujicic draws from his personal experience on being a “bully magnet” to write the ultimate anti-bullying guidebook, “Stand Strong: You Can Overcome Bullying (and Other Stuff That Keeps You Down)”.

Visit  to order a copy of his great, inspirational book for your school and church libraries. Read the book with your teenager or young adult.

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January 13, 2014

Title: Stand up to Bullying
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Part 1 of 2

So many people are afraid of offending homosexuals, but what about Christians who are bullied for standing up for their Biblical beliefs? GLAAD has been using bullying tactics for years to obtain sympathy and gain “rights”.

It’s time for Christians to stand up to their bullying and fight for what we know is right according to God’s word. Listen in as Dr. Michael Brown, author of A Queer Thing Happened to America, explains further.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

The word “queer” is not what most people call homosexuals anymore. Dr. Brown decided to use the word “queer” in the title of his new book for a specific reason.

He explains why and what he thinks will happen in America does not awake a new spiritual awakening.

Log on to  to order a copy of his book.

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March 8, 2013

Title: Can Bullying Still Affect Kids When They Adults?
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Gregory Jantz is the author of “When Your Teenager Becomes the Stranger in the House” and is an expert on the sad topic of bullying. There is a new study released which details the short-term and long-term effects of bullying, not only on the bullied but for the bullies as well. Some of the effects include panic disorder and anxiety. But there’s much more to it…Listen in!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

In this segment, Dr. Jantz describes some of the varying indicators of bullying. If your kids have been acting out, these indicators might be signs they are being bullied at school.

But more importantly, these indicators might send a warning flag in your direction - for you! You might not even realize it, but something in your past that has been suppressed could be causing you to be depressed.

Depression is on the rise in adults. Many factors play a role in depression, and bullying is one of them.

Listen in for ways you can find help.

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November 2, 2010

Title: The Web of Deceit continues: the Nerd is bullied, and stalked and attacked by a predator
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Segment 3 of 3

Pastor Lea, through his novels, helps parents and youth leaders reach the ‘tweens and teens about real life dangers. This segment covers the character, Eddie, a nerd. He is bullied at school. Unknowingly chats with a ‘predator’ online and agrees to meet him. Order your copy, and read this with your ‘tweens and teens. It is great teaching tool as well as being a fantastic read.

Order your copy at   While there, order copies for your youth pastor and the church library.

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October 19, 2010

Title: Who bullies target and why? Segment 1 of 4
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Janet Pfeiffer:

    Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4400 deaths per year, according to the CDC

    For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts.

    Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it
    A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying.

    According to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims, and 160,000 kids stay   home school … because of bullying.


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Title: Who bullies target and why? Segment 2 of 4
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Things parents need to teach their children to protect them from being targeted.

Arm your child with a “bullyproof vest”: The 5 KEY FACTORS parents must teach their children that will protect them from the devastating effects of bullying.

And what we as a society must do now.

The five factors are:

    1) self esteem and self confidence
    2) don't take personally
    3) good support system
    4) report and take action
    5) forgive and learn


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Title: Who bullies target and why? Segment 3 of 4
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Don’t wait for your child’s school to correct this deadly problem!
Protect your child NOW!

Asher Brown, a Texas eighth grader, died from a self-inflicted gun shot wound to the head, the subject of antigay tormenting at school.
13-year-old Seth Walsh was taken off life support nine days after hanging himself from a tree in his backyard—also a victim of antigay bullying.
Most recently,Tyler Clementi, an 18-year-old Rutgers University student, threw himself off the George Washington Bridge after a cyberbullying incident involving a gay tryst.


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Title: Who bullies target and why? Segment 4 of 4
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Janet Pfeiffer
with Anger 9-1-1

Janet Pfeiffer, a consultant to corporations including AT&T, U.S. Army, U.S. Postal Service and Hoffman-LaRoche, Janet is NJ State certified in domestic violence and an instructor at a battered women’s shelter.

For more info, visit

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