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August 16, 2021

Title: Sexual Harassment and Power: Why Cuomo is Clueless
Topic: Sexual Predators
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Sexual harassment is an addiction that is often denied by the guilty party.

Dr. Gregory Jantz is the Founder of The Center – A Vision of Hope and has written nearly 40 books. His focus is to treat the whole person in need of help, not just their outward symptoms.

Learn more about Dr. Jantz here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is our society no longer willing tolerate sexual harassment?

Have important celebrities, politicians, and other leaders (even Christians) been led astray by the lust of their flesh?

Why does Dr. Jantz call sexual predators “delusional”?

What is the common denominator found in every addict?

Can someone begin the healing process without admitting they have a problem? Dr. Jantz explains that this is true for every addict, not just sexual predators. The problem is that most sexual predators do not see anything wrong with their behavior.

Must addicts accept responsibility for their own actions?

Is our society finally saying no to sexual misconduct?

Does right and wrong still exist in our society?

Is there a difference between being addicted to misappropriate sexual behavior and being a predator? Dr. Jantz gives a great explanation…

What can we learn from the actions of Governor Cuomo?

What are some good safeguards men and women can implement so they can avoid sexual misconduct?

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March 8, 2013

Title: Can Bullying Still Affect Kids When They Adults?
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Gregory Jantz is the author of “When Your Teenager Becomes the Stranger in the House” and is an expert on the sad topic of bullying. There is a new study released which details the short-term and long-term effects of bullying, not only on the bullied but for the bullies as well. Some of the effects include panic disorder and anxiety. But there’s much more to it…Listen in!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

In this segment, Dr. Jantz describes some of the varying indicators of bullying. If your kids have been acting out, these indicators might be signs they are being bullied at school.

But more importantly, these indicators might send a warning flag in your direction - for you! You might not even realize it, but something in your past that has been suppressed could be causing you to be depressed.

Depression is on the rise in adults. Many factors play a role in depression, and bullying is one of them.

Listen in for ways you can find help.

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January 11, 2013

Title: What’s Wrong With Your Teenager?
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Part 1 of 2

Teenagers can be moody, unpredictable, and withdrawn.

We know this. But sometimes all the thrill-seeking rebellious behavior can be a sign of something more than just “teenager moodiness”. For example, withdrawing from parents is normal; withdrawing from friends is not.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

The longer you let your teenager’s “moodiness” go unchecked, the more dangerous the road will be.

The risk of clinical depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicide increases drastically. But how can you, as a parent, know when to jump in and help your teen or sit back and see if they can solve the dilemma on their own?

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November 9, 2012

Title: When Your Teenager Becomes...The Stranger In Your House.
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Part 1 of 4

Am I being too negative when I say to the parents that have that still lovable teen or 'tween, that if their kid hasn’t started hating you, they will?

Is this time of transition, full of frustration and anger, a period of testing boundaries?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

What are questions that are much better for parents to ask their teen to get a deeper connection that just “how was your day”?

What are some telltale signs that your great teen is turning into a terrible teen?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Is it ever too late to start over with that teen and to ask for forgiveness and grace to rebuild the bridge of communication?

When does the parent cross the line from being a parent to trying to be their child’s best friend?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

What are some quick things a parent should be doing, what are some things a parent should NOT be doing?

How important is it that a dad has a date night with his teenage daughter as often as possible?

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April 3, 2012

Title: One minute, you are perfectly fine, then suddenly, SNAP!!! HOW do panic attacks happen?
Topic: Anxiety Disorders
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Special guest Dr. Gregory Jantz answers:

One minute you are perfectly fine, normal, and then SNAP. Could this have been building over time? Are pilots at high risk for acute panic attacks, especially in this post 9-11 era?

A prior guest suggested that many pilots today have no military background or training. Do pilots without military training lack “the RIGHT STUFF”? Would there have been warning signs?

Are too many listening right now just one “thing” away of snapping? How can we all begin to rein in our anger?

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February 20, 2012

Title: A Must Read: When Your Teenager Becomes The Stranger In Your House.
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Part 1 of 2

Why does your teenager seem to need you one day and hate you the next?

How do hormones affect your teen's behavior? What can you do about it?

Is this just a "phase" or is there something else brewing?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

How can you connect with your teenager during adolescence?

What is the fine line between being a parent and being a friend?

How do you know if you've crossed it and what can you do to gain back control?

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January 16, 2012

Title: When Your Teenager Becomes...The Stranger in Your House.
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Part 1 of 4

Am I being too negative when I say to the parents that have that still lovable teen or tween, that if their kid hasn’t started hating you, they will?

Is this time of transition, full of frustration and anger, a period of testing boundaries?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

What are questions that are much better for parents to ask their teen to get a deeper connection that just “how was your day”?

What are some telltale signs that your great teen is turning into a terrible teen?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Is it ever too late to start over with that teen and to ask for forgiveness and grace to rebuild the bridge of communication?

When does the parent cross the line from being a parent to trying to be their child’s best friend?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

What are some quick things a parent should be doing, what are some things a parent should NOT be doing?

How important is it that a dad have a date night with his teenage daughter as often as possible?

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November 21, 2011

Title: When Your Teenager Becomes...The Stranger in Your House.
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Dr. Gregory Jantz answers:

What’s going on with your teenager?  Is it just the ups and downs of adolescence, or is it something more?

Is this “just a phase,” or is it clinical depression?  How do hormones affect my teen’s behavior - and what can I do about it?

How can I get help when I see the warning signs of suicidal thoughts?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Kids in Crisis
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Special guest Dr. Gregory Jantz answers:

Why does my teenager seem to need me some days and hate me other days?

How can I be a source of peace in my child’s life, especially when I feel stormy too?

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October 10, 2011

Title: Amanda Knox: Is She Already Suffering From P.T.S.D.?
Topic: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Seattle Psychologist, Dr. Gregory Jantz PhD, watched Amanda Knox’s press conference when she returned home and noticed some early warning signs of PTSD.  Dr. Jantz comments on how people cope after a traumatic life event, how long it takes, the symptoms of PTSD and how to combat them.

Dr. Jantz also shares ways that will help tomorrow be better than today.


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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Seattle Psychologist, Dr. Gregory Jantz PhD, watched Amanda Knox’s press conference when she returned home and noticed some early warning signs of PTSD.

Dr. Jantz continues with practical ways to find peace.

1. Do you have stress in your life?
2. Do suffer from anxiety or depression?
3. Are you trapped in an addiction?
4. Are you obsessed with grief?

Dr. Jantz also shares ways that will help tomorrow be better than today.


 Find his great book: Overcoming Anxiety, Worry, and Fear: Practical Ways to Find Peace.

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July 22, 2011

Title: America Is Ravaged by Addictions. So Should We Simply Legalize Drugs?
Topic: Legal Drugs: Yes or No
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

Part 1 of 2

A recent report states that the war on drugs is not working and that drug enforcement policy needs to fundamentally change. We ask Dr. Jantz straight out: “Should we legalize drugs in America?” His answer: NO. Listen in for the reasons.

We ask Dr. Jantz: what percent of all kids will at least try drugs by the time they are 12?

What percent of all kids will be addicted to drugs before they graduate from High School?

Has the D.A.R.E. program been effective in persuading kids not to try drugs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Legal Drugs: Yes or No
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

What’s the problem: a) drugs are illegal, and if we only legalized them, they would not be such a problem; or b) drugs are addictive, and that’s the problem!

Dr. Jantz is a Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor and Addiction Therapist with more than 27 years of experience treating addiction cases. His treatment center ( ) specializes in treating patients who have developed addiction to drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, and even social media.

Dr. Jantz states that drugs should NOT be legalized. Listen in for his reasons.

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August 10, 2010

Title: DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU NEED? Part 1 of 2
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

How do you define the difference between wants and needs? How do you determine when life’s excesses have replaced life’s necessities? Log on to to order Greg Jantz’s new book “Gotta Have It”.

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Title: DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU NEED? Part 2 of 2
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Jantz
with The Center - A Place of Hope (

“Gotta Have It” provides readers with the knowledge and tools needed to live a life free of the excesses that ensnare them. Get your copy today at

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