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August 13, 2020

Title: Jesus Christ is NOT on the Ballot
Topic: Evangelicals and Donald Trump
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Part 1 of 2

Breaking News: Jesus Christ is NOT on the ballot! So, who are YOU going to vote for Christians?

Dr. Michael Brown is the host of the daily, nationally syndicated talk radio show, The Line of Fire, and is the author of more than 40 books and over 1,5000 op-ed pieces.

Click here  for more information about Dr. Michael Brown’s newest book: “Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test?”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can Democrats and/or Republicans ALONE solve America’s problems?

Can Donald Trump solve America’s “heart” problems? Is it Trump’s job to heal the moral issues in America? Short answer: NO, but listen as Dr. Brown discusses more…

Is the Church holding America back from falling into Socialism?

Is Trump holding back America from a falling into Socialism?

Does the government have one role while the Church has a different role? Do the roles of government and the gospel intersect?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Jesus Christ is NOT on the Ballot
Topic: Evangelicals and Donald Trump
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was our Constitution written for a morally corrupt people?

What is the “bottom line” that Dr. Brown writes about in “Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test?”

Is Jesus Christ on the November ballot?

Dr. Brown reminds us: “Donald Trump will be here one day and gone another day. America will be here one day and gone another day. What is going to last forever is the Kingdom of God.

Will Conservative activists (like radio talk show hosts) be silenced in President Trump is defeated this November?

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July 13, 2020

Title: Why Are Evangelicals so Divided Over Trump?
Topic: Evangelicals and Donald Trump
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Part 1 of 3

Evangelicals today are deeply divided over Donald Trump. Some see him as a savior figure, anointed by God to make America great again. Others see him more like the antichrist, doing great harm to the nation and bringing embarrassment to the church.

Regardless of what you believe, there is one fact: Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

Dr. Michael Brown is the host of the daily, nationally syndicated talk radio show, The Line of Fire, and is the author of more than 40 books and over 1,5000 op-ed pieces.

Click here  for more information about Dr. Michael Brown’s newest book: “Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test?”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have we ever had a president like Donald Trump?

Is Trump both the most and least evangelical President we’ve ever had?

How do we sort this out? Dr. Brown says evangelicals must decide what is more important and lists the many issues that we are facing today that could be much, much worse in someone other than Trump is elected in November…

Should evangelicals ask: What would Jesus do?

How do we revive the church? Is it all about votes? Or is it about souls?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why Are Evangelicals so Divided Over Trump?
Topic: Evangelicals and Donald Trump
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why has Donald Trump been such a divisive figure among evangelicals? Dr. Brown says this: “Can we conduct ourselves in a righteous way while getting involved in the unrighteousness of politics? I believe we can – if we keep our priorities straight.

In his book, Dr. Brown asks this question: Has God uniquely raised up Donald Trump? What is the answer?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why Are Evangelicals so Divided Over Trump?
Topic: Evangelicals and Donald Trump
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the 10-point strategy for the “Trump Test”?

Must evangelicals (on BOTH sides of the aisle) stop viewing Donald Trump as the “savior of America”?

Is it okay to question the President?

Bottom line: What are YOU doing to save one more for Jesus? That’s what really matters!!

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September 10, 2019

Title: Jezebel’s War with America
Topic: Jezebel’s War with America
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Part 1 of 3

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was Queen Jezebel?

Was she possessed by a demonic spirit?

How did the demonic spirit within Jezebel seduce God’s people?

Why does Dr. Brown believe that there is a satanic plot or demonic force at work today to destroy America? What tools is Satan using?

Is this demonic force attacking the church?

Dr. Michael Brown, PhD, is Founder and President of AskDrBrown Ministries and President of FIRE School of Ministry. Dr. Brown is the author of more than 35 books, including his latest book, “Jezebel’s War with America: The Plot to Destroy our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide,” which is the topic of discussion today.

Click here  for more information.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Jezebel’s War with America
Topic: Jezebel’s War with America
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does sexual seduction weaken your walk and separate you from God?

Dr. Brown discusses some of his book in this chapter:

Chapter 1: The Most Wicked Woman in the Word of God

Chapter 2: Jezebel Is Alive and Well in America Today

Chapter 4: Jezebel and the Sexual Seduction of America

Click here  to order Dr. Brown’s book, “Jezebel’s War with America: The Plot to Destroy our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide”.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Jezebel’s War with America
Topic: Jezebel’s War with America
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Brown discusses some more of his book in this chapter:

Chapter 5: Jezebel and Spirit of Baby Killing

Chapter 6: Jezebel and Radical Feminism

Chapter 9: Jezebel and the Silencing of the Prophets

Chapter 11: How to Defeat Jezebel in Your Personal Life
Dr. Brown says, “We are overcomers!

Chapter 12: How to Defeat Jezebel on a National Level

Click here  to order Dr. Brown’s book, “Jezebel’s War with America: The Plot to Destroy our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide”.

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October 17, 2018

Title: Evangelicals: The New Swing Voter
Topic: Elections Matter
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Will Evangelicals turn the tide in the 2018 Midterms as they did in the 2016 General Elections?

Is there a way for evangelicals to support the President and many Republicans without losing their souls in the process?

These questions, plus more, will be answered today by Dr. Michael Brown. Dr. Brown is the author of over thirty books, and his syndicated columns appear on many Christian and conservative websites.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many Evangelical Christians voted for President Donald Trump in 2106?

Are Evangelical Leaders under increasing pressure to distance themselves from President Trump?

Are Republican candidates doomed if large numbers of Evangelicals stay home during the mid-term elections in November?

Is the relationship between President Trump and Evangelicals a match made in heaven or a marriage forged in the depths of hell itself?

Does government effect the home, our schools, our jobs, and our churches – basically everything in our day-to-day lives?

Click here to pre-order Dr. Michael Brown’s new book “Donald Trump Is Not My Savior: An Evangelical Leader Speaks His Mind about the Man He Supports as President”.

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December 10, 2014

Title: Who is Killing Black Americans?
Topic: Black on Black Violence
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Part 1 of 2

There are stark differences between the make-up of a black family today as compared to the 1960’s. In painful ways, the black family has deteriorated. Before Martin Luther King’s famous speech, the illegitimacy and incarceration rate of blacks was one-third less than it is today!

Many believe that white-on-black crime (aka the killing of a black person at the hand of a white person) is out of control, when in fact it is black-on-black crime that is the real threat. Not only through abortion, but through murder and homicide. Listen in as Dr. Brown explains these statistics.

Dr. Michael Brown discusses the lack of respect for authority and cameras on police uniforms. Does he believe cameras will help or hinder?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Who is Killing Black Americans?
Topic: Black on Black Violence
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

At the end of the first segment, Terry started a story about a family member who is a police officer. This family member had received several complaints of racism toward him during a short period of time from civilians he had arrested. He concludes the story in this segment. Listen in!

Back to Dr. Michael Brown… He continues his discussion about what is killing black Americans. If we don’t have a complete reversal, the break-up of the black family will never recover. Generation after generation has fallen into the trap of government assistance. We must get them out of the house, real education, and real jobs.

Dr. Brown says that many blacks are actually afraid to be successful because other blacks accuse them of not being black enough! How hypocritical! How racist! It is past time for ALL leadership to band together to drown out the negativity and finally find peace and comradery.

Dr. Brown says we can all help someone. Become a big brother or big sister – even if you’re parent with your own children! Yes! You can still make a difference! It’s about honoring, respecting, and loving each other.

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January 13, 2014

Title: Stand up to Bullying
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Part 1 of 2

So many people are afraid of offending homosexuals, but what about Christians who are bullied for standing up for their Biblical beliefs? GLAAD has been using bullying tactics for years to obtain sympathy and gain “rights”.

It’s time for Christians to stand up to their bullying and fight for what we know is right according to God’s word. Listen in as Dr. Michael Brown, author of A Queer Thing Happened to America, explains further.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

The word “queer” is not what most people call homosexuals anymore. Dr. Brown decided to use the word “queer” in the title of his new book for a specific reason.

He explains why and what he thinks will happen in America does not awake a new spiritual awakening.

Log on to  to order a copy of his book.

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August 2, 2011

Title: Sex Ed Of A new Order
Topic: Sexual Morality
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

Part 1

California mandates the teaching of the sexual orientation of figures discussed in history and civic classes.

Test results reveal children across America do NOT know U.S. history now. Is it insanity to teach little kids in school the sexual orientation and ‘sexual practices’ of historical figures?

Many in America believe that the number of homosexuals in America approaches 25% of the population. Young people believe the figure to be 33%. Reality shows less than 1.5% are gay. Dr. Brown has written "A Queer Thing Happened to America". Order a copy from his website.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Sexual Morality
Discussed by Dr. Michael Brown
with Dr. Michael Brown

In California, it is no longer sufficient for students to know who invented the light bulb or whose administration oversaw the Louisiana Purchase, but rather, the students need to know what form of homosexual sex was the preference of those politicians and inventors.

Students may not know much about history but if the gays have their way nationwide, grade school kids, as well as middle and high school students, will know if the politician or inventor was Bisexual, gay, transsexual, and what cavities these ‘enlightened’ historical figures preferred to place their organs.

This is pure insanity. This is child abuse. This is sexual immorality. Enough of this madness. You would not allow some pervert to discuss this with your child on the playground, so why allow some progressive to teach this to your child in a classroom.

Dr. Brown has written "A Queer Thing Happened to America". Order a copy from his website.

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