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April 1, 2013

Title: Web of Deceit - A Novel
Topic: Pornography
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Part 1 of 2

WARNING: Some sensitive material is discussed in the following segment. Please use caution when listening to this segment in the presence of young children.

Pornography is a serious problem in today’s society. Most teenagers have a cell phone equipped with internet access. Even if parents place “blocks” on their children’s phone, kids are smart and can easily maneuver their way around and view things they shouldn’t. Boys pressure their girlfriends to take “sexy” pictures of themselves and then those pictures get passed around the locker room and the girls reputation is ruined.

Have you talked to your teens about sex lately?

Several years ago, Cliff wrote a fictional book, “Web of Deceit”, that is similar to the Ohio case. Log on to  to order a copy and read it with your teenagers - both girls and boys!

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Title: “Sowing Wild Oats” or Criminal Behavior?
Topic: Pornography
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Part 2 of 2

WARNING: Some sensitive material is discussed in the following segment. Please use caution when listening to this segment in the presence of young children.

Did it make your blood boil when reporters from CNN and NBC and the like felt sorry for the teenage boys who raped and recorded the incident on their cell phones? It sure made my blood boil‼

Our society is so quick to place the blame on something or someone else - video games, movies, peer pressure, even parents - when kids and teens commit terrible acts. These boys in Ohio most certainly knew their actions were wrong. The people who were at the parties who witnessed the attacks knew it was wrong. The coach who found out about the incident afterward and didn’t report it knew it was wrong.

So, what do we do? Jail time for a year? Five years? Community service? Rehabilitation?

Author and Pastor Cliff Lea has 5 sons. He and his wife, Suzy, have had just a little experience with boys and their hormones. So, how do parents teach their sons - and daughters - to wait for sex?

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March 25, 2013

Title: Web of Deceit - A Novel
Topic: Pornography
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Part 2 of 3

WARNING: Some sensitive material is discussed in the following segment. Please use caution when listening to this segment in the presence of young children.

Friday on The What’s UP Radio Program, we aired the first segment with Pastor Cliff Lea concerning the recent case in Ohio involving “popular football stars”, alcohol, and rape.

Pornography is a serious problem in today’s society. Most teenagers have a cell phone equipped with internet access. Even if parents place “blocks” on their children’s phone, kids are smart and can easily maneuver their way around and view things they shouldn’t. Boys pressure their girlfriends to take “sexy” pictures of themselves and then those pictures get passed around the locker room and the girls reputation is ruined.

Have you talked to your teens about sex lately?

Several years ago, Cliff wrote a fictional book, “Web of Deceit”, that is similar to the Ohio case. Log on to  to order a copy and read it with your teenagers - both girls and boys!

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Title: “Sowing Wild Oats” or Criminal Behavior?
Topic: Pornography
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Part 2 of 2

WARNING: Some sensitive material is discussed in the following segment. Please use caution when listening to this segment in the presence of young children.

Did it make your blood boil when reporters from CNN and NBC and the like felt sorry for the teenage boys who raped and recorded the incident on their cell phones? It sure made my blood boil‼

Our society is so quick to place the blame on something or someone else - video games, movies, peer pressure, even parents - when kids and teens commit terrible acts. These boys in Ohio most certainly knew their actions were wrong. The people who were at the parties who witnessed the attacks knew it was wrong. The coach who found out about the incident afterward and didn’t report it knew it was wrong.

So, what do we do? Jail time for a year? Five years? Community service? Rehabilitation?

Author and Pastor Cliff Lea has 5 sons. He and his wife, Suzy, have had just a little experience with boys and their hormones. So, how do parents teach their sons - and daughters - to wait for sex?

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March 22, 2013

Title: “Sowing Wild Oats” or Criminal Behavior?
Topic: Teens, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs, and Violence
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

WARNING: Some sensitive material is discussed in the following segment. Please use caution when listening to this segment in the presence of young children.

Teenagers. Football stars. Parties. Drinking. Rape. Scandal. Cover up. Arrests. Witnesses threatened. Sounds like the plot to a movie or TV show. Nope. Try again. Steubenville, Ohio is the setting for this real life drama.

State forensic analysts waded through more than 396,000 text messages, 308,000 photos/pictures, and 940 video clips recovered from cell phones as part of the Ohio high school football player rape case investigation. That’s a lot of cyber info that could quite possibly float around for many years to come.

But, was this just a case of “boys being boys” and “teens will be teens”? Some think so. Others believe, however, not enough was done to help prevent this from happening again.

Pastor and Author Cliff Lea is the father of 5 sons. He has some advice for all you parents out there on this subject. Tune in on Monday, March 25 to hear the conclusion of this interview with Cliff Lea concerning the Ohio rape case.

PLEASE NOTE: The following 3 segments are about Cliff’s book, “A Web of Deceit”, which is fictional and plays out similarly to the Ohio case.

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Title: Web of Deceit - A Novel
Topic: Pornography
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Part 1 of 3

Trey, a high school student begins to look at pornography and becomes addicted. But he was a good kid. He played in the praise band at church. How do you teach your sons and daughters about the dangers of Porn?

Order your copy at  While there, order copies for your youth pastor and the church library.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Pornography
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Part 2 of 3

Pastor Lea, through his novels, helps parents and youth leaders reach the ‘tweens and teens about real life dangers. This segment covers the character, Jimmy, a football star. His girl friend sends him a photo of herself that is considered ‘child porn’. He sends it to his friends and is ultimately arrested. But is he convicted? What if your teen was involved in something like this?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Pornography
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Pastor Lea, through his novels, helps parents and youth leaders reach the ‘tweens and teens about real life dangers. This segment covers the character, Eddie, a nerd. He is bullied at school. Unknowingly chats with a ‘predator’ online and agrees to meet him. Order your copy, and read this with your ‘tweens and teens. It is great teaching tool as well as being a fantastic read.

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November 2, 2010

Title: Web of Deceit – A Novel
Topic: Pornography
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Segment 1 of 3

Trey, a high school student begins to look at pornography and becomes addicted. But he was a good kid. He played in the praise band at church. How do you teach your sons and daughters about the dangers of Porn?

Order your copy at  While there, order copies for your youth pastor and the church library.

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Title: The Web of Deceit continues: the Dangers of Hooking Up and Sexting
Topic: Pornography
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Segment 2 of 3

Pastor Lea, through his novels, helps parents and youth leaders reach the ‘tweens and teens about real life dangers. This segment covers the character, Jimmy, a football star. His girl friend sends him a photo of herself that is considered ‘child porn’. He sends it to his friends and is ultimately arrested. But is he convicted? What if your teen was involved in something like this?

Order your copy at   While there, order copies for your youth pastor and the church library.

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Title: The Web of Deceit continues: the Nerd is bullied, and stalked and attacked by a predator
Topic: Bullying
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Segment 3 of 3

Pastor Lea, through his novels, helps parents and youth leaders reach the ‘tweens and teens about real life dangers. This segment covers the character, Eddie, a nerd. He is bullied at school. Unknowingly chats with a ‘predator’ online and agrees to meet him. Order your copy, and read this with your ‘tweens and teens. It is great teaching tool as well as being a fantastic read.

Order your copy at   While there, order copies for your youth pastor and the church library.

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June 8, 2010

Title: WHERE ARE THE MEN IN OUR DAY? Part 1 of 3
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Dads - what are your teaching your boys? Are you so busy that you don’t take time to teach the “simple things in life”? Cliff Lea is the author of several books. Log on to for ordering information.

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Title: WHERE ARE THE MEN IN OUR DAY? Part 2 of 3
Topic: Books Needed
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Men, what is the most important thing your life? Making money? Sports? God? It’s time to make a list and stick to it. Visit for more on Cliff Lea and his ministry.

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Title: WHERE ARE THE MEN IN OUR DAY? Part 3 of 3
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Parents, are your boys polite? Do they know God? Have you showed them how to treat a “woman” the “right” way? Cliff Lea has several good books to help parents and their sons. Log on to

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May 7, 2010

Title: WORTH THE WAIT Part 1 of 3
Topic: Worth The Wait
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Pastor Cliff Lea is back to give a follow up interview on his new book “Worth the Wait”. Log on to to order a copy.

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Title: WORTH THE WAIT Part 2 of 3
Topic: Worth The Wait
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

There aren’t many Christian books for young men detailing the consequences of pre-marital sex. “Worth the Wait” is definitely “worth it”. Get a copy at

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Title: WORTH THE WAIT Part 3 o 3
Topic: Worth The Wait
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Cliff Lea is coming out with a follow up novel to “Worth the Wait” entitled “Worth the Fight”. Visit for more details.

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April 19, 2010

Topic: Worth The Wait
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

“Worth The Wait” is a great story of two high school friends who go off to college together. One gets pulled into the lie that sex is “great” while the other waits. Log on to to learn more.

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Topic: Worth The Wait
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Josh McDowell, author of “Why True Love Waits”, says: “Worth the Wait is a compelling story that communicates God’s principles of sexual purity.”

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Topic: Worth The Wait
Discussed by Author and Pastor Cliff Lea
with Cliff Lea (

Become a FB fan of author Cliff Lea today! Search under the name “Cliff Lea” and look for the “author of Worth Wait”.

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