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September 25, 2024

Title: Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 2

Is Evolution true or is Creation true?

Dr. Jeff Miller is the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Today, Dr. Miller offers four reasons why evolution is NOT true.

Click here to read Dr. Jeff Miller’s op-ed on this important topic. Print it out and read it with your kids (especially older teens/college kids). This is information they need to know. Arm them with the TRUTH as they head back to school.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans accept Darwinian Evolution as factual?

Are the only two options for the creation of the world Evolution or a God-made Creation?

If evolution is true, life must have risen from lifelessness and somehow changed into all species throughout history. Is there any evidence to support the self-creation of the universe, matter, and energy? Is there any evidence for the matter that exploded at the time of the big-bang? Dr. Miller offers a great explanation, which can also be found in his article linked above.

Before life can evolve, life first has to exist. Can life come from non-life? Dr. Miller reveals that no one has ever been able to create life from nothing.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does it take blind faith to believe that life came from non-life? Dr. Miller quotes Scripture as he warns that we must be careful when using the word “faith” to explain Creation and also uses a Rubik’s Cube as an analogy. (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1; Acts 17:11; Romans 1:20

What is necessary to create life from non-life and then having the new life reproduce?

If Evolution is true, how did the first creature come to being and reproduce itself? Dr. Miller reveals that most Evolutionists do not even attempt to answer this question!

Is there fossil evidence to support biological evolution? Dr. Miller has personally researched this extensively…

What is the problem with Darwin’s idea of “the survival of the fittest” or natural selection?

Does it take more faith to believe in God or Evolution?

Click here to support the efforts of Apologetics Press.

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September 2, 2024

Title: Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 2

Is Evolution true or is Creation true?

Dr. Jeff Miller is the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Today, Dr. Miller offers four reasons why evolution is NOT true.

Click here to read Dr. Jeff Miller’s op-ed on this important topic. Print it out and read it with your kids (especially older teens/college kids). This is information they need to know. Arm them with the TRUTH as they head back to school.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans accept Darwinian Evolution as factual?

Are the only two options for the creation of the world Evolution or a God-made Creation?

If evolution is true, life must have risen from lifelessness and somehow changed into all species throughout history. Is there any evidence to support the self-creation of the universe, matter, and energy? Is there any evidence for the matter that exploded at the time of the big-bang? Dr. Miller offers a great explanation, which can also be found in his article linked above.

Before life can evolve, life first has to exist. Can life come from non-life? Dr. Miller reveals that no one has ever been able to create life from nothing.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does it take blind faith to believe that life came from non-life? Dr. Miller quotes Scripture as he warns that we must be careful when using the word “faith” to explain Creation and also uses a Rubik’s Cube as an analogy. (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1; Acts 17:11; Romans 1:20

What is necessary to create life from non-life and then having the new life reproduce?

If Evolution is true, how did the first creature come to being and reproduce itself? Dr. Miller reveals that most Evolutionists do not even attempt to answer this question!

Is there fossil evidence to support biological evolution? Dr. Miller has personally researched this extensively…

What is the problem with Darwin’s idea of “the survival of the fittest” or natural selection?

Does it take more faith to believe in God or Evolution?

Click here to support the efforts of Apologetics Press.

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August 23, 2024

Title: Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 2

Is Evolution true or is Creation true?

Dr. Jeff Miller is the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Today, Dr. Miller offers four reasons why evolution is NOT true.

Click here to read Dr. Jeff Miller’s op-ed on this important topic. Print it out and read it with your kids (especially older teens/college kids). This is information they need to know. Arm them with the TRUTH as they head back to school.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans accept Darwinian Evolution as factual?

Are the only two options for the creation of the world Evolution or a God-made Creation?

If evolution is true, life must have risen from lifelessness and somehow changed into all species throughout history. Is there any evidence to support the self-creation of the universe, matter, and energy? Is there any evidence for the matter that exploded at the time of the big-bang? Dr. Miller offers a great explanation, which can also be found in his article linked above.

Before life can evolve, life first has to exist. Can life come from non-life? Dr. Miller reveals that no one has ever been able to create life from nothing.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does it take blind faith to believe that life came from non-life? Dr. Miller quotes Scripture as he warns that we must be careful when using the word “faith” to explain Creation and also uses a Rubik’s Cube as an analogy. (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1; Acts 17:11; Romans 1:20

What is necessary to create life from non-life and then having the new life reproduce?

If Evolution is true, how did the first creature come to being and reproduce itself? Dr. Miller reveals that most Evolutionists do not even attempt to answer this question!

Is there fossil evidence to support biological evolution? Dr. Miller has personally researched this extensively…

What is the problem with Darwin’s idea of “the survival of the fittest” or natural selection?

Does it take more faith to believe in God or Evolution?

Click here to support the efforts of Apologetics Press.

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November 25, 2022

Title: Do Evolutionists have a Blind Faith?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Dr. Jeff Miller serves as the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and is the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Dr. Miller has MS and PhD degrees in Biomechanical Engineering, with an emphasis in Thermodynamics and Bio-thermal Science.

Today Dr. Miller explains why evolution requires a blind faith, while the existence of living things actually proves that God exists. “The evidence demands that there is a God,” he says.

Click here to read more on Evolution vs Creation from Apologetics Press.

Click here for Apologetics Press for KIDS.

Click here for Apologetics Press for TEENS.

Click here to subscribe to the Apologetics Press YouTube channel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is blind faith?

For evolution to be true, must the evolutionist believe that at some point in the past, life arose from non-living substances? Is this known as “spontaneous generation”?

Down through the ages, have scientists attempted to make non-living material come to life? Dr. Miller discusses a law of science called the Law of Biogenesis.

BOTTOM LINE: Does it take blind faith to believe in evolution?

Is it blind faith to believe that God, a supreme being who exists outside of our universe, brought everything into being, including life?

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October 13, 2022

Title: Do Evolutionists have a Blind Faith?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Dr. Jeff Miller serves as the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and is the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Dr. Miller has MS and PhD degrees in Biomechanical Engineering, with an emphasis in Thermodynamics and Bio-thermal Science.

Today Dr. Miller explains why evolution requires a blind faith, while the existence of living things actually proves that God exists. “The evidence demands that there is a God,” he says.

Click here to read more on Evolution vs Creation from Apologetics Press.

Click here for Apologetics Press for KIDS.

Click here for Apologetics Press for TEENS.

Click here to subscribe to the Apologetics Press YouTube channel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is blind faith?

For evolution to be true, must the evolutionist believe that at some point in the past, life arose from non-living substances? Is this known as “spontaneous generation”?

Down through the ages, have scientists attempted to make non-living material come to life? Dr. Miller discusses a law of science called the Law of Biogenesis.

BOTTOM LINE: Does it take blind faith to believe in evolution?

Is it blind faith to believe that God, a supreme being who exists outside of our universe, brought everything into being, including life?

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September 13, 2022

Title: Do Evolutionists have a Blind Faith?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Dr. Jeff Miller serves as the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and is the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Dr. Miller has MS and PhD degrees in Biomechanical Engineering, with an emphasis in Thermodynamics and Bio-thermal Science.

Today Dr. Miller explains why evolution requires a blind faith, while the existence of living things actually proves that God exists. “The evidence demands that there is a God,” he says.

Click here to read more on Evolution vs Creation from Apologetics Press.

Click here for Apologetics Press for KIDS.

Click here for Apologetics Press for TEENS.

Click here to subscribe to the Apologetics Press YouTube channel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is blind faith?

For evolution to be true, must the evolutionist believe that at some point in the past, life arose from non-living substances? Is this known as “spontaneous generation”?

Down through the ages, have scientists attempted to make non-living material come to life? Dr. Miller discusses a law of science called the Law of Biogenesis.

BOTTOM LINE: Does it take blind faith to believe in evolution?

Is it blind faith to believe that God, a supreme being who exists outside of our universe, brought everything into being, including life?

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August 25, 2022

Title: Do Evolutionists have a Blind Faith?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Dr. Jeff Miller serves as the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and is the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Dr. Miller has MS and PhD degrees in Biomechanical Engineering, with an emphasis in Thermodynamics and Bio-thermal Science.

Today Dr. Miller explains why evolution requires a blind faith, while the existence of living things actually proves that God exists. “The evidence demands that there is a God,” he says.

Click here to read more on Evolution vs Creation from Apologetics Press.

Click here for Apologetics Press for KIDS.

Click here for Apologetics Press for TEENS.

Click here to subscribe to the Apologetics Press YouTube channel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is blind faith?

For evolution to be true, must the evolutionist believe that at some point in the past, life arose from non-living substances? Is this known as “spontaneous generation”?

Down through the ages, have scientists attempted to make non-living material come to life? Dr. Miller discusses a law of science called the Law of Biogenesis.

BOTTOM LINE: Does it take blind faith to believe in evolution?

Is it blind faith to believe that God, a supreme being who exists outside of our universe, brought everything into being, including life?

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June 6, 2022

Title: Human Evolution: Beyond Preposterous
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Which came first: The chicken or the egg?

Today Dr. Jeff Miller explains Darwin’s evolutionary perspective: Which came first: male or female humans? Dr. Miller is the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press. He is also the Associate Editor of AP’s monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation.

Click here to read the full article on this topic by Dr. Jeff Miller.

Click here for Apologetics Press for KIDS.

Click here for Apologetics Press for TEENS.

Click here to subscribe to the Apologetics Press YouTube channel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can scientists precisely define what constitutes a human?

What is the “Law of the Excluded Middle”? Here  is a great explanation by Dr. Miller.

If Darwin was right, then at some point in history, a non-human had to give rise to a human. How could this have happened?

Is there any evidence in nature of life of one kind giving birth to life of another kind?

What is the “Law of Biogenesis”? Click here to read more on this from Dr. Miller.

Statistically, is it possible to get life from non-life?

Which came first: The man or the woman? Dr. Miller explains that, according to Darwin’s perspective, both male and female would have to appear at the exact same time in the exact same place, saying that is “preposterous”. He goes on to discuss the difference between naturalists and supernaturalists and how genetics plays a role in determining life.

Does it take more faith to believe in Darwin’s theory or the Genesis account found in the Holy Bible?

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September 14, 2021

Title: Life’s Origins: The One-Sided Debate
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Casey Luskin
with Evolution News (

Part 1 of 3

The push-back against Critical Race Theory has been thunderous. It seems that CRT and COVID are the two hot topics these days.

So why are we so silent when public education teaches Darwinism as fact, evolution as settled science and Creationists as quacks and dullards?

Dr. Casey Luskin is the Associate Director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute. Dr. Luskin has a Ph.D. in Geology and a Juris Doctorate Degree. In addition, Dr. Luskin has been a California-licensed attorney since 2005, practicing primarily in the area of evolution-education in public schools and defending academic freedom for scientists who face discrimination because of their support for intelligent design (ID).

Click here to read more on this topic from Dr. Casey Luskin.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Conservative politics and religion the only viewpoints being suppressed by Big Tech, schools, corporations, and the MSM?

Do we only hear one side of the debate over life’s origin in the public square?

Is Darwinism/evolution “settled science”? Do ALL scientists believe in the big bang? HINT: Nope. Not even close!

With only one side being shouted from the rooftops, is there any doubt why public support for evolution has increased over time? Is belief in Creationism declining? Casey says: “When you censor any scientific evidence that challenges evolution, then that is exactly what you’re gonna get…And this is not a healthy place for our society to go.”

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Life’s Origins: The One-Sided Debate
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Casey Luskin
with Evolution News (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)?

Have 44 of 50 states adopted the NGSS or something similar? Dr. Luskin reveals some of the topics taught and how they are taught…

GOOD NEWS: Texas is NOT one of the states teaching NGSS. Praise Jesus!

Does the NGSS require students to understand AND affirm support for evolution?

What is Dr. Luskin’s personal and professional opinion concerning Darwinism and evolution?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Life’s Origins: The One-Sided Debate
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Casey Luskin
with Evolution News (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Intelligent Design?

Have scientists ever created something from absolutely nothing?

Is the power structure, Big Tech, corporations, and MSM systematically marginalizing viewpoints contrary to Darwinism and evolution?

Is America still a nation of free speech? Dr. Luskin quotes Chinese paleontologist Jun-Yuan Chen: “In China we can criticize Darwin, but not the government. In America, you can criticize the government, but not Darwin.”

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September 7, 2018

Title: Is Evolution Possible?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Ann Gauger
with Dr. Ann Gauger (

There are three distinct views about how our world came into existence: theistic evolution, evolutionary creationism, and intelligent design.

Dr. Ann Gauger will be explaining the differences between these three ideas – and which is correct. Dr. Gauger is the Director of Science Communications, Center for Science & Culture, and Senior Researcher, at the Biologic Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can evolution without a designer explain how life evolved from the mud-pit to mankind as we know man to exist today?

On the other hand, do intelligent design proponents hold that the universe and living systems don’t just appear designed – they are designed?

What is the difference between evolutionary creation and theistic evolution?

What should our kids/teens know about evolution vs creationism? Dr. Gauger challenges students to simply look around them and they will see the evidence of intelligent design…

Click here for more information on this issue.

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August 31, 2018

Title: The Big Bang Theory
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Michael Flannery
with Discovery Institute (

Everyone knows about Charles Darwin, but have you heard of the co-discoverer of evolution, Alfred Russel Wallace? Probably not, but why?

Michael Flannery is a Fellow of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute. He is also the Professor Emeritus of UAB Libraries at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do public school students study Alfred Russell Wallace alongside Charles Darwin? If not, should they?

Who won more awards during their lifetime: Darwin or Wallace?

Where did Wallace travel and why?

What were Darwin and Wallace’s view on evolution? Did Darwin essentially “steal” Wallace’s idea of evolution?

Alfred Russell Wallace held a “belief in the inability of natural selection to account for the special attributes of human beings.” What does this mean?

What should we tell our children and grandchildren as they head off to public school about the big bang theory?

Click here  to order your copy of Michael Flannery’s book, “Nature’s Prophet”. It’s on sale, so get a copy today!

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February 21, 2018

Title: Heretic: One Scientist’s Journey from Darwin to Design
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jonathan Witt
with Discovery Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Jonathon Witt has written a new book, “Heretic: One Scientist’s Journey from Darwin to Design”, along with co-author Matti Leisola.

Dr. Witt is a Senior Fellow and Senior Project Manager at the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture. His areas of expertise are literature, evolution, and intelligent design.

Brief description of the book:  “What happens when an up-and-coming European bio-scientist flips from Darwin disciple to Darwin defector? Sparks fly. Just ask biotechnologist Matti Leisola. It all started when a student loaned the Finnish scientist a book criticizing evolutionary theory. Leisola reacted angrily, and set out to defend evolution, but found his efforts raised more questions than they answered. He soon morphed into a full-on Darwin skeptic, even as he was on his way to becoming a leading bio-engineer. Heretic is the story of Leisola’s adventures making waves — and many friends and enemies — at major research labs and universities across Europe. Tracing his investigative path, the book draws on Leisola’s expertise in molecular biology to show how the evidence points more strongly than ever to the original biotechnologist—a designing intelligence whose skill and reach dwarf those of even our finest bioengineers, and leave blind evolution in the dust.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the number of Darwin-doubting scientists growing internationally?

Dr. Witt’s new book focuses on the study made by his co-author Matti Leisola, who was seeking evidence to prove Darwin was correct. Listen as Dr. Witt describes what happened to change his mind.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Heretic: One Scientist’s Journey from Darwin to Design
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jonathan Witt
with Discovery Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the difference between intelligent design and evolution?

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Santa and the Easter Bunny will be discussed!

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October 4, 2016

Title: Evolution vs Creation
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

Part 1 of 4

Is the earth 6,000 years old or is it 6 billion years old? What about Noah and the Ark? Did it really happen? Did dinosaurs roam the earth alongside people?

Bill Sydow is an old friend and a geologist. In this first segment, he discusses the “real” age of the earth and why he believes evolution did not happen. Period.

So why do public schools teach otherwise? What exactly are students learning these days concerning the age of the earth?

Listen in as Bill explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Was Noah a Real Person?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

Was Noah a real person? Did he really build the Ark? Did the animals actually come to the ark two-by-two? Are we all descendants of Noah and his family?

For years, Bill Sydow did not believe the Noah story. He was a scientist, a geologist, a historian. Even after Bill became a Christian at the age of 32, he had a difficult time with the story of Noah, the Ark, and the flood.

Bill realized, however, that God would not lie. He would not use such a terrific analogy just to prove a point. He had to strip away years of indoctrination and really look at the story through his trained geologist eyes.

Listen in as he explains.

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth with People
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

We’ve all been taught that there was absolutely no way that dinosaurs could have roamed the earth along with humans. But, doesn’t the Bible tell us differently? Why don’t we teach our children Biblical principles such as this in Sunday School or at home so they are better equipped at school?

Bill Sydow says we MUST teach our children and grandchildren the truth from the Bible and tell them why and how the Bible is correct, not evolution.

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Why do so many young people turn away from the Church?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

In this final segment with Bill Sydow, the Director of Oil of Gas for the State of Nebraska, discusses why he believes young people are already turned off from anything “God-related” by the 8th grade.

Evolution is taught as fact in school, even if the school does not admit it. By the 8th grade, students are so indoctrinated with evolution and other liberal ideas that they stop believing the stories they hear in church.

Bill Sydow says parents must start researching Evolution vs Creation for themselves. Parents must teach their children the truth at home first, but don’t just say “because the Bible says so”. You must arm them with facts and figures and models so that their teachers in public school do not rip them apart when confronted in the classroom.

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Title: Perry Stated: “God is how we got here.”
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

At a recent campaign event, Candidate Rick Perry told a boy that evolution is ‘just a theory’ with ‘gaps’ and that in Texas they teach ‘both creationism and evolution’.

Governor Rick Perry further stated: “God is how we got here.”

Would these statements make you more or less likely to vote for him in the upcoming Primaries and/or for President? Send us your comment.

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December 4, 2014

Title: If You Doubt Evolution, You are a Threat
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Meyer, PhD
with Discovery Institute (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Bill Nye the Science Guy says you are a dangerous threat to society if you doubt the theory of evolution. In fact, Nye even stated “such skepticism threatens everything: our ability to generate energy, to build cars, to fight diseases, to regulate traffic.” Dr. Stephen Meyer, with the Discovery Institute, has some objections to that statement.

What did Darwin believe? Did Darwin even have doubts concerning certain aspects about his own theory? What are modern scientists saying about evolution? Dr. Meyer explains how the science that Nye and others are using to push the theory of evolution as fact is completely outdated.

Fact: Did you know that Bill Nye is not an actual scientist? He is a mechanical engineer!

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - If You Doubt Evolution, You are a Threat
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Meyer, PhD
with Discovery Institute (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

 In the prior segment, we briefly touched on the fact that even Darwin openly acknowledged important weaknesses in his theory of evolution. Although Darwin was convinced his theory was true, fossil records of the first animals discovered contradicted his history of life. Darwin wrote that life was evolved gradually; fossil records prove otherwise.

What are students being taught in public schools concerning evolution? Are they given all the views or just the ones the “experts” deem “true”? Listen in as Dr. Meyer discusses the fossil records and why they are so important in disproving evolution.

DNA is also essential in determining how old a fossil is. Since the study of DNA came after Darwin’s time, there was no way he could have known how pertinent it is to defining the era certain animals lived. Dr. Meyer compares DNA to the workings on a computer. Listen in as he explains!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - If You Doubt Evolution, You are a Threat
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Stephen Meyer, PhD
with Discovery Institute (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

How does a snowflake become a snowman if no one forms it? Can a Rolex appear out of a sun dial? If you shake your iPad long enough, will Words with Friends just simply appear if you haven’t downloaded the app?

I know these scenarios may seem silly to some, but this basically explains the problem with evolution and the Big Bang Theory. Never – not once – has a scientist or biologist or anyone for that matter, created something out of nothing – or even a single cell. Never. It cannot be done. We can manipulate and transform and build and take away. But we cannot create something from nothing.

Only one being has ever done that – God. Many biologists say that over a period of time, the bad will go away and the good will take over. But something has to exist first. That is the problem with their theory.

Listen in as Dr. Stephen Meyer explains how a basic understanding of all scientific reasoning is the key to realizing that evolution is simply impossible.

You can find Dr. Stephen Meyer’s book, Darwin’s Doubt, at

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June 2, 2014

Title: Evolution vs Creation
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

Part 1 of 4

Is the earth 6,000 years old or is it 6 billion years old? What about Noah and the Ark? Did it really happen? Did dinosaurs roam the earth alongside people?

Bill Sydow is an old friend and a geologist. In this first segment, he discusses the “real” age of the earth and why he believes evolution did not happen. Period.

So why do public schools teach otherwise? What exactly are students learning these days concerning the age of the earth?

Listen in as Bill explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Was Noah a Real Person?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

Was Noah a real person? Did he really build the Ark? Did the animals actually come to the ark two-by-two? Are we all descendants of Noah and his family?

For years, Bill Sydow did not believe the Noah story. He was a scientist, a geologist, a historian. Even after Bill became a Christian at the age of 32, he had a difficult time with the story of Noah, the Ark, and the flood.

Bill realized, however, that God would not lie. He would not use such a terrific analogy just to prove a point. He had to strip away years of indoctrination and really look at the story through his trained geologist eyes.

Listen in as he explains.

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth with People
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

We’ve all been taught that there was absolutely no way that dinosaurs could have roamed the earth along with humans. But, doesn’t the Bible tell us differently? Why don’t we teach our children Biblical principles such as this in Sunday School or at home so they are better equipped at school?

Bill Sydow says we MUST teach our children and grandchildren the truth from the Bible and tell them why and how the Bible is correct, not evolution.

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Why do so many young people turn away from the Church?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

In this final segment with Bill Sydow, the Director of Oil of Gas for the State of Nebraska, discusses why he believes young people are already turned off from anything “God-related” by the 8th grade.

Evolution is taught as fact in school, even if the school does not admit it. By the 8th grade, students are so indoctrinated with evolution and other liberal ideas that they stop believing the stories they hear in church.

Bill Sydow says parents must start researching Evolution vs Creation for themselves. Parents must teach their children the truth at home first, but don’t just say “because the Bible says so”. You must arm them with facts and figures and models so that their teachers in public school do not rip them apart when confronted in the classroom.

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September 10, 2013

Title: Evolution vs. God
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Ray "EvG" Comfort
with Evolution vs. God

Part 1 of 2

Record numbers of young people are abandoning Christianity, many over the issue of origins.

Stop and think about it: we tell our kids that there is a Santa Clause – they find out we lied. Then, we tell them about Peter Rabbit – again we lied to them. And then we tell the in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the public schools teach them we lied.

This 36-minute DVD has been seen by more than 600,000 in less than a month. Visit the website at

Listen in.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Ray "EvG" Comfort
with Evolution vs. God

Ray Comfort went to some of the leading universities on the West Coast and interviewed top scientist asking for observable evidence of Darwinian evolution.

The result is an eye-opening, 36-minute film debunking evolution.

Evolution vs. God is revealing, thought-provoking and challenging. Visit

Listen in.

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September 13, 2011

Title: Perry Stated: “God is how we got here.”
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

At a recent campaign event, Candidate Rick Perry told a boy that evolution is ‘just a theory’ with ‘gaps’ and that in Texas they teach ‘both creationism and evolution’.

Governor Rick Perry further stated: “God is how we got here.”

Would these statements make you more or less likely to vote for him in the upcoming Primaries and/or for President? Send us your comment.

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May 19, 2010

Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Creation vs. Evolution. Now that’s not a typical Sunday Morning Bible Study topic. What do you believe? Is there room for both in a Christian’s life? Check out Mark’s new website today at The most current lessons can be found under the “Lessons” tab at the top of the page. In addition, Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class is now being held at 11:00 am in the NEW STUDENT BUILDING at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Log on to for more details on Mark’s class.

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Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Creation vs. Evolution. Now that’s not a typical Sunday Morning Bible Study topic. What do you believe? Is there room for both in a Christian’s life? Check out Mark’s new website today at The most current lessons can be found under the “Lessons” tab at the top of the page. In addition, Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class is now being held at 11:00 am in the NEW STUDENT BUILDING at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Log on to for more details on Mark’s class.

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Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Creation vs. Evolution. Now that’s not a typical Sunday Morning Bible Study topic. What do you believe? Is there room for both in a Christian’s life? Check out Mark’s new website today at The most current lessons can be found under the “Lessons” tab at the top of the page. In addition, Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class is now being held at 11:00 am in the NEW STUDENT BUILDING at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Log on to for more details on Mark’s class.

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Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Creation vs. Evolution. Now that’s not a typical Sunday Morning Bible Study topic. What do you believe? Is there room for both in a Christian’s life? Check out Mark’s new website today at The most current lessons can be found under the “Lessons” tab at the top of the page. In addition, Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class is now being held at 11:00 am in the NEW STUDENT BUILDING at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Log on to for more details on Mark’s class.

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May 6, 2010

Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Casey Luskin
with Evolution News (

Believe it or not, there are scientists who do not believe in evolution. These “Intelligent Design” scientists risk their life’s work when they go against “the norm” in the science world. Casey Luskin has more on this topic at

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Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Casey Luskin
with Evolution News (

So, who’s right? Evolutionists or Creationists? Why is the “Evolution” theory so readily accepted in science and education? Visit for more on this and other issues.

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