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September 7, 2018

Title: Is Evolution Possible?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Ann Gauger
with Dr. Ann Gauger (

There are three distinct views about how our world came into existence: theistic evolution, evolutionary creationism, and intelligent design.

Dr. Ann Gauger will be explaining the differences between these three ideas – and which is correct. Dr. Gauger is the Director of Science Communications, Center for Science & Culture, and Senior Researcher, at the Biologic Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can evolution without a designer explain how life evolved from the mud-pit to mankind as we know man to exist today?

On the other hand, do intelligent design proponents hold that the universe and living systems don’t just appear designed – they are designed?

What is the difference between evolutionary creation and theistic evolution?

What should our kids/teens know about evolution vs creationism? Dr. Gauger challenges students to simply look around them and they will see the evidence of intelligent design…

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April 5, 2018

Title: Cloning Humans Morally Wrong?
Topic: Human Cloning Next?
Discussed by Dr. Ann Gauger
with Dr. Ann Gauger (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

It’s been all over the news lately, accompanied by cute pictures and videos. Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, two macaque monkeys, have been born in China. These aren’t ordinary primates though. Through a complex cloning technique, the monkeys are genetically identical.

Dr. Ann Gauger is the Director of Science Communications at the Center for Science and Culture with the Discovery Institute. She is also a Senior Researcher at the Biologic Institute. As Director of Science Communications at the Discovery Institute, Dr. Gauger is responsible for communicating the evidence for intelligent design to the public.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Pre-Interview Fun Facts: How many people in America own a dog or cat? How many households have pets?

Are there laws in American which dictate the humane treatment of animals? In other words, can a pet owner just kill their pet because they don’t want them anymore?

On to the topics at hand…
Are primates hard to clone?

Is it morally right to clone animals?

Is cloning humans morally right?

Is cloning humans ethically right?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Cloning Humans Morally Wrong?
Topic: Human Cloning Next?
Discussed by Dr. Ann Gauger
with Dr. Ann Gauger (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it morally or ethically wrong to clone a human body part or organ in order to prolong a person’s life? Are scientists even able to do this? Note: This question is about using adult stem cells, not embryonic stem cells.

Are there any government regulations regarding cloning?

Are scientist close to cloning humans?

What can we do to encourage our elected officials to ban human cloning?

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February 8, 2018

Title: DANGER: The Chinese have Cloned Monkeys
Topic: Human Cloning Next?
Discussed by Dr. Ann Gauger
with Dr. Ann Gauger (

Part 1 of 2

The most horrifying aspect of cloning would be that clones might be considered utilitarian objects, for use by the “owner” as he or she wills, as a means of extending life or achieving immortality, or to replace a dead child or lover. Clones might be viewed as replaceable, easily cast away once their use is fulfilled.

New guest Dr. Ann Gauger is a biologist and Senior Fellow at the Center for Science and Culture with the Discovery Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What other animals have been cloned in addition to these monkeys in China?

If monkeys can be cloned, are humans the next step?

What is the difference in cloning a sheep or a monkey and a human?

Listen as Dr. Gauger explains the laws concerning human cloning in America…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - DANGER: The Chinese have Cloned Monkeys
Topic: Human Cloning Next?
Discussed by Dr. Ann Gauger
with Dr. Ann Gauger (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the ethical difference between cloning an entire human and cloning an organ through adult stem cell research?

Dr. Ann Gauger says this about embryonic stem cell research: “Without God’s active participation, nothing would grow.” She then goes on to mention how Psalm 139 specifically speaks about life and how it is God-breathed.

Should parents discuss this issue with their children?

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