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August 31, 2018

Title: The Big Bang Theory
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Michael Flannery
with Discovery Institute (

Everyone knows about Charles Darwin, but have you heard of the co-discoverer of evolution, Alfred Russel Wallace? Probably not, but why?

Michael Flannery is a Fellow of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute. He is also the Professor Emeritus of UAB Libraries at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do public school students study Alfred Russell Wallace alongside Charles Darwin? If not, should they?

Who won more awards during their lifetime: Darwin or Wallace?

Where did Wallace travel and why?

What were Darwin and Wallace’s view on evolution? Did Darwin essentially “steal” Wallace’s idea of evolution?

Alfred Russell Wallace held a “belief in the inability of natural selection to account for the special attributes of human beings.” What does this mean?

What should we tell our children and grandchildren as they head off to public school about the big bang theory?

Click here  to order your copy of Michael Flannery’s book, “Nature’s Prophet”. It’s on sale, so get a copy today!

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