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September 10, 2013

Title: Evolution vs. God
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Ray "EvG" Comfort
with Evolution vs. God

Part 1 of 2

Record numbers of young people are abandoning Christianity, many over the issue of origins.

Stop and think about it: we tell our kids that there is a Santa Clause – they find out we lied. Then, we tell them about Peter Rabbit – again we lied to them. And then we tell the in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the public schools teach them we lied.

This 36-minute DVD has been seen by more than 600,000 in less than a month. Visit the website at

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Ray "EvG" Comfort
with Evolution vs. God

Ray Comfort went to some of the leading universities on the West Coast and interviewed top scientist asking for observable evidence of Darwinian evolution.

The result is an eye-opening, 36-minute film debunking evolution.

Evolution vs. God is revealing, thought-provoking and challenging. Visit

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