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September 25, 2024

Title: Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 2

Is Evolution true or is Creation true?

Dr. Jeff Miller is the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Today, Dr. Miller offers four reasons why evolution is NOT true.

Click here to read Dr. Jeff Miller’s op-ed on this important topic. Print it out and read it with your kids (especially older teens/college kids). This is information they need to know. Arm them with the TRUTH as they head back to school.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans accept Darwinian Evolution as factual?

Are the only two options for the creation of the world Evolution or a God-made Creation?

If evolution is true, life must have risen from lifelessness and somehow changed into all species throughout history. Is there any evidence to support the self-creation of the universe, matter, and energy? Is there any evidence for the matter that exploded at the time of the big-bang? Dr. Miller offers a great explanation, which can also be found in his article linked above.

Before life can evolve, life first has to exist. Can life come from non-life? Dr. Miller reveals that no one has ever been able to create life from nothing.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does it take blind faith to believe that life came from non-life? Dr. Miller quotes Scripture as he warns that we must be careful when using the word “faith” to explain Creation and also uses a Rubik’s Cube as an analogy. (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1; Acts 17:11; Romans 1:20

What is necessary to create life from non-life and then having the new life reproduce?

If Evolution is true, how did the first creature come to being and reproduce itself? Dr. Miller reveals that most Evolutionists do not even attempt to answer this question!

Is there fossil evidence to support biological evolution? Dr. Miller has personally researched this extensively…

What is the problem with Darwin’s idea of “the survival of the fittest” or natural selection?

Does it take more faith to believe in God or Evolution?

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September 2, 2024

Title: Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 2

Is Evolution true or is Creation true?

Dr. Jeff Miller is the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Today, Dr. Miller offers four reasons why evolution is NOT true.

Click here to read Dr. Jeff Miller’s op-ed on this important topic. Print it out and read it with your kids (especially older teens/college kids). This is information they need to know. Arm them with the TRUTH as they head back to school.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans accept Darwinian Evolution as factual?

Are the only two options for the creation of the world Evolution or a God-made Creation?

If evolution is true, life must have risen from lifelessness and somehow changed into all species throughout history. Is there any evidence to support the self-creation of the universe, matter, and energy? Is there any evidence for the matter that exploded at the time of the big-bang? Dr. Miller offers a great explanation, which can also be found in his article linked above.

Before life can evolve, life first has to exist. Can life come from non-life? Dr. Miller reveals that no one has ever been able to create life from nothing.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does it take blind faith to believe that life came from non-life? Dr. Miller quotes Scripture as he warns that we must be careful when using the word “faith” to explain Creation and also uses a Rubik’s Cube as an analogy. (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1; Acts 17:11; Romans 1:20

What is necessary to create life from non-life and then having the new life reproduce?

If Evolution is true, how did the first creature come to being and reproduce itself? Dr. Miller reveals that most Evolutionists do not even attempt to answer this question!

Is there fossil evidence to support biological evolution? Dr. Miller has personally researched this extensively…

What is the problem with Darwin’s idea of “the survival of the fittest” or natural selection?

Does it take more faith to believe in God or Evolution?

Click here to support the efforts of Apologetics Press.

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August 23, 2024

Title: Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 2

Is Evolution true or is Creation true?

Dr. Jeff Miller is the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Today, Dr. Miller offers four reasons why evolution is NOT true.

Click here to read Dr. Jeff Miller’s op-ed on this important topic. Print it out and read it with your kids (especially older teens/college kids). This is information they need to know. Arm them with the TRUTH as they head back to school.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans accept Darwinian Evolution as factual?

Are the only two options for the creation of the world Evolution or a God-made Creation?

If evolution is true, life must have risen from lifelessness and somehow changed into all species throughout history. Is there any evidence to support the self-creation of the universe, matter, and energy? Is there any evidence for the matter that exploded at the time of the big-bang? Dr. Miller offers a great explanation, which can also be found in his article linked above.

Before life can evolve, life first has to exist. Can life come from non-life? Dr. Miller reveals that no one has ever been able to create life from nothing.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why Evolution is NOT True
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does it take blind faith to believe that life came from non-life? Dr. Miller quotes Scripture as he warns that we must be careful when using the word “faith” to explain Creation and also uses a Rubik’s Cube as an analogy. (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1; Acts 17:11; Romans 1:20

What is necessary to create life from non-life and then having the new life reproduce?

If Evolution is true, how did the first creature come to being and reproduce itself? Dr. Miller reveals that most Evolutionists do not even attempt to answer this question!

Is there fossil evidence to support biological evolution? Dr. Miller has personally researched this extensively…

What is the problem with Darwin’s idea of “the survival of the fittest” or natural selection?

Does it take more faith to believe in God or Evolution?

Click here to support the efforts of Apologetics Press.

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May 18, 2023

Title: In “Science” Should We Trust? The Ongoing Reproducibility Crisis
Topic: Christian Apologetics
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Jeff Miller, PhD is the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation.  Dr. Miller has M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Biomechanical Engineering, with emphasis in thermodynamics and bio-thermal science.

Today, Dr. Miller discusses how modern American society has blindly placed its trust in the findings of the secularist-dominated scientific community.

Click here to read the op-ed by Dr. Jeff Miller on this topic.

Click here for more about Dr. Jeff Miller.

Click here  to support Apologetics Press.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is reproducibility? Dr. Miller explains that it is the ability of a different group of researchers to replicate the same study and arrive at the same conclusion.

How can the scientific community know a scientific study can be trusted?

How can we know that a scientist did not fabricate, exaggerate, or bias his or her results in some way so that the study would achieve the desired conclusion?

Have some scientists stopped using reproducibility as a key tool when researching, experimenting, and publishing their work? Dr. Miller explains that, sadly, many have strayed away from this trusted tool and it will be difficult to trust any new research.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - In “Science” Should We Trust? The Ongoing Reproducibility Crisis
Topic: Christian Apologetics
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the American society, as a whole, facing a reproducibility crisis?

What are some key examples of failure of reproducibility? Dr. Miller discusses concerns of false positives in as much as 50% of psychology research and other scientific fields.

Do we have a crisis in “trusting the science”? Are some of the unproven studies being written into government policy?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - In “Science” Should We Trust? The Ongoing Reproducibility Crisis
Topic: Christian Apologetics
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

REVIEW: Is the problem of reproducibility pervasive in the scientific community?

Why are researchers/scientists reluctant to refute their colleagues’ findings? Dr. Miller discusses how scientific journals are hesitant to publish conflicting research and/or biased research.

Can a godless scientist, who is highly motivated by fame, fortune, friends, or power, self-correct?

Should society have a “blind faith” in science and its naturalistic, secular “prophets”?

Click here to subscribe to Discovery for Kids from Apologetics Press.

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November 25, 2022

Title: Do Evolutionists have a Blind Faith?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Dr. Jeff Miller serves as the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and is the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Dr. Miller has MS and PhD degrees in Biomechanical Engineering, with an emphasis in Thermodynamics and Bio-thermal Science.

Today Dr. Miller explains why evolution requires a blind faith, while the existence of living things actually proves that God exists. “The evidence demands that there is a God,” he says.

Click here to read more on Evolution vs Creation from Apologetics Press.

Click here for Apologetics Press for KIDS.

Click here for Apologetics Press for TEENS.

Click here to subscribe to the Apologetics Press YouTube channel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is blind faith?

For evolution to be true, must the evolutionist believe that at some point in the past, life arose from non-living substances? Is this known as “spontaneous generation”?

Down through the ages, have scientists attempted to make non-living material come to life? Dr. Miller discusses a law of science called the Law of Biogenesis.

BOTTOM LINE: Does it take blind faith to believe in evolution?

Is it blind faith to believe that God, a supreme being who exists outside of our universe, brought everything into being, including life?

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October 13, 2022

Title: Do Evolutionists have a Blind Faith?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Dr. Jeff Miller serves as the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and is the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Dr. Miller has MS and PhD degrees in Biomechanical Engineering, with an emphasis in Thermodynamics and Bio-thermal Science.

Today Dr. Miller explains why evolution requires a blind faith, while the existence of living things actually proves that God exists. “The evidence demands that there is a God,” he says.

Click here to read more on Evolution vs Creation from Apologetics Press.

Click here for Apologetics Press for KIDS.

Click here for Apologetics Press for TEENS.

Click here to subscribe to the Apologetics Press YouTube channel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is blind faith?

For evolution to be true, must the evolutionist believe that at some point in the past, life arose from non-living substances? Is this known as “spontaneous generation”?

Down through the ages, have scientists attempted to make non-living material come to life? Dr. Miller discusses a law of science called the Law of Biogenesis.

BOTTOM LINE: Does it take blind faith to believe in evolution?

Is it blind faith to believe that God, a supreme being who exists outside of our universe, brought everything into being, including life?

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October 3, 2022

Title: Apologetics is Evangelism
Topic: Christian Apologetics
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

How much do you actually know about God, the Bible, and eternity? Did you know that when you engage in apologetics, you are simultaneously evangelizing by exposing error and/or teaching truth to others.

Dr. Jeff Miller is a science writer with Apologetics Press. He is also the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Today, Dr. Miller explains why apologetics is crucial to evangelism.

Click here for the latest from Dr. Jeff Miller.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do most adults accept the invitation to follow Christ without asking questions?

Are Christ-followers called upon to defend their faith? Is “because the Bible says so” a sufficient answer? Dr. Miller reminds us of 1 Peter 3:15 “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect”.

What does “apologetics” mean? Are we to “apologize” for being a Christian? Dr. Miller explains that is not what it means at all.

How can a personal testimony point others to Jesus? Do you have a 30-second elevator testimony?

Souls are at stake. Is it the responsibility of ALL Christians to share God’s saving grace to everyone they meet? Dr. Miller says: “If there is going to be converts, it’s on our backs to do that work.”

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September 13, 2022

Title: Do Evolutionists have a Blind Faith?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Dr. Jeff Miller serves as the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and is the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Dr. Miller has MS and PhD degrees in Biomechanical Engineering, with an emphasis in Thermodynamics and Bio-thermal Science.

Today Dr. Miller explains why evolution requires a blind faith, while the existence of living things actually proves that God exists. “The evidence demands that there is a God,” he says.

Click here to read more on Evolution vs Creation from Apologetics Press.

Click here for Apologetics Press for KIDS.

Click here for Apologetics Press for TEENS.

Click here to subscribe to the Apologetics Press YouTube channel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is blind faith?

For evolution to be true, must the evolutionist believe that at some point in the past, life arose from non-living substances? Is this known as “spontaneous generation”?

Down through the ages, have scientists attempted to make non-living material come to life? Dr. Miller discusses a law of science called the Law of Biogenesis.

BOTTOM LINE: Does it take blind faith to believe in evolution?

Is it blind faith to believe that God, a supreme being who exists outside of our universe, brought everything into being, including life?

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August 25, 2022

Title: Do Evolutionists have a Blind Faith?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Dr. Jeff Miller serves as the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and is the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation. Dr. Miller has MS and PhD degrees in Biomechanical Engineering, with an emphasis in Thermodynamics and Bio-thermal Science.

Today Dr. Miller explains why evolution requires a blind faith, while the existence of living things actually proves that God exists. “The evidence demands that there is a God,” he says.

Click here to read more on Evolution vs Creation from Apologetics Press.

Click here for Apologetics Press for KIDS.

Click here for Apologetics Press for TEENS.

Click here to subscribe to the Apologetics Press YouTube channel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is blind faith?

For evolution to be true, must the evolutionist believe that at some point in the past, life arose from non-living substances? Is this known as “spontaneous generation”?

Down through the ages, have scientists attempted to make non-living material come to life? Dr. Miller discusses a law of science called the Law of Biogenesis.

BOTTOM LINE: Does it take blind faith to believe in evolution?

Is it blind faith to believe that God, a supreme being who exists outside of our universe, brought everything into being, including life?

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June 6, 2022

Title: Human Evolution: Beyond Preposterous
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Which came first: The chicken or the egg?

Today Dr. Jeff Miller explains Darwin’s evolutionary perspective: Which came first: male or female humans? Dr. Miller is the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press. He is also the Associate Editor of AP’s monthly Christian evidence journal, Reason & Revelation.

Click here to read the full article on this topic by Dr. Jeff Miller.

Click here for Apologetics Press for KIDS.

Click here for Apologetics Press for TEENS.

Click here to subscribe to the Apologetics Press YouTube channel.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can scientists precisely define what constitutes a human?

What is the “Law of the Excluded Middle”? Here  is a great explanation by Dr. Miller.

If Darwin was right, then at some point in history, a non-human had to give rise to a human. How could this have happened?

Is there any evidence in nature of life of one kind giving birth to life of another kind?

What is the “Law of Biogenesis”? Click here to read more on this from Dr. Miller.

Statistically, is it possible to get life from non-life?

Which came first: The man or the woman? Dr. Miller explains that, according to Darwin’s perspective, both male and female would have to appear at the exact same time in the exact same place, saying that is “preposterous”. He goes on to discuss the difference between naturalists and supernaturalists and how genetics plays a role in determining life.

Does it take more faith to believe in Darwin’s theory or the Genesis account found in the Holy Bible?

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May 4, 2022

Title: Is God’s Word Right about Sex?
Topic: Sex and the Bible
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Scriptural marriage is intended by God to be comprised of one eligible man marrying one eligible woman and the two becoming one flesh for life. But what does it mean for a society when this Biblical truth is thrown out the window?

Dr. Jeff Miller serves as the full-time science writer at Apologetics Press and is the Associate Editor of their monthly Christian evidence journal, “Reason & Revelation”. Dr. Miller received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Biomechanical Engineering from UTA and Auburn University, respectively, with an emphasis in Thermodynamics and Bio-thermal Science.

Click here  for the article by Dr. Jeff Miller on this topic.

Click here to read more from Dr. Jeff Miller.

Questions/Issues Discussed

What happens when a society eliminates God and His Word?

From a parent’s perspective, are rules meant to harm or help their children?

Are people happy or unhappy when they keep God’s law? Dr. Miller uses a great analogy of a parent telling their child not to play in the street…

Does God have rules, or laws, about sexual conduct?

Is society, in general, following God’s rules? Dr. Miller references the last part of Jeremiah 29:18: “Happy is he who keeps the law.”

Are there rules of thermodynamics that cannot be broken?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is God’s Word Right about Sex?
Topic: Sex and the Bible
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

J.D. Unwin, a British ethnologist and social anthropologist of Oxford and Cambridge Universities, studied the sex habits of 86 societies from over 5,000 years of history. It is important to know that Unwin was not a Christian, nor did he affiliate with any religion. What did he conclude?

Dr. Miller discusses:
Freedom for Premarital sex, some freedom for premarital sex, and no premarital sex
Post marital allowances, polygamy, monogamy (but not for life and only for wives)
The advancement or decline of societies based on the way they regulated the relations between the sexes

TRUE OR FALSE: In every instance, when sexual restrictions in a society are at their highest level (i.e., strict pre-nuptial abstinence and strict monogamy), the society inevitably progresses, and the more sexual activity is curbed in a society, the more the society progresses.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is God’s Word Right about Sex?
Topic: Sex and the Bible
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did Dr. Jeff Miller stumble across the study by J.D. Unwin?

How can we apply the results of this study in our society today? Dr. Miller believes technology is definitely a downfall, but if we turn back to God’s Word, there is hope for the future.

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November 23, 2020

Title: Were There Dinosaurs in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Apologetics
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Job 40 describes a mighty creature that was just as real as Job. It was not a non-existent, figurative animal. The biblical description of Behemoth does not match the hippo or elephant. So, what was it?

Dr. Jeff Miller has the answer! Dr. Miller is a full-time science writer at Apologetics Press. He is the Associate Editor of AP’s monthly Christian evidences journal, Reason & Revelation.

Click here  to read Dr. Miller’s article on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What mighty creature did Job describe?

Prior to the 1800’s, were many bible scholars mystified? Was this before many of the dinosaurs had been discovered?

Does the description of the Behemoth match that of a hippopotamus or an elephant?

Was the tail of the Behemoth described as? Why is this so significant?

Scientists have studied the weight distribution of elephants, hippopotamuses, and dinosaurs. Is the Behemoth comparable to those animals or any creature we have in existence today?

What evidence is available? Can it be disputed?

On day six of Creation, could God have created dinosaurs and man?

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May 16, 2019

Title: Who Did Cain Marry?
Topic: Who Did Cain Marry?
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Have you ever wondered who Cain married? There are many opinions and suggestions, but who is right?

Dr. Jeff Miller serves as a full-time science writer at Apologetics Press. He is also the Associate Editor of AP’s monthly Christian evidence journal for adults, Reason & Revelation. Dr. Miller’s book, “Science vs Evolution”, can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Bible is just a book of fables, a book of stories, or simple mythology?

What do skeptics believe about Cain’s wife?

Listen as Dr. Jeff Miller offer his opinion on this…

Why is the Bible so vague on this?

Did God spontaneously create other humans after Adam and Eve?

What about incest and birth defects? This is really interesting! Listen close!

What are some other speculations about Cain, his wife, kids, and life span?

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March 27, 2019

Title: Who Did Cain Marry?
Topic: Who Did Cain Marry?
Discussed by Dr. Jeff Miller
with Apologetics Press (

Have you ever wondered who Cain married? There are many opinions and suggestions, but who is right?

Dr. Jeff Miller serves as a full-time science writer at Apologetics Press. He is also the Associate Editor of AP’s monthly Christian evidence journal for adults, Reason & Revelation. Dr. Miller’s book, “Science vs Evolution”, can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the Bible is just a book of fables, a book of stories, or simple mythology?

What do skeptics believe about Cain’s wife?

Listen as Dr. Jeff Miller offer his opinion on this…

Why is the Bible so vague on this?

Did God spontaneously create other humans after Adam and Eve?

What about incest and birth defects? This is really interesting! Listen close!

What are some other speculations about Cain, his wife, kids, and life span?

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