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October 4, 2016

Title: Evolution vs Creation
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

Part 1 of 4

Is the earth 6,000 years old or is it 6 billion years old? What about Noah and the Ark? Did it really happen? Did dinosaurs roam the earth alongside people?

Bill Sydow is an old friend and a geologist. In this first segment, he discusses the “real” age of the earth and why he believes evolution did not happen. Period.

So why do public schools teach otherwise? What exactly are students learning these days concerning the age of the earth?

Listen in as Bill explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Was Noah a Real Person?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

Was Noah a real person? Did he really build the Ark? Did the animals actually come to the ark two-by-two? Are we all descendants of Noah and his family?

For years, Bill Sydow did not believe the Noah story. He was a scientist, a geologist, a historian. Even after Bill became a Christian at the age of 32, he had a difficult time with the story of Noah, the Ark, and the flood.

Bill realized, however, that God would not lie. He would not use such a terrific analogy just to prove a point. He had to strip away years of indoctrination and really look at the story through his trained geologist eyes.

Listen in as he explains.

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth with People
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

We’ve all been taught that there was absolutely no way that dinosaurs could have roamed the earth along with humans. But, doesn’t the Bible tell us differently? Why don’t we teach our children Biblical principles such as this in Sunday School or at home so they are better equipped at school?

Bill Sydow says we MUST teach our children and grandchildren the truth from the Bible and tell them why and how the Bible is correct, not evolution.

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Why do so many young people turn away from the Church?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

In this final segment with Bill Sydow, the Director of Oil of Gas for the State of Nebraska, discusses why he believes young people are already turned off from anything “God-related” by the 8th grade.

Evolution is taught as fact in school, even if the school does not admit it. By the 8th grade, students are so indoctrinated with evolution and other liberal ideas that they stop believing the stories they hear in church.

Bill Sydow says parents must start researching Evolution vs Creation for themselves. Parents must teach their children the truth at home first, but don’t just say “because the Bible says so”. You must arm them with facts and figures and models so that their teachers in public school do not rip them apart when confronted in the classroom.

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June 2, 2014

Title: Evolution vs Creation
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

Part 1 of 4

Is the earth 6,000 years old or is it 6 billion years old? What about Noah and the Ark? Did it really happen? Did dinosaurs roam the earth alongside people?

Bill Sydow is an old friend and a geologist. In this first segment, he discusses the “real” age of the earth and why he believes evolution did not happen. Period.

So why do public schools teach otherwise? What exactly are students learning these days concerning the age of the earth?

Listen in as Bill explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - Was Noah a Real Person?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

Was Noah a real person? Did he really build the Ark? Did the animals actually come to the ark two-by-two? Are we all descendants of Noah and his family?

For years, Bill Sydow did not believe the Noah story. He was a scientist, a geologist, a historian. Even after Bill became a Christian at the age of 32, he had a difficult time with the story of Noah, the Ark, and the flood.

Bill realized, however, that God would not lie. He would not use such a terrific analogy just to prove a point. He had to strip away years of indoctrination and really look at the story through his trained geologist eyes.

Listen in as he explains.

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth with People
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

We’ve all been taught that there was absolutely no way that dinosaurs could have roamed the earth along with humans. But, doesn’t the Bible tell us differently? Why don’t we teach our children Biblical principles such as this in Sunday School or at home so they are better equipped at school?

Bill Sydow says we MUST teach our children and grandchildren the truth from the Bible and tell them why and how the Bible is correct, not evolution.

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - Why do so many young people turn away from the Church?
Topic: Evolution vs. Creation
Discussed by William Sydow
with Special Guest

In this final segment with Bill Sydow, the Director of Oil of Gas for the State of Nebraska, discusses why he believes young people are already turned off from anything “God-related” by the 8th grade.

Evolution is taught as fact in school, even if the school does not admit it. By the 8th grade, students are so indoctrinated with evolution and other liberal ideas that they stop believing the stories they hear in church.

Bill Sydow says parents must start researching Evolution vs Creation for themselves. Parents must teach their children the truth at home first, but don’t just say “because the Bible says so”. You must arm them with facts and figures and models so that their teachers in public school do not rip them apart when confronted in the classroom.

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