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August 4, 2020

Title: Helping First Responders
Topic: Heroes
Discussed by John Revell
with Life Line Chaplaincy (

Part 1 of 3

John Revell has more than 30 years’ experience in pastoral and church ministry and has served as chaplain for the Stamford, CT Police Department since February 2012.

In that time, he has helped first responders deal with various crises including: the Sandy Hook shootings, life-threatening job-related injuries, traumatic criminal investigations, and horrific accident scenes.

Today, John will be discussing the important responsibility a chaplain has for first responders. Click here  for more information about Life Line Chaplaincy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How are chaplains different than a therapist or phycologist?

Do first responders face crippling trauma on a regular basis?

Do studies reveal that between 20-35 % of first responders struggle with symptoms of PTSD?

If our first responders are not cared for, what is the potential risk for society?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Helping First Responders
Topic: Heroes
Discussed by John Revell
with Life Line Chaplaincy (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the current cultural response towards law enforcement?

What is the emotional and spiritual effect this negativity is having on the people wearing the badge?

Our first responders see so much darkness and pain. Is counseling critical for their mental health?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Helping First Responders
Topic: Heroes
Discussed by John Revell
with Life Line Chaplaincy (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “Moral Injury”? Is it crippling first responders?

Are chaplains now on the front lines in the military to help soldiers with moral injury?

What is one thing that every person can do to support our men and women in blue?

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September 5, 2008

Title: Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty. Part 1 of 3
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by John Revell
with Life Line Chaplaincy (

John Revell, co-author of “Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty”, discusses biblical principles that remove any doubt as to God’s heart on this issue of civil involvement. For a free copy, use the contact link to send your request…first five who respond will receive a free copy of “Sinful Silence”.

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Title: Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty. Part 2 of 3
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by John Revell
with Life Line Chaplaincy (

John Revell, co-author of “Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty”, makes a compelling case, using scripture references from Isaiah, urging Christians to fulfill their obligation to ‘be involved’. For a free copy, use the contact link to send your request…first five who respond will receive a free copy of “Sinful Silence”.

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Title: Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty. Part 3 of 3
Topic: Civic Responsibility of Christians
Discussed by John Revell
with Life Line Chaplaincy (

John Revell, co-author of “Sinful Silence: When Christians Neglect Their Civic Duty”, concludes his interview with a call to action. For a free copy, use the contact link to send your request…first five who respond will receive a free copy of “Sinful Silence”.

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