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December 13, 2022

Title: Fighting for Parental Rights in Texas
Topic: Parental Rights
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Should the state of Texas (or any political subdivision of the State of Texas) have the authority to interfere with the rights of a parent to direct the care, custody, control, education, moral/religious training, and medical care of the child?

Attorney Jeremy Newman is the Vice President of Policy and Engagement for the Family Freedom Project. Today, he discusses the importance of parental rights.

Click here for more about education issues from the Family Freedom Project.

Click here for more information about HJR 58, the Parental Rights Constitutional Amendment.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Many believe the rights of Texas parents rest almost entirely in the hands of unelected federal judges. Is this good or very dangerous?

What are some of the issues that are diminishing parental authority, placing children outside the authority of their parent? Jeremy discusses education, vaccine mandates, and gender transitioning.

Are parents and many grandparents galvanized in their focus to protect children?

Do parental rights need to be strengthened in the State of Texas through an amendment to the Texas Constitution? Jeremy explains the difference between a judge’s “order”, a “law”, and an actual “Constitutional Amendment” by the Texas Legislature, saying: “It takes power out of the Federal government.”

Who is Texas Representative James Frank?

What is the process of placing a Texas Constitutional Amendment on the ballot?

Click here to help the Family Freedom Project as they fight for the rights of parents in Texas.

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October 21, 2022

Title: Concerned Parents Labeled Domestic Terrorists
Topic: Parental Rights
Discussed by Michael O'Neill
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Back in 2021, parents across the country began attending school board meetings, speaking their minds about mask and vaccine mandates, as well as the perverse curriculum their children were being taught. The Federal Government then labeled these concerned parents “domestic terrorists”.

Today, Michael O’Neill, who serves as Assistant General Counsel at the Landmark Legal Foundation, discusses the truth found in the records they have received about these outrageous allegations.

Click here for the latest from Landmark Legal.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are parents so upset? Are they really “domestic terrorists”? Michael discusses the parents’ concerns, as well as the National School Boards Association’s complaint against the parents and Attorney General Garland’s investigation.

Why did Landmark Legal file a request for the records under the Freedom of Information Act?

What documents has the Department of Justice released to Landmark Legal? Michael discusses the significance of the information found in these documents and reveals some very startling information!

Was the Biden Administration, through the Department of Justice, trying to intimidate parents into silence?

Where do we go from here? Click here to help Landmark Legal as they fight for the rights of Americans.

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November 18, 2021

Title: Parental Rights and Religious Liberty
Topic: Parental Rights
Discussed by Professor John Sparks
with Grove City College (

Part 1 of 3

Do parents have a legal, Constitutional, religious, and moral right to be involved in their children’s education?

Professor Dr. John Sparks is the retired Dean of Arts & Letters at Grove City College and a fellow for the Institute for Faith and Freedom. Today he discusses the legal and moral right parents have to be involved in their children’s education.

Click here to read more on this topic from Professor Sparks.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are parents across the country concerned that some public schoolboards, administrators, associations, and even teachers hold them in disdain?

In the 1972 Yoder case, did several Amish fathers not want their children exposed to “worldliness”? What was their complaint? Dr. Sparks explains that the fathers were not opposed to public education; they simply did not want their children to be forced to receive higher education that was questionable and in contrary to their religious beliefs. They further claimed that this would ruin the Amish religion.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Parental Rights and Religious Liberty
Topic: Parental Rights
Discussed by Professor John Sparks
with Grove City College (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In 1972 Yoder case, the US Supreme Court stated that children are not mere creatures of the state. Some statements regarding the decision:

Following briefing and arguments, Chief Justice Burger wrote the opinion which gave Jonas Yoder and his fellow parents a victory. He said that the Amish believe that their own salvation and that of their children “requires a life in a church community separate and apart from the world and worldly influence.”

Chief Burger further pointed out that they seek sufficient education through eighth grade, one that will allow them “to read the Bible, to be good farmers and citizens, and to be able to deal with non-Amish people when necessary in the course of daily affairs.”

In addition, the court concluded there was “nothing in the record to suggest that the Amish qualities of reliability, self-reliance, and dedication to work would fail to find ready markets in today’s society.”

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Parental Rights and Religious Liberty
Topic: Parental Rights
Discussed by Professor John Sparks
with Grove City College (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

BOTTOM LINE: Do parents have a legal, Constitutional, religious, and moral right to be involved in their children’s education?

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December 3, 2012

Title: No More Mrs. Nice Mommy or Mr. Nice Daddy
Topic: Parental Rights
Discussed by Kenneth Blackwell
with Family Research Council (

“Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” sounds like nice a get together, but it’s not - and Harry Reid and the Democrats are hoping you won’t notice.

Even if you do notice, they’re hoping you won’t put up a fight. But we did notice. And those of us, who have children with a disability, are not going to play nice anymore. Call your Senator today at 202-224-3121 and tell them that they better not dare try to take away your rights as a parent!

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July 29, 2011

Title: Should Minors Be Allowed To Purchase Violent Video Games Without Parental Permission?
Topic: Parental Rights
Discussed by Dr. Joseph Horton
with Center for Vision and Values (

Part 1

The Supreme Court recently stated that because of Freedom of Speech, 13-year-olds have the right to purchase violent video games WITHOUT parental permission?

Dr. Horton discusses the subtle effects of what we watch…do we become what we watch, probably not. But do we become desensitized and more accepting? Question: why do advertisers advertise? Because their ads are affective in changing our behavior!

Why are so many kids so aggressive, argumentative, and promote to anger?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Parental Rights
Discussed by Dr. Joseph Horton
with Center for Vision and Values (

We endure a lot of ugliness to protect our right to free speech. Like Justices Clarence Thomas and Steven Breyer, I do not believe that restricting the sale of violent video games to children under 18 would have strained the First Amendment.

With or without laws that require adult involvement for kids to have questionable material, parents must be parents.

Laws are no substitute for parental monitoring. The Supreme Court’s ruling is disappointing. Parents please start being better parents and become more proactive and willing to make tough decisions to protect your children.

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December 3, 2008

Topic: Parental Rights
Discussed by Dr. Janice Crouse
with Concerned Women for America (

Obama has stated that he is embarrassed that the US has not joined other countries in giving away parental rights to the UN and vows to push the issue once inaugurated. Guest Dr. Janice Crouse says this will allow children the right to challenge their parents concerning education and religious matters. Log onto for more.

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