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January 23, 2024

Title: School Choice: Good or bad for Homeschoolers?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Jeremy Newman clears up some myths and confusion being spread about School Choice: Education Savings Accounts. The Texas Legislature has been in a Special Session since October 9 debating this and other issues. Jeremy is the Vice President of Policy and Engagement with the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

Click here to read more about Texas Homeschool Coalition’s stance on School Choice: Education Savings Accounts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do some homeschool parents oppose School Choice through Education Savings Accounts?

Many states have passed School Choice, empowering parents to choose the best educational path for their children. Have home educators in those states experienced regulated curriculum? THSC statement on this issue: “We have reviewed the data from every state that has passed school choice legislation and sports access laws going back almost five decades and have found no state in which homeschoolers have suffered a loss of freedom as a result of those laws.” (see link above for statement)

What is the Leeper Decision? Click here to read the Texas Supreme Court Decision.

Has the Texas Legislature restricted and/or interfered with home schooling in Texas since the Leeper decision?

BOTTOM LINE: Will School Choice through Education Savings Accounts empower all parents in Texas to make positive education choices for their children?

Click here to help support the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

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November 2, 2023

Title: School Choice: Good or Bad for Homeschoolers?
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Jeremy Newman clears up some myths and confusion being spread about School Choice: Education Savings Accounts. The Texas Legislature has been in a Special Session since October 9 debating this and other issues. Jeremy is the Vice President of Policy and Engagement with the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

Click here to read more about Texas Homeschool Coalition’s stance on School Choice: Education Savings Accounts.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do some homeschool parents oppose School Choice through Education Savings Accounts?

Many states have passed School Choice, empowering parents to choose the best educational path for their children. Have home educators in those states experienced regulated curriculum? THSC statement on this issue: “We have reviewed the data from every state that has passed school choice legislation and sports access laws going back almost five decades and have found no state in which homeschoolers have suffered a loss of freedom as a result of those laws.” (see link above for statement)

What is the Leeper Decision? Click here to read the Texas Supreme Court Decision.

Has the Texas Legislature restricted and/or interfered with home schooling in Texas since the Leeper decision?

BOTTOM LINE: Will School Choice through Education Savings Accounts empower all parents in Texas to make positive education choices for their children?

Click here to help support the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

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October 30, 2023

Title: UPDATE On Education Savings Accounts in Texas
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Jeremy Newman is the Vice President of Policy and Engagement at the Texas Homeschool Coalition. Today, he gives an update on Education Savings Accounts and Parental Empowerment in Texas.

Click here for all the information you need to know about homeschooling in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

For decades, many have been advocating for some form of universal school choice for all families in Texas. Has the Texas Senate already passed their version of School Choice during this Special Session?

Has the Calendars Committee in the House scheduled a vote?

Some in the Texas House are calling saying that all kids (regardless of which setting) should take the same tests required by public school students. How do other states handle the “accountability” question?

Will the Texas Home School Coalition support any legislation subjecting home school students to standardized testing requirements?

Click here to help support the Texas Homeschool Coalition.

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October 6, 2023

Title: Parental Empowerment in Texas
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Parental empowerment through School Choice and Education Savings Accounts have been accomplished in several states.

Today, Jeremy “JD” Newman discusses details about School Choice and Education Savings Accounts, how tax payers and public school are affected, and what choices parents should have for their children’s education. Jeremy is the VP of Policy and Engagement at the Texas Home School Coalition.

Click here for all the information you need to know about homeschooling in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “parental empowerment”?

Will parental empowerment cause an increase in property taxes?

What is an Education Savings Account?

Have public schools in states with School Choice/Education Savings Accounts been decimated because of a loss of funds?

In Texas, how much money is allocated for each student enrolled in public school?

If Texas passes parental empowerment, how much money will each family receive for their child’s education?

Are elected officials in Austin trying to help parents be empowered with their children’s education? How many bills were filed during the last Legislative Session?

Governor Abbott has to called a Special Session to begin October 9th to address School Choice and Education Savings Account. What does Jeremy expect to happen?

Why are educators against parental empowerment? Why are some homeschoolers against parental empowerment?

Click here to help support the Texas Home School Coalition.

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October 4, 2023

Title: Parental Empowerment in Texas
Topic: Education Savings Accounts
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Parental empowerment through School Choice and Education Savings Accounts have been accomplished in several states.

Today, Jeremy “JD” Newman discusses details about School Choice and Education Savings Accounts, how tax payers and public school are affected, and what choices parents should have for their children’s education. Jeremy is the VP of Policy and Engagement at the Texas Home School Coalition.

Click here for all the information you need to know about homeschooling in Texas.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “parental empowerment”?

Will parental empowerment cause an increase in property taxes?

What is an Education Savings Account?

Have public schools in states with School Choice/Education Savings Accounts been decimated because of a loss of funds?

In Texas, how much money is allocated for each student enrolled in public school?

If Texas passes parental empowerment, how much money will each family receive for their child’s education?

Are elected officials in Austin trying to help parents be empowered with their children’s education? How many bills were filed during the last Legislative Session?

Governor Abbott has to called a Special Session to begin October 9th to address School Choice and Education Savings Account. What does Jeremy expect to happen?

Why are educators against parental empowerment? Why are some homeschoolers against parental empowerment?

Click here to help support the Texas Home School Coalition.

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September 12, 2023

Title: Why Homeschool?
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Since the COVID pandemic, 30,000 middle and high school students per year have transitioned from public school to homeschool.

Jeremy Newman is the Vice President of Policy & Engagement at the Texas Home School Coalition, which has been a trusted resource for homeschooling families since 1986. Today, Jeremy discusses the continued interest in homeschooling in the state of Texas and across the country.

Click here to help support the Texas Home School Coalition.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Over the past three years, has the THSC received an overwhelming amount of phones calls and emails concerning the homeschool laws in Texas and how to withdraw students from public school?

What are the major reasons and concerns that parents cite when they decide to homeschool? Jeremey discusses the concerns parents have with the quality of academic instruction and safety in public schools.

What percentages of Texas students are currently homeschooled? Are many families also choosing private school or charter school over public school?

Are more and more minorities choosing to homeschool? Jeremey discusses the reasons for the rapid increase of black homeschool families. Jeremy says: “There are so many unique reasons that people choose to homeschool; they almost always correlate to some concern about the public school environment or academics.”

Can a family begin homeschooling after the school year has begun? Click here for everything you need to know about homeschooling in Texas.

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December 13, 2022

Title: Fighting for Parental Rights in Texas
Topic: Parental Rights
Discussed by Jeremy Newman
with Texas Homeschool Coalition (

Should the state of Texas (or any political subdivision of the State of Texas) have the authority to interfere with the rights of a parent to direct the care, custody, control, education, moral/religious training, and medical care of the child?

Attorney Jeremy Newman is the Vice President of Policy and Engagement for the Family Freedom Project. Today, he discusses the importance of parental rights.

Click here for more about education issues from the Family Freedom Project.

Click here for more information about HJR 58, the Parental Rights Constitutional Amendment.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Many believe the rights of Texas parents rest almost entirely in the hands of unelected federal judges. Is this good or very dangerous?

What are some of the issues that are diminishing parental authority, placing children outside the authority of their parent? Jeremy discusses education, vaccine mandates, and gender transitioning.

Are parents and many grandparents galvanized in their focus to protect children?

Do parental rights need to be strengthened in the State of Texas through an amendment to the Texas Constitution? Jeremy explains the difference between a judge’s “order”, a “law”, and an actual “Constitutional Amendment” by the Texas Legislature, saying: “It takes power out of the Federal government.”

Who is Texas Representative James Frank?

What is the process of placing a Texas Constitutional Amendment on the ballot?

Click here to help the Family Freedom Project as they fight for the rights of parents in Texas.

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