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June 13, 2022

Title: Why Do Progressive Policies Fail?
Topic: Marxist Government Control
Discussed by Austin Prochko
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 3

Is more government really the solution to America’s failing economy?

Austin Prochko, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, recently stated: “It is in Karl Marx’s ideology that the failures of the Left are rooted. This is not to say that all Progressives are Marxists or Socialists, although many are. But rather, the core of Marx’s philosophy has influenced, shaped, and determined the Left’s thought processes for more than a century.”

Click here to read more on this topic from Austin Prochko.

Click here  to read more from Austin on other topics related to the economy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are some core Marxists ideas?

Are many Democrats falling over themselves to implement the core Marxist ideas? Austin discusses the Left’s proposals about homelessness, welfare, and gun control and why they aren’t working.

Did Marx believe that if religion (aka GOD) were removed from the world, then pure happiness and contentment would be achieved by the masses? Austin explains why he believes that Marxism is not just a political philosophy or economic philosophy; it is a “anti-theological theology”. He will discuss this further in the third segment…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why Do Progressive Policies Fail?
Topic: Marxist Government Control
Discussed by Austin Prochko
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has a Marxist-type government ever thrived anywhere in the world? Short answer: Nope – and it won’t work with “improvements”.

California and New York have some of the strictest gun control laws in the entire world. What is their current crime rate look like? Are their citizens safer than other cities?

Many cities in America have adopted a new philosophy for the homeless by giving them free rooms to keep them off the street. Has this helped the homeless problem in their cities or made it worse?

Do many Democrats believe that if government was given the power to solve our problems, then we would not have any problems? Austin explains why this idea is the opposite of fact!

There were many evils found in the post-industrial revolution society, such as poor working conditions, long hours, oppressive debt, disenfranchisement, and child labor. Did Marxist ideals magically make these problem disappear? Or did his suggestions make working conditions worse? How did the workers fight back?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why Do Progressive Policies Fail?
Topic: Marxist Government Control
Discussed by Austin Prochko
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Marx wasn’t the first person with some crazy ideas about government. What were some of the earlier beliefs? Did any of those work out well? Austin briefly discusses this…

Did Marx believe that if religion (aka GOD) were removed from the world, then pure happiness and contentment would be achieved by the masses? Austin discussed this at length in the first segment. He states further that Marx believed that “religion makes people happy so we must take away that happiness so that they are so miserable they revolt”! What kind of crazy messed up idea is this?!?!

Is the US Constitution obsolete? Does the US Constitution need to be scrapped and rewritten? Short Answer: Hard NO!

Where do we go from here? How can we go back to a truer interpretation of the US Constitution? Austin urges people to get more involved at the local level first. It all starts at home. And we must continue the fight forever, never letting up.

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March 15, 2022

Title: The Russian-Ukraine War: The Price of Energy Dependence
Topic: Russia and Ukraine
Discussed by Austin Prochko
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

What would it take for you to rat out your neighbor, a close friend, or a family member?

Texas Public Policy Foundation staff member Austin Prochko’s family immigrated to America from Ukraine. Austin has been an educator and is a veteran political campaign worker. He is a graduate of Hillsdale College and has a M.A. from the University of Dallas.

Today Austin compares some of the history of the Nazis, Germany, and Czechoslovakia to what is happening in Russia and Ukraine.

Click here to read more from Austin Prochko.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Between 1932-1933, did the Soviet Union (Russia) commit genocide on Ukrainian land-owning peasants? How many people died?

When last with us, Austin shared stories told by his grandmother about Czechoslovakia. Has she compared the Russian invasion tactics to those of the Nazis when they occupied Czechoslovakia?

Are today’s battles in Ukraine the largest battles Europe has seen since the end of WWII?

Does Russia control much of the West’s energy supply? Austin reveals that Germany gets 25% of its power from natural gas, with over 90% being imported largely from Russia.

Does Putin have the authority and power to turn off oil and natural to other European countries, including Germany?

Must we reject the anti-science narrative that seeks to weaken our domestic oil and gas industries? Austin says: “We already import gas from Russia for various reasons. There is a lot of regulatory burdens... that [are] hampering our ability to provide entirely domestic oil and gas. We have more than enough resources and capabilities… but the current narrative with the Green Agenda has been consciously trying to stomp on that and turn it off…”

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December 3, 2021

Title: Neighbors Turning in Neighbors
Topic: Neighbors Turning in Neighbors
Discussed by Austin Prochko
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

What would it take for you to “rat out” your neighbor? What about a family member or close friend? Would you lie about someone you don’t like or agree with?

Austin Prochko has been an educator and veteran political campaign worker. He is a graduate of Hillsdale College, with a MA from the University of Dallas. Austin is now on staff with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Today Austin tells the true story of his grandmother, Eva, who is from Czechoslovakia

Click here to read more on this from Austin.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why was Austin’s grandmother often asked what her father was teaching her? Austin explains why his great-grandfather was on the Czechoslovakia government’s radar.

Did the Communists rewrite the country’s history?

Who “ratted out” Austin’s great-grandfather? What was the penalty for teaching unabridged history?

How did Austin’s great-grandparents and grandmother escape Communist Czechoslovakia? Were they fortunate to be able to escape? Austin shares how many, many Czechoslovakians were not as fortunate…

Is Eva, Austin’s grandmother, shocked and dismayed at the current American government? Austin says she has very strong words about many issues and often warns people about the similarities between Communism and what is happening in government in America today.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Neighbors Turning in Neighbors
Topic: Neighbors Turning in Neighbors
Discussed by Austin Prochko
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has COVID been used as an excuse for the United States government to increase its power and reach? Austin calls it “expansive authoritarian governance”.

Biden claims his vaccine mandate is a good thing and wants to force businesses to submit employee reports. Does this sound like Communism?

What if someone submits a false report?

Did Communists use a vast network of citizen-informants? Were many false reports made, resulting in imprisonment and even death?

Can the evils of the 20th century be possible anywhere in the world – including America?

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