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February 12, 2013

Title: A Supreme chance to Fight Crony Capitalism
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Karen Harned
with National Federation of Independent Business (

At a time when big government, big labor, and big business seem cozier than ever before, it will interesting to see whether the Supreme Court decides to reconsider previous precedent of eminent domain. Should ht government be afforded the ability to forcibly transfer property between private parties, particularly small businesses? Isn’t there something in the Constitution about this???

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November 18, 2011

Title: At what vantage point are you? A Birds Eye View into the Obamacare Lawsuit from the inner workings of the NFIB and the States.
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Karen Harned
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Part 1 of 2

How exactly does she have a bird’s eye view into this case? Who’s voice does she represent? Why is that of such great importance?

Will any of the Justices recuse themselves because of prior comments, or prior biases?

How was it that the NFIB was able to hop on the lawsuit bandwagon with the 26 States, et al?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Karen Harned
with National Federation of Independent Business (

Will the US Supreme Court rule on Obamacare before the Presidential Election in November 2012?

Are the 5.5 hours of oral arguments that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear in the case unprecedented? Is this a historic case?

When the Supreme Court gave out the notice, did they give any indication of which way they are leaning?

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