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May 1, 2024

Title: Reverse the Curse House Budget Proposal
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Tom Schatz is the President of the Citizens Against Government Waste. Today, he discusses the “Reverse the Curse” House Budget Proposal. Could it finally send America in the right direction to relieve our national debt?

Click here to help support the Citizens Against Government Waste.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When the House is back in session in WDC, should we all grab our wallets?

Is our national debt on an unsustainable path towards financial ruin? Tom Schatz discusses a recent Fox News report.

What is the “1 Percent Plan”? What is the “2 Percent Plan”?

What is the “Reverse the Curse Plan”?

How can we, ordinary citizens, help “reverse the curse”? Click here to sign the Reverse the Curse Petition.

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April 16, 2024

Title: Reverse the Curse House Budget Proposal
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Tom Schatz is the President of the Citizens Against Government Waste. Today, he discusses the “Reverse the Curse” House Budget Proposal. Could it finally send America in the right direction to relieve our national debt?

Click here to help support the Citizens Against Government Waste.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When the House is back in session in WDC, should we all grab our wallets?

Is our national debt on an unsustainable path towards financial ruin? Tom Schatz discusses a recent Fox News report.

What is the “1 Percent Plan”? What is the “2 Percent Plan”?

What is the “Reverse the Curse Plan”?

How can we, ordinary citizens, help “reverse the curse”? Click here to sign the Reverse the Curse Petition.

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August 24, 2022

Title: IRS: Not a Watchdog Agency
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Tom Schatz is the President of Citizens Against Government Waste. Today he discusses reports that new agents of the IRS will be armed and willing to use deadly force.

Click here for the latest from Citizens Against Government Waste.

Click here to sign up for free emails from Citizens Against Government Waste, including the Porker of the Month.

Click here for the 2022 Congressional Pig Book.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the IRS set to purchase $700,000 worth of ammunition? Tom Schatz explains that the IRS has always had agents that are trained and permitted to carry guns, but the announcement that they will be getting more armed agents is bad timing.

Did the IRS actually run “help-wanted ads” seeking new agents with gun proficiency who are “willing to use deadly force, if necessary”?

If the IRS hires 87,000 new agents, how big will the agency actually be? Tom Schatz reveals a startling number!

Is it nearly impossible to fire a federal employee?

Did the new law actually calculate new revenues to be gained by the new agents, boosting tax revenue to pay for Democrats’ green energy subsidies and other pet projects?

Are these dark times for our country? Tom Schatz has some positive thoughts: “We have hope that we will end up better than we think we are right now.”

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March 23, 2022

Title: Who Cares About the National Debt? I Do!
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Phil Kerpen
with American Commitment (

The White House has been distributing free at-home COVID tests to households across the nation for several months, costing taxpayers nearly $2 BILLION.

America is $30 TRILLION in debt. So, what’s another $2 BILLION, right? Who cares?


Phil Kerpen is the President of American Commitment. Today he discusses why the government should never have intervened, giving free COVID at-home testing kits to the American people.

Click here for more information about American Commitment.

Click here to help American Commitment to ACTION to stop the Biden Administration’s gross overreach.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happens when a government thinks it can distribute a consumer product more efficiently than normal retail channels?

Did the United States Post Office quickly and efficiently distribute the at-home COVID tests? Phil explains that the Department of Defense was responsible for receiving the tests, separating them for each household that ordered one, and then sending them to the USPS – and NEITHER agency was quick or efficient at any level.

The Biden Administration originally budgeted $4 BILLION for the distribution of the at-home COVID tests, but are reporting they only spent $1.275 BILLION. What happened to the rest of the money? Will we ever know?

Are the at-home COVID tests reliable and effective?

Why won’t Congress put a stop to this madness? Phil reveals that Congress approved more money for emergency aid to the New York subway system than they did on COVID treatment in total!

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March 10, 2022

Title: Who Cares About the National Debt? I Do!
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Phil Kerpen
with American Commitment (

The White House has been distributing free at-home COVID tests to households across the nation for several months, costing taxpayers nearly $2 BILLION.

America is $30 TRILLION in debt. So, what’s another $2 BILLION, right? Who cares?


Phil Kerpen is the President of American Commitment. Today he discusses why the government should never have intervened, giving free COVID at-home testing kits to the American people.

Click here for more information about American Commitment.

Click here to help American Commitment to ACTION to stop the Biden Administration’s gross overreach.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happens when a government thinks it can distribute a consumer product more efficiently than normal retail channels?

Did the United States Post Office quickly and efficiently distribute the at-home COVID tests? Phil explains that the Department of Defense was responsible for receiving the tests, separating them for each household that ordered one, and then sending them to the USPS – and NEITHER agency was quick or efficient at any level.

The Biden Administration originally budgeted $4 BILLION for the distribution of the at-home COVID tests, but are reporting they only spent $1.275 BILLION. What happened to the rest of the money? Will we ever know?

Are the at-home COVID tests reliable and effective?

Why won’t Congress put a stop to this madness? Phil reveals that Congress approved more money for emergency aid to the New York subway system than they did on COVID treatment in total!

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January 9, 2020

Title: CAGW’s 2019 Porker of the Year
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Every year, CAGW conducts an online poll on who should be Washington, DC’s “Porker of the Year”, and the results are in! Tom Schatz, President of CAGW, has the details…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why and for how long has CAGW been fighting for the little guys and gals all across America?

Who were the nominees for the “2019 Porker of the Year Award”?

Who won? Did this person win by a landslide?

Tom discusses other people who rightly deserved the 2019 Porker of the Year Award, in addition to issues the Democrats are pushing as the election nears.

Click here  for more information on the “2019 Congressional Pig Book” by CAGW.

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July 18, 2018

Title: 2018 Congressional Pig Book
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Part 1 of 2

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has released its “2018 Congressional Pig Book”, the 26th edition of the group’s exposé on pork-barrel spending. Listen as President Tom Schatz discusses earmarks and reveals some of the “big winners” in the book.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many earmarks are included in the “2018 Congressional Pig Book”? How much did this increase from 2017?

How much money did these earmarks cost the taxpayers? How much did this increase from 2017?

But… wait! Didn’t Congress do away with earmarks?

Does CAGW have a different definition of earmarks than Congress does? Listen as Tom Schatz explains…

When was CAGW created?

Is transparency necessary? Or, is a permanent ban on earmarks the only answer?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - 2018 Congressional Pig Book
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are earmarks just a tactic to buy off their colleagues to vote for their bill? In other words, are earmarks “legalized bribery”?

Are earmarks just a Democrat thing? Are earmarks just a Republican thing?

Do most voters like “bacon” in their district, but not the district next to them?

What are some of the most outrageous earmarks in the “2018 Congressional Pig Book”?

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January 23, 2018

Title: The Favor Factory: Earmarks
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) President Tom Schatz issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s call for a return of congressional earmarks:

Earmarks are the antithesis of the ‘drain the swamp’ election that sent President Trump to the White House. They are corrupt, inequitable, and wasteful. We urge President Trump to reconsider and withdraw his recommendation upon consideration of the sordid history of earmarks.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you remember the movie “The Money Pit”? It was hilarious! What about “The Bridge to Nowhere”? What do these two movies have in common? Listen in to Terry’s opening remarks!

Are earmarks good or bad? HINT: They are not good.

How is the “normal” budget process in WDC prioritized and determined? Is this “really” what happens?

Listen as Tom Schatz explains the real-life “The Bridge to Nowhere”…

What does “drain the swamp” mean?

Has our leadership in WDC used earmarks in the past to buy votes?

Why does Tom Schatz call earmarks “The Favor Factory”?

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January 8, 2018

Title: 2017 Porker of the Year
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

During his thirty years with Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), Tom Schatz has helped make them a “leading government watchdog on fiscally conservative issues like taxes and earmarks,” according to National JournalIn addition, he has been named one of the top lobbyists in Washington for the past six years by The Hill.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is the winner of the CAGW’s online poll for the 2017 Porker of the Year?

Listen as Tom Schatz explains why this person was chosen and how she continues to be a thorn in the American people’s side, especially regarding the Affordable Care Act.

Who is CAGW’s Porker of the Year Silver Metal winner?

Who founded and co-founded CAGW and why?

Has John Culberson ever been nominated for Porker of the Year due to his love of earmarks?

The 2017 Poker of the Year nominees included 3 Democrats, 2 Republicans, and 1 Independent. Who are they and why were they chosen?

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September 28, 2017

Title: 2017 Taxpayer Priorities Survey
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Tom Schatz is the President of Citizens Against Government Waste. Today, Tom will be discussing CAGW’s 2017 Taxpayer Priorities Survey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Citizens Against Government Waste? When was it formed and why?

How has CAGW impacted the money spent (or wasted) by our Elected Officials?

How does CAGW determine which issues are most important?

Listen as Tom explains why they ask how much money should be spent and on what…

Why does CAGW believe Obamacare should be repealed and replaced?

Is CAGW for or against earmarks?

Is Trump specifically mentioned on the survey?

There are several other issues on CAGW’s survey. Listen as Tom explains why there were included.

What is CAGW’s “Pig Book”?

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August 30, 2017

Title: 2017 Taxpayer Priorities Survey
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Tom Schatz is the President of Citizens Against Government Waste. Today, Tom will be discussing CAGW’s 2017 Taxpayer Priorities Survey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Citizens Against Government Waste? When was it formed and why?

How has CAGW impacted the money spent (or wasted) by our Elected Officials?

How does CAGW determine which issues are most important?

Listen as Tom explains why they ask how much money should be spent and on what…

Why does CAGW believe Obamacare should be repealed and replaced?

Is CAGW for or against earmarks?

Is Trump specifically mentioned on the survey?

There are several other issues on CAGW’s survey. Listen as Tom explains why there were included.

What is CAGW’s “Pig Book”?

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February 17, 2017

Title: And the Winner Is…!
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Tom Schatz is the President of Citizens Against Government Waste, the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog group with more than one million members and supporters nationwide. Today, Tom will reveal the Winner of Porker of the Year and the runner-ups. NOTE: This is NOT a list any elected official wants to be on…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When and why was Citizens Against Government Waste established?

Who won the Porker of the Year for 2016? How is the Porker picked? Why was he chosen?

Who were the Porker Runner-Ups? What did they do that was so bad? HINT: One is from Texas!!

Are earmarks the best example of bad politics?

Click here  for more from CAGW.

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February 10, 2017

Title: Stop the Return of Earmarks
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Susan Carleson
with The American Civil Rights Union (

Recently, the Conservative Action Project (CAP) released a memo entitled “Stop the Return of Earmarks”. A PDF version of this memo can be found here. ACRU Chairman and CEO Susan Carleson signed this memo urging House members to uphold the ban on earmarks. She is here today to explain why this is such an important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is an earmark a fancy way of saying “bribe”?

Is the ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ a good example of an earmark?

Do Conservatives and Conservative organizations normally fight to stop earmarks? Do those on the left usually support earmarks?

Didn’t the House Republican Conference have a vote on Earmarks after President Trump was elected?

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April 16, 2014

Title: How Much of Your Money is the Government Wasting?
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Schatz
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

When you did your taxes this year, did you cringe over how much of your hard-earned money you sent back to the government? Do you wonder how that money will be spent?

Tom Schatz, President of Citizens against Government Waste, explains how 44 cents of every individual tax dollar is spent. Does that money go to defense projects, social security, or Medicare? Or does it go to some random tree-hugger who is spending his days watching turtles mate?

Tom also shares three simple ways to bring “sense” (or cents) back to the government and to pay down our national debt. Log on to  for more on tax issues.

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May 31, 2013

Title: Tornado Shelters vs Government Porn
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Andrea Lafferty
with Traditional Values Coalition

You MUST listen to this segment with Andrea Lafferty with the Traditional Values Coalition.

Here’s a teaser: Did you know that the National Institute of Health has a GOVERNMENT-FUNDED GAY PORN site that has cost $6,152,896 since 2001? Andrea shares some other outrageous NIH costs that will shock and astound you, especially since the NIH says they cannot afford to put shelters in schools which are under threats of tornados.

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January 4, 2007

Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by David Williams
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Government has it backwards: it first determines what and how much to spend and then figures out how to pay for it. For more, log onto

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Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by David Williams
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Government has it backwards: it first determines what and how much to spend and then figures out how to pay for it. For more, log onto

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