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February 4, 2019

Title: The Democrat’s Main Objective
Topic: Democratic Party
Discussed by Christian Adams
with The American Civil Rights Union (

Part 1 of 2

J. Christian Adams is an election lawyer who served in the Voting Rights Section at the U.S. Department of Justice. He has a New York Times best-selling book, “Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department”.

Today, Christian Adams will be discussing the Democrat’s main objective: take control of who votes, when they vote (and hopefully, how they ultimately vote – remember hanging chads!)

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Nancy Pelosi’s #1 priority?

Pelosi’s bill, HR1, will take away power from individual states to run elections. Why are they so focused on voter registration?

Do the Dems want to allow any person on any government list (i.e. food stamps, welfare) to automatically be registered to vote?

Will the Dems “clean up” the voter rolls? HINT: Not likely! Listen as Christian Adams explains why they don’t want to do this using Dr. Brenda Snipes (Florida Supervisor of Elections) as an example…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Democrat’s Main Objective
Topic: Democratic Party
Discussed by Christian Adams
with The American Civil Rights Union (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why isn’t Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic buddies concerned about taxes, illegal immigration, the environment, or any other issue? Why are they so focused on elections?

Why do the Dems want to allow felons to vote? Why should this remain each individual state’s decision?

Does early voting benefit Democrat candidates? Is this why they want to extend early voting nationwide?

Should mail-in ballots be available to every registered voter?

Christian Adams also points out that the Dems do not like voter identification or voter verification laws. Click here  for more on this and other election law information.

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February 10, 2017

Title: Stop the Return of Earmarks
Topic: Wasteful Government Spending
Discussed by Susan Carleson
with The American Civil Rights Union (

Recently, the Conservative Action Project (CAP) released a memo entitled “Stop the Return of Earmarks”. A PDF version of this memo can be found here. ACRU Chairman and CEO Susan Carleson signed this memo urging House members to uphold the ban on earmarks. She is here today to explain why this is such an important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is an earmark a fancy way of saying “bribe”?

Is the ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ a good example of an earmark?

Do Conservatives and Conservative organizations normally fight to stop earmarks? Do those on the left usually support earmarks?

Didn’t the House Republican Conference have a vote on Earmarks after President Trump was elected?

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March 30, 2015

Title: Dead People and Illegals Vote, Too
Topic: Election Reform
Discussed by Christian Adams
with The American Civil Rights Union (

Do dead people really “vote”? If an illegal alien votes, does it count? Can, and do, people cast multiple votes in the same election? Christian Adams, with The American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) and Founder of the Election Law Center in Virginia, says, “Yes, yes, and yes!” He mentions a woman who was running for Congress who was registered to vote in several states – and voted in each!

But does it really matter? There can’t be “that” many people who try to dupe the election officials. Right? “Wrong!” says Mr. Adams. “It makes a HUGE difference!” Listen in as he gives specific examples of elections being affected by voter fraud. “Permitting only registered voters and legal citizens to vote is critical to safeguard elections,” he says.

Counties have let the problem fester for years and it allows people to vote illegally. When you have bad voter laws, you have an invitation to voter fraud,” Christian Adams continues. This is why the ACRU has filed a lawsuit in various counties in Texas concerning voter fraud. He discusses the recent ruling by the Judge in Tarrant County and how it will affect future elections in that county. They are hopeful that other Judges will do the same.

Texas, as well as many other states, are failing to participate in the Kansas Cross State Program and that’s a real problem,” Christian Adams declares. He encourages everyone to call the Secretary of State, Governor Gregg Abbott, and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, urging them to join the Kansas Cross State Program immediately.

Listen in as Christian Adams discusses the importance of cleaning up the voter rolls in Texas. Click [here]  for more from Christian Adams and The American Civil Rights Union.

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February 28, 2012

Title: Why Does Obama Love Ginsburg Best?
Topic: Obama Flip-Floppers
Discussed by Jan LaRue
with The American Civil Rights Union (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Jan LaRue answers:

In a choice between the Constitutions of the United States and South Africa, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would give WHO the home court advantage?

Was the trip Ginsburg took to Egypt funded by the tax-payer?  What did she advise the Egyptians to avoid when drafting their Constitution?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Obama Flip-Floppers
Discussed by Jan LaRue
with The American Civil Rights Union (

Where can we find evidence for her penchant for wandering off our constitutional reservation to find enlightenment in international and foreign laws?

She and feminist Brenda Feigan-Fasteau co-authored a report called Sex Bias in the U.S. Code - what was this about?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Obama Flip-Floppers
Discussed by Jan LaRue
with The American Civil Rights Union (

Did Ginsburg's champion in the oval office make clear in 2011 that he was in agreement with her preference for the CSA over the U.S. Constitution?

Tell us about the column that Ginsburg's fan club at the New York Times wrote entitled "'We The People' Loses Appeal With People Around The World".

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Obama Flip-Floppers
Discussed by Jan LaRue
with The American Civil Rights Union (

How is Ginsburg aglow with the "Arab Spring"?

What are some of the rights in South Africa's Constitution that are unlikely to pass the Muslim Brotherhoods Sharia test?

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