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August 12, 2010

Title: True Religion: Taking Pieces of Heaven to Places of Hell on Earth Part 1 of 3
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Palmer Chinchen
with Palmer Chinchen, PhD

Pastor of The Grove in Chandler, Arizona, Dr. Chandler grew up in Liberia, West Africa. He has witnessed firsthand the ravaging pain of AIDS, malaria, and poverty. But what are WE to do?

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Title: True Religion: Taking Pieces of Heaven to Places of Hell on Earth Part 2 of 3
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Palmer Chinchen
with Palmer Chinchen, PhD

Drawing from his experiences while growing up in Liberia and later in Malawi, Dr. Chinchen speaks with authority about the needs facing our world today. His memories of the ravages of war and disease, as well as the effects of extreme poverty, fuel Chinchen’s desire to see God’s people become passionate about reaching beyond their comfortable church pew and reaching out to those in need all over the world.

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Title: True Religion: Taking Pieces of Heaven to Places of Hell on Earth Part 3 of 3
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Palmer Chinchen
with Palmer Chinchen, PhD

Chinchen has spent most of his adult life leading groups of people on global ministry experiences all over the world, He is convinced that the church can be radically transformed if they will dare to give their lives away for Christ. “True Religion” is his challenge to God’s people to join in a global missional movement and change the world. He is particularly passionate about eliminating poverty, ending the unjust treatment of women ensnared in the slave trade, and eradicating malaria.

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