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June 4, 2024

Title: American Worldview Inventory 2024
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

Today, Dr. George Barna, Director of Research at the Cultural Research Institute, discusses the latest research poll which indicates more and more teens/young adults are rejecting a Biblical Worldview.

Click here for more research from the Cultural Research Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

America’s moral compass has been supplanted with an amorality compass. Does this bode well for our children and grandchildren?

Do many teens/young adults believe that lying is acceptable?

Do many teens/young adults believe that they do not need to repay a loan, specifically college loans?

Do many teens/young adults believe that it is okay to steal or shop lift?

Do many teens/young adults believe that sex before marriage and homosexual marriage are “normal”?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - American Worldview Inventory 2024
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many teens/college kids believe that abortion and euthanasia are morally acceptable?

Can society continue without moral absolutes? Dr. Barna reminds us that this very reason is why we have the Bible – and we NEED the Bible.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - American Worldview Inventory 2024
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When does someone’s moral compass take hold?

Is repentance and reliance upon Jesus Christ the only solution?

What can parents and grandparents do to raise their children with a Biblical Worldview that will last forever?

Click here to order a copy of Dr. Barna’s book, “Raising Spiritual Champions”.

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September 7, 2023

Title: Raising Spiritual Champions
Topic: Raising Spiritual Champions
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

Who do the youth of today trust? Where do they go for advice and guidance? Who and what is shaping their beliefs and actions? What is their worldview?

Today, Dr. George Barna discusses the latest research from the Cultural Research Center. Dr. Barna is a professor at Arizona Christian University and Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center. He is also the Senior Research Fellow at Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview

Click here to order Dr. George Barna’s latest book: “Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child's Heart, Mind, and Soul”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In most cases, is a person’s worldview shaped by the time they are 13?

Why should we eagerly accept every opportunity to nurture and discipline the next generation?

Are existing ministries resonating with our children? Dr. Barna explains that many churches treat children as an afterthought. He also reveals just how many children’s pastors don’t hold a Biblical Worldview!

Are many churches not fulfilling the call of the Great Commission? Do many interpret discipleship differently than evangelism?

Why should we focus on making disciples of our children? Dr. Barna passionately discusses the evil culture of today that is grabbing hold of our children.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Raising Spiritual Champions
Topic: Raising Spiritual Champions
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does it take to make a disciple? Dr. Barna believes it takes commitment, trust, and accountability. He also stresses the importance of asking questions and truly listening to others’ opinions and thoughts.

What are four practices that characterize genuine disciples of Jesus? NOTE: Dr. Barna writes about these characteristics in his book: “Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child's Heart, Mind, and Soul”.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Raising Spiritual Champions
Topic: Raising Spiritual Champions
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How does the media impact the spiritual lives of children?

How does public education impact the spiritual lives of children? Dr. Barna urges parents to be aware of what their children are learning and to explore alternative school choices.

Are most churches effective in spiritually discipling children?

What can parents and grandparents do to counteract the negative impact from media and other influences on their children and grandchildren? Dr. Barna has some great suggestions and encouragement…

Click here to help support the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.

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February 27, 2023

Title: Integrated Disciple vs. Emerging Follower vs. World Citizen.
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. George Barna discusses details of their survey from Americas One, which explored the values of American adults. Dr. Barna is the Director of Research for the American Culture and Faith Institute and a Professor at Arizona Christian University.

Click here for the survey report: “The Interplay Between Beliefs and Values”.

Click here for more research from the American Culture and Faith Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is an Integrated Disciple? Dr. Barna explains that they are people who possess a Biblical Worldview; they are disciples of Jesus Christ. “It’s not just something they drag out on Sunday,” he says.

What is an Emergent Follower? Dr. Barna explains that this group of people consider themselves “Christian” but haven’t integrated a Biblical Worldview into every aspect of their lives.

What is a World Citizen? Dr. Barna explains that people who lack all or most of the elements that define a Biblical Worldview are considered World Citizens. These are the vast majority of Americans, drawing from many different worldviews and most have no desire to be Christlike.

How prevalent in society are each of these groups? These numbers are shocking!!

What are some values that most Americans would sacrifice, fight, or die for – no matter what their worldview is? Dr. Barna discusses family, personal independence, and justice.

How do most people define “family”? This will probably NOT shock you…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Integrated Disciple vs. Emerging Follower vs. World Citizen.
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

NOTE: Listen closely to each of Dr. Barna’s answers and the difference between World Citizens and Emergent Followers and Integrated Disciples.

Do World Citizens reject absolute moral truths? Dr. Barna believes we are witnessing this today with the “cancel culture”.

Do World Citizens reject traditional boundaries? Dr. Barna references Proverbs 29:18 and discusses the lawlessness we are experiencing in America because criminals are not being punished like they should be.

Do World Citizens elevate the importance of personal freedom and happiness, embracing unrestrained choice, uncensored entertainment, and unconstrained sex? Dr. Barna believes that this is the kicker – the “feel good” generation.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Integrated Disciple vs. Emerging Follower vs. World Citizen.
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many Integrated Disciples find it virtually inconceivable that every American would not assign great value to personal character, civic duty, humility, hard work, and individual growth?

Dr. Barna discusses the Asbury University revival…

Are Integrated Disciples using the wrong arguments with non-believers? Dr. Barna explains that many non-believers in America state they are unimpressed with “words”, referencing 1 Corinthains 3 and 4.

How can Integrated Disciples instill core Christian values in their children and grandchildren? Dr. Barna has some great suggestions: monitor and limit media exposure, be careful with public education, and check on their friends.

Which side wins in the end? Will there be casualties? Dr. Barna reminds us that choices have consequences. For those who choose God, we will live in eternity in heaven with Him.

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February 24, 2023

Title: Integrated Disciple vs. Emerging Follower vs. World Citizen.
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. George Barna discusses details of their survey from Americas One,  which explored the values of American adults. Dr. Barna is the Director of Research for the American Culture and Faith Institute and a Professor at Arizona Christian University.

Click here for the survey report: “The Interplay Between Beliefs and Values”.

Click here for more research from the American Culture and Faith Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is an Integrated Disciple? Dr. Barna explains that they are people who possess a Biblical Worldview; they are disciples of Jesus Christ. “It’s not just something they drag out on Sunday,” he says.

What is an Emergent Follower? Dr. Barna explains that this group of people consider themselves “Christian” but haven’t integrated a Biblical Worldview into every aspect of their lives.

What is a World Citizen? Dr. Barna explains that people who lack all or most of the elements that define a Biblical Worldview are considered World Citizens. These are the vast majority of Americans, drawing from many different worldviews and most have no desire to be Christlike.

How prevalent in society are each of these groups? These numbers are shocking!!

What are some values that most Americans would sacrifice, fight, or die for – no matter what their worldview is? Dr. Barna discusses family, personal independence, and justice.

How do most people define “family”? This will probably NOT shock you…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Integrated Disciple vs. Emerging Follower vs. World Citizen.
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

NOTE: Listen closely to each of Dr. Barna’s answers and the difference between World Citizens and Emergent Followers and Integrated Disciples.

Do World Citizens reject absolute moral truths? Dr. Barna believes we are witnessing this today with the “cancel culture”.

Do World Citizens reject traditional boundaries? Dr. Barna references Proverbs 29:18 and discusses the lawlessness we are experiencing in America because criminals are not being punished like they should be.

Do World Citizens elevate the importance of personal freedom and happiness, embracing unrestrained choice, uncensored entertainment, and unconstrained sex? Dr. Barna believes that this is the kicker – the “feel good” generation.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Integrated Disciple vs. Emerging Follower vs. World Citizen.
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many Integrated Disciples find it virtually inconceivable that every American would not assign great value to personal character, civic duty, humility, hard work, and individual growth?

Dr. Barna discusses the Asbury University revival…

Are Integrated Disciples using the wrong arguments with non-believers? Dr. Barna explains that many non-believers in America state they are unimpressed with “words”, referencing 1 Corinthains 3 and 4.

How can Integrated Disciples instill core Christian values in their children and grandchildren? Dr. Barna has some great suggestions: monitor and limit media exposure, be careful with public education, and check on their friends.

Which side wins in the end? Will there be casualties? Dr. Barna reminds us that choices have consequences. For those who choose God, we will live in eternity in heaven with Him.

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November 14, 2022

Title: Latest Study on Traditional Moral Values
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Judges 21:25 KJV: “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”

Dr. George Barna is the Director of Research for the American Culture and Faith Institute and a Professor at Arizona Christian University. Today, Dr. Barna discusses their latest report on the mindset of Americans concerning right and wrong – good and evil.

Click here for other studies from the American Culture and Faith Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Americans support “traditional moral values”? Dr. Barna reveals what people consider “traditional values” to be these days and how they determine those morals.

Do most Americans contend that there is no absolute moral truth?

Has the task of defining morality shifted from the church to the government? Dr. Barna reveals that the majority of people did say that the government should define what is moral and what is not moral. He says: “That’s the role of the parent… and the church. But neither parents nor churches seem to be up to the task these days.”

Are the laws of the land replacing the laws of God in determining good and evil in America? In the past, how did that turn out for God’s people? Are we bound to reap the same reward?

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September 12, 2022

Title: Is Your Pastor Reading His Bible?
Topic: Bible Study
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Would you trust a doctor who did not wash his/her hands before surgery? Would you trust a preacher/minister who did not read his Bible during the week?

Research from the 2022 American Worldview Inventory recently discovered that one-third of all pastors do not read the Bible during a typical week.

Dr. George Barna is the Director of Research for the American Culture and Faith Institute
and a Professor at Arizona Christian University. Today he discusses their latest report and confesses that it definitely has him shaking his head in disbelief.

Click here  for past reports from the American Culture and Faith Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do over one-third of Evangelical Pastors really believe people can earn their way to heaven? If a person can earn his/her way into heaven, is there any need for Jesus?

Do 39% of Evangelical Pastors contend that there is no absolute moral truth and that each individual must determine their own truth? Dr. Barna says: “This is evidence that even the Evangelical church being influenced so mightily by the culture.”

Do over 30% of Evangelical Pastors believe that salvation is not based on confessing sins and accepting Jesus Christ as their savior?

Dr. Barna further reveals that at least one-third (or more) of Senior Pastors surveyed stated that sexual relations between two unmarried people who believe they love each other is morally acceptable; any faith is better than no faith; “good” people will be in heaven; and the Bible is ambiguous about abortion.

Did over 30% of Evangelical Pastors surveyed report that they believe Socialism is preferable to Capitalism? Dr. Barna explains that these Pastors also believe that allowing property ownership facilitates economic injustice.

Did one-third of all pastors really report that they do not read the Bible during a typical week?

Do the majority of people sitting in pews across America every Sunday morning hold a Biblical Worldview? HINT: Nope.

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May 3, 2022

Title: Instilling a Biblical Worldview in Our Children
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

Too many people are falling for the lies of the enemy – Christians included. Will America survive a godless generation?

Dr. George Barna says this: “The church must address key errant worldview beliefs and behaviors of American parents if there is any hope in passing a Biblical Worldview onto the next generation.” Today, Dr. Barna offers five key beliefs and behaviors that parents must focus on when raising their children to adulthood with a Biblical Worldview.

Click here for the “American Worldview Inventory 2022” survey being discussed today.

Questions/Issues Discussed

Do surveys of the younger generations reveal their lack of embracing a Biblical Worldview?

What percentage of born-again professing Christian parents believe in and teach their children absolute moral truths? This number is shocking!

How many born-again professing Christian parents surveyed stated that they are teaching their children to reject the importance of being obedient to God?

Do the majority of born-again professing Christian parents believe that human life is sacred?

How many born-again professing Christian parents believe that professing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is the only pathway to heaven?

What is the Biblical Worldview with regards to the wealth we possess? Dr. Barna discusses that too many born-again professing Christian parents believe that “their wealth is their wealth” – not God’s.

The American Culture and Faith Institute conducts many surveys. How do they determine whether or not a person responding is a “born-again professing Christian”?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Instilling a Biblical Worldview in Our Children
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does our Biblical Worldview really matter? Are there spiritual and eternal consequences? Dr. Barna explains that children are looking to their parents for guidance and how to determine absolute truths. However, there is a “huge disconnect” in what parents are saying and how they are actually living. He says: “They are being led down an unfortunate path, and as they get older and older it’s not likely to change.”

Must the church re-focus its beliefs, teachings, and discipleship? Dr. Barna believes we must be intentional, strategic, and consistent.

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September 10, 2021

Title: Being a Christian: What Does the Mean?
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

What does it mean to be a Christian today?

The American Culture and Faith Institute has released The American Worldview Inventory, evaluating and measuring both biblical and competing worldviews, beliefs, and behavior with several dozen worldview-related questions aimed at adults over the age of eighteen.

Dr. George Barna is the Director of Research for the ACFI and a Professor at Arizona Christian University.

Click here for the link to the latest survey from the American Culture and Faith Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the vast majority of American adults self-identify as Christian? Dr. Barna explains how calling oneself a Christian and holding a Biblical worldview are too different things…

Do many hold conflicting views with traditional Biblical teachings? What are some of these conflicting views? Are these issues being addressed in churches across the nation?

Are self-identified Christians found it all political camps?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Being a Christian: What Does the Mean?
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is an “Integrated Disciple”?

How many self-identified Christians are actually an integrated disciple? Dr. George Barna discusses some of the questions they asked in their survey…br />
How do we reach the world with the full-gospel message?

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July 7, 2021

Title: Unbiblical Ideas are Seducing Christians
Topic: Satan’s Strategies
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

Unbiblical ideas are not only seducing unbelievers, but Christians, as well. According to Dr. George Barna, the most seductive unbiblical perspectives share a common thread.

Dr. Barna is a professor at Arizona Christian University and the Director of Research at their Cultural Research Center. Recently, Dr. George Barna teamed with the Family Research Council as a Senior Fellow with their Center for Biblical Worldview.

Click here for the latest survey by the American Culture and Faith Institute entitled: “Top 10 Most Seductive Unbiblical Ideas Embraced by Americans”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Biblical Christianity about giving the God of the universe, the creator of heaven and earth, control of our lives?

Is a cornerstone of Biblical Christianity making choices that reflect God’s prescribed way of life?

Is it hard for American adults to embrace a faith that esteems brokenness, submission, surrender, sacrifice, and simplicity? Dr. Barna discusses research that they have done for years which reveals these struggles time and time again.

Does every decision and choice we make involve choosing a worldview to follow?

Is the American public proud to the point of flaunting its free will in many ways?

For the first time in the history of America, are fewer and fewer people following a Biblical worldview?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Unbiblical Ideas are Seducing Christians
Topic: Satan’s Strategies
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do most American adults believe that having faith matters and that all faiths are of equal value?

If any faith is OK, then why did Jesus die? Was his death on the cross senseless and really without any reason or purpose?

Do Americans seek to know and understand moral truths and absolutes? Or are they rejecting moral truths and absolutes? Dr. Barna reveals that 2 out of 3 American adults do not believe there are moral absolutes; it’s a personal decision.

Do the majority of American adults believe that people are fundamentally good and don’t need a Savior to spend eternity in heaven?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Unbiblical Ideas are Seducing Christians
Topic: Satan’s Strategies
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Without God’s Word as a guide, is it surprising that American adults are confused about being born into sin? Dr. Barna explains that many people pick and choose from various religions to determine what they believe is good and evil. The problem with this is that most other religions do not outline moral absolute truths.

Do the majority of American adults simply not worry about the effects of sin?

Do many Americans, even Christians, follow the rule “if it feels good, do it”? Is this a dangerous ideal?

How can we be used by God, through the Holy Spirit, to point our lost and dying world to His son, Jesus Christ?

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June 18, 2021

Title: Changes in American’s Biblical Worldview
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

America is emerging radically different demographically, politically, relationally, and spiritually.  Dr. George Barna, the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center, discusses these changes and how they are affecting the Church. Dr. Barna is also a Professor at Arizona Christian University.

Click here for recent research topics from the American Culture and Faith Institute.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

For over 200 years of our nation’s history, did nine out of ten Americans associate with some form of Christian faith?

Since 1991, have many Americans embraced the “don’t know, don’t care, or don’t believe in God” attitude at an alarming rate? What culture-group has the most increase?

In Dr. Barna’s professional opinion, what is causing this shift? He discusses God as an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator, questioning the accuracy of the Bible, belief in Jesus and heaven, and Biblical worldview as a whole.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Changes in American’s Biblical Worldview
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many Americans believe they will go to Hell when they die? This number is going to SHOCK you!

Are there problems in our society that only God can solve through salvation and belief in His son Jesus Christ? Dr. Barna says this: “Look at the nature of our culture today and it’s one that I think is characterized by chaos.”

Are millennials demonstrably skeptical of our nation’s history, foundations, traditions, and ways of life?.

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May 26, 2021

Title: Millennials and The Church
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Our nation is undergoing a seismic generational shift in worldview, driven by younger Americans—many of whom do not know, believe, or care that God exists and who overwhelmingly reject traditional moral values.

Dr. George Barna discusses a recent survey from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University on beliefs and behaviors in the US regarding The Church.

Click here for more information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Millennials believe that the Bible is not infallible and not relevant?

Do Millennials believe that there are no absolute truths? For example, how many believe that looting is OK? Do they believe that paying back a loan is not necessary?

Are the Millennials having babies?

Is the number of believers dwindling?

Do Millennials attend church, pray, and read their Bible regularly?

Without Millennials believing, attending church, volunteering, and then bringing their kids, will the church door be locked and the key lost?

Is this a loud, clear, and direct challenge to Christian parents who truly want to see their children and grandchildren in heaven?

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April 20, 2021

Title: Adhering to a Biblical Worldview
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Dr. George Barna has updated details about the Cultural Research Center’s “American Worldview Inventory 2021”. This research was conducted in order to decipher what American’s believe about God and a Biblical worldview.

Click here for the full report.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was the purpose of the survey?

How many adults surveyed responded that they possess a Biblical worldview? Was this number shocking?

What is Syncretism? How many adults surveyed responded that they adhere to this belief?

Why is Syncretism a dangerous worldview?

Do many people judge situations by their “feelings” instead of right and wrong?

Is Syncretism “caught” and not “taught”?

Are few Americans troubled by their apparent conflicting belief system?

Is a person’s worldview the foundation for the decision-making process?

Is the Christian Evangelical community awakening to the importance of a Biblical worldview?

Can Christ-followers change the downward spiral that America seems to be headed toward with Syncretism?

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February 12, 2021

Title: Do Americans Still Think Socialism is a Great Idea?
Topic: Socialism
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

The latest findings from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University's 2020 Post-Election Survey shown a sharp and relatively rapid decline in popular support for Socialism, with less than a third of all American adults (32%) preferring it to Capitalism in the wake of the 2020 election.

Dr. George Barna has more details about the survey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was polled in the latest poll by the CRC?

What percentage of Americans prefer Capitalism?

What percentage of Americans prefer Socialism?

Since 2018, more and more adults prefer Capitalism to Socialism. Why?

Are there some Christians who believe Socialism is the better system? If so, why?

The President of Arizona Christian University, Dr. Len Munsil, stated: “The survey shows that having a Biblical worldview is the best defense against the proliferation of Socialism.”

What can Christians do NOW to stop the spread of Socialism?

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January 26, 2021

Title: What Do Americans Support?
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. George Barna is the Research Director of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Despite the perception that America is irredeemably divided, their recent study shows that a supermajority on both sides of the political aisle embrace strong support for a number of policy issues.

Dr. Barna believes their solidarity could move the country toward desperately needed healing and unification. For more information on the Supermajority Consensus, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a supermajority?

Do Americans support increasing manufacturing jobs within the US?

Do Americans support increasing the nation’s infrastructure? Tune in to the next segment as Dr. Barna explains the two very different approaches Trump and Biden had for accomplishing this….

How did the CRC conduct their survey?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What Do Americans Support?
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do Americans understand the importance of making Social Security and Medicare financially solvent?

Do Americans really want to reduce the Federal debt?

Do the majority of Americans want to reduce Federal Income Taxes for individuals?

Do the majority of Americans want more school choice opportunities?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - What Do Americans Support?
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the majority of Americans want more stringent environmental standards? Did the respondents want to eliminate fossil fuels?

Do the majority of Americans want to reduce a Federal Government Regulation?

In closing, Dr. Barna urges Christians to continue to be salt and light. “It’s imperative that we understand these issues. That we’re prepared to talk about these issues. And that we do it lovingly.

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November 18, 2020

Title: The Real Civil War in Modern America
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

America is at war. We have never been more divided as a society than we are now. Who are the players? Who will win? Who will decide our fate?

Dr. George Barna is a Professor and the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Dr. Barna is one of the nation’s most influential Christian leaders.

Click here  for more from Dr. Barna and the Cultural Research Center.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has there been a staggering decline in the number of Americans who adhere to a biblical worldview?

Compared to the worldview of America’s elders, is our country’s youngest generation less interested in faith? Do they have less respect for others? Are they less enthusiastic for America?

Is the US headed in the direction of liberal policies and ideology dominated by American education and political views?

What happens to our country if Joe Biden is, in fact, confirmed the next President of the United States?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Real Civil War in Modern America
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

 Questions/Issues Discussed:

Dr. Barna’s surveys show that America is losing its Christ-centered worldview. Must we develop and execute a plan to save the America we have loved and respected?

The left has had a plan in place for years to transform America. Both Obama and now Biden have stated they want to change America and to save America to their liberal ideology. Is their plan radically opposed to a Christ-centered worldview?

Is the media teaching, encouraging, and motivating Americans with an acceptable Christ-centered moral code?

Is public education teaching, encouraging, and motivating American students with an acceptable Christ-centered moral code?

Editor’s Note: Parents, take a very close look at your children’s schoolwork – especially those in high school. You will be shocked at what you will discover!

Is government, through laws and policies, codifying and communicating an acceptable Christ-centered moral code?

It is possible to counteract that exposure through other experiences and relationships?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Real Civil War in Modern America
Topic: America Divided
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

 Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the burden to teach and live by an acceptable Christ-centered moral code fall on the shoulders of parents and churches?

Can we reinstate a Biblical worldview as the cornerstone in our children and grandchildren if we have a plan and a concerted effort?

Is it possible to save America and a true Christian nation once again?

Must churches develop better tools?

Will it be a charismatic leader or the church on its knees who will win souls and bring America back to God?

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November 3, 2020

Title: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Dr. George Barna is the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Today he offers more details about the disturbing, yet not completely surprising, results of their latest survey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

What happened to the Golden Rule? Do millennials have less respect for others? How did Barna and the CRC come to this conclusion?

Did Barna just survey Christians?

How many questions/how long was the survey? Why is this just as important as the tone of the caller?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are millennials breaking from traditional values at an unprecedented rate?

Are millennials more or less tolerant than older generations?

Do millennials believe rioting, looting, and violence for BLM and ANTIFA is acceptable behavior?

Who are Gen-Xer’s?

Can a nation survive when the younger generation is at war with the older generation’s moral values?

IIs it the church’s fault that only 2% of “Christian” millennials believe in a Biblical worldview?

Do too few families have dinner together without distractions?

Do too few families have a family devotion together?

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October 21, 2020

Title: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Dr. George Barna is the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Today he offers more details about the disturbing, yet not completely surprising, results of their latest survey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

What happened to the Golden Rule? Do millennials have less respect for others? How did Barna and the CRC come to this conclusion?

Did Barna just survey Christians?

How many questions/how long was the survey? Why is this just as important as the tone of the caller?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are millennials breaking from traditional values at an unprecedented rate?

Are millennials more or less tolerant than older generations?

Do millennials believe rioting, looting, and violence for BLM and ANTIFA is acceptable behavior?

Who are Gen-Xer’s?

Can a nation survive when the younger generation is at war with the older generation’s moral values?

IIs it the church’s fault that only 2% of “Christian” millennials believe in a Biblical worldview?

Do too few families have dinner together without distractions?

Do too few families have a family devotion together?

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October 6, 2020

Title: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Dr. George Barna is the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Today he offers more details about the disturbing, yet not completely surprising, results of their latest survey.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

What happened to the Golden Rule? Do millennials have less respect for others? How did Barna and the CRC come to this conclusion?

Did Barna just survey Christians?

How many questions/how long was the survey? Why is this just as important as the tone of the caller?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Millennials Disavow Traditional Values at an Unprecedented Rate
Topic: Millennials Disavow Traditional Values
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are millennials breaking from traditional values at an unprecedented rate?

Are millennials more or less tolerant than older generations?

Do millennials believe rioting, looting, and violence for BLM and ANTIFA is acceptable behavior?

Who are Gen-Xer’s?

Can a nation survive when the younger generation is at war with the older generation’s moral values?

IIs it the church’s fault that only 2% of “Christian” millennials believe in a Biblical worldview?

Do too few families have dinner together without distractions?

Do too few families have a family devotion together?

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August 19, 2020

Title: Will “Works” Save You?
Topic: Salvation by Works – Not!
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

FACT: 4 out of 10 people who regularly attend Evangelical Churches believe that a person can earn their salvation.

Dr. George Barna and the American Culture and Faith Institute frequently conduct polls and surveys on matters of faith. Their most recent survey, “Perceptions of Sin and Salvation”, revealed some very disturbing information about Americans, Christianity, and faith.

For your free copy of the latest report, click here

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do more and more Americans believe that there is more than one way into Heaven?

Is there more than one Heaven? Do other gods have dwelling places called heaven?

What percentage of Americans believe that ALL faiths are acceptable? Why do they believe this?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Will “Works” Save You?
Topic: Salvation by Works – Not!
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do too many Americans – even Christians – believe their good works are all that matter and can “get them into Heaven”?

Do fewer and fewer Americans believe the words from John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”?

Why is it important for every Christian to have a mentor?

What percentage of people do not believe in absolute moral truth?

What percentage of people do believe that the Bible is the true Word of God? In other words, are they just “stories”?

What percentage of people believe that we are NOT born with a sinful nature?

What percentage of people think they’ll go to hell when they die? How many believe they’ll go the Heaven?

DDo Christians have a lot of “work” to do to save more souls? What should we be doing NOW?

How long has it been since you got excited about Jesus? How long has it been since you shed tears for your lost family and friends?br />

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July 10, 2020

Title: Do Americans Really Believe that All Lives Matter?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

If the majority of American adults do not believe life has intrinsic worth, how can we pass enough laws forcing compliance that Black Lives Matter – or any life matters?

Dr. George Barna is a Professor and the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Dr. Barna has sold more books based on survey research related to matters of faith than any author in American history.

Click here  to view the survey results discussed in today’s program.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In a recent poll conducted by Dr. Barna, did the majority of adults reject the idea that human life is sacred?

What is the correlation between the belief in sacredness and the belief of life matters? If you don’t believe in one, is it possible to believe in the other?

Can any nation pass enough laws to force its citizens to treat their follow citizens with respect and the value each deserves?

Do statistics indicate that Christians and/or Conservatives give more money to charitable organization than non-believers and/or Democrats?

Is policy reform and political action the formula for lasting change?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Do Americans Really Believe that All Lives Matter?
Topic: All Lives Matter
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are America's underlying issues rooted in ill-formed character and a broken moral compass?

Can the government change the hearts of people by outlawing racism?

Can economic equality ever be achieved?

Did the recent survey (link above) reveal that most Americans do not believe that life has intrinsic worth?

If god, spelled G.O.V.E.R.N.M.E.N.T, is not the solution to the conflicts we face today, what/who is the answer?

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May 27, 2020

Title: Americans Don’t Believe
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Is America broken in God’s eyes? Are we straying too far from His Word? Have we already?

Dr. George Barna founded the Barna Group in 1984. He is now a Professor and the Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do most Americans refuse to accept any kind of absolute boundaries regarding their morality?

Where are Americans finding their truth?

How many people contend that God is the basis for truth? Is there a big difference between believers and non-believers?

Do members of the LGBTQ community overwhelming reject the belief in absolute truths?

Who are SAGE CONS? What is their opinion about absolute truths?

Is America broken in God’s eyes?

How do we fix what is broken in America?

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April 29, 2020

Title: Will Americans Return to God After the Pandemic?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. George Barna founded the Barna Research Group in 1984. You can see results from past surveys here.

Dr. Barna is now a professor at Arizona Christian University and the President of their Cultural Research Center. He is the author of more than 50 books and has sold more books based on survey research related to matters of faith than any author in American history.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What percentage of Americans today have faith in a deity fitting the description of an “all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect and just creator of the universe who still rules the world today”?

What is contributing this drastic decline in true belief?

How does The Barna Group conduct their surveys?

What percentage of those surveyed believe Jesus was human and did not sin? How many believe he was human and DID sin?

What percentage of adults surveyed believe that the Holy Spirit was not a separate entity?

How many stated that they believe Satan is real?

How many stated that they believe God is real?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Will Americans Return to God After the Pandemic?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has our culture been dominated by widespread individualism?

Has the American understanding of traditional Christian faith all but disappeared?

Have we transitioned from a people who once upheld the existence of absolute moral truth to a nation that now rejects moral absolutes?

Is America in a spiritual crisis?

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March 27, 2020

Title: Want to be a Missionary? Start At Your Church
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

A new national survey about the worldview of Americans shows that seven out of ten consider themselves to be Christian, but just 6% actually possess a Biblical worldview.

The groundbreaking inaugural American Worldview Inventory 2020 was conducted by veteran researcher Dr. George Barna, President of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Dr. Barna is also the author of over 50 books and founder of the Barna Group.

Click here  to read the full report.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What questions were asked of Americans who responded to the survey?

What people were surveyed? How did different denominations answer the questions? These numbers are shocking! Pay close attention!

Why is there such a difference in Biblical worldview among difference denominations?

Only God truly knows the answer to this question… How many people sitting in pews (or currently on their couches!) across America are born-again Christians? Dr. Barna’s response: “If you want to be a missionary, go to church.

Why do people go to church if they are not born-again?

Has the percentage of American adults holding a Biblical worldview risen or declined over the past 25 years? What is the Biblical worldview among 18-29-year olds?

Why is it dangerous that so few Americans have a biblical worldview?

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October 9, 2018

Title: Christian Values vs The World
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

George Barna founded the Barna Research Group in 1984 (now called The Barna Group). George is now the Executive Director of the American Culture and Faith Institute.

Recently, the Barna Group conducted a poll of 1,000 men and women from various ages, races, and religious backgrounds. Listen as George reveals the shocking results from this poll, especially the answers given by Christians.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have a large part of adult Americans re-written the moral code that was the glue that held the family together?

Why did the American Faith and Culture Institute decide to poll people concerning different social and moral issues?

What are some of the past poll questions The Barna Group has asked concerning the family structure?

Do pastors shy away from preaching about the sins of abortion, having a baby out-of-wedlock, sex between unmarried adults, and pornography?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Christian Values vs The World
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the five behaviors now deemed acceptable by most US adults?

George Barna explains that many people do not even consider the issues on the poll a “moral issue”! It’s not a matter of right or wrong; it’s a matter of “personal preference”.

How have the numbers shifted over the last ten to fifteen years? Is there a drastic difference in the answers given by Christians?

According to the survey results, is there a vast difference between Christians and non-believers?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Christian Values vs The World
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What must Christians begin doing now to change this trend? George Barna says:

1. Recognize that we are in an ongoing spiritual warfare and know who we are fighting and what we are fighting for.

2. Parents – teach your kids NOW the Truth on these issues from God’s Word.

3. Church – support the parents and preach the Truth from the pulpit.

4. Vote for Conservative, Christian officials who will truly uphold Biblical, moral values.

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October 8, 2018

Title: The Day Christians Changed America
Topic: The Day Christians Changed America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

In 1984, George Barna founded the Barna Research Group in 1984 (now The Barna Group) guiding it to become a leading marketing research firm focused on the intersection of faith and culture. George Barna is now the Executive Director of the American Culture and Faith Institute (a division of United in Purpose).

You can order a copy of George Barna’s new book, “The Day Christians Changed America”, here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does George Barna believe that Election Day, November 8, 2016, was the “Day Christians Changed America”?

Fact or Fiction: Only nine-to-ten percent of Americans are truly born-again Christians. How did George Barna come to this conclusion?

Can a Presidential Candidate, from either major party, win the election with only Christian Conservative support? Flip side: Can any Presidential Candidate, from either major party, win with OUT Christian Conservative Support?

The book introduces many people to a “new” faith segment – SAGE CONS. Who are they and what role did they play in this election? SAGE CONS: Spiritually Active Governance Engaged Conservative Christians.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Day Christians Changed America
Topic: The Day Christians Changed America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was faith in God and Country central to the 2016 Presidential Election?

Did SAGE CONS have the largest turnout percentage of any sub-group of voters?

What was the main driving force behind the massive Christian voting turnout?

What was the outcome of the Conversation about America’s Future held in Manhattan on June 21, 2016, with Donald Trump and about 1,000 Christian leaders?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Day Christians Changed America
Topic: The Day Christians Changed America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Review: What is a SAGE CON? Why are they vital to elections and the future of America?

Are we truly in a culture war?

Only about ten percent of all Texans vote in Primary Elections. How can we increase these numbers?

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May 15, 2018

Title: Christian Values vs The World
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

George Barna founded the Barna Research Group in 1984 (now called The Barna Group). George is now the Executive Director of the American Culture and Faith Institute.

Recently, the Barna Group conducted a poll of 1,000 men and women from various ages, races, and religious backgrounds. Listen as George reveals the shocking results from this poll, especially the answers given by Christians.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have a large part of adult Americans re-written the moral code that was the glue that held the family together?

Why did the American Faith and Culture Institute decide to poll people concerning different social and moral issues?

What are some of the past poll questions The Barna Group has asked concerning the family structure?

Do pastors shy away from preaching about the sins of abortion, having a baby out-of-wedlock, sex between unmarried adults, and pornography?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Christian Values vs The World
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the five behaviors now deemed acceptable by most US adults?

George Barna explains that many people do not even consider the issues on the poll a “moral issue”! It’s not a matter of right or wrong; it’s a matter of “personal preference”.

How have the numbers shifted over the last ten to fifteen years? Is there a drastic difference in the answers given by Christians?

According to the survey results, is there a vast difference between Christians and non-believers?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Christian Values vs The World
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What must Christians begin doing now to change this trend? George Barna says:

1. Recognize that we are in an ongoing spiritual warfare and know who we are fighting and what we are fighting for.

2. Parents – teach your kids NOW the Truth on these issues from God’s Word.

3. Church – support the parents and preach the Truth from the pulpit.

4. Vote for Conservative, Christian officials who will truly uphold Biblical, moral values.

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May 8, 2018

Title: Christian Values vs The World
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

George Barna founded the Barna Research Group in 1984 (now called The Barna Group). George is now the Executive Director of the American Culture and Faith Institute.

Recently, the Barna Group conducted a poll of 1,000 men and women from various ages, races, and religious backgrounds. Listen as George reveals the shocking results from this poll, especially the answers given by Christians.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have a large part of adult Americans re-written the moral code that was the glue that held the family together?

Why did the American Faith and Culture Institute decide to poll people concerning different social and moral issues?

What are some of the past poll questions The Barna Group has asked concerning the family structure?

Do pastors shy away from preaching about the sins of abortion, having a baby out-of-wedlock, sex between unmarried adults, and pornography?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Christian Values vs The World
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the five behaviors now deemed acceptable by most US adults?

George Barna explains that many people do not even consider the issues on the poll a “moral issue”! It’s not a matter of right or wrong; it’s a matter of “personal preference”.

How have the numbers shifted over the last ten to fifteen years? Is there a drastic difference in the answers given by Christians?

According to the survey results, is there a vast difference between Christians and non-believers?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Christian Values vs The World
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What must Christians begin doing now to change this trend? George Barna says:

1. Recognize that we are in an ongoing spiritual warfare and know who we are fighting and what we are fighting for.

2. Parents – teach your kids NOW the Truth on these issues from God’s Word.

3. Church – support the parents and preach the Truth from the pulpit.

4. Vote for Conservative, Christian officials who will truly uphold Biblical, moral values.

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October 13, 2017

Title: The Day Christians Changed America
Topic: The Day Christians Changed America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 3

In 1984, George Barna founded the Barna Research Group in 1984 (now The Barna Group) guiding it to become a leading marketing research firm focused on the intersection of faith and culture. George Barna is now the Executive Director of the American Culture and Faith Institute (a division of United in Purpose).

You can order a copy of George Barna’s new book, “The Day Christians Changed America”, here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does George Barna believe that Election Day, November 8, 2016, was the “Day Christians Changed America”?

Fact or Fiction: Only nine-to-ten percent of Americans are truly born-again Christians. How did George Barna come to this conclusion?

Can a Presidential Candidate, from either major party, win the election with only Christian Conservative support? Flip side: Can any Presidential Candidate, from either major party, win with OUT Christian Conservative Support?

The book introduces many people to a “new” faith segment – SAGE CONS. Who are they and what role did they play in this election? SAGE CONS: Spiritually Active Governance Engaged Conservative Christians.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Day Christians Changed America
Topic: The Day Christians Changed America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was faith in God and Country central to the 2016 Presidential Election?

Did SAGE CONS have the largest turnout percentage of any sub-group of voters?

What was the main driving force behind the massive Christian voting turnout?

What was the outcome of the Conversation about America’s Future held in Manhattan on June 21, 2016, with Donald Trump and about 1,000 Christian leaders?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Day Christians Changed America
Topic: The Day Christians Changed America
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Review: What is a SAGE CON? Why are they vital to elections and the future of America?

Are we truly in a culture war?

Only about ten percent of all Texans vote in Primary Elections. How can we increase these numbers?

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