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August 5, 2022

Title: Is Christian Education a Step of Faith?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 3

87% of millennials who were homeschooled report that they have strong Christian beliefs, while millennials who were enrolled in public or private Christian schools were more likely to walk away from the faith later in life.

Today, Dr. Josh Mulvihill with the Gospel Shaped Family dispels some of the arguments Christian parents and even pastors make against Christian education. Dr. Mulvihill says: “Public education is winning a ton of converts from Christian homes as they disciple Christian children into secular creeds and doctrines.”

Click here to read Dr. Mulvihill’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more information about the Gospel Shaped Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Objection: Christian education shelters children from the real world. Josh explains the many reasons why he says: “Public education isn’t the real world, unless you want your children emersed in a world of sin and artificiality.”

Objection: I went to a public school and I love Jesus. Josh offers this argument: Not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer. Would you still encourage everyone to smoke?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is Christian Education a Step of Faith?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Objection: You should send your children to a public school to evangelize others.

Are your children really prepared to evangelize? Josh, as a Pastor for nearly 20 years, believes that the majority are absolutely not prepared, but they are vulnerable to peer pressure. Josh discusses secular humanism and urges parents to learn more about this dangerous worldview that is being taught in public schools across the nation.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is Christian Education a Step of Faith?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Objection: Parents can unteach and reteach their children after school to counter secular thinking.

Josh calls this “education bulimia”, explaining that many times the material being taught is problematic and even parents have a difficult time discerning the truth in the curriculum.

Objection: Christian education is too expensive.

Josh urges parents to examine just how much they spend on “extras” every month. Could you do without a few things in order to school your children in a Christian worldview?

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December 17, 2021

Title: What is a Shepherd Leader?
Topic: What Does It Mean to Be a Shepherd?
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 3

What does it mean that a pastor is a Shepherd? Do Shepherds need to have the smell of sheep on their hands? What are the duties and responsibilities of a Shepherd? What are the duties and responsibilities of a sheep?

Today, Dr. Josh Mulvihill discusses the very clear job description that God has given pastors. He also offers hope and encouragement for all types of sheep: Healthy Sheep, Weak Sheep, Stray Sheep, Lost Sheep, and Inactive Sheep.

Click here to read more on this from Dr. Josh Mulvihill.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does God give pastors a very clear job description in I Peter 5:2-4?

Is God an example of a Shepherd Leader?

Was Jesus an example of a Shepherd Leader?

Are there examples of Shepherd Leaders in the Bible? Dr. Mulvihill names just a few, such as David and Moses, pointing out that both men are actually good and bad examples.

Are more Shepherd Leaders needed today?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Five Functions of a Shepherd
Topic: What Does It Mean to Be a Shepherd?
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Must a Shepherd know their sheep? Dr. Mulvihill turns that around and asks: “Do the sheep know their Shepherd?”

Must a Shepherd feed their sheep?

Must a Shepherd lead their sheep?

Must a Shepherd protect their sheep? Dr. Mulvihill believes that “sometimes it takes a delicate dance at times from the pulpit to do that in a way that is helpful and not hurtful.”

Must a Shepherd gather their sheep when they wander away from the flock?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Diagnosing the Sheep
Topic: What Does It Mean to Be a Shepherd?
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can a pastor diagnose Healthy Sheep?

How can a pastor diagnose Weak Sheep?

How can a pastor diagnose Stray Sheep? Dr. Mulvihill explains how weak sheep differ from stray sheep, and even the inactive sheep. “The path they are on is not pleasing to the Lord,” he says.

How can a pastor diagnose Lost Sheep?

How can a pastor diagnose Inactive Sheep? Dr. Mulvihill explains that sometimes these sheep are just physically unable to attend church. Reach out and find out why that person is missing from church. (This goes for everyone – not just pastors!)

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July 12, 2021

Title: Education Matters Especially in the Church
Topic: Education and the Church
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 3

The world is winning the hearts and minds of our children through our education system. Dr. Josh Mulvihill, with the Gospel Shaped Family, believes the Church MUST be an essential part of educating the next generation.

Click here to read Josh’s article on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the world taught our children and grandchildren:
God did not create the universe?
Sex with whomever is okay at any time?
Environment’s biggest threat is from human activity?
White Americans must pay for everything?

Josh makes a great point: “If it’s not okay to teach our kids that 2+2=7, why would we want any of those other things that have eternal implications and major life implications to be taught to our kids?”

Do Christians believe that education matters? If it IS important, WHY is it important?

Why aren’t pastors preaching about the importance of education? Josh makes another great point: Just because the Bible doesn’t specifically mention the words “education” or “school”, that doesn’t mean it’s not important. The Bible does, however, mentions the importance of raising a child in a godly household, according to Biblical morals and principles. In the next segment, Josh says education is discipleship….

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Education Matters Especially in the Church
Topic: Education and the Church
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the education system teaching that God is irrelevant, even non-existent, while instructing children in secular morality and unbiblical ideas? Has this been happening for decades in small, subtle ways?

Do Christian teachers have concerns over what they are required to teach?

Are Conservative states immune from secular education? HINT: NOPE! Josh says: “The Bible teaches a lot about having the right foundation. With the wrong foundation, it crumbles.”

Why is education overlooked, under-valued, and ignored at many churches?

Many Christian parents send their children to public school to be “missionaries and evangelists”. BUT are they REALLY equipped with the knowledge and the courage they need to stand up to their teachers and fellow classmates when something unbiblical is being taught? NO they aren’t! Josh says: “The school is the evangelist and our kids are the converts.”

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Education Matters Especially in the Church
Topic: Education and the Church
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

God created three institutions: The Church, The Family, and Government. Did God give government the mandate to educate our children and grandchildren? Or does this responsibility belong to the parents? Josh says: “If God has given us the task, we need to make sure that we are being faithful stewards of that which God has asked of us.” AMEN!

Is the Church and Christian school dependent on one another?

How do we begin to turn the education of God’s children back to the home and the Church?

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May 11, 2021

Title: Critical Race Theory from a Biblical Perspective
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 3

America is accused of practicing systemic racism – how white people are collectively guilty for the treatment of blacks and how the stain of racism has created a permanent division between racial groups that cannot be bridged.

But what is Critical Race Theory – really?

Dr. Josh Mulvihill is with Gospel Shaped Family and the Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at RenewANation.  Josh is also the author of several books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Critical Race Theory gone mainstream through all the halls of education, the media, and government?

Is Critical Race Theory a counterfeit version of biblical justice?

How does Critical Race Theory substitute the creation story?

How does Critical Race Theory substitute rebellion?

Has Critical Race Theory become a religion? Dr. Mulvihill says: “It offers a different ‘solution’ for sin. The whole idea of activism instead of evangelism (salvation in Christ)…the problem is external instead of a heart issue.”

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Critical Race Theory from a Biblical Perspective
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Critical Race Theory? What is Cultural Marxism?

Who am I under Critical Race Theory? Do individuals lose their identity?

What’s the problem under Critical Race Theory? What’s the solution?

Under Critical Race Theory, who will ultimately be oppressed?

Under Critical Race Theory, is the only ‘solution’ the destruction of Western civilization to make way for the new progressive Utopia? However, Dr. Mulvihill says it will not deliver a Utopia: “It just delivers misery, pain, and suffering.”

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Critical Race Theory from a Biblical Perspective
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Critical
Race Theory based on Marxism?

Is Critical Race Theory actually racist?

Is Critical Race Theory a perversion of something only God can accomplish in society by transforming the human heart through Jesus Christ? Dr. Mulvihill says: “It’s critical that we know that there is a distinction. Critical Race Theory completely misses the heart change and wants to bring about a transformed society without actually addressing the sin problem.”

Why is Dr. Mulvihill passionate about this issue?

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April 8, 2021

Title: Critical Race Theory from a Biblical Perspective
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 3

America is accused of practicing systemic racism – how white people are collectively guilty for the treatment of blacks and how the stain of racism has created a permanent division between racial groups that cannot be bridged.

But what is Critical Race Theory – really?

Dr. Josh Mulvihill is with Gospel Shaped Family and the Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at RenewANation.  Josh is also the author of several books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Critical Race Theory gone mainstream through all the halls of education, the media, and government?

Is Critical Race Theory a counterfeit version of biblical justice?

How does Critical Race Theory substitute the creation story?

How does Critical Race Theory substitute rebellion?

Has Critical Race Theory become a religion? Dr. Mulvihill says: “It offers a different ‘solution’ for sin. The whole idea of activism instead of evangelism (salvation in Christ)…the problem is external instead of a heart issue.”

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Critical Race Theory from a Biblical Perspective
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Critical Race Theory? What is Cultural Marxism?

Who am I under Critical Race Theory? Do individuals lose their identity?

What’s the problem under Critical Race Theory? What’s the solution?

Under Critical Race Theory, who will ultimately be oppressed?

Under Critical Race Theory, is the only ‘solution’ the destruction of Western civilization to make way for the new progressive Utopia? However, Dr. Mulvihill says it will not deliver a Utopia: “It just delivers misery, pain, and suffering.”

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Critical Race Theory from a Biblical Perspective
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Critical
Race Theory based on Marxism?

Is Critical Race Theory actually racist?

Is Critical Race Theory a perversion of something only God can accomplish in society by transforming the human heart through Jesus Christ? Dr. Mulvihill says: “It’s critical that we know that there is a distinction. Critical Race Theory completely misses the heart change and wants to bring about a transformed society without actually addressing the sin problem.”

Why is Dr. Mulvihill passionate about this issue?

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February 22, 2021

Title: Is Same-Sex Attraction a Sin?
Topic: Homosexuality
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Too many teenagers and millennials believe that homosexuality is normal and acceptable – even to God.

Dr. Josh Mulvihill discusses this sensitive and serious topic today. Dr. Mulvihill is the author of “Grand Parenting”. He is also the Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at RenewANation, where he equips parents and grandparents to disciple their family and coaches church leaders to help them design Bible-based, Christ-centered family ministries.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

A group of high school students, as part of a talk on sexual identity, asked a pastor if same-sex attraction is a sin. How did he respond?

Is making the statement that homosexuality is a sin as popular as a doctor telling a patient they have cancer?

Is homosexuality the consequence of another serious problem – idolatry?

Can the Bible motivate us to say no to sin? Do too many sin because they will “just be forgiven later”?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is Same-Sex Attraction a Sin?
Topic: Homosexuality
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Bible deal with homosexual-attraction in those exact terms?

Is same-sex attraction a temptation? When does temptation become sin? When does the thought become desire/lust and then to sin? Josh references Matthew 5:27-28.

Is the sin of homosexuality any different from the sin of lust, fornication, or adultery?

Is sin a rebellion against God?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is Same-Sex Attraction a Sin?
Topic: Homosexuality
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the consequence of sin?

How should we deal with sin? How can we battle temptation?

Does God call for His people to be pure? Is this in sharp contrast to the world?

Does the Bible tell us to flee from sin, to fight for purity, and to saturate our mind on God’s Word, guarding it from impurity?

How is getting rid of sin like getting rid of weeds?

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April 2, 2020

Title: Encouragement for these Difficult Times Part 1 of 2
Topic: Encouragement for These Difficult Times
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 2

Many people are feeling anxious right now. You may be one of them. We pray that these two segments today with Dr. Josh Mulvihill will bring you hope and encouragement.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do people need hope now more than ever?

Josh encourages everyone to reflect on this question: Where do you look for hope, comfort, security, and confidence?

The Bible is filled with encouraging Scriptures. What passage is Dr. Mulvihill gaining hope from right now?

How can prayer offer us and others encouragement during troubled times? Josh reminds us that prayer is not only a conversation with God, it is a form of trust.

Click here  for advice from Dr. Mulvihill on how to talk to children during the Coronavirus.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Encouragement for these Difficult Times
Topic: Encouragement for These Difficult Times
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does everyone – including children – need most during troubling times?

How can we build up our “God-fidence”? Josh says that Proverbs 29:25, Psalm 112, Philippians 4:7-8 are great Scriptures to reflect on as a family.

How can we help others right now?

Click here for more from Dr. Josh Mulvihill.

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June 27, 2019

Title: Teaching the Whole Bible to Little Ones
Topic: Children and The Bible
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 2

Before a child becomes a teenager, his understanding of the world, views of God, perspectives about morality, convictions about Jesus, and a long list of other topics is nearly complete. This is exactly why Dr. Josh Mulvihill says parents and grandparents should begin as early as possible teaching the WHOLE Bible to little ones. Don’t wait for the hard stuff. Teach them NOW.

Dr. Mulvihill is with the Gospel Shaped Family. You can read more from Dr. Josh here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do pastors and ministers often mistakenly tell parents and grandparents to NOT teach the whole Bible to their little ones? Why is this not the right approach?

What did Jesus teach on this subject?

If our children are not taught topics such of morality, humanity, creation, government, family, and economics until they are 11, will the culture teach them the ways of the world?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Teaching the Whole Bible to Little Ones
Topic: Children and The Bible
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is delaying doctrinal training and avoiding difficult topics a recipe for spiritual disaster?

Facts and Statistics from the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE)
1. 63% of individuals become a Christian between the age of 4-14, with the median age being 11.
2. 34% of individuals become a Christian between the age of 15-29.
3. 97% of individuals become a Christian before the age of 30.

Should these survey results be discouraging or encouraging as we witness to adults?

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May 3, 2019

Title: 15 Reasons to Homeschool Your Kids
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Josh Mulvihill, the author of “Grand Parenting”, has 15 Reasons we Choose to Homeschool Our Children  today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it the state’s responsibility to education children?

Is being a “no discipline parent” good or bad? Has the government become too involved in discipling children as the “yes parent”?

Bottom Line: Should a child’s education be Christ-centered? Listen as Dr. Mulvihill offers some statistics…

Is it difficult to “unteach” children a worldly education? Take science for example… Which is true: evolution or creation? What is YOUR child being taught?

Are ALL homeschooled children/teens unsocialized and awkward?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - 15 Reasons to Homeschool Your Kids
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should both mom and dad be involved in the education of their children?

Does it “take a village” to homeschool? Dr. Mulvihill suggests a co-op or joining homeschool support groups…

Does homeschooling allow for more flexibility and family time?

Does homeschooling involve “reinventing the wheel”? HINT: Nope! There is a TON of help both online and in the homeschooling community.

Do you think your kids are worth it? Then do something about their future education today!

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March 28, 2019

Title: Disciple Making Grandparents
Topic: Grandparent: Be Intentionally Spiritual
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 3

What is God’s attitude toward parenting and grandparenting?

What is your attitude towards your children and grandchildren? Grandchildren, especially, are a blessing. But, Do you believe that?

Dr. Josh Mulvihill is the author of “Grand Parenting”. He is also the Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at RenewANation,  where he equips parents and grandparents to disciple their family and coaches church leaders to help them design Bible-based, Christ-centered family ministries.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do grandparents need to be more spiritually intentional with their grandchildren?

Did God create grandparents purposefully? Dr. Mulvihill reference Colossians 1:16… He also expands on the previous question…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Disciple Making Grandparents
Topic: Grandparent: Be Intentionally Spiritual
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can grandparents remain active in their grandchildren’s lives? Is this possible when families live far away?

Is love spelled “TIME”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Disciple Making Grandparents
Topic: Grandparent: Be Intentionally Spiritual
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should grandparents offer to help their kids more often? Dr. Josh says: “Just show up!

You can order a copy of Dr. Mulvihill’s books here.

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March 7, 2019

Title: Last Trip: Will It Be Heaven Bound?
Topic: Heaven Bound
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 2

What does church leadership look like within your own family? Are you serving the Lord at your church individually or as a family?

Dr. Josh Mulvihill is the author of several books on grandparenting. He is also the Executive Director of Church and Family Ministry at Renew a Nation.

Today, Dr. Mulvihill will be discussing the importance of raising a family in church to keep them in church.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it God’s plan that none be lost? Dr. Mulvihill quotes Colossians 1:28-29…

Are some lost nonetheless?

Is it dangerous for parents and grandparents to assume their kids/grandkids are Christians and will stay in the church?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Last Trip: Will It Be Heaven Bound?
Topic: Heaven Bound
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are parents relying too heavily on the church for the spiritual training of their children? Are families attending church less often than previous generations?

Who are the four primary spiritual influences of young people?

What is meant by “church-based with home support”?

What is meant by “home-based with church support”?

To learn more about Gospel Shaped Family, click here.

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February 8, 2019

Title: Why Did God Make Grandparents?
Topic: Grandparent: Be Intentionally Spiritual
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 3

The vision of Gospel Shaped Family is to transform the lives of children by equipping the church and home for family discipleship with a biblical worldview at the center. GSF works with the four primary spiritual influences in the life of young people: parents, grandparents, educators, and church leaders. GFS is passionate to see young people treasure Christ, live according to the Bible, and transform the world for the sake of Christ.

Dr. Josh Mulvihill is the author of several grandparenting books. You can learn more here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is being a grandparent more than giving their grandchildren sugar, kisses, and gifts?

How has today’s culture defined the role and responsibility of grandparents?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Why Did God Make Grandparents?
Topic: Grandparent: Be Intentionally Spiritual
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When asked what their role as a grandparent is, how do many respond?

Should grandparents be more spiritually intentional with their grandchildren?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Why Did God Make Grandparents?
Topic: Grandparent: Be Intentionally Spiritual
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “godly grandparenting” and “ungodly grandparenting”?

Why is Colossians 1:28-29 important to know and meditate on?

28Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. 29For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.”

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