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September 30, 2016

Title: Is the Threat of Islamic Extremism Real?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

Throughout history, the world has been riddled with extremists who wished to die for their country or religion. Some, however, did not want to die, as was the case with the Russians. But how do you deal with Jihadists who are willing to kill anyone and everyone in order to receive their 72 virgins in Heaven?

Ryan Mauro has been spreading the truth about Islamic extremism for many years, even gaining the attention of the Muslim Brotherhood, who calls him “delusional”. If the Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t like you, you are probably doing something right!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What convinced so many Japanese men to die for their country prior to World War II?

Why does Ryan Mauro believe there is a credible threat of Islamic extremism in the United States?

Why is implementing Shariah Law around the world so important to Muslims?

In the Bible, Revelation states that God is the victor over evil. What does the Quran say?

What is the significance of “killing an infidel” in order to gain entrance to Heaven? Is this true or just something “made up” to spread Islamaphobia? In answer to this question, Ryan Mauro reveals information from private FBI recordings of ISIS suspects about why they believe they must commit Jihad.

If the FBI goes after other extremist groups in America, why don’t they target Mosques, where many Imams are encouraging their members to kill infidels?

Ryan Mauro does not believe we are safe from Islamic extremists in America. Listen in as he explains why.

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July 27, 2016

Title: Is the Threat of Islamic Extremism Real?
Topic: Islam: Understand the Truth About Islam
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

Throughout history, the world has been riddled with extremists who wished to die for their country or religion. Some, however, did not want to die, as was the case with the Russians. But how do you deal with Jihadists who are willing to kill anyone and everyone in order to receive their 72 virgins in Heaven?

Ryan Mauro has been spreading the truth about Islamic extremism for many years, even gaining the attention of the Muslim Brotherhood, who calls him “delusional”. If the Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t like you, you are probably doing something right!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What convinced so many Japanese men to die for their country prior to World War II?

Why does Ryan Mauro believe there is a credible threat of Islamic extremism in the United States?

Why is implementing Shariah Law around the world so important to Muslims?

In the Bible, Revelation states that God is the victor over evil. What does the Quran say?

What is the significance of “killing an infidel” in order to gain entrance to Heaven? Is this true or just something “made up” to spread Islamaphobia? In answer to this question, Ryan Mauro reveals information from private FBI recordings of ISIS suspects about why they believe they must commit Jihad.

If the FBI goes after other extremist groups in America, why don’t they target Mosques, where many Imams are encouraging their members to kill infidels?

Ryan Mauro does not believe we are safe from Islamic extremists in America. Listen in as he explains why.

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December 1, 2014

Title: Are we in the End Times in Regards to ISIS?
Topic: ISIS
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

Ryan Mauro is the National Security Analyst for the Clarion Project, which produced the hit films: "Obsession," "The Third Jihad,” “Iranium”, and “Honor Diaries.” Mauro is a frequent analyst on FOX News Channel and other news outlets around the world. He is also a counter-terrorism consultant to government agencies and an adjunct professor of homeland security. He knows his stuff. And the stuff he knows, you need to know!

Mauro says there are several indications of increasing violence and lack of moral (we already knew that one!) from the release of the latest ISIS beheading video, the most important being ISIS’s claim of The End Times Prophecy. Listen in as Ryan explains his observation and ISIS’s interpretation of the Prophecy.

How can we turn their prophecy around? How can we defeat ISIS? Ryan says boots on the ground is NOT the right option! Why? Ryan says we cannot allow them to be successful in recruiting. Should we just bomb them all to bits? If death is what they desire, then why not just kill them?

For more on extremist behavior across the globe, log on to

NOTE: If you would like more information about The End Times, listen in to the Context Bible Plan aired here on the What’s UP Radio Program every day. Right now, until the end of the year, Mark Lanier and others are studying the book of Revelation.

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March 13, 2014

Title: Who Came First – The Jihadist or the Crusader?
Topic: Muslim Extremists vs. The Crusades
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

Part 1 of 3

Ryan Mauro has been called a scare monger by radical Jihadists. This should be taken as a compliment!

College students are being taught that the Muslim extremist movement is a direct result of the Crusades by the Christians long ago.

Is this true?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Muslim Extremists vs. The Crusades
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

When Muslim extremism began its rapid spread across the Middle East, people of Jewish and Christian faith became endangered in the worst ways possible – high taxes, beheadings, forced off their land, fires in homes, churches, and synagogues. But was it the fault of people of Jewish and Christian faith?

When many people hear the word “Muslim”, they automatically think “Jihadist” or “terrorist”. Ryan Mauro, an expert on Jihadists and Sharia Law, says this is an unfair assumption. But what is the difference between them? You might be surprised!

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Muslim Extremists vs. The Crusades
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

In this final segment with Ryan Mauro, he explains why the Muslim extremists keep dwelling on the Crusades, why they consider them a victory for Allah, and why they continue to fight.

Plus, who is financing the Muslim extremists? Why are they coming to America? What does the future of the United States look like?

Listen in and share this with your friends!

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November 6, 2013

Title: Who Came First – The Jihadist or the Crusader?
Topic: Muslim Extremists vs. The Crusades
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

Part 1 of 3

Ryan Mauro has been called a scare monger by radical Jihadists. This should be taken as a compliment!

College students are being taught that the Muslim extremist movement is a direct result of the Crusades by the Christians long ago.

Is this true?

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Title: part 2 of 3
Topic: Muslim Extremists vs. The Crusades
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

When Muslim extremism began its rapid spread across the Middle East, people of Jewish and Christian faith became endangered in the worst ways possible – high taxes, beheadings, forced off their land, fires in homes, churches, and synagogues. But was it the fault of people of Jewish and Christian faith?

When many people hear the word “Muslim”, they automatically think “Jihadist” or “terrorist”. Ryan Mauro, an expert on Jihadists and Sharia Law, says this is an unfair assumption. But what is the difference between them? You might be surprised!

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Muslim Extremists vs. The Crusades
Discussed by Ryan Mauro
with The Clarion Project

In this final segment with Ryan Mauro, he explains why the Muslim extremists keep dwelling on the Crusades, why they consider them a victory for Allah, and why they continue to fight.

Plus, who is financing the Muslim extremists? Why are they coming to America? What does the future of the United States look like?

Listen in and share this with your friends!

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