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December 2, 2014

Title: Does a Gruber Exist in the EPA?
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Many voters across the nation are beginning to reject the cries of the environmentalists. They are simply not buying the global warming lies anymore. It’s not because of the crazy blizzards in November. It’s not because of fewer tropical storms and hurricanes in recent years. They are just wising up and doing the research for themselves.

Leighton Steward describes how a NASA scientist has discovered a satellite that shows the Earth has turned greener and greener for the last three decades. How is this possible? Maybe – just maybe – global warming is, in fact, a big, fat lie.

What about solar and wind panels? Are they reliable? Are they worth the money? The sun doesn’t shine all the time. The wind doesn’t blow constantly. Why does the left think they are so great?

Recently, two coal-fired plants were closed in the north. What could happen this winter if another polar vortex occurs like it did last year? The north was dangerously close to a major blackout for months because they refuse to use more fossil fuels.

Leighton Steward discusses more on the global warming lie. Log on to  for more. 

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September 18, 2014

Title: Plants Need CO2
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Part 1 of 3

In elementary school, we were taught the life cycle of plants. We learned that plants need carbon dioxide in order to grow fruit and vegetables. We learned that carbon dioxide is a good thing.

Now, students are told that CO2 is awful and is caused by humans who are irresponsible and don’t care about the environment. Students are not told of the benefits of CO2. Students are not told that there is not one shred of actual evidence that carbon dioxide is ruining the environment.

There have been 5,000 studies that prove the many, many benefits of CO2, specifically in third world countries where people are starving to death. Have you heard of these benefits? Has the MSM reported these studies? Nope!

Spoiler Alert: Since 1979, America has had a satellite orbiting the Earth. This satellite measures the greenness of the globe. What has this satellite discovered? Listen in as Leighton Steward shares the juicy details!

Leighton Steward will be a presenter during the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit”. Log on to  for all the details and registration information.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Plants Need CO2
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Leighton Steward is an environmentalist who used to work for the “other side”. He set out to prove that CO2 is bad, but couldn’t find the proof! So he switched to the “right side”. Praise God!

Leighton Steward describes how, during the ice age, the levels of carbon dioxide were eleven times higher than it is today. How could there have been ice everywhere if carbon dioxide makes it warmer?
The CO2 levels have been steadily rising over the last two decades, but the earth has not warmed in almost 18 years!

Beginning in the 1950’s, environmentalists claimed that the Earth would be in another ice age by the mid-70’s. Well, obviously that didn’t happen! Now they’re back pedaling, saying they looked at the data incorrectly and we’re actually warming.

Where the environmentalist’s get their information is just beyond me. Listen in as Leighton Steward explains why the left may have won over the MSM, but they’ll never win this debate against true scientists.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Plants Need CO2
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

When the environmentalists said the earth is warming, Leighton decided to do the research for himself. He discovered that CO2 was not causing the earth to warm and make the polar ice caps melt. He discovered the opposite!

Leighton Steward will be a presenter during the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit”. He will be discussing the benefits of CO2, specifically for those in poverty. He will present facts which show CO2 increases life expectancy by improving the health of people and by giving them nutritious food to eat.

Make plans to attend the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit” on Thursday and Friday, September 25 and 26 in Houston. For more information, log on to

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July 17, 2014

Title: Teach your Kids the TRUTH about CO2
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

The earth is cooling! No, the earth is warming! Oops, now it’s cooling, again! Wait! Nope, it’s really warming. We must stop this warming trend before we destroy the earth! No, I am not being sarcastic. I am not being “mean” or bullying. I am simply stating what the “Climate Change” people have been hollering for years.

Leighton Steward is an Earth Scientist. His job is to know what’s going on with the earth – the why’s and how’s and what if’s. He says, first, the earth needs to be warm in order for plants to actually grow, so animals can eat the plants, so humans can eat the animals. He says CO2 is NOT a pollutant, like so many “environmental specialists” would have us believe.

Listen in as Leighton clears some things up – and gives a dire warning of what might happen if energy prices keep rising. Log on to for more.

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June 10, 2014

Title: Teach your Kids the TRUTH about CO2
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

The earth is cooling! No, the earth is warming! Oops, now it’s cooling, again! Wait! Nope, it’s really warming. We must stop this warming trend before we destroy the earth! No, I am not being sarcastic. I am not being “mean” or bullying. I am simply stating what the “Climate Change” people have been hollering for years.

Leighton Steward is an Earth Scientist. His job is to know what’s going on with the earth – the why’s and how’s and what if’s. He says, first, the earth needs to be warm in order for plants to actually grow, so animals can eat the plants, so humans can eat the animals. He says CO2 is NOT a pollutant, like so many “environmental specialists” would have us believe.

Listen in as Leighton clears some things up – and gives a dire warning of what might happen if energy prices keep rising. Log on to for more.

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April 2, 2014

Title: CO2 Benefits Plants and Humans
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Part 1 of 3

The U.S. Supreme Court recently agreed to review its past decisions to allow the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate auto and truck emissions of various gases under the Clean Air Act (CAA). It has been called into question whether granting EPA the ability, without legislative authority, to perform the identical regulation of stationary energy producing facilities was beneficial to the environment – or detrimental.

Leighton Steward is considered an “Earth scientist” – not an extreme environmentalist. He still cares for the environment, but he is not an extremist by any means.

Today, Leighton discusses the 30 year “greening” of the earth and CO2 is actually a good thing for everyone.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

The problem began in 2007 when the Court ruled that the EPA could determine if CO2 was a dangerous pollutant. Instead of performing a comprehensive internal study as normally expected, the EPA has said publically that it relied on an existing Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report (IPCC) that indicated CO2 was likely to cause catastrophic global warming. This is a UN Panel and a UN study. Surprise. Surprise.

Even Democratic Congressman John Dingell (Mich.), the father of the law, has been quoted as saying that they never intended that the CAA would regulate carbon dioxide. Ding! Ding! Ding!

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Now, here is where we will get the attention of Texans and every single person living in the southern part of the United States:

The EPA wants to outlaw air conditioning. Everywhere.

Now what are you going to do about that?

The problem with the EPA’s desire to rid the earth of CO2 is simple. Listen in as Leighton Steward concludes his interview.

Find more information at

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December 10, 2013

Title: The War on Carbon
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Part 1 of 4

The environmental community, fearing the planet will be harmed from climate change, has pressured the Obama Administration to issue new standards for greenhouse gas emissions from new and existing power plants.

Propaganda from radical environmental groups have altered the perception of many policymakers and American voters. The constant drumbeat from these groups has been seized on by the media and is designed to generate incessant media coverage, donations, and grassroots activism despite scientific conclusions that differ from their ideology.

When all the humans die, will the earth simply roll up on its edges to puke out volcanic ash and gases for all eternity?

Leighton Steward explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

All true environmentalists should be interested in actual data-driven analyses of the long term well-being of the Earth. That human activities have had negative impacts on a pristine Earth is certainly true. However, we must look at all sides of the current debate and examine the facts.

New data has been revealed which has caused the scientific community to conclude that the addition of CO2 to the atmosphere, plus some warming of the planet, has caused a “greening of the Earth.”

Is “Greening” good or bad?

Listen in as Leighton Steward discusses this.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

According to the June 2013 edition of the Journal of Science in its “Editor’s Choice” of stories, “Satellite observations have shown that many regions of the terrestrial biosphere are getting greener, their above ground vegetative mass is increasing … the most obvious cause would seem to be the rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.”

In fact, between 1982 and 2011, 20.5 percent of the world’s vegetated area got greener, three percent grew browner, and the rest showed no change.

How are the “alarmists” going to explain this one?

Geologist Leighton Steward has some answers.

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

For an unbiased summary of the global climate issue, a team of former NASA scientists calling themselves “The Right Climate Stuff” has publicly announced the results of a comprehensive review. Listen in as Leighton Steward describes some of their findings.

Our children and grandchildren need to learn the facts. Encourage them to respectfully challenge their teachers when the subject of “global warming” or “climate change” is brought up in class.

Click [here] to get the facts at

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January 31, 2013

Title: Retired NASA Scientists and Engineers Claim There is NO Human Caused Global Warming
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Part 1 of 3

A group of highly decorated and respected retired NASA scientists and engineers, among others who are experts in physics, chemistry, and geology are being criticized for their recent announcement that “there is no convincing physical evidence of catastrophic anthropogenic (human caused) global warming”.

But this goes against NASA’s announcement last year that man-made CO2 is a major cause of the climate change! Oh no! What are we to do? Who are we to believe? You can log on to for the full report.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Leighton Steward and the researchers with “The Right Climate Stuff” urge other experts in the field to stop focusing on “anthropogenic” global warming.

They urge the President to stop using “shock tactics” to scare the public into believing everything they hear on the news and see on the internet about global warming.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

There is no doubt that we must take care of the Earth. But at what expense?

Where must we draw the line? To learn more of the TRUTH about global warming, log on to

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June 13, 2012

Title: Climate Q&A With Leading Scientist, Environmentalist and New York Times Best Selling Author, Leighton Steward!
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Part 1 of 3

The Earth's temperatures have been in an overall cooling trend since about 7,000 years ago which is long before the development of agriculture and general civilization. Are you more concerned about a global cooling?

Why would the previous four interglacials, going back 400,000 years, have been warmer than the current one despite the CO2 level being 28% lower than today?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Why didn’t the Earth experience runaway global warming 540 million years ago when CO2 levels were 18 times higher than today?

If a somewhat warmer Earth would be a hazard to humanity, why do statistics clearly show that people who move from the northeast USA to the south or southwest, where yearly temperatures are up to 20 degrees Fahrenheit warmer, live significantly longer than the folks they left behind?

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Since recent experiments in Denmark and Switzerland strongly suggest that radiation from space can alter the amount of heat-reflective cloud cover, why has the IPCC refused to include such climate changing potential in some of their model runs when this hypothesis has been around since the 1990's?

Why have so many scientists, who are currently or formerly with the IPCC, NOAA, or NASA, risked and incurred public ridicule by declaring that that CO2 is not a significant cause of climate change?

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May 25, 2012

Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Part 1 of 4

Does the Earth's temperature change before CO2 levels change?

With much more CO2 in the air today and supposedly trapping heat 24/7, why has the Earth not warmed at all this century? Why has the Earth been warming for 300 years and not just for the 150 years since the Industrial Revolution when emissions began?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Why did so many of the Earth's major glaciers begin melting around 1800 - a half century before the Industrial Revolution?

Why was the Earth’s rate of warming more rapid prior to the 1980's and 1990's? What made the Earth cool for over 500 years prior to the current 300 year warming period when the IPCC reports that CO2 levels were quite stable?

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Why was the Earth warmer approximately 50% of the time during the last 10,000 years when the CO2 levels were 28% lower than today?

Why are correlations of the Earth's temperatures with sunspot numbers, sunspot cycle lengths, solar magnetic variations, cosmic ray abundance, percent of cloud cover and changes in major ocean currents all better than the correlation of CO2 with the Earth’s temperature?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Real empirical observations do not show a significant impact of CO2 on Earth's climate.

Thousands of peer reviewed experiments demonstrate the astonishing benefit to food crop and forest growth leading thusly to habitat and ecosystem improvements. Do you think that the true environmentalists are on the wrong side of the issue?

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May 16, 2012

Title: Is NASA Dabbling in An Unscientifically Proven Area?
Topic: NASA
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Leighton Steward answers:

Do you believe, by yourself, are you the only scientist, that believes the claims made by NASA that manmade carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change?

Are you the only scientist that believes NASA has been "jumping on the bed, bumped their head when they fell off, and they haven't healed yet"?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: NASA
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Is man causing global warming, yes or no? Did you find evidence in the past 200 years of mans burning of fossil fuels of an increase in the temperature of the earth?

When did man start putting emissions of carbon dioxide into the air that were measurable? Did you find that we had a "mini" ice age in the 1800s?

To listen to only the segment directly above click [here!]

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January 5, 2011

Title: When you Fail to Legislate, Just Regulate
Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Segment 1 of 2

Unable to pass cap-and-trade [tax] legislation through Congress, Is President Obama now expected to implement the unpopular policy through regulation by the EPA? Mr. Leighton Steward joins us again today to further explain the direction of many Greens in America: Their goal is to shut down industry in American and to make energy usage so expensive we will not use gasoline or electricity because we will not be able to afford to!

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Title: When you Fail to Legislate, Just Regulate
Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Segment 2 of 2

Mr. Steward continues his discuss by quickly answering:

 1. Would passage of Cap and Tax through legislation or regulation by the EPA cause a devastating surge in energy prices at the pump?

2. Cause a devastating surge in home heating and cooling costs?

3. Cause immediate increases in just about all consumer goods?

4. Cause a further reduction in jobs throughout America?

Go to:  and to  for more.

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September 8, 2010

Title: Lame Duck To Derail Recovery and Imprison Americans Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

For their last hoorah, Obama/Reid/Pelosi scheme to rise from the ash-pit of failed hopes and dreams. Faced with the stark reality of losing their all-powerful grip from around the throats of Americans, Obama/Reid/Pelosi plan to use the stealth of a Lame-Duck Session to enact “Cap and Trade Legislation”. Will this last hoorah by Obama/Reid/Pelosi derail the recovery and imprison Americans?

The New York Times best-selling author, Leighton Steward is a geologist, environmentalist, Chairman of the board of the Institute for the Study of Earth and Man at SMU and twice Chairman of the Audubon nature Institute. Leighton Steward is Chairman of two nonprofit corporations: CO2 Is Green and of the educational Plants Need CO2.

1. Are you the typical right-wing-talking-head speaking out against the Obama/Reid/Pelosi plan to push through Cap and Trade Legislation during the upcoming lame-duck session after they lose power after the November Elections?

2. Are too many environmentalists and their organizations dead-set in their belief that man is causing global warming through the use of fossil fuels?

3. Are too many environmentalists and their organizations planning an all-out assault on the American way of life: two cars in the drive-way, big homes, lots of inexpensive use of electricity?

4. Is man’s production of CO2 a good thing?

5. Obama/Reid/Pelosi plan to push through Cap and Trade Legislation during the upcoming lame-duck session after they lose power after the November Elections. Will the reduction of man-produced CO2 called for in the Cap and Trade Legislation actually produce positive, measurable reductions in global temperatures?

6. Will this last hoorah by Obama/Reid/Pelosi derail the recovery?

7. Will this last hoorah by Obama/Reid/Pelos imprison Americans into a Third-World County lifestyle?

8. What should I listeners do today?

Go to

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Title: Lame Duck To Derail Recovery and Imprison Americans Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

CO2 is Green is a national organization dedicated to educating the public on the positive effects of additional atmospheric CO2 and helping prevent the inadvertent negative impact to human, plant, and animal life of CO2 reductions.

Leighton Steward is a geologist, environmentalist, retired energy executive, and New York Times best-selling author. In recognition of his many environmental efforts, he has received numerous awards including the regional EPA Administrator’s Award for environmental excellence. He is Chairman of the Board of the Institute for the Study of Earth and Man at SMU and was twice Chairman of the Audubon Nature Institute. He is Chairman of two nonprofit corporations: CO2 Is Green and of the educational Plants Need CO2.

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July 28, 2010

Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Americans will suffer immensely from the pending tax and cap bill with a catastrophic surge in energy prices that will harm consumers, families, and the shay US economy and job market. Visit for more.

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Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

Leighton Steward says, “Despite this massive energy tax on the middle class and lost jobs and economic growth, this effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions will inevitably fail to lower global temperatures.” Find out more of the TRUTH at

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Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Leighton Steward
with CO2 Is Green

CO2 Is Green is a national organization dedicated to educating the public on the positive effects of additional atmosphere CO2 and helping prevent the inadvertent negative impact to human, plant, and animal life of CO2 reductions. Learn more at

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