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November 3, 2014

Title: The Greenies Just Won't Quit
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Josiah Neeley
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Oil prices are the lowest they’ve been in years. Why? Because of fracking! The Greenies want to outlaw fracking. They hate oil. They hate capitalism. They hate profit. They even convince people to LIE about the issue!

Over 1,000,000 (that’s 1 MILLION) oil and gas wells have been fracked in America since 1940. Not one single case of contamination has ever – EVER – been recorded. But don’t take Josiah Neely’s word for it. The EPA and MIT have even done studies and found NO evidence!

Josiah Neely explains some of the concerns the Greenies have with fracking and why those concerns have no merit. They are basically non-issues. Josiah also talks about the good that fracking contributes to the economy and the environment. He also points out that all the profit made in the oil industry since Obama was elected into office has been made off oil production in the private sector or on state land. None – NONE – of the federally owned land has produced a significant amount of oil. NONE.

It’s interesting that the Denton City Council initially rejected a fracking ban but a small group of environmental activists convinced them to put the issue to a vote.

People in Denton, Texas, must make a choice on Tuesday, November 4 at the polls. You must tell your friends, neighbors, co-workers, Bible Study members, everyone to vote. Vote to stop the Greenies.

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July 22, 2014

Title: What Science Really Says about Climate Change
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Josiah Neeley
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Hollywood celebrities are experts at memorizing their lines and repeating what they’ve been told about climate change, fracking, and the environment. But how much do they really know? Are they scientists? Are they experts in the field?

The same goes for politicians. The mass majority of politicians are being paid to holler, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Who is paying them? Lobbyists in the form of insanely high campaign contributions, of course!

Now, the UN is switching their stance on “climate change”. What have they discovered?

Listen in as Josiah Neeley explains this new evidence.

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June 26, 2014

Title: What Science Really Says about Climate Change
Topic: Global Scaring
Discussed by Josiah Neeley
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Hollywood celebrities are experts at memorizing their lines and repeating what they’ve been told about climate change, fracking, and the environment. But how much do they really know? Are they scientists? Are they experts in the field?

The same goes for politicians. The mass majority of politicians are being paid to holler, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Who is paying them? Lobbyists in the form of insanely high campaign contributions, of course!

Now, the UN is switching their stance on “climate change”. What have they discovered?

Listen in as Josiah Neeley explains this new evidence.

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September 16, 2013

Title: Hurricane Rush Limbaugh, Hurricane Rick Perry and Hurricane Ted Cruz
Topic: Hurricanes Named After Conservatives
Discussed by Josiah Neeley
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

We cannot make this stuff up. There is a new campaign to name hurricanes after noted climate change skeptics.

The group,,  hopes that associating politicians with destructive storms will make them more willing to enact restrictions on carbon emissions as a means of fighting global warming.

I prefer to name the storms: Hurricane Hillary Clinton, Hurricane Al Gore and Hurricane Barack Hussein Obama. Your thoughts?

Please listen in.

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July 22, 2013

Title: Ethanol Stupidity Pushes Forward.
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Josiah Neeley
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

Questions answered today:

    1. When we are forced to purchase gasoline that has a 15% Ethanol mixture, will this increase our gas mileage?
    2. Will using gasoline with a 15% Ethanol mixture void our engine warrantees?
    3. Are we using 40% of our corn crop as a gasoline additive?
    4. Has the use of corn as a gasoline additive lowered the price of food?

Josiah Neeley further explains how Congress in 2007 legislated a table requiring, no mandating, the increased usage of Ethanol as an additive. Question - if PRO is the opposite of CON, does that mean CONgress is the opposite of PROgress? Listen in and weep at Congress’s stupidity!

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Title: Congress Does Not Have a Crystal Ball.
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Josiah Neeley
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 2 of 2

Josiah Neeley continues to explain how Congress in 2007 legislated a table requiring, no mandating, the increased use of Ethanol as an additive.

If you use a small engine: Beware – You are now warned! Ethanol, at a 15% mixture, will harm small engines like boat engines, lawn mower engines, edgers/wackers/blowers, and even your emergency generator….

Unaware consumers will stop in at the local gas station, and while filling up, will top off the tanks for their boats and fill up the tanks for the mowers and other lawn equipment. They do not realize that the gas has Ethanol as an additive. The government’s attitude is “Buyer Beware”. If you damage your engine you must pay to fix it since warranties will not cover the damage.

No wonder one of the first states to have a Presidential Primary is ‘corn producing’ Iowa. Listen in for more…

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